blob: 3fc419849976d60f79acec9c4155bc1ff2ebfc02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015-2019 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! Structs for creating and using a AsyncResolver
use std::fmt;
use std::future::Future;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::{self, future, lock::Mutex};
use proto::error::ProtoResult;
use proto::op::Query;
use proto::rr::domain::TryParseIp;
use proto::rr::{IntoName, Name, Record, RecordType};
use proto::xfer::{DnsRequestOptions, RetryDnsHandle};
use proto::DnsHandle;
use crate::config::{ResolverConfig, ResolverOpts};
use crate::dns_lru::{self, DnsLru};
use crate::error::*;
use crate::lookup::{self, Lookup, LookupEither, LookupFuture};
use crate::lookup_ip::{LookupIp, LookupIpFuture};
use crate::lookup_state::CachingClient;
use crate::name_server::{
ConnectionProvider, GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider, NameServerPool,
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
use crate::name_server::{TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider};
use crate::Hosts;
/// An asynchronous resolver for DNS generic over async Runtimes.
/// Creating a `AsyncResolver` returns a new handle and a future that should
/// be spawned on an executor to drive the background work. The lookup methods
/// on `AsyncResolver` request lookups from the background task.
/// The futures returned by a `AsyncResolver` and the corresponding background
/// task need not be spawned on the same executor, or be in the same thread.
/// Additionally, one background task may have any number of handles; calling
/// `clone()` on a handle will create a new handle linked to the same
/// background task.
/// *NOTE* If lookup futures returned by a `AsyncResolver` and the background
/// future are spawned on two separate `CurrentThread` executors, one thread
/// cannot run both executors simultaneously, so the `run` or `block_on`
/// functions will cause the thread to deadlock. If both the background work
/// and the lookup futures are intended to be run on the same thread, they
/// should be spawned on the same executor.
/// The background task manages the name server pool and other state used
/// to drive lookups. When this future is spawned on an executor, it will
/// first construct and configure the necessary client state, before checking
/// for any incoming lookup requests, handling them, and yielding. It will
/// continue to do so as long as there are still any [`AsyncResolver`] handle
/// linked to it. When all of its [`AsyncResolver`]s have been dropped, the
/// background future will finish.
pub struct AsyncResolver<C: DnsHandle, P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>> {
config: ResolverConfig,
options: ResolverOpts,
client_cache: CachingClient<LookupEither<C, P>>,
hosts: Option<Arc<Hosts>>,
/// An AsyncResolver used with Tokio
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
pub type TokioAsyncResolver = AsyncResolver<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>;
macro_rules! lookup_fn {
($p:ident, $l:ty, $r:path) => {
/// Performs a lookup for the associated type.
/// *hint* queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups
/// # Arguments
/// * `query` - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error
pub async fn $p<N: IntoName>(&self, query: N) -> Result<$l, ResolveError> {
let name = match query.into_name() {
Ok(name) => name,
Err(err) => {
return Err(err.into());
self.inner_lookup(name, $r, DnsRequestOptions::default()).await
($p:ident, $l:ty, $r:path, $t:ty) => {
/// Performs a lookup for the associated type.
/// # Arguments
/// * `query` - a type which can be converted to `Name` via `From`.
pub async fn $p(&self, query: $t) -> Result<$l, ResolveError> {
let name = Name::from(query);
self.inner_lookup(name, $r, DnsRequestOptions::default()).await
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
impl TokioAsyncResolver {
/// Construct a new Tokio based `AsyncResolver` with the provided configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `config` - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
/// * `options` - basic lookup options for the resolver
/// # Returns
/// A tuple containing the new `AsyncResolver` and a future that drives the
/// background task that runs resolutions for the `AsyncResolver`. See the
/// documentation for `AsyncResolver` for more information on how to use
/// the background future.
pub async fn tokio(
config: ResolverConfig,
options: ResolverOpts,
) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
use tokio::runtime::Handle;
Self::new(config, options, Handle::current()).await
/// Constructs a new Tokio based Resolver with the system configuration.
/// This will use `/etc/resolv.conf` on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.
#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "windows"))]
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
pub async fn tokio_from_system_conf() -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
use tokio::runtime::Handle;
impl<R: RuntimeProvider> AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>> {
/// Construct a new `AsyncResolver` with the provided configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `config` - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
/// * `options` - basic lookup options for the resolver
/// # Returns
/// A tuple containing the new `AsyncResolver` and a future that drives the
/// background task that runs resolutions for the `AsyncResolver`. See the
/// documentation for `AsyncResolver` for more information on how to use
/// the background future.
pub async fn new(
config: ResolverConfig,
options: ResolverOpts,
runtime: R::Handle,
) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new_with_conn(
/// Constructs a new Resolver with the system configuration.
/// This will use `/etc/resolv.conf` on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.
#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "windows"))]
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
pub async fn from_system_conf(runtime: R::Handle) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
impl<C: DnsHandle, P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>> AsyncResolver<C, P> {
/// Construct a new `AsyncResolver` with the provided configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `config` - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
/// * `options` - basic lookup options for the resolver
/// # Returns
/// A tuple containing the new `AsyncResolver` and a future that drives the
/// background task that runs resolutions for the `AsyncResolver`. See the
/// documentation for `AsyncResolver` for more information on how to use
/// the background future.
pub async fn new_with_conn(
config: ResolverConfig,
options: ResolverOpts,
conn_provider: P,
) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
let lru = DnsLru::new(options.cache_size, dns_lru::TtlConfig::from_opts(&options));
let lru = Arc::new(Mutex::new(lru));
Self::with_cache_with_provider(config, options, lru, conn_provider).await
/// Construct a new `AsyncResolver` with the associated Client and configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `config` - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
/// * `options` - basic lookup options for the resolver
/// * `lru` - the cache to be used with the resolver
/// # Returns
/// A new `AsyncResolver` that should be used for resolutions, or an error.
pub(crate) async fn with_cache_with_provider(
config: ResolverConfig,
options: ResolverOpts,
lru: Arc<Mutex<DnsLru>>,
conn_provider: P,
) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
debug!("trust-dns resolver running");
let pool = NameServerPool::from_config_with_provider(&config, &options, conn_provider);
let either;
let client = RetryDnsHandle::new(pool, options.attempts);
if options.validate {
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
use proto::xfer::DnssecDnsHandle;
either = LookupEither::Secure(DnssecDnsHandle::new(client));
#[cfg(not(feature = "dnssec"))]
// TODO: should this just be a panic, or a pinned error?
warn!("validate option is only available with 'dnssec' feature");
either = LookupEither::Retry(client);
} else {
either = LookupEither::Retry(client);
let hosts = if options.use_hosts_file {
} else {
trace!("handle passed back");
Ok(AsyncResolver {
client_cache: CachingClient::with_cache(lru, either),
/// Constructs a new Resolver with the system configuration.
/// This will use `/etc/resolv.conf` on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.
#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "windows"))]
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
pub async fn from_system_conf_with_provider(conn_provider: P) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
let (config, options) = super::system_conf::read_system_conf()?;
Self::new_with_conn(config, options, conn_provider).await
/// Generic lookup for any RecordType
/// *WARNING* this interface may change in the future, see if one of the specializations would be better.
/// # Arguments
/// * `name` - name of the record to lookup, if name is not a valid domain name, an error will be returned
/// * `record_type` - type of record to lookup, all RecordData responses will be filtered to this type
/// # Returns
// A future for the returned Lookup RData
pub fn lookup<N: IntoName>(
name: N,
record_type: RecordType,
options: DnsRequestOptions,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Lookup, ResolveError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static {
let name = match name.into_name() {
Ok(name) => name,
Err(err) => return future::Either::Left(future::err(err.into())),
let names = self.build_names(name);
fn push_name(name: Name, names: &mut Vec<Name>) {
if !names.contains(&name) {
fn build_names(&self, name: Name) -> Vec<Name> {
// if it's fully qualified, we can short circuit the lookup logic
if name.is_fqdn() {
} else {
// Otherwise we have to build the search list
// Note: the vec is built in reverse order of precedence, for stack semantics
let mut names =
Vec::<Name>::with_capacity(1 /*FQDN*/ + 1 /*DOMAIN*/ +;
// if not meeting ndots, we always do the raw name in the final lookup, or it's a localhost...
let raw_name_first: bool =
name.num_labels() as usize > self.options.ndots || name.is_localhost();
// if not meeting ndots, we always do the raw name in the final lookup
if !raw_name_first {
for search in {
let name_search = name.clone().append_domain(search);
Self::push_name(name_search, &mut names);
if let Some(domain) = self.config.domain() {
let name_search = name.clone().append_domain(domain);
Self::push_name(name_search, &mut names);
// this is the direct name lookup
if raw_name_first {
// adding the name as though it's an FQDN for lookup
pub(crate) async fn inner_lookup<L>(
name: Name,
record_type: RecordType,
options: DnsRequestOptions,
) -> Result<L, ResolveError>
L: From<Lookup> + Send + 'static,
self.lookup(name, record_type, options)
/// Performs a dual-stack DNS lookup for the IP for the given hostname.
/// See the configuration and options parameters for controlling the way in which A(Ipv4) and AAAA(Ipv6) lookups will be performed. For the least expensive query a fully-qualified-domain-name, FQDN, which ends in a final `.`, e.g. ``, will only issue one query. Anything else will always incur the cost of querying the `ResolverConfig::domain` and `ResolverConfig::search`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `host` - string hostname, if this is an invalid hostname, an error will be returned.
pub async fn lookup_ip<N: IntoName + TryParseIp>(
host: N,
) -> Result<LookupIp, ResolveError> {
let mut finally_ip_addr: Option<Record> = None;
let maybe_ip = host.try_parse_ip();
let maybe_name: ProtoResult<Name> = host.into_name();
// if host is a ip address, return directly.
if let Some(ip_addr) = maybe_ip {
let name = maybe_name.clone().unwrap_or_default();
let record = Record::from_rdata(name.clone(), dns_lru::MAX_TTL, ip_addr.clone());
// if ndots are greater than 4, then we can't assume the name is an IpAddr
// this accepts IPv6 as well, b/c IPv6 can take the form: 2001:db8::
// but `:` is not a valid DNS character, so technically this will fail parsing.
// TODO: should we always do search before returning this?
if self.options.ndots > 4 {
finally_ip_addr = Some(record);
} else {
let query = Query::query(name, ip_addr.to_record_type());
let lookup = Lookup::new_with_max_ttl(query, Arc::new(vec![record]));
return Ok(lookup.into());
let name = match (maybe_name, finally_ip_addr.as_ref()) {
(Ok(name), _) => name,
(Err(_), Some(ip_addr)) => {
// it was a valid IP, return that...
let query = Query::query(, ip_addr.record_type());
let lookup = Lookup::new_with_max_ttl(query, Arc::new(vec![ip_addr.clone()]));
return Ok(lookup.into());
(Err(err), None) => {
return Err(err.into());
let names = self.build_names(name);
let hosts = self.hosts.as_ref().cloned();
lookup_fn!(ipv4_lookup, lookup::Ipv4Lookup, RecordType::A);
lookup_fn!(ipv6_lookup, lookup::Ipv6Lookup, RecordType::AAAA);
lookup_fn!(mx_lookup, lookup::MxLookup, RecordType::MX);
lookup_fn!(ns_lookup, lookup::NsLookup, RecordType::NS);
lookup_fn!(soa_lookup, lookup::SoaLookup, RecordType::SOA);
lookup_fn!(srv_lookup, lookup::SrvLookup, RecordType::SRV);
lookup_fn!(txt_lookup, lookup::TxtLookup, RecordType::TXT);
impl<C: DnsHandle, P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>> fmt::Debug for AsyncResolver<C, P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("request_tx", &"...")
/// Unit tests compatible with different runtime.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
pub mod testing {
use std::{marker::Unpin, net::*, str::FromStr};
use crate::config::{LookupIpStrategy, NameServerConfig, ResolverConfig, ResolverOpts};
use crate::name_server::{GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider, RuntimeProvider};
use crate::AsyncResolver;
use proto::{rr::Name, tcp::Connect, Executor};
/// Test IP lookup from URLs.
pub fn lookup_test<E: Executor, R: RuntimeProvider>(
config: ResolverConfig,
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
0x2606, 0x2800, 0x220, 0x1, 0x248, 0x1893, 0x25c8, 0x1946,
/// Test IP lookup from IP literals.
pub fn ip_lookup_test<E: Executor, R: RuntimeProvider>(mut exec: E, handle: R::Handle)
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
Some(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(10, 1, 0, 2))),
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
0x2606, 0x2800, 0x220, 0x1, 0x248, 0x1893, 0x25c8, 0x1946,
/// Test IP lookup from IP literals across threads.
pub fn ip_lookup_across_threads_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
// Test ensuring that running the background task on a separate
// executor in a separate thread from the futures returned by the
// AsyncResolver works correctly.
use std::thread;
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let resolver_one = resolver.clone();
let resolver_two = resolver;
let test_fn = |resolver: AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>| {
let mut exec = E::new();
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
Some(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(10, 1, 0, 2))),
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
0x2606, 0x2800, 0x220, 0x1, 0x248, 0x1893, 0x25c8, 0x1946,
let thread_one = thread::spawn(move || {
let thread_two = thread::spawn(move || {
thread_one.join().expect("thread_one failed");
thread_two.join().expect("thread_two failed");
/// Test IP lookup from URLs with DNSSec validation.
pub fn sec_lookup_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
validate: true,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
// TODO: this test is flaky, sometimes 1 is returned, sometimes 2...
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
0x2606, 0x2800, 0x220, 0x1, 0x248, 0x1893, 0x25c8, 0x1946,
/// Test IP lookup from domains that exist but unsigned with DNSSec validation.
pub fn sec_lookup_fails_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
use crate::error::*;
use proto::rr::RecordType;
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
validate: true,
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
// needs to be a domain that exists, but is not signed (eventually this will be)
let name = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let response = exec.block_on(resolver.lookup_ip(""));
let error = response.unwrap_err();
use proto::error::{ProtoError, ProtoErrorKind};
let error_str = format!("{}", error);
let expected_str = format!(
ProtoError::from(ProtoErrorKind::RrsigsNotPresent {
record_type: RecordType::A
assert_eq!(error_str, expected_str);
if let ResolveErrorKind::Proto(_) = *error.kind() {
} else {
panic!("wrong error")
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
/// Test AsyncResolver created from system configuration with IP lookup.
pub fn system_lookup_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver =
AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::from_system_conf(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 2);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
0x2606, 0x2800, 0x220, 0x1, 0x248, 0x1893, 0x25c8, 0x1946,
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
/// Test AsyncResolver created from system configuration with host lookups.
pub fn hosts_lookup_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver =
AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::from_system_conf(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(10, 1, 0, 104)));
} else {
panic!("failed to run lookup");
/// Test fqdn.
pub fn fqdn_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let domain = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let search = vec![
let name_servers: Vec<NameServerConfig> =
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverConfig::from_parts(Some(domain), search, name_servers),
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
panic!("should only be looking up IPv4");
/// Test ndots with non-fqdn.
pub fn ndots_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let domain = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let search = vec![
let name_servers: Vec<NameServerConfig> =
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverConfig::from_parts(Some(domain), search, name_servers),
ResolverOpts {
// our name does have 2, the default should be fine, let's just narrow the test criteria a bit.
ndots: 2,
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
// notice this is not a FQDN, no trailing dot.
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
panic!("should only be looking up IPv4");
/// Test large ndots with non-fqdn.
pub fn large_ndots_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let domain = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let search = vec![
let name_servers: Vec<NameServerConfig> =
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverConfig::from_parts(Some(domain), search, name_servers),
ResolverOpts {
// matches kubernetes default
ndots: 5,
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
// notice this is not a FQDN, no trailing dot.
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
panic!("should only be looking up IPv4");
/// Test domain search.
pub fn domain_search_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
// domain is good now, should be combined with the name to form
let domain = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let search = vec![
let name_servers: Vec<NameServerConfig> =
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverConfig::from_parts(Some(domain), search, name_servers),
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
// notice no dots, should not trigger ndots rule
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
panic!("should only be looking up IPv4");
/// Test search lists.
pub fn search_list_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let domain = Name::from_str("").unwrap();
let search = vec![
// let's skip one search domain to test the loop...
// this should combine with the search name to form
let name_servers: Vec<NameServerConfig> =
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverConfig::from_parts(Some(domain), search, name_servers),
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
// notice no dots, should not trigger ndots rule
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
assert_eq!(response.iter().count(), 1);
for address in response.iter() {
if address.is_ipv4() {
assert_eq!(address, IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34)));
} else {
panic!("should only be looking up IPv4");
/// Test idna.
pub fn idna_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
// we just care that the request succeeded, not about the actual content
// it's not certain that the ip won't change.
/// Test ipv4 localhost.
pub fn localhost_ipv4_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4thenIpv6,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
let mut iter = response.iter();
assert_eq!("no A"),
IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))
/// Test ipv6 localhost.
pub fn localhost_ipv6_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv6thenIpv4,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
let mut iter = response.iter();
assert_eq!("no AAAA"),
IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,))
/// Test ipv4 search with large ndots.
pub fn search_ipv4_large_ndots_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let mut config = ResolverConfig::default();
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
ndots: 5,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
let mut iter = response.iter();
assert_eq!("no rdatas"),
IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(198, 51, 100, 35))
/// Test ipv6 search with large ndots.
pub fn search_ipv6_large_ndots_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let mut config = ResolverConfig::default();
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
ndots: 5,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
let mut iter = response.iter();
assert_eq!("no rdatas"),
IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0x2001, 0xdb8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc633, 0x6423))
/// Test ipv6 name parse fails.
pub fn search_ipv6_name_parse_fails_test<E: Executor + Send + 'static, R: RuntimeProvider>(
mut exec: E,
handle: R::Handle,
) where
<<R as RuntimeProvider>::Tcp as Connect>::Transport: Unpin,
let mut config = ResolverConfig::default();
let resolver = AsyncResolver::<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>::new(
ResolverOpts {
ip_strategy: LookupIpStrategy::Ipv4Only,
ndots: 5,
let resolver = exec.block_on(resolver).expect("failed to create resolver");
let response = exec
.expect("failed to run lookup");
let mut iter = response.iter();
assert_eq!("no rdatas"),
IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0x2001, 0xdb8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc633, 0x6423))
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
mod tests {
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate tokio;
use proto::xfer::DnsRequest;
use self::tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use crate::config::{ResolverConfig, ResolverOpts};
use crate::name_server::{TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider, TokioRuntime};
use super::*;
fn is_send_t<T: Send>() -> bool {
fn is_sync_t<T: Sync>() -> bool {
fn test_send_sync() {
AsyncResolver<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>,
AsyncResolver<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>,
fn test_lookup_google() {
use super::testing::lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(ResolverConfig::google(), io_loop, handle)
fn test_lookup_cloudflare() {
use super::testing::lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(ResolverConfig::cloudflare(), io_loop, handle)
fn test_lookup_quad9() {
use super::testing::lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(ResolverConfig::quad9(), io_loop, handle)
fn test_ip_lookup() {
use super::testing::ip_lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
ip_lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle)
fn test_ip_lookup_across_threads() {
use super::testing::ip_lookup_across_threads_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
ip_lookup_across_threads_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle)
#[ignore] // these appear to not work on CI
fn test_sec_lookup() {
use super::testing::sec_lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
sec_lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
#[ignore] // these appear to not work on CI
fn test_sec_lookup_fails() {
use super::testing::sec_lookup_fails_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
sec_lookup_fails_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "windows"))]
#[cfg(feature = "system-config")]
fn test_system_lookup() {
use super::testing::system_lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
system_lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
// these appear to not work on CI, test on macos with ``
fn test_hosts_lookup() {
use super::testing::hosts_lookup_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
hosts_lookup_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_fqdn() {
use super::testing::fqdn_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
fqdn_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_ndots() {
use super::testing::ndots_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
ndots_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_large_ndots() {
use super::testing::large_ndots_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
large_ndots_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_domain_search() {
use super::testing::domain_search_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
domain_search_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_search_list() {
use super::testing::search_list_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
search_list_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_idna() {
use super::testing::idna_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
idna_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_localhost_ipv4() {
use super::testing::localhost_ipv4_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
localhost_ipv4_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_localhost_ipv6() {
use super::testing::localhost_ipv6_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
localhost_ipv6_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_search_ipv4_large_ndots() {
use super::testing::search_ipv4_large_ndots_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
search_ipv4_large_ndots_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_search_ipv6_large_ndots() {
use super::testing::search_ipv6_large_ndots_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
search_ipv6_large_ndots_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);
fn test_search_ipv6_name_parse_fails() {
use super::testing::search_ipv6_name_parse_fails_test;
let io_loop = Runtime::new().expect("failed to create tokio runtime io_loop");
let handle = io_loop.handle().clone();
search_ipv6_name_parse_fails_test::<Runtime, TokioRuntime>(io_loop, handle);