blob: 076702bc56a92311d213dce4151249588b3b4079 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/audio_buffer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/wav/wav_reader.h"
namespace media::audio {
// Construct a stream of silent audio data.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> GenerateSilentAudio(TypedFormat<SampleFormat> format,
int64_t num_frames) {
AudioBuffer buf(format, num_frames);
std::fill(buf.samples().begin(), buf.samples().end(),
return buf;
// Construct a stream of synthetic audio data that is uses a fixed constant value.
// As this does not create a meaningful sound, this is intended to be used in test scenarios that
// perform bit-for-bit comparisons on the output of an audio pipeline.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> GenerateConstantAudio(TypedFormat<SampleFormat> format,
int64_t num_frames,
typename AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>::SampleT val) {
AudioBuffer out(format, num_frames);
std::fill(out.samples().begin(), out.samples().end(), val);
return out;
// Construct a stream of synthetic audio data that is sequentially incremented. For integer types,
// payload data values increase by 1. For FLOAT, data increases by 2^-16, which is about 10^-5.
// As this does not create a meaningful sound, this is intended to be used in test scenarios that
// perform bit-for-bit comparisons on the output of an audio pipeline.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> GenerateSequentialAudio(
TypedFormat<SampleFormat> format, int64_t num_frames,
typename AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>::SampleT first_val = 0) {
typename AudioBuffer<SampleFormat>::SampleT increment = 1;
if constexpr (SampleFormat == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT) {
first_val = std::clamp<float>(first_val, -1.0f, 1.0f);
increment = powf(2.0f, -16);
} else if constexpr (SampleFormat == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32) {
first_val = lround(static_cast<double>(first_val) / 256.0) * 256;
increment *= 256;
AudioBuffer out(format, num_frames);
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < out.samples().size(); ++sample) {
out.samples()[sample] = first_val;
first_val += increment;
if (SampleFormat == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT && first_val > 1) {
first_val = -1;
return out;
// Construct a stream of sinusoidal values of the given number of frames, determined by equation
// "buffer[idx] = magn * cosine(idx*freq/num_frames*2*M_PI + phase)". If the format has >1 channels,
// each channel is assigned a duplicate value.
// Restated: |freq| is the number of **complete sinusoidal periods** that should perfectly fit into
// the buffer; |magn| is a multiplier applied to the output (default value is the largest that fits
// into the int container, or 1.0 for float); |phase| is an offset (default value 0.0) which shifts
// the signal along the x-axis (value expressed in radians, so runs from -M_PI to +M_PI).
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> GenerateCosineAudio(
TypedFormat<SampleFormat> format, int64_t num_frames, double freq,
double magn = SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::kUnityValue -
double phase = 0.0) {
// If frequency is 0 (constant val), phase offset causes reduced amplitude
FX_CHECK(freq > 0.0 || (freq == 0.0 && phase == 0.0));
// Freqs above num_frames/2 (Nyquist limit) will alias into lower frequencies.
FX_CHECK(freq * 2.0 <= static_cast<double>(num_frames))
<< "Buffer too short--requested frequency will be aliased";
AudioBuffer out(format, num_frames);
for (int64_t frame = 0; frame < num_frames; ++frame) {
// This is 2*PI * freq * (frame/num_frames), reordered for _slightly_ better precision
double angle = static_cast<double>(frame * 2) * freq / static_cast<double>(num_frames) * M_PI;
double val = magn * std::cos(angle + phase);
switch (SampleFormat) {
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8:
val = round(val) + 0x80;
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16:
val = round(val);
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32:
val = round(val / 256.0) * 256;
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT:
for (int32_t chan = 0; chan < format.channels(); chan++) {
using SampleT = typename SampleFormatTraits<SampleFormat>::SampleT;
out.samples()[out.SampleIndex(frame, chan)] = static_cast<SampleT>(val);
return out;
// Load audio from a WAV file.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> LoadWavFile(const std::string& file_name) {
auto open_result = WavReader::Open(file_name);
FX_CHECK(open_result.is_ok()) << "Open(" << file_name << ") failed with status "
<< open_result.error();
auto r = open_result.take_value();
FX_CHECK(r->sample_format() == SampleFormat)
<< "Read(" << file_name << ") failed, expected format " << static_cast<int>(SampleFormat)
<< ", got " << static_cast<int>(r->sample_format());
auto format = Format::Create<SampleFormat>(r->channel_count(), r->frame_rate()).take_value();
AudioBuffer out(format, r->length_in_frames());
auto size = r->length_in_bytes();
auto read_result = r->Read(&out.samples()[0], size);
FX_CHECK(read_result.is_ok()) << "Read(" << file_name
<< ") failed, error: " << read_result.error();
FX_CHECK(size == read_result.value()) << "Read(" << file_name << ") failed, expected " << size
<< " bytes, got " << read_result.value();
return out;
// Copy the given slice to a buffer that is padded with silence up to the nearest power-of-2.
template <fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat SampleFormat>
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> PadToNearestPower2(AudioBufferSlice<SampleFormat> in) {
int64_t pow2 = 1;
while (pow2 < in.NumFrames()) {
pow2 <<= 1;
AudioBuffer<SampleFormat> buf(in.format(), pow2);
std::copy(in.buf()->samples().begin(), in.buf()->samples().end(), buf.samples().begin());
std::fill(buf.samples().begin() + in.NumSamples(), buf.samples().end(),
return buf;
} // namespace media::audio