blob: 6e43c589dd050157240aa189d2120a26800949ec [file] [log] [blame]
Eigen is primarily MPL2 licensed\. See COPYING\.MPL2 and these links:
Some files contain third-party code under BSD or LGPL licenses, whence the other
COPYING\.\* files here\.
All the LGPL code is either LGPL 2\.1-only, or LGPL 2\.1-or-later\.
For this reason, the COPYING\.LGPL file contains the LGPL 2\.1 text\.
If you want to guarantee that the Eigen code that you are #including is licensed
under the MPL2 and possibly more permissive licenses \(like BSD\), #define this
preprocessor symbol:
For example, with most compilers, you could add this to your project CXXFLAGS:
This will cause a compilation error to be generated if you #include any code that is
LGPL licensed\.