blob: 7189fe5c703867a80d26134bb229f82c61212e35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/coefficient_table_cache.h"
#include <utility>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/fixed.h"
namespace media_audio {
namespace {
CoefficientTable* MakeCoefficientTable() {
return new CoefficientTable(1, 1, cpp20::span<const float>{});
TEST(CoefficientTableCacheTest, CachingWorks) {
using InputT = std::pair<int, int>;
// This function creates a new table. It's a var so it can be stubbed out before each call to Get.
fit::function<CoefficientTable*()> create_table;
CoefficientTableCache<InputT> cache([&create_table](InputT) { return create_table(); });
auto cache_get = [&cache, &create_table](InputT input, fit::function<CoefficientTable*()> fn) {
create_table = std::move(fn);
return cache.Get(input);
CoefficientTable* t1 = MakeCoefficientTable();
CoefficientTable* t2 = MakeCoefficientTable();
auto p1 = cache_get(InputT(1, 1), [t1]() { return t1; });
EXPECT_EQ(t1, p1.get());
auto p2 = cache_get(InputT(2, 2), [t2]() { return t2; });
EXPECT_EQ(t2, p2.get());
auto p3 = cache_get(InputT(1, 1), []() { return MakeCoefficientTable(); });
EXPECT_EQ(t1, p3.get());
// After dropping p1, t1 should still be in the cache.
p1 = CoefficientTableCache<InputT>::SharedPtr();
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p1.get());
auto p4 = cache_get(InputT(1, 1), []() { return MakeCoefficientTable(); });
EXPECT_EQ(t1, p4.get());
// After dropping p3 and p4, t1 should be evicted.
p3 = CoefficientTableCache<InputT>::SharedPtr();
p4 = CoefficientTableCache<InputT>::SharedPtr();
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p3.get());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p4.get());
CoefficientTable* t5 = MakeCoefficientTable();
auto p5 = cache_get(InputT(1, 1), [t5]() { return t5; });
EXPECT_EQ(t5, p5.get());
// t2 should still be cached.
auto p6 = cache_get(InputT(2, 2), []() { return MakeCoefficientTable(); });
EXPECT_EQ(t2, p6.get());
// This should be equivalent to p6 = SharedPtr().
p2 = std::move(p6);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p6.get());
// After dropping p2, t2 should be evicted.
p2 = CoefficientTableCache<InputT>::SharedPtr();
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p2.get());
CoefficientTable* t7 = MakeCoefficientTable();
auto p7 = cache_get(InputT(2, 2), [t7]() { return t7; });
EXPECT_EQ(t7, p7.get());
TEST(LazySharedCoefficientTableTest, LazinessWorks) {
using InputT = std::pair<int, int>;
fit::function<CoefficientTable*()> create_table;
CoefficientTableCache<InputT> cache([&create_table](InputT) { return create_table(); });
CoefficientTable* t1 = MakeCoefficientTable();
CoefficientTable* t3 = MakeCoefficientTable();
CoefficientTable* t4 = MakeCoefficientTable();
bool created = false;
create_table = [t1, &created]() {
created = true;
return t1;
LazySharedCoefficientTable<InputT> p1(&cache, InputT(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(t1, p1.get());
// Should reused the cached table.
create_table = []() { return MakeCoefficientTable(); };
LazySharedCoefficientTable<InputT> p2(&cache, InputT(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(t1, p2.get());
// Should not reused the cached table.
create_table = [t3]() { return t3; };
LazySharedCoefficientTable<InputT> p3(&cache, InputT(2, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(t3, p3.get());
// After p1 and p2 go out-of-scope, the cache entry should be evicted.
create_table = [t4]() { return t4; };
LazySharedCoefficientTable<InputT> p4(&cache, InputT(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(t4, p4.get());
} // namespace
} // namespace media_audio