blob: c5e5376f4611ee92944167586805d76ad4203011 [file] [log] [blame]
set -ex
# Clean out our target dir, which may have artifacts compiled by a version of
# rust different from the one we're about to download.
cargo clean
# Install and run the latest version of nightly where miri built successfully.
# Taken from:
MIRI_NIGHTLY=nightly-$(curl -s
echo "Installing latest nightly with Miri: $MIRI_NIGHTLY"
rustup default "$MIRI_NIGHTLY"
rustup component add miri
cargo miri setup
cargo miri test --verbose -- -Zmiri-ignore-leaks
cargo miri test --verbose --features union -- -Zmiri-ignore-leaks
cargo miri test --verbose --all-features -- -Zmiri-ignore-leaks