blob: f5e72be3e5c2d7ef85c0b5c37aa6494fcf6e3b74 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "libc.h"
#include "zircon_impl.h"
#include "threads_impl.h"
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
static pthread_rwlock_t allocation_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
// Many threads could be reading the TLS state.
static void thread_allocation_acquire(void) {
// dlopen calls this under another lock. Only one dlopen call can be
// modifying state at a time.
void __thread_allocation_inhibit(void) {
void __thread_allocation_release(void) {
static inline size_t round_up_to_page(size_t sz) {
return (sz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & -PAGE_SIZE;
static ptrdiff_t offset_for_module(const struct tls_module* module) {
return module->offset;
return - module->offset;
__NO_SAFESTACK static thrd_t copy_tls(unsigned char* mem, size_t alloc) {
thrd_t td;
struct tls_module* p;
size_t i;
void** dtv;
// *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*
// | pthread | tcb | X | tls_1 | ... | tlsN | ... | tls_cnt | dtv[1] | ... |
// *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// td tp dtv[1] dtv[n+1] dtv
// Note: The TCB is actually the last member of pthread.
// See: "Addenda to, and Errata in, the ABI for the ARM Architecture"
dtv = (void**)(mem + libc.tls_size) - (libc.tls_cnt + 1);
// We need to make sure that the thread pointer is maximally aligned so
// that tp + dtv[N] is aligned to align_N no matter what N is. So we need
// 'mem' to be such that if mem == td then td->head is maximially aligned.
// To do this we need take &td->head (e.g. mem + offset of head) and align
// it then subtract out the offset of ->head to ensure that &td->head is
// aligned.
uintptr_t tp = (uintptr_t)mem + PTHREAD_TP_OFFSET;
tp = (tp + libc.tls_align - 1) & -libc.tls_align;
td = (thrd_t)(tp - PTHREAD_TP_OFFSET);
// Now mem should be the new thread pointer.
mem = (unsigned char*)tp;
// *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*
// | tls_cnt | dtv[1] | ... | tls_n | ... | tls_1 | tcb | pthread | unused |
// *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*
// ^ ^ ^ ^
// dtv dtv[n+1] dtv[1] tp/td
// Note: The TCB is actually the first member of pthread.
dtv = (void**)mem;
mem += alloc - sizeof(struct pthread);
mem -= (uintptr_t)mem & (libc.tls_align - 1);
td = (thrd_t)mem;
for (i = 1, p = libc.tls_head; p; i++, p = p->next) {
dtv[i] = mem + offset_for_module(p);
memcpy(dtv[i], p->image, p->len);
dtv[0] = (void*)libc.tls_cnt;
td-> = dtv;
return td;
__NO_SAFESTACK static bool map_block(zx_handle_t parent_vmar,
zx_handle_t vmo, size_t vmo_offset,
size_t size, size_t before, size_t after,
struct iovec* mapping,
struct iovec* region) {
region->iov_len = before + size + after;
zx_handle_t vmar;
uintptr_t addr;
zx_status_t status = _zx_vmar_allocate(parent_vmar,
0, region->iov_len, &vmar, &addr);
if (status != ZX_OK)
return true;
region->iov_base = (void*)addr;
status = _zx_vmar_map(vmar,
before, vmo, vmo_offset, size, &addr);
if (status != ZX_OK)
mapping->iov_base = (void*)addr;
mapping->iov_len = size;
return status != ZX_OK;
// This allocates all the per-thread memory for a new thread about to
// be created, or for the initial thread at startup. It's called
// either at startup or under thread_allocation_acquire. Hence,
// it's serialized with any dynamic linker changes to the TLS
// bookkeeping.
// This conceptually allocates four things, but concretely allocates
// three separate blocks.
// 1. The safe stack (where the thread's SP will point).
// 2. The unsafe stack (where __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr() will point).
// 3. The thread descriptor (struct pthread). The thread pointer points
// into this (where into it depends on the machine ABI).
// 4. The static TLS area. The ELF TLS ABI for the Initial Exec model
// mandates a fixed distance from the thread pointer to the TLS area
// across all threads. So effectively this must always be allocated
// as part of the same block with the thread descriptor.
// This function also copies in the TLS initializer data.
// It initializes the basic thread descriptor fields.
// Everything else is zero-initialized.
__NO_SAFESTACK thrd_t __allocate_thread(
size_t requested_guard_size,
size_t requested_stack_size,
const char* thread_name,
char vmo_name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]) {
const size_t guard_size =
requested_guard_size == 0 ? 0 : round_up_to_page(requested_guard_size);
const size_t stack_size = round_up_to_page(requested_stack_size);
const size_t tls_size = libc.tls_size;
const size_t tcb_size = round_up_to_page(tls_size);
const size_t vmo_size = tcb_size + stack_size * 2;
zx_handle_t vmo;
zx_status_t status = _zx_vmo_create(vmo_size, 0, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return NULL;
struct iovec tcb, tcb_region;
if (map_block(_zx_vmar_root_self(), vmo, 0, tcb_size, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE,
&tcb, &tcb_region)) {
return NULL;
thrd_t td = copy_tls(tcb.iov_base, tcb.iov_len);
// At this point all our access to global TLS state is done, so we
// can allow dlopen again.
// For the initial thread, it's too early to call snprintf because
// it's not __NO_SAFESTACK.
if (vmo_name != NULL) {
// For other threads, try to give the VMO a name that includes
// the thrd_t value (and the TLS size if that fits too), but
// don't use a truncated value since that would be confusing to
// interpret.
if (snprintf(vmo_name, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s:%p/TLS=%#zx",
thread_name, td, tls_size) < ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN ||
snprintf(vmo_name, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s:%p",
thread_name, td) < ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN)
thread_name = vmo_name;
_zx_object_set_property(vmo, ZX_PROP_NAME,
thread_name, strlen(thread_name));
if (map_block(_zx_vmar_root_self(), vmo,
tcb_size, stack_size, guard_size, 0,
&td->safe_stack, &td->safe_stack_region)) {
(uintptr_t)tcb_region.iov_base, tcb_region.iov_len);
return NULL;
if (map_block(_zx_vmar_root_self(), vmo,
tcb_size + stack_size, stack_size, guard_size, 0,
&td->unsafe_stack, &td->unsafe_stack_region)) {
(uintptr_t)tcb_region.iov_base, tcb_region.iov_len);
return NULL;
td->tcb_region = tcb_region;
td->locale = &libc.global_locale;
td-> = (uintptr_t)pthread_to_tp(td);
td->abi.stack_guard = __stack_chk_guard;
td->abi.unsafe_sp =
(uintptr_t)td->unsafe_stack.iov_base + td->unsafe_stack.iov_len;
return td;