blob: 1b4de71e9faad1d525659c1c7a45104a74a68df9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Configuration types
use std::time::Duration;
/// Indicates whether only the provided directory or its sub-directories as well should be watched
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub enum RecursiveMode {
/// Watch all sub-directories as well, including directories created after installing the watch
/// Watch only the provided directory
impl RecursiveMode {
pub(crate) fn is_recursive(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
RecursiveMode::Recursive => true,
RecursiveMode::NonRecursive => false,
/// Runtime configuration items for watchers.
/// See the [`Watcher::configure`](../trait.Watcher.html#tymethod.configure) method for usage.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Config {
/// Enable or disable emitting precise event classification.
/// Applicable to all watchers.
/// When enabled, events are emitted with a `kind` set to as much precision about what kind of
/// event they are as the backend is capable of providing. When disabled (default), events are
/// instead emitted as `EventKind::Any`. `EventKind::Other` meta-events are left alone.
/// Enable or disable emitting `Notice` events.
/// Applicable to debounced watchers only.
/// When enabled, the first modify or remove event for a path is emitted immediately with a
/// [`Flag::Notice`](../event/enum.Flag.html) attribute within a debouncing period, enabling
/// applications to respond more quickly.
/// Enable or disable emitting `Ongoing` events.
/// Applicable to debounced watchers only.
/// When enabled, partial write events that are received after a `Modify(Data)` Notice but
/// before the end of a debouncing period (and the emission of a `Modify(Data)` event) are
/// passed through as `Modify(Data)` events with an `Ongoing` flag. These events are still
/// debounced, but at a lower (configurable) interval than the debouncing interval.
/// To enable, provide `Some(Duration)`. To disable, provide `None`.
/// # Errors
/// - `InvalidConfigValue` if the interval provided is higher than the debounce interval.