blob: ce76b3ddbbfc33aad6a3c71f551d974731b89a65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <bits.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/aspace.h>
#include <ktl/iterator.h>
#include <vm/arch_vm_aspace.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#ifdef __x86_64__
#include <arch/x86/mmu.h>
// Most mmu tests want a 'sufficiently large' aspace to play in, these constants define an aspace
// that is large without having a discontinuity over the sign extended canonical addresses.
constexpr vaddr_t kAspaceBase = 1UL << 20;
constexpr size_t kAspaceSize = (1UL << 47) - kAspaceBase - (1UL << 20);
static bool test_large_unaligned_region() {
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "init aspace");
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
// We want our region to be misaligned by at least a page, and for
// it to straddle the PDP.
vaddr_t va = (1UL << PGTABLE_L1_SHIFT) - (1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT) + 2 * PAGE_SIZE;
// Make sure alloc_size is less than 1 PD page, to exercise the
// non-terminal code path.
static const size_t alloc_size = (1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT) - PAGE_SIZE;
// Map a single page to force the lower PDP of the target region
// to be created
size_t mapped;
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va - 3 * PAGE_SIZE, 0, 1, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map single page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 1u, "map single page");
// Map the last page of the region
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va + alloc_size - PAGE_SIZE, 0, 1, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map last page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 1u, "map single page");
paddr_t pa;
uint flags;
err = aspace.Query(va + alloc_size - PAGE_SIZE, &pa, &flags);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "last entry is mapped");
// Attempt to unmap the target region (analogous to unmapping a demand
// paged region that has only had its last page touched)
size_t unmapped;
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &unmapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap unallocated region");
EXPECT_EQ(unmapped, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, "unmap unallocated region");
err = aspace.Query(va + alloc_size - PAGE_SIZE, &pa, &flags);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "last entry is not mapped anymore");
// Unmap the single page from earlier
err = aspace.Unmap(va - 3 * PAGE_SIZE, 1, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &unmapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap single page");
EXPECT_EQ(unmapped, 1u, "unmap unallocated region");
err = aspace.Destroy();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "destroy aspace");
static bool test_large_unaligned_region_without_map() {
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "init aspace");
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
// We want our region to be misaligned by a page, and for it to
// straddle the PDP
vaddr_t va = (1UL << PGTABLE_L1_SHIFT) - (1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT) + PAGE_SIZE;
// Make sure alloc_size is bigger than 1 PD page, to exercise the
// non-terminal code path.
static const size_t alloc_size = 3UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT;
// Map a single page to force the lower PDP of the target region
// to be created
size_t mapped;
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va - 2 * PAGE_SIZE, 0, 1, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map single page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 1u, "map single page");
// Attempt to unmap the target region (analogous to unmapping a demand
// paged region that has not been touched)
size_t unmapped;
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &unmapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap unallocated region");
EXPECT_EQ(unmapped, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, "unmap unallocated region");
// Unmap the single page from earlier
err = aspace.Unmap(va - 2 * PAGE_SIZE, 1, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &unmapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap single page");
EXPECT_EQ(unmapped, 1u, "unmap single page");
err = aspace.Destroy();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "destroy aspace");
static bool test_large_region_protect() {
static const vaddr_t va = 1UL << PGTABLE_L1_SHIFT;
// Force a large page.
static const size_t alloc_size = 1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT;
static const vaddr_t alloc_end = va + alloc_size;
vaddr_t target_vaddrs[] = {
va + 2 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - 3 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - 2 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - PAGE_SIZE,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); i++) {
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "init aspace");
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
size_t mapped;
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va, 0, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map large page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "map large page");
err = aspace.Protect(target_vaddrs[i], 1, ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "protect single page");
for (unsigned j = 0; j < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); j++) {
uint retrieved_flags = 0;
paddr_t pa;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, aspace.Query(target_vaddrs[j], &pa, &retrieved_flags));
EXPECT_EQ(target_vaddrs[j] - va, pa);
EXPECT_EQ(i == j ? ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ : arch_rw_flags, retrieved_flags);
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap large page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "unmap large page");
err = aspace.Destroy();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "destroy aspace");
// Since toggle_page_alloc_fn needs global state to operate, define a lock to ensure we are only
// running a single instance of these tests at a time.
static bool fail_page_allocs = false;
static zx_status_t toggle_page_alloc_fn(uint mmu_flags, vm_page** p, paddr_t* pa) {
if (fail_page_allocs) {
return pmm_alloc_page(mmu_flags, p, pa);
static bool test_large_region_unmap() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{TogglePageAllocLock::Get()};
static const vaddr_t va = 1UL << PGTABLE_L1_SHIFT;
// Force a large page.
static const size_t alloc_size = 1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT;
static const vaddr_t alloc_end = va + alloc_size;
vaddr_t target_vaddrs[] = {
va + 2 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - 3 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - 2 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_end - PAGE_SIZE,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); i++) {
fail_page_allocs = false;
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0, toggle_page_alloc_fn);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "init aspace");
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
size_t mapped;
// Use MapContiguous to create a mapping that should get backed by a large page.
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va, 0, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map large page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "map large page");
// Unmap a single small page out of the larger page.
err = aspace.Unmap(target_vaddrs[i], 1, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap single page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 1u, "unmap single page");
// Ensure the single page was unmapped, but the rest of the large page is still present.
for (unsigned j = 0; j < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); j++) {
uint retrieved_flags = 0;
paddr_t pa;
zx_status_t result = aspace.Query(target_vaddrs[j], &pa, &retrieved_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(i == j ? ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND : ZX_OK, result, "query page");
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap remaining pages");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "unmap remaining pages");
// Map in the large page again.
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va, 0, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map large page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "map large page");
// Simulate OOM by failing allocations.
fail_page_allocs = true;
// Attempt to unmap a single small page, but allow over unmapping.
err = aspace.Unmap(target_vaddrs[i], 1, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap single page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 1u, "unmap single page");
// The entire large page should have ended up unmapped.
for (unsigned j = 0; j < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); j++) {
uint retrieved_flags = 0;
paddr_t pa;
zx_status_t result = aspace.Query(target_vaddrs[j], &pa, &retrieved_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, result, "query page");
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap remaining pages");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "unmap remaining pages");
// Map in the large page again.
fail_page_allocs = false;
err = aspace.MapContiguous(va, 0, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, arch_rw_flags, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "map large page");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "map large page");
// Simulate OOM by failing allocations.
fail_page_allocs = true;
// Attempt to unmap a single small page, but disallow over unmapping.
err = aspace.Unmap(target_vaddrs[i], 1, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::No, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "unmap single page");
// All mappings should still be present.
// The entire large page should have ended up unmapped.
for (unsigned j = 0; j < ktl::size(target_vaddrs); j++) {
uint retrieved_flags = 0;
paddr_t pa;
zx_status_t result = aspace.Query(target_vaddrs[j], &pa, &retrieved_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, result, "query page");
err = aspace.Unmap(va, alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap remaining pages");
EXPECT_EQ(mapped, 512u, "unmap remaining pages");
err = aspace.Destroy();
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "destroy aspace");
static list_node node = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(node);
static zx_status_t test_page_alloc_fn(uint unused, vm_page** p, paddr_t* pa) {
if (list_is_empty(&node)) {
vm_page_t* page = list_remove_head_type(&node, vm_page_t, queue_node);
if (p) {
*p = page;
if (pa) {
*pa = page->paddr();
return ZX_OK;
static bool test_mapping_oom() {
constexpr uint64_t kMappingPageCount = 8;
constexpr uint64_t kMappingSize = kMappingPageCount * PAGE_SIZE;
constexpr vaddr_t kMappingStart = (1UL << PGTABLE_L1_SHIFT) - kMappingSize / 2;
// Allocate the pages which will be mapped into the test aspace.
vm_page_t* mapping_pages[kMappingPageCount] = {};
paddr_t mapping_paddrs[kMappingPageCount] = {};
auto undo = fit::defer([&]() {
for (vm_page_t* mapping_page : mapping_pages) {
if (mapping_page) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMappingPageCount; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(pmm_alloc_page(0, mapping_pages + i, mapping_paddrs + i), ZX_OK);
// Try to create the mapping with a limited number of pages available to
// the aspace. Start with only 1 available and continue until the map operation
// succeeds without running out of memory.
bool map_success = false;
uint64_t avail_mmu_pages = 1;
while (!map_success) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < avail_mmu_pages; i++) {
vm_page_t* page;
ASSERT_EQ(pmm_alloc_page(0, &page), ZX_OK, "alloc fail");
list_add_head(&node, &page->queue_node);
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0, test_page_alloc_fn);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
ASSERT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "init aspace");
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
size_t mapped;
err = aspace.Map(kMappingStart, mapping_paddrs, kMappingPageCount, arch_rw_flags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Error, &mapped);
if (err == ZX_OK) {
map_success = true;
size_t unmapped;
EXPECT_EQ(aspace.Unmap(kMappingStart, kMappingPageCount, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes,
EXPECT_EQ(unmapped, kMappingPageCount);
} else {
// validate that all of the pages were consumed
// Destroying the aspace verifies that everything was cleaned up
// when the mapping failed part way through.
err = aspace.Destroy();
ASSERT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "destroy aspace");
static bool test_skip_existing_mapping() {
constexpr vaddr_t kMapBase = kAspaceBase;
constexpr paddr_t kPhysBase = 0;
constexpr size_t kNumPages = 8;
constexpr size_t kMidPage = kNumPages / 2;
ArchVmAspace aspace(kAspaceBase, kAspaceSize, 0);
zx_status_t err = aspace.Init();
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
paddr_t page_addresses[kNumPages];
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
page_addresses[i] = kPhysBase + (PAGE_SIZE * i);
size_t mapped;
// Map in the middle page by itself first, using the final settings.
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase + kMidPage * PAGE_SIZE, &page_addresses[kMidPage], 1, arch_rw_flags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Error, &mapped);
// Now map in all the pages.
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase, page_addresses, kNumPages, arch_rw_flags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Skip, &mapped);
// Validate all the pages.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
paddr_t paddr;
uint flags;
err = aspace.Query(kMapBase + i * PAGE_SIZE, &paddr, &flags);
EXPECT_EQ(paddr, page_addresses[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(flags, arch_rw_flags);
err = aspace.Unmap(kMapBase, kNumPages, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
// Now try mapping in the midle page with different permissions.
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase + kMidPage * PAGE_SIZE, &page_addresses[kMidPage], 1,
ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ, ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Error, &mapped);
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase, page_addresses, kNumPages, arch_rw_flags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Skip, &mapped);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
paddr_t paddr;
uint flags;
err = aspace.Query(kMapBase + i * PAGE_SIZE, &paddr, &flags);
EXPECT_EQ(paddr, page_addresses[i]);
if (i == kMidPage) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(flags, arch_rw_flags);
err = aspace.Unmap(kMapBase, kNumPages, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
// Now map the middle page using a completely different physical address.
paddr_t other_paddr = PAGE_SIZE * 42;
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase + kMidPage * PAGE_SIZE, &other_paddr, 1, ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Error, &mapped);
err = aspace.Map(kMapBase, page_addresses, kNumPages, arch_rw_flags,
ArchVmAspace::ExistingEntryAction::Skip, &mapped);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
paddr_t paddr;
uint flags;
err = aspace.Query(kMapBase + i * PAGE_SIZE, &paddr, &flags);
if (i == kMidPage) {
EXPECT_EQ(paddr, other_paddr);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(flags, arch_rw_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(paddr, page_addresses[i]);
err = aspace.Unmap(kMapBase, kNumPages, ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::Yes, &mapped);
err = aspace.Destroy();
// Attempts to validate that unmapping part of a large page will not cause parallel threads
// accessing other parts of the page to fault. This test is only probabilistic and is heavily timing
// and micro architectural dependent, but could serve as a canary.
static bool test_large_region_atomic() {
// Force a large page.
static constexpr size_t alloc_size = 1UL << PGTABLE_L2_SHIFT;
static constexpr size_t target_offsets[] = {
alloc_size - 3 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_size - 2 * PAGE_SIZE,
alloc_size - PAGE_SIZE,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ktl::size(target_offsets); i++) {
// Allocate a large page in the current kernel aspace. Need to allocate in the current aspace
// and not a test aspace so that we can directly access the mappings.
auto kaspace = VmAspace::kernel_aspace();
void* ptr;
const uint arch_rw_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
auto err =
kaspace->Alloc("test", alloc_size, &ptr, 0, VmAspace::VMM_FLAG_COMMIT, arch_rw_flags);
const vaddr_t va = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(ptr);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, err, "VmAspace::Alloc region of memory");
auto cleanup_mapping = fit::defer([&] { kaspace->FreeRegion(va); });
// Spin up a thread to start touching pages in the mapping.
struct State {
vaddr_t va;
uint current_offset;
ktl::atomic<bool> running;
} state = {va, i, true};
auto thread_body = [](void* arg) -> int {
State* state = static_cast<State*>(arg);
while (state->running) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ktl::size(target_offsets); i++) {
if (state->current_offset == i) {
volatile uint64_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(state->va + target_offsets[i]);
// Force read from the address
asm volatile("" ::"r"(*addr));
return 0;
Thread* thread = Thread::Create("test-thread", thread_body, &state, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
auto cleanup_thread = fit::defer([&]() {
state.running = false;
thread->Join(nullptr, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// Wait a moment to let the other thread start touching.
// Unmap a single page.
err = kaspace->arch_aspace().Unmap(va + target_offsets[i], 1,
ArchVmAspace::EnlargeOperation::No, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(err, ZX_OK, "unmap single page");
// If the other thread didn't cause a kernel panic by having a page fault, then success.
UNITTEST("create large unaligned region and ensure it can be unmapped", test_large_unaligned_region)
UNITTEST("create large unaligned region without mapping and ensure it can be unmapped",
UNITTEST("creating large vm region, and change permissions", test_large_region_protect)
UNITTEST("trigger oom failures when creating a mapping", test_mapping_oom)
UNITTEST("skip existing entry when mapping multiple pages", test_skip_existing_mapping)
UNITTEST("create large vm region and unmap single pages", test_large_region_unmap)
UNITTEST("splitting a large page is atomic", test_large_region_atomic)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(mmu_tests, "mmu", "mmu tests")