blob: f5043ee6cef01fa5976bd672cb655b68ce57b498 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate backtrace;
use backtrace::Backtrace;
// This test only works on platforms which have a working `symbol_address`
// function for frames which reports the starting address of a symbol. As a
// result it's only enabled on a few platforms.
const ENABLED: bool = cfg!(all(
// Windows hasn't really been tested, and OSX doesn't support actually
// finding an enclosing frame, so disable this
target_os = "linux",
// This is the only method currently that supports accurate enough
// backtraces for this test to work.
feature = "libunwind",
// On ARM finding the enclosing function is simply returning the ip itself.
not(target_arch = "arm"),
fn backtrace_new_unresolved_should_start_with_call_site_trace() {
let mut b = Backtrace::new_unresolved();
println!("{:?}", b);
let this_ip = backtrace_new_unresolved_should_start_with_call_site_trace as usize;
println!("this_ip: {:?}", this_ip as *const usize);
let frame_ip = b.frames().first().unwrap().symbol_address() as usize;
assert_eq!(this_ip, frame_ip);
fn backtrace_new_should_start_with_call_site_trace() {
let b = Backtrace::new();
println!("{:?}", b);
let this_ip = backtrace_new_should_start_with_call_site_trace as usize;
let frame_ip = b.frames().first().unwrap().symbol_address() as usize;
assert_eq!(this_ip, frame_ip);