blob: 06d53140ffab4429751e2a506779bd43fbf2d000 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/constants.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/format.h"
namespace media::audio::mixer {
struct Packet {
Fixed start; // frame position of the first frame in payload
int64_t length; // number of frames in payload
void* payload; // payload buffer
// Returns the frames in packet which overlap the given range, or returns std::nullopt if there is
// no overlap. The intersection is guaranteed to start and end on a frame boundary. That is, for
// every non-nullopt result, start = packet.start*k for some non-negative integer k.
// The intersection is never larger than the packet or the range. That is, for every non-nullopt
// result, length <= min(packet.length, range_length). For example:
// IntersectPacket(packet = {.start = 0.0, .length = 10},
// range_start = 1,
// range_length = 2);
// returns:
// .start = 1.0
// .length = 2
// .payload = packet.payload + 1 frame
// When the range starts or ends on a fractional frame, the intersection is shifted to include
// complete frames. The intersection starts with the packet's first frame that overlaps the range.
// For example:
// IntersectPacket(packet = {.start = 0.0, .length = 10},
// range_start = 1.5,
// range_length = 2);
// returns:
// .start = 1.0
// .length = 2
// .payload = packet.payload + 1 frame
// The packet may start on a fractional frame position. For example:
// IntersectPacket(packet = {.start = 0.9, .length = 10},
// range_start = 2.5,
// range_length = 3);
// returns:
// .start = 1.9
// .length = 3
// .payload = packet.payload + 1 frame
std::optional<Packet> IntersectPacket(const Format& format, const Packet& packet, Fixed range_start,
int64_t range_length);
} // namespace media::audio::mixer