blob: e712893bfcca7217caf79729c26890991336a5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Uses the `signal-hook` crate to catch the Ctrl-C signal.
//! Run with:
//! ```
//! cargo run --example unix-signal
//! ```
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use std::os::unix::{io::AsRawFd, net::UnixStream};
use async_io::Async;
use futures_lite::{future, prelude::*};
future::block_on(async {
// Create a Unix stream that receives a byte on each signal occurrence.
let (a, mut b) = Async::<UnixStream>::pair()?;
signal_hook::low_level::pipe::register_raw(signal_hook::consts::SIGINT, a.as_raw_fd())?;
println!("Waiting for Ctrl-C...");
// Receive a byte that indicates the Ctrl-C signal occurred.
b.read_exact(&mut [0]).await?;
fn main() {
println!("This example works only on Unix systems!");