blob: 3eea56ec8154cba3cdd5b5ae5723de1012b1c993 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This crate defines a
//! [Wadler-style](
//! pretty-printing API.
//! Start with with the static functions of [Doc](enum.Doc.html).
//! ## Quick start
//! Let's pretty-print simple sexps! We want to pretty print sexps like
//! ```lisp
//! (1 2 3)
//! ```
//! or, if the line would be too long, like
//! ```lisp
//! ((1)
//! (2 3)
//! (4 5 6))
//! ```
//! A _simple symbolic expression_ consists of a numeric _atom_ or a nested ordered _list_ of
//! symbolic expression children.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate pretty;
//! # use pretty::*;
//! enum SExp {
//! Atom(u32),
//! List(Vec<SExp>),
//! }
//! use SExp::*;
//! # fn main() { }
//! ```
//! We define a simple conversion to a [Doc](enum.Doc.html). Atoms are rendered as strings; lists
//! are recursively rendered, with spaces between children where appropriate. Children are
//! [nested]() and [grouped](), allowing them to be laid out in a single line as appropriate.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate pretty;
//! # use pretty::*;
//! # enum SExp {
//! # Atom(u32),
//! # List(Vec<SExp>),
//! # }
//! # use SExp::*;
//! impl SExp {
//! /// Return a pretty printed format of self.
//! pub fn to_doc(&self) -> Doc<BoxDoc<()>> {
//! match *self {
//! Atom(ref x) => Doc::as_string(x),
//! List(ref xs) =>
//! Doc::text("(")
//! .append(Doc::intersperse(xs.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_doc()), Doc::space()).nest(1).group())
//! .append(Doc::text(")"))
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! # fn main() { }
//! ```
//! Next, we convert the [Doc](enum.Doc.html) to a plain old string.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate pretty;
//! # use pretty::*;
//! # enum SExp {
//! # Atom(u32),
//! # List(Vec<SExp>),
//! # }
//! # use SExp::*;
//! # impl SExp {
//! # /// Return a pretty printed format of self.
//! # pub fn to_doc(&self) -> Doc<BoxDoc<()>> {
//! # match *self {
//! # Atom(ref x) => Doc::as_string(x),
//! # List(ref xs) =>
//! # Doc::text("(")
//! # .append(Doc::intersperse(xs.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_doc()), Doc::space()).nest(1).group())
//! # .append(Doc::text(")"))
//! # }
//! # }
//! # }
//! impl SExp {
//! pub fn to_pretty(&self, width: usize) -> String {
//! let mut w = Vec::new();
//! self.to_doc().render(width, &mut w).unwrap();
//! String::from_utf8(w).unwrap()
//! }
//! }
//! # fn main() { }
//! ```
//! And finally we can test that the nesting and grouping behaves as we expected.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate pretty;
//! # use pretty::*;
//! # enum SExp {
//! # Atom(u32),
//! # List(Vec<SExp>),
//! # }
//! # use SExp::*;
//! # impl SExp {
//! # /// Return a pretty printed format of self.
//! # pub fn to_doc(&self) -> Doc<BoxDoc<()>> {
//! # match *self {
//! # Atom(ref x) => Doc::as_string(x),
//! # List(ref xs) =>
//! # Doc::text("(")
//! # .append(Doc::intersperse(xs.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_doc()), Doc::space()).nest(1).group())
//! # .append(Doc::text(")"))
//! # }
//! # }
//! # }
//! # impl SExp {
//! # pub fn to_pretty(&self, width: usize) -> String {
//! # let mut w = Vec::new();
//! # self.to_doc().render(width, &mut w).unwrap();
//! # String::from_utf8(w).unwrap()
//! # }
//! # }
//! # fn main() {
//! let atom = SExp::Atom(5);
//! assert_eq!("5", atom.to_pretty(10));
//! let list = SExp::List(vec![SExp::Atom(1), SExp::Atom(2), SExp::Atom(3)]);
//! assert_eq!("(1 2 3)", list.to_pretty(10));
//! assert_eq!("\
//! (1
//! 2
//! 3)", list.to_pretty(5));
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Advanced usage
//! There's a more efficient pattern that uses the [DocAllocator](trait.DocAllocator.html) trait, as
//! implemented by [BoxAllocator](struct.BoxAllocator.html), to allocate
//! [DocBuilder](struct.DocBuilder.html) instances. See
//! [examples/](
//! for this approach.
#[cfg(feature = "termcolor")]
pub extern crate termcolor;
extern crate typed_arena;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Deref;
#[cfg(feature = "termcolor")]
use termcolor::{ColorSpec, WriteColor};
mod render;
#[cfg(feature = "termcolor")]
pub use self::render::TermColored;
pub use self::render::{FmtWrite, IoWrite, Render, RenderAnnotated};
/// The concrete document type. This type is not meant to be used directly. Instead use the static
/// functions on `Doc` or the methods on an `DocAllocator`.
/// The `T` parameter is used to abstract over pointers to `Doc`. See `RefDoc` and `BoxDoc` for how
/// it is used
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Doc<'a, T, A = ()> {
Append(T, T),
Nest(usize, T),
Text(Cow<'a, str>),
Annotated(A, T),
impl<'a, T, A> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// An empty document.
pub fn nil() -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// The text `t.to_string()`.
/// The given text must not contain line breaks.
pub fn as_string<U: ToString>(data: U) -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// A single newline.
pub fn newline() -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// The given text, which must not contain line breaks.
pub fn text<U: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(data: U) -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// A space.
pub fn space() -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
impl<'a, A> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A> {
/// Append the given document after this document.
pub fn append<D>(self, that: D) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>
D: Into<Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>>,
DocBuilder(&BOX_ALLOCATOR, self).append(that).into()
/// A single document concatenating all the given documents.
pub fn concat<I>(docs: I) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>>,
docs.into_iter().fold(Doc::nil(), |a, b| a.append(b))
/// A single document interspersing the given separator `S` between the given documents. For
/// example, if the documents are `[A, B, C, ..., Z]`, this yields `[A, S, B, S, C, S, ..., S, Z]`.
/// Compare [the `intersperse` method from the `itertools` crate](
pub fn intersperse<I, S>(docs: I, separator: S) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>>,
S: Into<Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>> + Clone,
A: Clone,
let mut result = Doc::nil();
let mut iter = docs.into_iter();
if let Some(first) = {
result = result.append(first);
for doc in iter {
result = result.append(separator.clone());
result = result.append(doc);
/// Mark this document as a group.
/// Groups are layed out on a single line if possible. Within a group, all basic documents with
/// several possible layouts are assigned the same layout, that is, they are all layed out
/// horizontally and combined into a one single line, or they are each layed out on their own
/// line.
pub fn group(self) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A> {
DocBuilder(&BOX_ALLOCATOR, self).group().into()
/// Increase the indentation level of this document.
pub fn nest(self, offset: usize) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A> {
DocBuilder(&BOX_ALLOCATOR, self).nest(offset).into()
pub fn annotate(self, ann: A) -> Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A> {
DocBuilder(&BOX_ALLOCATOR, self).annotate(ann).into()
impl<'a, T, A, S> From<S> for Doc<'a, T, A>
S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>,
fn from(s: S) -> Doc<'a, T, A> {
pub struct Pretty<'a, T, A>
A: 'a,
T: 'a,
doc: &'a Doc<'a, T, A>,
width: usize,
impl<'a, T, A> fmt::Display for Pretty<'a, T, A>
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'a, T, A>>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.doc.render_fmt(self.width, f)
impl<'a, T, A> Doc<'a, T, A> {
/// Writes a rendered document to a `std::io::Write` object.
pub fn render<'b, W>(&'b self, width: usize, out: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'b, T, A>>,
W: ?Sized + io::Write,
self.render_raw(width, &mut IoWrite::new(out))
/// Writes a rendered document to a `std::fmt::Write` object.
pub fn render_fmt<'b, W>(&'b self, width: usize, out: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'b, T, A>>,
W: ?Sized + fmt::Write,
self.render_raw(width, &mut FmtWrite::new(out))
/// Writes a rendered document to a `RenderAnnotated<A>` object.
pub fn render_raw<'b, W>(&'b self, width: usize, out: &mut W) -> Result<(), W::Error>
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'b, T, A>>,
W: ?Sized + render::RenderAnnotated<A>,
render::best(self, width, out)
/// Returns a value which implements `std::fmt::Display`
/// ```
/// use pretty::Doc;
/// let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
/// Doc::text("hello").append(Doc::space()).append(Doc::text("world"))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(format!("{}", doc.pretty(80)), "hello world");
/// ```
pub fn pretty<'b>(&'b self, width: usize) -> Pretty<'b, T, A>
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'b, T, A>>,
Pretty { doc: self, width }
#[cfg(feature = "termcolor")]
impl<'a, T> Doc<'a, T, ColorSpec> {
pub fn render_colored<'b, W>(&'b self, width: usize, out: W) -> io::Result<()>
T: Deref<Target = Doc<'b, T, ColorSpec>>,
W: WriteColor,
render::best(self, width, &mut TermColored::new(out))
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct BoxDoc<'a, A>(Box<Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>>);
impl<'a, A> fmt::Debug for BoxDoc<'a, A>
A: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a, A> BoxDoc<'a, A> {
fn new(doc: Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>) -> BoxDoc<'a, A> {
impl<'a, A> Deref for BoxDoc<'a, A> {
type Target = Doc<'a, BoxDoc<'a, A>, A>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// The `DocBuilder` type allows for convenient appending of documents even for arena allocated
/// documents by storing the arena inline.
#[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct DocBuilder<'a, D, A = ()>(pub &'a D, pub Doc<'a, D::Doc, A>)
D: ?Sized + DocAllocator<'a, A> + 'a;
impl<'a, A, D> Clone for DocBuilder<'a, D, A>
A: Clone,
D: DocAllocator<'a, A> + 'a,
D::Doc: Clone,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
DocBuilder(self.0, self.1.clone())
impl<'a, D, A> Into<Doc<'a, D::Doc, A>> for DocBuilder<'a, D, A>
D: ?Sized + DocAllocator<'a, A>,
fn into(self) -> Doc<'a, D::Doc, A> {
/// The `DocAllocator` trait abstracts over a type which can allocate (pointers to) `Doc`.
pub trait DocAllocator<'a, A = ()> {
type Doc: Deref<Target = Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>>;
fn alloc(&'a self, Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>) -> Self::Doc;
/// Allocate an empty document.
fn nil(&'a self) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A> {
DocBuilder(self, Doc::Nil)
/// Allocate a single newline.
fn newline(&'a self) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A> {
DocBuilder(self, Doc::Newline)
/// Allocate a single space.
fn space(&'a self) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A> {
DocBuilder(self, Doc::Space)
/// Allocate a document containing the text `t.to_string()`.
/// The given text must not contain line breaks.
fn as_string<U: ToString>(&'a self, data: U) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A> {
/// Allocate a document containing the given text.
/// The given text must not contain line breaks.
fn text<U: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(&'a self, data: U) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A> {
DocBuilder(self, Doc::Text(data.into()))
/// Allocate a document concatenating the given documents.
fn concat<I>(&'a self, docs: I) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>>,
docs.into_iter().fold(self.nil(), |a, b| a.append(b))
/// Allocate a document that intersperses the given separator `S` between the given documents
/// `[A, B, C, ..., Z]`, yielding `[A, S, B, S, C, S, ..., S, Z]`.
/// Compare [the `intersperse` method from the `itertools` crate](
fn intersperse<I, S>(&'a self, docs: I, separator: S) -> DocBuilder<'a, Self, A>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>>,
S: Into<Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>> + Clone,
let mut result = self.nil();
let mut iter = docs.into_iter();
if let Some(first) = {
result = result.append(first);
for doc in iter {
result = result.append(separator.clone());
result = result.append(doc);
impl<'a, 's, D, A> DocBuilder<'a, D, A>
D: ?Sized + DocAllocator<'a, A>,
/// Append the given document after this document.
pub fn append<E>(self, that: E) -> DocBuilder<'a, D, A>
E: Into<Doc<'a, D::Doc, A>>,
let DocBuilder(allocator, this) = self;
let that = that.into();
let doc = match (this, that) {
(Doc::Nil, that) => that,
(this, Doc::Nil) => this,
(this, that) => Doc::Append(allocator.alloc(this), allocator.alloc(that)),
DocBuilder(allocator, doc)
/// Mark this document as a group.
/// Groups are layed out on a single line if possible. Within a group, all basic documents with
/// several possible layouts are assigned the same layout, that is, they are all layed out
/// horizontally and combined into a one single line, or they are each layed out on their own
/// line.
pub fn group(self) -> DocBuilder<'a, D, A> {
let DocBuilder(allocator, this) = self;
DocBuilder(allocator, Doc::Group(allocator.alloc(this)))
/// Increase the indentation level of this document.
pub fn nest(self, offset: usize) -> DocBuilder<'a, D, A> {
if offset == 0 {
return self;
let DocBuilder(allocator, this) = self;
DocBuilder(allocator, Doc::Nest(offset, allocator.alloc(this)))
pub fn annotate(self, ann: A) -> DocBuilder<'a, D, A> {
let DocBuilder(allocator, this) = self;
DocBuilder(allocator, Doc::Annotated(ann, allocator.alloc(this)))
/// Newtype wrapper for `&Doc`
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct RefDoc<'a, A: 'a>(&'a Doc<'a, RefDoc<'a, A>, A>);
impl<'a, A> fmt::Debug for RefDoc<'a, A>
A: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a, A> Deref for RefDoc<'a, A> {
type Target = Doc<'a, RefDoc<'a, A>, A>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// An arena which can be used to allocate `Doc` values.
pub type Arena<'a, A = ()> = typed_arena::Arena<Doc<'a, RefDoc<'a, A>, A>>;
impl<'a, D, A> DocAllocator<'a, A> for &'a D
D: ?Sized + DocAllocator<'a, A>,
type Doc = D::Doc;
fn alloc(&'a self, doc: Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>) -> Self::Doc {
impl<'a, A> DocAllocator<'a, A> for Arena<'a, A> {
type Doc = RefDoc<'a, A>;
fn alloc(&'a self, doc: Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>) -> Self::Doc {
RefDoc(match doc {
// Return 'static references for unit variants to save a small
// amount of space in the arena
Doc::Nil => &Doc::Nil,
Doc::Space => &Doc::Space,
Doc::Newline => &Doc::Newline,
_ => Arena::alloc(self, doc),
pub struct BoxAllocator;
static BOX_ALLOCATOR: BoxAllocator = BoxAllocator;
impl<'a, A> DocAllocator<'a, A> for BoxAllocator {
type Doc = BoxDoc<'a, A>;
fn alloc(&'a self, doc: Doc<'a, Self::Doc, A>) -> Self::Doc {
mod tests {
use super::*;
macro_rules! test {
($size:expr, $actual:expr, $expected:expr) => {
let mut s = String::new();
$actual.render_fmt($size, &mut s).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, $expected);
($actual:expr, $expected:expr) => {
test!(70, $actual, $expected)
fn box_doc_inference() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
test!(doc, "test test");
fn newline_in_text() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
.append(Doc::text("\"test\n test\""))
test!(5, doc, "test\n \"test\n test\"");
fn forced_newline() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
test!(doc, "test\ntest");
fn space_do_not_reset_pos() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(Doc::text("test").append(Doc::space()))
test!(9, doc, "test test\ntest");
// Tests that the `Doc::newline()` does not cause the rest of document to think that it fits on
// a single line but instead breaks on the `Doc::space()` to fit with 6 columns
fn newline_does_not_cause_next_line_to_be_to_long() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
test!(6, doc, "test\ntest\ntest");
fn block() {
let doc = Doc::<_>::group(
test!(5, doc, "{\n test\n test\n}");
fn annotation_no_panic() {
let doc = Doc::group(
test!(doc, "test\ntest");