blob: ba9da6a2c40987ae6d49c8a2057f849c5977e943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/scene/shape.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/shape/mesh_spec.h"
namespace escher {
namespace impl {
// Used to look up cached Vulkan pipelines that are compatible with the params.
#pragma pack(push, 1) // As required by HashMapHasher<ModelPipelineSpec>
struct ModelPipelineSpec {
enum class ClipperState {
// The current object clips subsequent objects to its bounds, until the
// original object is rendered again with |kEndClipChildren|.
kBeginClipChildren = 1,
// Clean up the clip region established by |kBeginClipChildren.
// This object rendered by this pipeline has no children to clip.
MeshSpec mesh_spec;
ShapeModifiers shape_modifiers;
// TODO: For now, there is only 1 material, so the ModelPipelineSpec doesn't
// bother to mention anything about it.
ClipperState clipper_state = ClipperState::kNoClipChildren;
bool is_clippee = false;
// Set to true if an object has a material.
bool has_material = false;
// Set to true if the object has an opaque material, and false if it has no
// material or the material is not fully opaque.
bool is_opaque = false;
// Entirely disable depth test and depth write.
bool disable_depth_test = false;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Inline function definitions.
inline bool operator==(const ModelPipelineSpec& spec1,
const ModelPipelineSpec& spec2) {
return spec1.mesh_spec == spec2.mesh_spec &&
spec1.shape_modifiers == spec2.shape_modifiers &&
spec1.clipper_state == spec2.clipper_state &&
spec1.is_clippee == spec2.is_clippee &&
spec1.has_material == spec2.has_material &&
spec1.is_opaque == spec2.is_opaque;
inline bool operator!=(const ModelPipelineSpec& spec1,
const ModelPipelineSpec& spec2) {
return !(spec1 == spec2);
} // namespace impl
// Debugging.
} // namespace escher