blob: 7c484a24e507e99b92a4f435563e633acac46386 [file] [log] [blame]
mod auxiliary;
macro_rules! pos {
() => {
(file!(), line!())
macro_rules! check {
($($pos:expr),*) => ({
verify(&[$($pos,)* pos!()]);
type Pos = (&'static str, u32);
fn doit() {
fn outer(main_pos: Pos) {
inner(main_pos, pos!());
inner_inlined(main_pos, pos!());
fn inner(main_pos: Pos, outer_pos: Pos) {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos);
check!(main_pos, outer_pos);
let inner_pos = pos!(); auxiliary::callback(|aux_pos| {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos, inner_pos, aux_pos);
let inner_pos = pos!(); auxiliary::callback_inlined(|aux_pos| {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos, inner_pos, aux_pos);
#[cfg_attr(feature = "coresymbolication", inline(never))]
fn inner_inlined(main_pos: Pos, outer_pos: Pos) {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos);
check!(main_pos, outer_pos);
#[cfg_attr(feature = "coresymbolication", inline(never))]
fn inner_further_inlined(main_pos: Pos, outer_pos: Pos, inner_pos: Pos) {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos, inner_pos);
inner_further_inlined(main_pos, outer_pos, pos!());
let inner_pos = pos!(); auxiliary::callback(|aux_pos| {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos, inner_pos, aux_pos);
let inner_pos = pos!(); auxiliary::callback_inlined(|aux_pos| {
check!(main_pos, outer_pos, inner_pos, aux_pos);
// this tests a distinction between two independent calls to the inlined function.
// (un)fortunately, LLVM somehow merges two consecutive such calls into one node.
inner_further_inlined(main_pos, outer_pos, pos!());
fn verify(filelines: &[Pos]) {
let trace = backtrace::Backtrace::new();
println!("looking for:");
for (file, line) in filelines.iter().rev() {
println!("\t{}:{}", file, line);
println!("found:\n{:?}", trace);
let mut symbols = trace.frames().iter().flat_map(|frame| frame.symbols());
let mut iter = filelines.iter().rev();
while let Some((file, line)) = {
loop {
let sym = match {
Some(sym) => sym,
None => panic!("failed to find {}:{}", file, line),
if let Some(filename) = sym.filename() {
if let Some(lineno) = sym.lineno() {
if filename.ends_with(file) && lineno == *line {