blob: fe2dfc27ad90c5ed25f2a3544436a53b1dd73b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/point_sampler.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/channel_mapper.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/sample_converter.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/gain.h"
namespace media::audio::mixer {
namespace {
using testing::FloatEq;
using testing::Pointwise;
using Resampler = ::media::audio::Mixer::Resampler;
constexpr auto kMaxInt24In32 = media_audio::kMaxInt24In32;
constexpr auto kMinInt24In32 = media_audio::kMinInt24In32;
// TODO( Relocate position-related tests here, from audio_fidelity_tests
// TODO( Refactor the set of pass-thru, rechannel, accumulate and gain unittests,
// so they run on SincSampler as well (perhaps moving them into a
class PointSamplerTest : public testing::Test {
static const std::vector<int32_t> kFrameRates;
static const std::vector<int32_t> kUnsupportedFrameRates;
static const std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> kChannelConfigs;
static const std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> kUnsupportedChannelConfigs;
static const std::vector<fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat> kFormats;
const fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat kInvalidFormat =
static_cast<int64_t>(kFormats[std::size(kFormats) - 1]) + 1);
std::unique_ptr<Mixer> SelectPointSampler(
int32_t source_channels, int32_t dest_channels, int32_t source_frame_rate,
int32_t dest_frame_rate, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat source_format,
fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat dest_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT) {
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType source_stream_type;
source_stream_type.channels = source_channels;
source_stream_type.frames_per_second = source_frame_rate;
source_stream_type.sample_format = source_format;
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType dest_stream_type;
dest_stream_type.channels = dest_channels;
dest_stream_type.frames_per_second = dest_frame_rate;
dest_stream_type.sample_format = dest_format;
return Mixer::Select(source_stream_type, dest_stream_type, Mixer::Resampler::SampleAndHold);
// When we specify source data in uint8/int16/int32 formats, it improves readability to specify
// expected values in that format as well. The expected array itself is float[], so we use this
// function to shift values expressed as uint8, int16, etc., into the [-1.0, 1.0] float range.
// Note: 'shift_by' values must be 1 less than might seem obvious, to account for the sign bit.
// E.g.: to shift int16 values -0x8000 and 0x7FFF into float range, shift_by must be 15 (not 16).
void ShiftRightBy(std::vector<float>& floats, uint32_t shift_by) {
for (float& val : floats) {
for (auto shift_num = 0u; shift_num < shift_by; ++shift_num) {
val *= 0.5f;
// Use the supplied mixer to mix without SRC. Assumes no accumulation, but can be overridden.
// Used by tests that do simple mixing and need not inspect the returned position values.
void DoMix(Mixer* mixer, const void* source_buf, float* accum_buf, bool accumulate,
int64_t num_frames, float gain_db = media_audio::kUnityGainDb) {
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
int64_t dest_offset = 0;
auto source_offset = Fixed(0);
auto& bk = mixer->bookkeeping();
mixer->Mix(accum_buf, num_frames, &dest_offset, source_buf, num_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, num_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, Fixed(num_frames));
const std::vector<int32_t> PointSamplerTest::kFrameRates = {
8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000,
44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND,
const std::vector<int32_t> PointSamplerTest::kUnsupportedFrameRates = {
fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND - 1,
fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND + 1,
const std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> PointSamplerTest::kChannelConfigs = {
{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, //
{2, 1}, {2, 2}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, //
{3, 1}, {3, 2}, {3, 3}, //
{4, 1}, {4, 2}, {4, 4}, //
{5, 5}, {6, 6}, {7, 7}, {8, 8},
const std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> PointSamplerTest::kUnsupportedChannelConfigs = {
{1, 5}, {1, 8}, {1, 9}, // Unsupported channel
{2, 5}, {2, 8}, {2, 9}, // configurations --
{3, 5}, {3, 8}, {3, 9}, // maximum number of
{4, 5}, {4, 7}, {4, 9}, // channels is 8.
{5, 1}, {9, 1}, {9, 9},
const std::vector<fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat> PointSamplerTest::kFormats = {
// These formats are supported
TEST_F(PointSamplerTest, Construction) {
for (auto channel_config : kChannelConfigs) {
for (auto rate : kFrameRates) {
for (auto format : kFormats) {
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second, rate, rate, format);
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">"
<< channel_config.second << ", rates " << rate << ":"
<< rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
// Rate mismatch is unsupported
TEST_F(PointSamplerTest, ConstructionDifferingRates) {
for (auto source_rate : kFrameRates) {
for (auto dest_rate : kFrameRates) {
if (source_rate == dest_rate) {
// Use channel configs and formats that are known-good.
auto channel_config = kChannelConfigs[0];
auto format = kFormats[0];
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">"
<< channel_config.second << ", rates " << source_rate << ":"
<< dest_rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second,
source_rate, dest_rate, format));
channel_config = kChannelConfigs[std::size(kChannelConfigs) - 1];
format = kFormats[std::size(kFormats) - 1];
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">"
<< channel_config.second << ", rates " << source_rate << ":"
<< dest_rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second,
source_rate, dest_rate, format));
// Out-of-range rates are unsupported
TEST_F(PointSamplerTest, ConstructionUnsupportedRate) {
for (auto bad_rate : kUnsupportedFrameRates) {
// Use channel configs and formats that are known-good.
auto channel_config = kChannelConfigs[0];
auto format = kFormats[0];
<< "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">" << channel_config.second << ", rates "
<< bad_rate << ":" << bad_rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second, bad_rate,
bad_rate, format));
channel_config = kChannelConfigs[std::size(kChannelConfigs) - 1];
format = kFormats[std::size(kFormats) - 1];
<< "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">" << channel_config.second << ", rates "
<< bad_rate << ":" << bad_rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second, bad_rate,
bad_rate, format));
// These channel configs are unsupported
TEST_F(PointSamplerTest, ConstructionUnsupportedChannelConfig) {
for (auto bad_channel_config : kUnsupportedChannelConfigs) {
// Use rates and formats that are known-good.
auto rate = kFrameRates[0];
auto format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16;
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << bad_channel_config.first << ">"
<< bad_channel_config.second << ", rates " << rate << ":"
<< rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(bad_channel_config.first, bad_channel_config.second, rate,
rate, format));
rate = kFrameRates[std::size(kFrameRates) - 1];
format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT;
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << bad_channel_config.first << ">"
<< bad_channel_config.second << ", rates " << rate << ":"
<< rate << ", format " << static_cast<int64_t>(format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(bad_channel_config.first, bad_channel_config.second, rate,
rate, format));
// This format is unsupported
TEST_F(PointSamplerTest, ConstructionUnsupportedFormat) {
// Use channel configs and rates that are known-good.
auto channel_config = kChannelConfigs[0];
auto rate = kFrameRates[0];
// bad format: one more than the last enum
auto bad_format = kInvalidFormat;
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Chans " << channel_config.first << ">"
<< channel_config.second << ", rates " << rate << ":" << rate
<< ", format " << static_cast<uint64_t>(bad_format));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SelectPointSampler(channel_config.first, channel_config.second, rate, rate,
// PassThru - can audio data flow through a Mix() call without change, in various configurations?
class PointSamplerPassThruTest : public PointSamplerTest {};
// Can 8-bit values flow unchanged (1-1, N-N) thru the system? With 1:1 frame
// conversion, unity scale and no accumulation, we expect bit-equality.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPassThruTest, Uint8) {
auto source = std::vector<uint8_t>{0x00, 0xFF, 0x27, 0xCD, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xA6, 0x6D};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size());
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size());
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < std::size(source); ++idx) {
expect[idx] = static_cast<float>(source[idx]) / 0x80 - 1.0f;
// Try in 1-channel mode
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Now try in 8-channel mode
std::fill(accum.begin(), accum.end(), 0xB4); // fill accum with nonsense (to be overwritten)
mixer = SelectPointSampler(8, 8, 32000, 32000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 8);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Can 16-bit values flow unchanged (2-2, N-N) thru the system? With 1:1 frame
// conversion, unity scale and no accumulation, we expect bit-equality.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPassThruTest, Int16) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{-0x8000, 0x7FFF, -0x67A7, 0x4D4D, -0x123, 0, 0x2600, -0x2DCB};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size());
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size());
std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), expect.begin());
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
// Try in 2-channel mode
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(2, 2, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 2);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
std::fill(accum.begin(), accum.end(), 0xF00D); // fill accum with nonsense (to be overwritten)
// Now try in 4-channel mode
mixer = SelectPointSampler(4, 4, 192000, 192000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 4);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Can 24-bit values flow unchanged (2-2, N-N) thru the system? With 1:1 frame
// conversion, unity scale and no accumulation, we expect bit-equality.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPassThruTest, Int24In32) {
auto source =
std::vector<int32_t>{kMinInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, -0x67A7E700, 0x4D4D4D00, -0x1234500, 0,
0x26006200, -0x2DCBA900};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size());
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size());
std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), expect.begin());
ShiftRightBy(expect, 31);
// Try in 2-channel mode
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(2, 2, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 2);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
std::fill(accum.begin(), accum.end(), 0xBADF00D); // fill accum with nonsense (to be overwritten)
// Now try in 8-channel mode
mixer =
SelectPointSampler(8, 8, 96000, 96000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 8);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Can float values flow unchanged (1-1, N-N) thru the system? With 1:1 frame
// conversion, unity scale and no accumulation, we expect bit-equality.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPassThruTest, Float) {
auto source = std::vector<float>{-1.0, 1.0f, -0.809783935f, 0.603912353f, -0.00888061523f,
0.0f, 0.296875f, -0.357757568f};
// Try in 1-channel mode
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size());
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), source));
// Now try in 4-channel mode
std::fill(accum.begin(), accum.end(), NAN); // fill accum with nonsense (overwritten)
mixer = SelectPointSampler(4, 4, 8000, 8000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 4);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), source));
// Rechannelization tests
// Do we map source channels to destination channels correctly, in the overall mixer context?
class PointSamplerRechannelTest : public PointSamplerTest {};
// Are all valid data values passed correctly to 16-bit outputs for the 1->2 channel mapping.
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, MonoToStereo) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{-0x08000, -0x3FFF, -1, 0, 1, 0x7FFF};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 2);
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 2);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < source.size(); ++idx) {
expect[idx * 2] = source[idx];
expect[idx * 2 + 1] = source[idx];
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 2, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 2);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Validate that we correctly mix stereo->mono, including precision below the source data format.
// The two samples in each input frame should be averaged, for each single-sample output frame.
// This includes resolution below what can be expressed with the 16-bit source format.
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, StereoToMono) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{
0, 0, // Various values ...
0x1, -0x1, // ... that sum ...
-0x1357, 0x1357, // ... to zero.
-0x1111, 0x3333, // positive even sum
-0x5555, 0x1111, // negative even sum
-0x0001, 0x0006, // positive odd sum - the ".5" result shouldn't be lost
-0x2005, 0x2000, // negative odd sum - the ".5" result shouldn't be lost
0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, // positive limit
-0x8000, -0x8000, // negative limit
auto accum = // overwritten
std::vector<float>{-0x1234, 0x4321, -0x13579, 0xC0FF, -0xAAAA, 0x555, 0xABC, 0x42, 0xD00D};
auto expect = std::vector<float>{0, 0, 0, 0x1111, -0x2222, 2.5, -2.5, 0x7FFF, -0x8000};
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15); // right-shift these int16 values into float range
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(2, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Validate that we correctly mix quad->mono, including precision beyond the source format.
// The four samples in each input frame should be averaged, for each single-sample output frame.
// This includes resolution below what can be expressed with the 24-bit source format.
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, QuadToMono) {
auto source = std::vector<int32_t>{
// clang-format off
0x00000100, 0, 0, 0, // should become 0.25
-0x00000100, 0, 0, 0, // should become -0.25
0x00000100, 0x00000100, 0x00000100, 0, // should become 0.75
-0x00000100, -0x00000100, -0x00000100, 0, // should become -0.75
kMinInt24In32, kMinInt24In32, kMinInt24In32, kMinInt24In32, // should become kMinInt32In32
kMaxInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, // should become kMaxInt24In32
kMaxInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, -kMaxInt24In32, -kMaxInt24In32, // should become 0
// clang-format on
// Express expected values as "int24" (not int32) to clearly show fractional and min/max values.
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size() / 4);
std::vector<float> expect;
if constexpr (media_audio::kEnable4ChannelWorkaround) {
// For now, 4->1 just ignores channels 2 & 3.
// TODO( Remove this workaround, once the device properly maps channels.
expect = {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
} else {
expect = {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
ShiftRightBy(expect, 23); // right-shift these "int24" values into float range
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(4, 1, 64000, 64000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Validate quad->stereo mixing, including sub-format precision. Note: 0|1|2|3 becomes 0+2 | 1+3
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, QuadToStereo) {
auto source = std::vector<int32_t>{
// clang-format off
0x00000100, -0x00000100, 0, 0, // [0,2]=>0.5, [1,3]=>-0.5
kMinInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, kMinInt24In32, kMaxInt24In32, // [0,2]=>kMin, [1,3]=>kMax
kMaxInt24In32, 0, -kMaxInt24In32, 0, // [0,2]=>0, [1,3]=>0
// clang-format on
// Will be overwritten
auto accum = std::vector<float>{-0x1234, 0x4321, -0x13579, 0xC0FF, -0xAAAA, 0x555};
// Express expected values as "int24" (not int32) to clearly show fractional and min/max values.
std::vector<float> expect;
if constexpr (media_audio::kEnable4ChannelWorkaround) {
// For now, 4->2 just ignores channels 2 & 3.
// TODO( Remove this workaround, once the device properly maps channels.
expect = {1, -1, -0x800000, 0x7FFFFF, 0x7FFFFF, 0};
} else {
expect = {0.5, -0.5, -0x800000, 0x7FFFFF, 0, 0};
ShiftRightBy(expect, 23); // right-shift these "int24" values into float range
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(4, 2, 22050, 22050, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false,
accum.size() / 2); // dest frames have 2 samples each
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Are all valid data values passed correctly to 16-bit outputs for the 1->4 channel mapping?
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, MonoToQuad) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{-0x8000, -0x3FFF, -1, 0, 1, 0x7FFF};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 4);
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 4);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < source.size(); ++idx) {
expect[idx * 4] = source[idx];
expect[idx * 4 + 1] = source[idx];
expect[idx * 4 + 2] = source[idx];
expect[idx * 4 + 3] = source[idx];
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15); // right-shift these int16 values into float range
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 4, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 4);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Are all valid data values passed correctly to 16-bit outputs for the 2->4 channel mapping?
// Here, we split a stereo source frame to quad output as [L, R, L, R].
TEST_F(PointSamplerRechannelTest, StereoToQuad) {
// Input data in the [L, R] channelization -- arbitrary values in the 24-in-32 format
auto source = std::vector<int32_t>{
// clang-format off
kMinInt24In32, -0x3FFFFF00,
-0x00000100, 0,
0x00000100, kMaxInt24In32,
// clang-format on
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 2);
auto expect = std::vector<float>(source.size() * 2);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < source.size(); idx += 2) {
expect[idx * 2] = static_cast<float>(source[idx]); // First sample should be L
expect[idx * 2 + 1] = static_cast<float>(source[idx + 1]); // Second sample should be R
expect[idx * 2 + 2] = static_cast<float>(source[idx]); // Third sample should be L
expect[idx * 2 + 3] = static_cast<float>(source[idx + 1]); // Fourth sample should be R
ShiftRightBy(expect, 31); // right-shift these int32 values into float range
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(2, 4, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size() / 4);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Accumulate tests
// Can values in our multi-stream accumulator temporarily exceed the max or min values for an
// individual stream? What is our accumulator's limit; does it clamp or rollover?
class PointSamplerAccumulateTest : public PointSamplerTest {};
// Do we obey the 'accumulate' flag if mixing into existing accumulated data?
// The PassThru tests depend on accum FALSE working correctly: just validate TRUE here.
TEST_F(PointSamplerAccumulateTest, Basic) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{-0x1111, 0x3333, -0x6666, 0x4444};
auto accum = std::vector<float>{0x5432, 0x1234, -0x0123, -0x3210};
auto expect = std::vector<float>{0x4321, 0x4567, -0x6789, 0x1234};
auto expect2 = std::vector<float>{0x3210, 0x789A, -0xCDEF, 0x5678};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15); // right-shift these int16 values into float range
ShiftRightBy(expect2, 15);
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(2, 2, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size() / 2);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size() / 2);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect2));
// Can accumulator result exceed the max range of individual streams?
TEST_F(PointSamplerAccumulateTest, BeyondSourceLimit) {
// When mixed 2x and 3x, these full-scale values far exceed any int16 range
auto max_source = std::array<int16_t, 2>{0x7FFF, -0x8000};
std::vector<float> accum(2);
std::copy(max_source.begin(), max_source.end(), accum.begin());
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
std::vector<float> expect_double(2);
std::vector<float> expect_triple(2);
std::copy(accum.begin(), accum.end(), expect_double.begin());
std::copy(accum.begin(), accum.end(), expect_triple.begin());
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < accum.size(); ++idx) {
expect_double[idx] *= 2.0f;
expect_triple[idx] *= 3.0f;
// These values exceed the per-stream range of int16
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect_double));
// These values even exceed uint16
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size());
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect_triple));
// As an optimization, mixers skip mixing altogether if the gain is below a certain mute-equivalent
// threshold. They do this even when "accumulate" is false (technically they should write silence).
// Validate the SampleAndHold interpolator for this behavior.
TEST_F(PointSamplerAccumulateTest, NoOpWhenMuted) {
auto source = std::array<int16_t, 4>{-32768, 32767, -16384, 16383};
auto accum = std::vector<float>(source.size());
std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), accum.begin());
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
auto expect = std::vector<float>(accum.size());
std::copy(accum.begin(), accum.end(), expect.begin());
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
// Use a gain guaranteed to silence any signal -- media_audio::kMinGainDb.
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size(), media_audio::kMinGainDb);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// When accumulate = false but gain is sufficiently low, overwriting previous contents is skipped.
// This should lead to the same results as above.
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), media_audio::kMinGainDb);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Data scaling tests
// These scaling tests involve gain or accumulation, in the context of mixing (as opposed to gain
// unittests that directly probe the Gain object in isolation).
class PointSamplerScalingTest : public PointSamplerTest {
float DbFromScale(float scale) { return 20.0f * log10(scale); }
// Validate data-scaling accuracy in PointSampler mixing, for scaling of exactly 10.0x and 0.25x.
TEST_F(PointSamplerScalingTest, Linearity) {
auto source = std::vector<int16_t>{0x0CE4, 0x0CCC, 0x23, 4, -0x0E, -0x19, -0x0CCC, -0x0CDB};
std::array<float, 8> accum;
// Validate that +20.0 dB scales values by 10x. We calculate our own gain value rather than use
// media_audio::ScaleToDb, as Mixer+Gain interactions (via APIs like that) are what we're testing.
float desired_scale_factor = 10.0f;
float stream_gain_db = DbFromScale(desired_scale_factor); // 20.0f;
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 44100, 44100, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), stream_gain_db);
auto expect = std::vector<float>(8);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < expect.size(); ++idx) {
expect[idx] = desired_scale_factor * static_cast<float>(source[idx]);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// How precisely linear is a gain stage? -12.0411998dB should cause 0.25x in value. Again, we
// directly calculate a db value, since Gain APIs are within the scope that is being tested.
desired_scale_factor = 0.25;
stream_gain_db = DbFromScale(desired_scale_factor); //-12.0411998f;
mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 44100, 44100, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), stream_gain_db);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < expect.size(); ++idx) {
expect[idx] = desired_scale_factor * static_cast<float>(source[idx]);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// kMinGainDbUnity is the lowest gain_db with no observable attenuation of a full-scale signal
// (i.e. how far away from Unity can we be, and still be indistinguishable from Unity).
static constexpr float kMinGainDbUnity = -0.000000258856886667820f;
// This is the highest gain_db with an observable effect on a full-scale signal (i.e. the closest
// possible value to Unity that produces a different result).
static constexpr float kMaxGainDbNonUnity = -0.000000258865572365570f;
// Calculated as follows (validated on various devices/calculators/spreadsheets/etc.)
// Ratio (2^25-1)/2^25, multiplied by full-scale (1.0) float, produces hex equivalent 0x0.FFFFFF8
// Float lacks precision for the final "8" so the result will be rounded. Above this ratio, we are
// indistinguishable from Unity. At less than this ratio -- at least for full-scale signals -- we
// differ from Unity. MinGainUnity and MaxGainNonUnity are db values on EITHER side of this ratio.
// kMinGainDbNonMute is the lowest (closest-to-zero) gain_db at which audio is not silenced (i.e.
// the smallest gain distinguishable from Mute). Although results may be less than our "hex integer,
// right-shifted" pattern can represent, results are still non-zero and thus verify our scale limit.
static constexpr float kMinGainDbNonMute = -159.999992f;
// kMaxGainDbMute is the highest (furthest-from-Mute) gain that silences full scale data (i.e. the
// largest value INdistinguishable from Mute). Consider a gain_db ever-so-slightly above -160dB:
// if the increment is small enough, float32 treats it as -160dB, our "automatically mute" limit.
static constexpr float kMaxGainDbMute = -159.999993f;
// What db value is "half a float32 bit" less than 160.0? This "rounding boundary" marks where
// values become indistinguishable from 160.0 db itself.
// 160 in float is [mantissa: 1.25, binary exponent: 7]. Mantissa 1.25 is 0x1.400000 where the last
// hex digit has 3 significant bits. So "half a float32 bit" here is that final digit's least
// significant bit. Thus for float32, the dividing line between what IS and IS NOT distinguishable
// from -160.0f has a mantissa in hex of -0x1.3FFFFF.
// Reduced to formula, kMinGainDbNonMute|kMaxGainDbMute should be just greater|less than this value:
// -1 * (2^24 + (2^22 - 1)) / 2^24 * 2^7
// sign \------- mantissa -------/ exponent
// How does our gain scaling respond to scale values close to the limits?
// Using 16-bit inputs, verify the behavior of our Gain object when given the
// closest-to-Unity and closest-to-Mute scale values.
TEST_F(PointSamplerScalingTest, Precision) {
auto max_source = std::array<int16_t, 2>{0x7FFF, -0x8000}; // max/min 16-bit signed values.
auto accum = std::vector<float>(2);
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), kMinGainDbUnity);
// At this gain_scale, resulting audio should be unchanged.
auto max_expect1 = std::vector<float>{0x7FFF, -0x8000};
ShiftRightBy(max_expect1, 15);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), max_expect1));
// mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), kMaxGainDbNonUnity);
// Float32 has 25-bit precision (not 28), hence our min delta is 0x8 (not 1).
auto max_expect2 = std::vector<float>{0x07FFEFF8, -0x07FFFFF8};
ShiftRightBy(max_expect2, 27);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), max_expect2));
auto min_source = std::array<int16_t, 2>{1, -1};
// mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, false, accum.size(), kMinGainDbNonMute);
// How we specify expectations for other tests (specify as integral float, shift-right) cannot
// precisely express these values. Nonetheless, they are present and non-zero!
auto min_expect = std::array<float, 2>{3.051763215e-13f, -3.051763215e-13f};
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), min_expect));
// Per mixer optimization, we skip mixing if gain is Mute-equivalent. This
// is equivalent to setting 'accumulate' and adding zeroes, so set that flag here and expect no
// change in the accumulator, even with max inputs.
// mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
DoMix(mixer.get(),,, true, accum.size(), kMaxGainDbMute);
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), min_expect));
// Timing (Resampling) tests
// Sync/timing correctness, to the sample level
// Verify correct FROM and TO locations, and quantity.
// Each test contains cases that exercise different code paths within the
// samplers. A mix job's length is limited by the quantities of source data and
// output needed -- whichever is smaller. For this reason, we explicitly note
// places where we check "supply > demand", vs. "demand > supply", vs. "supply
// == demand". We used the PointSampler in earlier tests, so we already know
// "Supply == Demand" works there. When setting up each case, the so-called
// "supply" is determined by source_frames, and source_offset (into those frames).
// Likewise "demand" is determined by dest_frames and dest_offset into
// dest_frames.
// Verify that the samplers mix to/from correct buffer locations. Also ensure
// that they don't touch other buffer sections, regardless of 'accumulate'.
// This first test uses integer lengths/offsets, and a step_size of ONE.
class PointSamplerPositionTest : public PointSamplerTest {};
// Check: source supply equals destination demand.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, BasicEqualSourceDest) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
std::array<int16_t, 5> source{-0x00AA, 0x00BB, -0x00CC, 0x00DD, -0x00EE};
int64_t source_frames = source.size();
auto source_offset = Fixed(2);
int64_t dest_frames = 4;
int64_t dest_offset = 1;
// Source (offset 2 of 5) has 3. Destination (offset 1 of 4) wants 3.
// Mix will sum source[2,3,4] to accum[1,2,3]
std::vector<float> accum{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
std::vector<float> expect{0x1100, -0x22CC, 0x33DD, -0x44EE, 0x5500};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
mixer->Mix(, dest_frames, &dest_offset,, source_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, dest_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, Fixed(source_frames)) << std::hex << source_offset.raw_value();
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Check: source supply exceeds destination demand.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, BasicSourceExceedsDemand) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
std::array<int16_t, 5> source{-0x00AA, 0x00BB, -0x00CC, 0x00DD, -0x00EE};
int64_t source_frames = source.size();
auto source_offset = Fixed(0);
int64_t dest_frames = 3;
int64_t dest_offset = 1;
// Source (offset 0 of 5) has 5. Destination (offset 1 of 3) wants 2.
// Mix will sum source[0,1] to accum[1,2]
std::vector<float> accum{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
std::vector<float> expect{0x1100, -0x22AA, 0x33BB, -0x4400, 0x5500};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
mixer->Mix(, dest_frames, &dest_offset,, source_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, dest_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, Fixed(2)) << std::hex << source_offset.raw_value();
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Check: destination demand exceeds source supply.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, BasicDestExceedsSource) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
std::array<int16_t, 5> source{-0x00AA, 0x00BB, -0x00CC, 0x00DD, -0x00EE};
int64_t source_frames = 4;
auto source_offset = Fixed(3);
int64_t dest_frames = 5;
int64_t dest_offset = 0;
// Source (offset 3 of 4) has 1. Destination (offset 0 of 5) wants 5.
// Mix will sum source[3] to accum[0]
std::vector<float> accum{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
std::vector<float> expect{0x11DD, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
mixer->Mix(, dest_frames, &dest_offset,, source_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, Fixed(source_frames)) << std::hex << source_offset.raw_value();
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Validate basic (frame-level) position for SampleAndHold resampler.
// For PointSampler, test sample placement when given fractional position.
// Ensure it doesn't touch other buffer sections, regardless of 'accumulate'
// flag. Check when supply > demand and vice versa (we already know = works).
// These tests use fractional lengths/offsets, still with a step_size of ONE.
// Check: after factoring-in positive filter width, source position is exactly at a frame boundary.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, FractionalPositionAtFrameBoundary) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 44100, 44100, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
// To accommodate "sample-and-hold" or "nearest-neighbor" implementations without changing this
// test, we expressly factor-in positive width. Our starting position is in the range (1.0, 2.0],
// where this guarantees that Source has 3. Destination (offset 1 of 3) wants 2.
Fixed source_offset = Fixed(2) - mixer->pos_filter_width();
Fixed expect_source_offset = source_offset + Fixed(2);
std::array<int16_t, 5> source{-0x00AA, 0x00BB, -0x00CC, 0x00DD, -0x00EE};
int64_t source_frames = source.size();
int64_t dest_frames = 3;
int64_t dest_offset = 1;
// We set position so that for fractional source[1:2, 2:3], PointSampler will choose source[2,3].
// Thus Mix will sum source[2,3] into accum[1,2].
std::vector<float> accum{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
std::vector<float> expect{0x1100, -0x22CC, 0x33DD, -0x4400, 0x5500};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
mixer->Mix(, dest_frames, &dest_offset,, source_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, dest_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, expect_source_offset) << std::hex << source_offset.raw_value();
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// Check: factoring-in positive filter width, source position is just short of a frame boundary.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, FractionalPositionJustBeforeFrameBoundary) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 44100, 44100, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
// To accommodate "sample-and-hold" or "nearest-neighbor" implementations without changing this
// test, we expressly factor-in positive width. Our starting position is in the range [1.0, 2.0),
// where this guarantees that Source has 4. Destination (offset 2 of 4) wants 2.
Fixed source_offset = Fixed(2) - mixer->pos_filter_width() - Fixed::FromRaw(1);
Fixed expect_source_offset = source_offset + Fixed(2);
std::array<int16_t, 5> source{-0x00AA, 0x00BB, -0x00CC, 0x00DD, -0x00EE};
int64_t source_frames = source.size();
int64_t dest_frames = 4;
int64_t dest_offset = 2;
// We set position so that for fractional source[1:2, 2:3], PointSampler will choose source[1,2].
// Thus Mix will sum source[1,2] into accum[2,3].
std::vector<float> accum{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x3300, -0x4400, 0x5500};
std::vector<float> expect{0x1100, -0x2200, 0x33BB, -0x44CC, 0x5500};
ShiftRightBy(accum, 15);
ShiftRightBy(expect, 15);
mixer->Mix(, dest_frames, &dest_offset,, source_frames, &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, dest_frames);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, expect_source_offset) << std::hex << source_offset.raw_value();
EXPECT_THAT(accum, Pointwise(FloatEq(), expect));
// When setting the frac_source_pos to a value that is at the end (or within pos_filter_width) of
// the source buffer, the sampler should not mix additional frames (neither dest_offset nor
// source_offset should be advanced).
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, SourceOffsetAtEnd) {
auto mixer = SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 44100, 44100, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT);
ASSERT_NE(mixer, nullptr);
std::array<float, 4> source{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
Fixed source_offset = Fixed(std::size(source)) - mixer->pos_filter_width();
const auto initial_source_offset = source_offset;
std::array<float, 4> accum{0.0f};
int64_t dest_offset = 0;
auto& bk = mixer->bookkeeping();
bk.step_size = kOneFrame;
mixer->Mix(, accum.size(), &dest_offset,, source.size(), &source_offset,
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(source_offset, initial_source_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(accum[0], 0.0f);
// Verify PointSampler filter width. Current implementation is "FORWARD nearest neighbor".
// In other words, when exactly midway between two source frames, we sample the NEWER one.
TEST_F(PointSamplerPositionTest, FilterWidth) {
int64_t expect_pos_width = kHalfFrame.raw_value();
int64_t expect_neg_width = kHalfFrame.raw_value() - 1;
auto mixer =
SelectPointSampler(1, 1, 48000, 48000, fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8);
EXPECT_EQ(mixer->pos_filter_width().raw_value(), expect_pos_width);
EXPECT_EQ(mixer->neg_filter_width().raw_value(), expect_neg_width);
} // namespace
} // namespace media::audio::mixer