blob: 98aadf62284d2ce5d3511a2e4a3c8ff0aad2957a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <audio-utils/audio-input.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/scheduler/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fsl/tasks/fd_waiter.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/media/timeline/timeline_function.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/wav_writer/wav_writer.h"
constexpr bool kWavWriterEnabled = false;
using media::TimelineFunction;
constexpr uint32_t NUM_CHANNELS = 2u;
constexpr uint32_t INPUT_FRAMES_PER_SEC = 48000u;
constexpr uint32_t INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH_MSEC = 10u;
constexpr uint32_t INPUT_BUFFER_MIN_FRAMES =
constexpr zx_time_t PROCESS_CHUNK_TIME = ZX_MSEC(1);
constexpr uint32_t OUTPUT_BUF_MSEC = 1000;
constexpr int32_t MIN_REVERB_DEPTH_MSEC = 1;
constexpr int32_t MAX_REVERB_DEPTH_MSEC = OUTPUT_BUF_MSEC - 10;
constexpr int32_t SMALL_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP = 1;
constexpr int32_t LARGE_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP = 10;
constexpr float MIN_REVERB_FEEDBACK_GAIN = -60.0f;
constexpr float MAX_REVERB_FEEDBACK_GAIN = -3.0f;
constexpr float SMALL_REVERB_GAIN_STEP = 0.5;
constexpr float LARGE_REVERB_GAIN_STEP = 2.5;
constexpr float MIN_FUZZ_GAIN = 1.0;
constexpr float MAX_FUZZ_GAIN = 50.0;
constexpr float SMALL_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP = 0.1;
constexpr float LARGE_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP = 1.0;
constexpr float MIN_FUZZ_MIX = 0.0;
constexpr float MAX_FUZZ_MIX = 1.0;
constexpr float SMALL_FUZZ_MIX_STEP = 0.01;
constexpr float LARGE_FUZZ_MIX_STEP = 0.1;
constexpr float MIN_PREAMP_GAIN = -30.0f;
constexpr float MAX_PREAMP_GAIN = 20.0f;
constexpr float SMALL_PREAMP_GAIN_STEP = 0.1f;
constexpr float LARGE_PREAMP_GAIN_STEP = 1.0f;
constexpr uint32_t PREAMP_GAIN_FRAC_BITS = 12;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_REVERB_DEPTH_MSEC = 200;
constexpr float DEFAULT_REVERB_FEEDBACK_GAIN = -4.0f;
constexpr float DEFAULT_FUZZ_GAIN = 0.0;
constexpr float DEFAULT_FUZZ_MIX = 1.0;
constexpr float DEFAULT_PREAMP_GAIN = -5.0f;
using audio::utils::AudioInput;
class FxProcessor {
FxProcessor(fbl::unique_ptr<AudioInput> input, fit::closure quit_callback)
: input_(std::move(input)), quit_callback_(std::move(quit_callback)) {
void Startup(fuchsia::media::AudioPtr audio,
fuchsia::scheduler::ProfileProviderSyncPtr profile_provider);
using EffectFn = void (FxProcessor::*)(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst,
uint32_t frames);
static inline float Norm(int16_t value) {
return (value < 0)
? static_cast<float>(value) / std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()
: static_cast<float>(value) /
static inline float FuzzNorm(float norm_value, float gain) {
return 1.0f - expf(-norm_value * gain);
void OnMinLeadTimeChanged(int64_t new_min_lead_time_nsec);
void RequestKeystrokeMessage();
void HandleKeystroke(zx_status_t status, uint32_t events);
void Shutdown(const char* reason = "unknown");
void ProcessInput();
void ProduceOutputPackets(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket* out_pkt1,
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket* out_pkt2);
void ApplyEffect(int16_t* src, uint32_t src_offset, uint32_t src_rb_size,
int16_t* dst, uint32_t dst_offset, uint32_t dst_rb_size,
uint32_t frames, EffectFn effect);
void CopyInputEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames);
void PreampInputEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames);
void ReverbMixEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames);
void FuzzEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames);
void MixedFuzzEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames);
fsl::FDWaiter::Callback handle_keystroke_thunk_ = [this](zx_status_t status,
uint32_t event) {
HandleKeystroke(status, event);
void UpdateReverb(bool enabled, int32_t depth_delta = 0,
float gain_delta = 0.0f);
void UpdateFuzz(bool enabled, float gain_delta = 0.0f,
float mix_delta = 0.0f);
void UpdatePreampGain(float delta);
fzl::VmoMapper output_buf_;
size_t output_buf_sz_ = 0;
uint32_t output_buf_frames_ = 0;
uint64_t output_buf_wp_ = 0;
int64_t input_rp_ = 0;
bool shutting_down_ = false;
bool reverb_enabled_ = false;
int32_t reverb_depth_msec_ = DEFAULT_REVERB_DEPTH_MSEC;
float reverb_feedback_gain_ = DEFAULT_REVERB_FEEDBACK_GAIN;
uint32_t reverb_depth_frames_;
uint16_t reverb_feedback_gain_fixed_;
bool fuzz_enabled_ = false;
float fuzz_gain_ = DEFAULT_FUZZ_GAIN;
float fuzz_mix_ = DEFAULT_FUZZ_MIX;
float fuzz_mix_inv_;
float preamp_gain_ = DEFAULT_PREAMP_GAIN;
uint16_t preamp_gain_fixed_;
fbl::unique_ptr<AudioInput> input_;
fit::closure quit_callback_;
uint32_t input_buffer_frames_ = 0;
fuchsia::media::AudioRendererPtr audio_renderer_;
media::TimelineFunction clock_mono_to_input_wr_ptr_;
fsl::FDWaiter keystroke_waiter_;
media::audio::WavWriter<kWavWriterEnabled> wav_writer_;
int64_t lead_time_frames_ = 0;
bool lead_time_frames_known_ = false;
void FxProcessor::Startup(
fuchsia::media::AudioPtr audio,
fuchsia::scheduler::ProfileProviderSyncPtr profile_provider) {
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this] { Shutdown("Startup failure"); });
zx_status_t profile_status;
zx::profile profile;
zx_status_t fidl_status = profile_provider->GetProfile(
24 /* HIGH_PRIORITY in LK */, "examples/media/audio/fx", &profile_status,
if (fidl_status != ZX_OK || profile_status != ZX_OK) {
printf("GetProfile failed (%d || %d)\n", fidl_status, profile_status);
zx_status_t set_status =
zx_object_set_profile(zx_thread_self(), profile.get(), 0);
if (set_status != ZX_OK) {
printf("zx_object_set_profile failed: %d\n", set_status);
if (input_->sample_size() != 2) {
printf("Invalid input sample size %u\n", input_->sample_size());
FXL_DCHECK((input_->ring_buffer_bytes() % input_->frame_sz()) == 0);
input_buffer_frames_ = input_->ring_buffer_bytes() / input_->frame_sz();
if (!wav_writer_.Initialize(
"/tmp/fx.wav", fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16,
input_->channel_cnt(), input_->frame_rate(), 16)) {
printf("Unable to initialize WAV file for recording.\n");
// Create an AudioRenderer. Setup connection error handlers.
audio_renderer_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
Shutdown("fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer connection closed");
// Set the stream_type.
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType stream_type;
stream_type.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16;
stream_type.channels = input_->channel_cnt();
stream_type.frames_per_second = input_->frame_rate();
// Create and map a VMO, to mix and subsequently send data to the renderer.
// Fill it with silence, then send a (read-only) VMO handle to the renderer.
output_buf_frames_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(
(OUTPUT_BUF_TIME * input_->frame_rate()) / 1000000000u);
output_buf_sz_ = static_cast<size_t>(input_->frame_sz()) * output_buf_frames_;
zx::vmo rend_vmo;
zx_status_t res = output_buf_.CreateAndMap(
output_buf_sz_, ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, nullptr, &rend_vmo,
// We use only a single payload buffer, and hence when creating each packet we
// can allow its payload_buffer_id to remain the default value of 0.
audio_renderer_->AddPayloadBuffer(0, std::move(rend_vmo));
// We work in Audio Frames as our PTS units. Configure this now.
audio_renderer_->SetPtsUnits(input_->frame_rate(), 1);
// Start the input ring buffer.
res = input_->StartRingBuffer();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
printf("Failed to start input ring buffer (res %d)\n", res);
// Setup the function which will convert from system ticks to the ring
// buffer write pointer (in audio frames). Note, we offset by the fifo
// depth so that the write pointer we get back will be the safe write
// pointer position; IOW - not where the capture currently is, but where the
// most recent frame which is guaranteed to be written to system memory is.
int64_t fifo_frames =
((input_->fifo_depth() + input_->frame_sz() - 1) / input_->frame_sz());
media::TimelineRate frames_per_nsec;
media::TimelineRate frames_per_sec(input_->frame_rate(), 1);
media::TimelineRate sec_per_nsec(1, ZX_SEC(1));
frames_per_nsec =
media::TimelineRate::Product(frames_per_sec, sec_per_nsec);
clock_mono_to_input_wr_ptr_ = media::TimelineFunction(
-fifo_frames, input_->start_time(), frames_per_nsec);
// Request notifications about the minimum clock lead time requirements. We
// will be able to start to process the input stream once we know what this
// number is.
// TODO(johngro): Set the handler here! = [this](int64_t nsec) {
// Success. Print out the usage message, and force an update of effect
// parameters (which will also print their status).
"Welcome to FX. Keybindings are as follows.\n"
"q : Quit the application.\n"
"\n== Pre-amp Gain\n"
"] : Increase the pre-amp gain\n"
"[ : Decrease the pre-amp gain\n"
"\n== Reverb/Echo Effect ==\n"
"r : Toggle Reverb\n"
"i : Increase reverb feedback gain\n"
"k : Decrease reverb feedback gain\n"
"l : Increase reverb delay\n"
"j : Decrease reverb delay\n"
"\n== Fuzz Effect ==\n"
"f : Toggle Fuzz\n"
"w : Increase the fuzz gain\n"
"s : Decrease the fuzz gain\n"
"d : Increase the fuzz mix percentage\n"
"a : Decrease the fuzz mix percentage\n"
"\nUse <shift> when adjusting parameters in order to use the large "
"step size for the parameter.\n"
"\nCurrent settings are...\n");
// Start to process keystrokes, then cancel the auto-cleanup and get out..
void FxProcessor::OnMinLeadTimeChanged(int64_t new_min_lead_time_nsec) {
const auto& cm_to_frames = clock_mono_to_input_wr_ptr_.rate();
int64_t new_lead_time_frames = cm_to_frames.Scale(new_min_lead_time_nsec);
if (new_lead_time_frames > lead_time_frames_) {
// Note: If the system is currently running, this discontinuity is going to
// put a pop into our presentation. If this is a huge issue, what we would
// really want to do is...
// 1) Take manual control of the routing policy.
// 2) When outputs get added, decide whether or not we want to make any
// routing changes ourselves.
// 3) If we do, and these changes would effect our lead time requirements,
// we should smoothly ramp down our current presentation, let that play
// out, then stop the output, make the routing changes, then start
// everything back up again.
// Right now, there are no policy APIs which would allow us to acomplish any
// of this, so this is the best we can do for the time being.
lead_time_frames_ = new_lead_time_frames;
// If this is the first time we are learning about our lead time requirements,
// it is time to process some input data and start the clock.
if (!lead_time_frames_known_) {
lead_time_frames_known_ = true;
// Offset our initial write pointer by a small number of frames (in addition
// to our lead time) to allow time for our packet messages to read the mixer
// and get noticed by the mixing output loops.
output_buf_wp_ = cm_to_frames.Scale(OUTPUT_SEND_PACKET_OVERHEAD_NSEC);
// Set up our concept of the input read pointer so that it one
// PROCESS_CHUNK_TIME behind the current write pointer.
zx_time_t now = zx_clock_get_monotonic();
input_rp_ = clock_mono_to_input_wr_ptr_.Apply(now - PROCESS_CHUNK_TIME);
// Process the input to produce some output, then start the clock. Note:
// upon start of playback, we choose to explicitly map the reference time
// 'now' to the media time (PTS) '0' on our presentation timeline. We will
// control our clock lead time by writing explicit timestamps on packets
// using the sum of the current output_buf_wp_ and lead_time_frames_.
audio_renderer_->PlayNoReply(now, 0);
void FxProcessor::RequestKeystrokeMessage() {
keystroke_waiter_.Wait(std::move(handle_keystroke_thunk_), STDIN_FILENO,
void FxProcessor::HandleKeystroke(zx_status_t status, uint32_t events) {
if (shutting_down_) {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("Bad status in HandleKeystroke (status %d)\n", status);
Shutdown("Keystroke read error");
char c;
ssize_t res = ::read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, sizeof(c));
if (res != 1) {
printf("Error reading keystroke (res %zd, errno %d)\n", res, errno);
Shutdown("Keystroke read error");
switch (c) {
case 'q':
case 'Q':
Shutdown("User requested");
case 'r':
case 'R':
case 'i':
UpdateReverb(true, 0, SMALL_REVERB_GAIN_STEP);
case 'I':
UpdateReverb(true, 0, LARGE_REVERB_GAIN_STEP);
case 'k':
UpdateReverb(true, 0, -SMALL_REVERB_GAIN_STEP);
case 'K':
UpdateReverb(true, 0, -LARGE_REVERB_GAIN_STEP);
case 'l':
UpdateReverb(true, SMALL_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP, 0.0f);
case 'L':
UpdateReverb(true, LARGE_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP, 0.0f);
case 'j':
UpdateReverb(true, -SMALL_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP, 0.0f);
case 'J':
UpdateReverb(true, -LARGE_REVERB_DEPTH_STEP, 0.0f);
case '[':
case '{':
case ']':
case '}':
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'd':
UpdateFuzz(true, 0.0, SMALL_FUZZ_MIX_STEP);
case 'D':
UpdateFuzz(true, 0.0, LARGE_FUZZ_MIX_STEP);
case 'a':
UpdateFuzz(true, 0.0, -SMALL_FUZZ_MIX_STEP);
case 'A':
UpdateFuzz(true, 0.0, -LARGE_FUZZ_MIX_STEP);
case 'w':
UpdateFuzz(true, SMALL_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP);
case 'W':
UpdateFuzz(true, LARGE_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP);
case 's':
UpdateFuzz(true, -SMALL_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP);
case 'S':
UpdateFuzz(true, -LARGE_FUZZ_GAIN_STEP);
void FxProcessor::Shutdown(const char* reason) {
// We're done (for good or bad): flush (save) the headers; close the WAV file.
printf("Shutting down, reason = \"%s\"\n", reason);
shutting_down_ = true;
void FxProcessor::ProcessInput() {
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket pkt1, pkt2;
pkt1.payload_size = 0;
pkt2.payload_size = 0;
// Produce output packet(s) If we do not produce any packets, something is
// very wrong and we are in the process of shutting down, so just get out now.
ProduceOutputPackets(&pkt1, &pkt2);
if (!pkt1.payload_size) {
// Send the packet(s)
if (pkt2.payload_size) {
// If the input has been closed by the driver, shutdown.
if (input_->IsRingBufChannelConnected()) {
Shutdown("Input unplugged");
// Save output audio to WAV file (if configured to do so).
auto output_base = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(output_buf_.start());
if (pkt1.payload_size) {
wav_writer_.Write(output_base + pkt1.payload_offset, pkt1.payload_size);
if (pkt2.payload_size) {
wav_writer_.Write(output_base + pkt2.payload_offset, pkt2.payload_size);
// Schedule our next processing callback.
async_get_default_dispatcher(), [this]() { ProcessInput(); },
void FxProcessor::ProduceOutputPackets(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket* out_pkt1,
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket* out_pkt2) {
// Figure out how much input data we have to process.
zx_time_t now = zx_clock_get_monotonic();
int64_t input_wp = clock_mono_to_input_wr_ptr_.Apply(now);
if (input_wp <= input_rp_) {
printf("input wp <= rp (wp %" PRId64 " rp %" PRId64 " now %" PRIu64 ")\n",
input_wp, input_rp_, now);
Shutdown("Failed to produce output packet");
int64_t todo64 = input_wp - input_rp_;
if (todo64 > input_buffer_frames_) {
"Fell behind by more than the input buffer size "
"(todo %" PRId64 " buflen %u\n",
todo64, input_buffer_frames_);
Shutdown("Failed to produce output packet");
uint32_t todo = static_cast<uint32_t>(todo64);
uint32_t input_start =
static_cast<uint32_t>(input_rp_) % input_buffer_frames_;
uint32_t output_start = output_buf_wp_ % output_buf_frames_;
uint32_t output_space = output_buf_frames_ - output_start;
// Create the actual output packet(s) based on the amt of data we need to
// send and the current position of the write pointer in the output ring
// buffer.
uint32_t pkt1_frames = fbl::min<uint32_t>(output_space, todo);
out_pkt1->pts = output_buf_wp_ + lead_time_frames_;
out_pkt1->payload_offset = output_start * input_->frame_sz();
out_pkt1->payload_size = pkt1_frames * input_->frame_sz();
// Does this job wrap the ring? If so, we need to create 2 packets instead
// of 1.
if (pkt1_frames < todo) {
out_pkt2->pts = out_pkt1->pts + pkt1_frames;
out_pkt2->payload_offset = 0;
out_pkt2->payload_size = (todo - pkt1_frames) * input_->frame_sz();
} else {
out_pkt2->pts = fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP;
out_pkt2->payload_offset = 0;
out_pkt2->payload_size = 0;
// Now actually apply effects. Start by just copying the input to the output.
auto input_base = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(input_->ring_buffer());
auto output_base = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output_buf_.start());
ApplyEffect(input_base, input_start, input_buffer_frames_, output_base,
output_start, output_buf_frames_, todo,
(preamp_gain_ == 0.0) ? &FxProcessor::CopyInputEffect
: &FxProcessor::PreampInputEffect);
// If enabled, add some fuzz
if (fuzz_enabled_ && (fuzz_mix_ >= 0.01f)) {
ApplyEffect(output_base, output_start, output_buf_frames_, output_base,
output_start, output_buf_frames_, todo,
(fuzz_mix_ <= 0.99f) ? &FxProcessor::MixedFuzzEffect
: &FxProcessor::FuzzEffect);
// If enabled, add some reverb.
if (reverb_enabled_ && (reverb_feedback_gain_fixed_ > 0)) {
uint32_t reverb_start =
output_start + (output_buf_frames_ - reverb_depth_frames_);
if (reverb_start >= output_buf_frames_)
reverb_start -= output_buf_frames_;
ApplyEffect(output_base, reverb_start, output_buf_frames_, output_base,
output_start, output_buf_frames_, todo,
// Finally, update our input read pointer and our output write pointer.
input_rp_ += todo;
output_buf_wp_ += todo;
void FxProcessor::ApplyEffect(int16_t* src, uint32_t src_offset,
uint32_t src_rb_size, int16_t* dst,
uint32_t dst_offset, uint32_t dst_rb_size,
uint32_t frames, EffectFn effect) {
while (frames) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(src_offset < src_rb_size);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(dst_offset < dst_rb_size);
uint32_t src_space = src_rb_size - src_offset;
uint32_t dst_space = dst_rb_size - dst_offset;
uint32_t todo = fbl::min(fbl::min(frames, src_space), dst_space);
// TODO(johngro): Either add fbl::invoke to fbl, or use std::invoke
// here when we switch to C++17. The syntax for invoking a pointer to
// non-static method on an object is ugly and hard to understand, and
// people should not be forced to look at it.
((*this).*(effect))(src + (src_offset * NUM_CHANNELS),
dst + (dst_offset * NUM_CHANNELS), todo);
src_offset = (src_space > todo) ? (src_offset + todo) : 0;
dst_offset = (dst_space > todo) ? (dst_offset + todo) : 0;
frames -= todo;
void FxProcessor::CopyInputEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames) {
::memcpy(dst, src, frames * sizeof(*dst) * NUM_CHANNELS);
void FxProcessor::PreampInputEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst,
uint32_t frames) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frames * NUM_CHANNELS; ++i) {
int32_t tmp = src[i];
tmp *= preamp_gain_fixed_;
tmp = fbl::clamp<int32_t>(tmp, std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(),
dst[i] = static_cast<int16_t>(tmp);
void FxProcessor::ReverbMixEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames) {
// TODO(johngro): We should probably process everything into an intermediate
// 32 bit (or even 64 bit or float) buffer, and clamp after the fact.
for (uint32_t i = frames * NUM_CHANNELS; i > 0;) {
int32_t tmp = src[i];
tmp *= reverb_feedback_gain_fixed_;
tmp >>= 16;
tmp += dst[i];
tmp = fbl::clamp<int32_t>(tmp, std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(),
dst[i] = static_cast<int16_t>(tmp);
void FxProcessor::FuzzEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frames * NUM_CHANNELS; ++i) {
float norm = FuzzNorm(Norm(src[i]), fuzz_gain_);
dst[i] =
(src[i] < 0)
? static_cast<int16_t>(std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() * norm)
: static_cast<int16_t>(std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() * norm);
void FxProcessor::MixedFuzzEffect(int16_t* src, int16_t* dst, uint32_t frames) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frames * NUM_CHANNELS; ++i) {
float norm = Norm(src[i]);
float fnorm = FuzzNorm(norm, fuzz_gain_);
float mixed = ((fnorm * fuzz_mix_) + (norm * fuzz_mix_inv_));
dst[i] =
(src[i] < 0)
? static_cast<int16_t>(std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() * mixed)
: static_cast<int16_t>(std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() * mixed);
void FxProcessor::UpdateReverb(bool enabled, int32_t depth_delta,
float gain_delta) {
reverb_enabled_ = enabled;
reverb_depth_msec_ =
fbl::clamp<uint32_t>(reverb_depth_msec_ + depth_delta,
reverb_feedback_gain_ =
fbl::clamp(reverb_feedback_gain_ + gain_delta, MIN_REVERB_FEEDBACK_GAIN,
if (enabled) {
reverb_depth_frames_ = (input_->frame_rate() * reverb_depth_msec_) / 1000u;
double gain_scale = pow(10.0, reverb_feedback_gain_ / 20.0);
reverb_feedback_gain_fixed_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(gain_scale * 0x10000);
printf("%7s: %u mSec %.1f dB\n", "Reverb", reverb_depth_msec_,
} else {
printf("%7s: Disabled\n", "Reverb");
void FxProcessor::UpdateFuzz(bool enabled, float gain_delta, float mix_delta) {
fuzz_enabled_ = enabled;
fuzz_gain_ =
fbl::clamp(fuzz_gain_ + gain_delta, MIN_FUZZ_GAIN, MAX_FUZZ_GAIN);
fuzz_mix_ = fbl::clamp(fuzz_mix_ + mix_delta, MIN_FUZZ_MIX, MAX_FUZZ_MIX);
fuzz_mix_inv_ = 1.0f - fuzz_mix_;
if (enabled) {
printf("%7s: Gain %.1f Mix %.1f%%\n", "Fuzz", fuzz_gain_,
fuzz_mix_ * 100.0f);
} else {
printf("%7s: Disabled\n", "Fuzz");
void FxProcessor::UpdatePreampGain(float delta) {
preamp_gain_ =
fbl::clamp(preamp_gain_ + delta, MIN_PREAMP_GAIN, MAX_PREAMP_GAIN);
double gain_scale = pow(10.0, preamp_gain_ / 20.0);
preamp_gain_fixed_ =
static_cast<uint16_t>(gain_scale * (0x1 << PREAMP_GAIN_FRAC_BITS));
printf("%7s: %.1f dB\n", "PreGain", preamp_gain_);
void usage(const char* prog_name) {
printf("usage: %s [input_dev_num]\n", prog_name);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
uint32_t input_num = 0;
if (argc >= 2) {
if (1 != sscanf(argv[1], "%u", &input_num)) {
return -1;
zx_status_t res;
auto input = AudioInput::Create(input_num);
res = input->Open();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
// TODO(johngro) : Fetch the supported stream_types from the audio
// input itself and select from them, do not hardcode this.
res = input->SetFormat(48000u, NUM_CHANNELS, AUDIO_SAMPLE_FORMAT_16BIT);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
res = input->GetBuffer(INPUT_BUFFER_MIN_FRAMES, 0u);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToThread);
std::unique_ptr<sys::ComponentContext> startup_context =
fuchsia::media::AudioPtr audio =
fuchsia::scheduler::ProfileProviderSyncPtr profile_provider;
FxProcessor fx(std::move(input), [&loop]() {
async::PostTask(loop.dispatcher(), [&loop]() { loop.Quit(); });
fx.Startup(std::move(audio), std::move(profile_provider));
return 0;