blob: 7f1484c7f54d4466934238de1aadf32f53a7505c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package virtual_device;
option go_package = "";
// VirtualDevice describes how to run Fuchsia using a vm or emulator.
// This message should capture the set of system images necessary to boot the
// device, as well as the hardware characteristics of the device.
// Its primary purpose is to carry virtualization options across system
// boundaries. For example, Fuchsia infra may pass a file containing this
// message from the build to a tool that runs Fuchsia in QEMU, without
// inspecting the message itself.
message VirtualDevice {
// The name of this virtual device.
// This is meant to help humans identify this device.
string name = 1;
// Metadata indicating how to run QEMU.
QEMU qemu = 2;
// The name of the system kernel image in images.json.
string kernel = 3;
// The name of the initial ramdisk image in images.json.
string initrd = 4;
// Optional. The primary disk drive for this device.
Drive drive = 5;
// The device characterics.
HardwareProfile hw = 6;
// Kernel command line arguments.
repeated string kernel_args = 7;
// QEMU describes how to run a VirtualDevice in QEMU.
message QEMU {
// The maximum supported QEMU version.
string max_version = 1;
// The minimum supported QEMU version.
string min_version = 2;
// A PCI disk drive.
message Drive {
// The name of the drive.
string id = 1;
// A pointer to the image to use as a basis for the drive.
string image = 2;
// If true, image is the name of a file to use for this drive. This is useful
// if the drive is, for example, a MinFS image. The path may be relative or
// absolute, depending on the use case.
// If false, image is the name of an image in images.json whose path attribute
// points to the file backing this device.
// Defaults to false.
bool is_filename = 3;
// DEPRECATED: Use device instead.
// TODO(kjharland): Refactor //tools/qemu.go to use device and remove this.
// The PCI address for the device.
// Defaults to the empty string.
string pci_address = 4;
Device device = 5;
message HardwareProfile {
// The CPU architecture.
// This must be one of:
// - arm64
// - x64
string arch = 1;
// The number of CPUs.
// Defaults to 1.
uint32 cpu_count = 2;
// The amount of RAM expressed as a string like "5M".
// The number must be a positive 64-bit integer in base 10.
// The unit must be any of:
// - m|M for megabytes
// - g|G for gigabytes.
string ram = 3;
// The MAC address to use for the device.
string mac = 4;
// Optional networking devices.
// If unset, networking is disabled.
repeated Netdev network_devices = 5;
// Optional list of drives to mount.
// If any drive is a USB, remember to specify a USB host controller.
repeated Drive drives = 6;
// Optional USB host controller interface.
// This must be set if USB drives are specified. The only supported value is
// 'xhci'.
string hci = 7;
// Whether to enable KVM.
// Defaults to false.
bool enable_kvm = 8;
message Netdev {
Device device = 1;
string id = 2;
// One of "user" or "tap".
string kind = 3;
message Device {
string model = 1;
// Named fields that and can be added to `-device` options.
repeated string options = 2;