blob: 75fbae56b139fc43f24cacb87711f2032837216d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/bit.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/constants.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/format.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/traits.h"
namespace media::audio {
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
class AudioBufferSlice;
// A buffer of audio data. Each entry in the vector is a single sample.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
class AudioBuffer {
using SampleT = typename SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::SampleT;
// Create an interleaved AudioBuffer, from a vector of 1-channel AudioBufferSlices
static AudioBuffer Interleave(const std::vector<AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>>& channel_slices) {
auto format = Format::Create<SampleFormat>(static_cast<int32_t>(channel_slices.size()),
auto buffer = AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>(format, channel_slices[0].NumFrames());
auto buffer_fps = buffer.format().frames_per_second();
auto buffer_frames = buffer.NumFrames();
// Write out the interleaved buffer, one channel at a time
for (auto chan = 0u; chan < channel_slices.size(); ++chan) {
auto slice = channel_slices[chan];
FX_CHECK(slice.format().channels() == 1);
FX_CHECK(slice.format().frames_per_second() == buffer_fps);
FX_CHECK(slice.NumFrames() == buffer_frames);
for (auto frame = 0u; frame < buffer_frames; ++frame) {
buffer.samples()[buffer.SampleIndex(frame, chan)] = slice.SampleAt(frame, 0);
return buffer;
AudioBuffer(const Format& f, int64_t num_frames)
: format_(Format::Create<SampleFormat>(f.channels(), f.frames_per_second()).take_value()),
samples_(num_frames * f.channels()) {
FX_CHECK(SampleFormat == f.sample_format());
AudioBuffer(const TypedFormat<SampleFormat>& f, int64_t num_frames)
: format_(f), samples_(num_frames * f.channels()) {
FX_CHECK(SampleFormat == f.sample_format());
const TypedFormat<SampleFormat>& format() const { return format_; }
const std::vector<SampleT>& samples() const { return samples_; }
std::vector<SampleT>& samples() { return samples_; }
int64_t NumSamples() const { return samples_.size(); }
int64_t NumFrames() const { return samples_.size() / format_.channels(); }
int64_t NumBytes() const { return NumFrames() * format_.bytes_per_frame(); }
int64_t SampleIndex(int64_t frame, int32_t chan) const {
return frame * format_.channels() + chan;
SampleT SampleAt(int64_t frame, int32_t chan) const { return samples_[SampleIndex(frame, chan)]; }
void Append(const AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>& slice_to_append) {
FX_CHECK(format() == slice_to_append.format());
samples_.insert(samples_.end(), slice_to_append.begin(), slice_to_append.end());
// For debugging, display a given range of frames in aligned columns. Column width is a power-of-2
// based on sample width and number of channels. For row 0, display space until the first frame.
void Display(int64_t start_frame, int64_t end_frame, std::string tag = "") const {
start_frame = std::clamp(start_frame, 0l, NumFrames());
end_frame = std::clamp(end_frame, start_frame, NumFrames());
if (tag.size()) {
printf("%s\n", tag.c_str());
printf(" Frames %zd to %zd:", start_frame, end_frame);
// Frames that fit in a 200-char row (11 for row label, 1 between samps, +1 between frames)...
size_t frames_per_row =
(200 - 11) /
((format_.channels() * (SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::kCharsPerSample + 1)) + 1);
// ...rounded _down_ to the closest power-of-2, for quick visual scanning.
frames_per_row = cpp20::bit_ceil(frames_per_row + 1) / 2;
for (auto frame = static_cast<int64_t>(
fbl::round_down(static_cast<size_t>(start_frame), frames_per_row));
frame < end_frame; ++frame) {
if (frame % frames_per_row == 0) {
printf("\n [%6lu] ", frame);
} else {
printf(" ");
for (auto chan = 0; chan < format_.channels(); ++chan) {
auto offset = frame * format_.channels() + chan;
if (frame >= start_frame) {
printf(" %s", SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::ToString(samples_[offset]).c_str());
} else {
printf(" %*s", static_cast<int>(SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::kCharsPerSample), " ");
friend class AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>;
TypedFormat<SampleFormat> format_;
std::vector<SampleT> samples_;
// A slice of an AudioBuffer.
// Maintains (but does not own) a pointer to the parent AudioBuffer.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
class AudioBufferSlice {
using SampleT = typename SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::SampleT;
AudioBufferSlice() : buf_(nullptr), start_frame_(0), end_frame_(0) {}
AudioBufferSlice(const AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>* b)
: buf_(b), start_frame_(0), end_frame_(b->NumFrames()) {}
AudioBufferSlice(const AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>* b, int64_t start, int64_t end)
: buf_(b),
start_frame_(std::min(start, b->NumFrames())),
end_frame_(std::min(end, b->NumFrames())) {
FX_CHECK(start <= end) << "start=" << start << ", end=" << end;
const AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>* buf() const { return buf_; }
const TypedFormat<SampleFormat>& format() const {
return buf_->format();
int64_t start_frame() const { return start_frame_; }
int64_t end_frame() const { return end_frame_; }
bool empty() const { return !buf_ || start_frame_ == end_frame_; }
typename std::vector<SampleT>::const_iterator begin() const {
return buf_->samples().begin() + start_frame_ * format().channels();
typename std::vector<SampleT>::const_iterator end() const {
return buf_->samples().begin() + end_frame_ * format().channels();
int64_t NumFrames() const { return end_frame_ - start_frame_; }
int64_t NumSamples() const { return NumFrames() * format().channels(); }
int64_t NumBytes() const { return NumFrames() * format().bytes_per_frame(); }
int64_t SampleIndex(int64_t frame, int32_t chan) const {
return buf_->SampleIndex(start_frame_ + frame, chan);
SampleT SampleAt(int64_t frame, int32_t chan) const {
return buf_->SampleAt(start_frame_ + frame, chan);
// Return a subslice of this slice.
AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat> Subslice(int64_t slice_start, int64_t slice_end) const {
return AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat>(buf_, start_frame_ + slice_start,
start_frame_ + slice_end);
// Return a buffer containing the given channel only.
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> GetChannel(int32_t chan) const {
auto new_format =
.sample_format = SampleFormat,
.channels = 1,
.frames_per_second = static_cast<uint32_t>(format().frames_per_second()),
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> out(new_format, NumFrames());
for (int64_t frame = 0; frame < NumFrames(); frame++) {
out.samples()[frame] = SampleAt(frame, chan);
return out;
// Return a buffer that contains a clone of this slice.
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> Clone() const {
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> out(format(), NumFrames());
for (int64_t frame = 0; frame < NumFrames(); frame++) {
for (int32_t chan = 0; chan < format().channels(); chan++) {
out.samples()[out.SampleIndex(frame, chan)] = SampleAt(frame, chan);
return out;
const AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>* buf_;
int64_t start_frame_;
int64_t end_frame_;
} // namespace media::audio