blob: d9ab3003380e2887bfdadc45ce1ecf5fd80a5b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/fixed.h"
// `coefficient_table.h` is included by ``, which does not have access to
// Fuchsia headers because it is compiled as a host binary.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h> // nogncheck
#include <cassert>
#define FX_CHECK(cond) assert(cond)
namespace media_audio {
// `CoefficientTable` is a shim around `std::vector` that maps indices into a physical addressing
// scheme that is most optimal with respect to how this table is typically accessed. More
// specifically, they are most commonly accessed with an integral stride (that is `1 << frac_bits`
// stride). We optimize for this use case by placing these values physically contiguously in memory.
// Coefficient tables represent one side of a symmetric convolution filter. Coefficients cover the
// entire discrete space of fractional position values, but for any calculation we reference only a
// small subset of these values (see `ReadSlice` below for an example).
class CoefficientTable {
// `width` is the filter width of this table, in fixed point format with `frac_bits` of fractional
// precision. The `width` will determine the number of entries in the table, which will be `width`
// rounded up to the nearest integer in the same fixed-point format. `data` provides the raw table
// data ordered by physical address. If `data` is empty, storage is allocated automatically.
CoefficientTable(int64_t width, int32_t frac_bits, cpp20::span<const float> data)
: stride_(ComputeStride(width, frac_bits)),
frac_mask_((1 << frac_bits_) - 1),
storage_(data.empty() ? std::make_optional<std::vector<float>>(stride_ * (1 << frac_bits))
: std::nullopt),
table_(data.empty() ? cpp20::span<const float>(storage_->begin(), storage_->end()) : data) {
FX_CHECK(frac_filter_width_ >= 0);
FX_CHECK(static_cast<int64_t>(table_.size()) == stride_ * (1 << frac_bits));
const float& operator[](int64_t offset) const { return table_[PhysicalIndex(offset)]; }
// Reads `num_coefficients` coefficients starting at `offset`. The result is a pointer to
// `num_coefficients` coefficients with the following semantics:
// ```
// auto c = new CoefficientTable(width, frac_bits);
// auto f = c->ReadSlice(offset, size);
// ASSERT_EQ(f[0], c[off + 0 << frac_bits]);
// ASSERT_EQ(f[1], c[off + 1 << frac_bits]);
// ...
// ASSERT_EQ(f[size], c[off + size << frac_bits]);
// ```
const float* ReadSlice(int64_t offset, int64_t num_coefficients) const {
if (num_coefficients <= 0 ||
offset + ((num_coefficients - 1) << frac_bits_) > frac_filter_width_) {
return nullptr;
// The underlying table already stores these consecutively.
return &table_[PhysicalIndex(offset)];
// Returns the raw table in physical (not logical) order.
cpp20::span<const float> raw_table() const { return table_; }
// Returns the physical index corresponding to the given logical index.
size_t PhysicalIndex(int64_t offset) const {
auto integer = offset >> frac_bits_;
auto fraction = offset & frac_mask_;
return fraction * stride_ + integer;
friend class CoefficientTableBuilder;
friend class CoefficientTableTest;
static int64_t ComputeStride(int64_t filter_width, int32_t frac_bits) {
return (filter_width + ((1 << frac_bits) - 1)) / (1 << frac_bits);
const int64_t stride_;
const int64_t frac_filter_width_;
const int32_t frac_bits_;
const int64_t frac_mask_;
// The table_ can reference the storage vector storage_ or an externally-allocated array,
// such as an array allocated in .rodata.
std::optional<std::vector<float>> storage_;
cpp20::span<const float> table_;
// `CoefficientTableBuilder` constructs a single `CoefficientTable`.
// Once constructed, the `CoefficientTable` is immutable.
class CoefficientTableBuilder {
CoefficientTableBuilder(int64_t width, int32_t frac_bits)
: table_(std::make_unique<CoefficientTable>(width, frac_bits, cpp20::span<const float>{})) {}
float& operator[](int64_t offset) { return (*table_->storage_)[table_->PhysicalIndex(offset)]; }
auto physical_index_begin() { return table_->storage_->begin(); }
auto physical_index_end() { return table_->storage_->end(); }
size_t size() const { return table_->storage_->size(); }
std::unique_ptr<CoefficientTable> Build() { return std::move(table_); }
std::unique_ptr<CoefficientTable> table_;
// Linear interpolation, implemented using the convolution filter.
// Length on both sides is one frame, modulo the stretching effects of downsampling.
// Example: for `frac_size` 1000, `filter_length` would be 999, entailing coefficient values for
// locations from that exact position, up to positions as much as 999 away. This means:
// -Fractional source pos 1.999 requires frames between 1.000 and 2.998, thus source frames 1 and 2
// -Fractional source pos 2.001 requires frames between 1.002 and 3.000, thus source frames 2 and 3
// -Fractional source pos 2.000 requires frames between 1.001 and 2.999, thus source frame 2 only
// (Restated: source pos N.000 requires frame N only; no need to interpolate with neighbors.)
class LinearFilterCoefficientTable {
struct Inputs {
int64_t side_length;
int32_t num_frac_bits;
bool operator<(const Inputs& rhs) const {
return std::tie(side_length, num_frac_bits) < std::tie(rhs.side_length, rhs.num_frac_bits);
// Creates linear-interpolation filter with frame-rate conversion.
static std::unique_ptr<CoefficientTable> Create(Inputs);
// "Fractional-delay" sinc-based resampler with integrated low-pass filter.
class SincFilterCoefficientTable {
static constexpr int32_t kSideTaps = 13;
static constexpr int64_t kFracSideLength = (kSideTaps + 1) << Fixed::Format::FractionalBits;
// 27.5:1 allows 192 KHz to be downsampled to 6980 Hz with all taps engaged (i.e. at full
// quality). It also allows 192:1 downsampling filters to have at least 2 tap lengths of quality.
static constexpr double kMaxDownsampleRatioForFullSideTaps = 27.5;
static constexpr int64_t kMaxFracSideLength = static_cast<int64_t>(
kMaxDownsampleRatioForFullSideTaps * static_cast<double>(kFracSideLength));
static_assert(kMaxFracSideLength > kFracSideLength,
"kMaxFracSideLength cannot be less than kFracSideLength");
struct Inputs {
int64_t side_length;
int32_t num_frac_bits;
double rate_conversion_ratio;
bool operator<(const Inputs& rhs) const {
return std::tie(side_length, num_frac_bits, rate_conversion_ratio) <
std::tie(rhs.side_length, rhs.num_frac_bits, rhs.rate_conversion_ratio);
static inline Fixed Length(int32_t source_frame_rate, int32_t dest_frame_rate) {
int64_t filter_length = kFracSideLength;
if (source_frame_rate > dest_frame_rate) {
filter_length =
static_cast<int64_t>(std::ceil(static_cast<double>(filter_length * source_frame_rate) /
// For down-sampling ratios beyond `kMaxDownsampleRatioForFullSideTaps` the effective number
// of side taps decreases proportionally -- rate-conversion quality gracefully degrades.
filter_length = std::min(filter_length, kMaxFracSideLength);
return Fixed::FromRaw(filter_length);
static Inputs MakeInputs(int32_t source_rate, int32_t dest_rate) {
return Inputs{
.side_length = Length(source_rate, dest_rate).raw_value(),
.num_frac_bits = kPtsFractionalBits,
.rate_conversion_ratio = static_cast<double>(dest_rate) / static_cast<double>(source_rate),
// Creates windowed-sinc FIR filter with band-limited frame-rate conversion.
static std::unique_ptr<CoefficientTable> Create(Inputs);
// This global struct describes a set of prebuilt coefficient tables.
struct PrebuiltSincFilterCoefficientTable {
int32_t source_rate;
int32_t dest_rate;
cpp20::span<const float> table;
// The list of prebuilt coefficient tables.
// This uses `std::array` so it can directly reference data in `.rodata` without reallocating.
extern const cpp20::span<const PrebuiltSincFilterCoefficientTable>
} // namespace media_audio