blob: 2a424cc741691f8eb9894f9f5a59cb04f4c92def [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/constants.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/logging_flags.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/gain.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/timeline/timeline_rate.h"
namespace media::audio {
// A class containing factors used for software scaling in the mixer pipeline.
// Not thread safe.
class Gain {
// Amplitude scale factors are expressed as 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point.
using AScale = float;
static constexpr AScale kMuteScale = 0.0f;
static inline float CombineGains(float gain_db_a, float gain_db_b) {
if (gain_db_a > media_audio::kMinGainDb && gain_db_b > media_audio::kMinGainDb) {
return std::max(gain_db_a + gain_db_b, media_audio::kMinGainDb);
return media_audio::kMinGainDb;
struct Limits {
std::optional<float> min_gain_db;
std::optional<float> max_gain_db;
Gain() : Gain(Limits{}) {}
explicit Gain(Limits limits)
: min_gain_db_(std::max(limits.min_gain_db.value_or(media_audio::kMinGainDb),
max_gain_scale_(media_audio::DbToScale(max_gain_db_)) {
if constexpr (kLogGainScaleCalculation) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << ") created with min_gain_scale_: " << min_gain_scale_
<< ", max_gain_scale_: " << max_gain_scale_;
// Retrieves the overall gain-scale, combining the Source, Dest, and Adjustment controls.
AScale GetGainScale();
float GetGainDb() { return media_audio::ScaleToDb(GetGainScale()); }
// Retrieves the overall gain-scale, combining the Source and Dest controls only.
AScale GetUnadjustedGainScale();
float GetUnadjustedGainDb() { return media_audio::ScaleToDb(GetUnadjustedGainScale()); }
// Calculates and return an array of gain-scale values for the next `num_frames`.
// The calculation is performed in two steps: First, the Source and Dest controls are combined and
// the maximum value is saved. Second, the Adjustment control is added. The return value is the
// max value computed in the first type (the max value from the combination of Source and Dest).
AScale CalculateScaleArray(AScale* scale_arr, int64_t num_frames, const TimelineRate& rate);
// Returns the current gain from each control, including mute effects.
float GetSourceGainDb() const {
return source_.IsMuted() ? media_audio::kMinGainDb
: std::max(source_.GainDb(), media_audio::kMinGainDb);
float GetDestGainDb() const {
return dest_.IsMuted() ? media_audio::kMinGainDb
: std::max(dest_.GainDb(), media_audio::kMinGainDb);
float GetGainAdjustmentDb() const {
return adjustment_.IsMuted() ? media_audio::kMinGainDb
: std::max(adjustment_.GainDb(), media_audio::kMinGainDb);
// These functions determine which performance-optimized templatized functions we use for a Mix.
// Thus they include knowledge about the foreseeable future (e.g. ramping).
// IsSilent: Muted OR (current gain is silent AND not ramping toward >kMinGainDb).
// IsUnity: Current gain == kUnityGainDb AND not ramping.
// IsRamping: Remaining ramp duration > 0 AND not muted.
bool IsSilent() {
return source_.IsMuted() || dest_.IsMuted() || adjustment_.IsMuted() ||
// source is currently silent and not ramping up
(source_.GainDb() <= media_audio::kMinGainDb && !source_.IsRampingUp()) ||
// or dest is currently silent and not ramping up
(dest_.GainDb() <= media_audio::kMinGainDb && !dest_.IsRampingUp()) ||
// or adjustment is currently silent and not ramping up
(adjustment_.GainDb() <= media_audio::kMinGainDb && !adjustment_.IsRampingUp()) ||
// or the combination is silent and neither is ramping up
(source_.GainDb() + dest_.GainDb() + adjustment_.GainDb() <= media_audio::kMinGainDb &&
!source_.IsRampingUp() && !dest_.IsRampingUp() && !adjustment_.IsRampingUp());
bool IsUnity() {
return !source_.IsMuted() && !dest_.IsMuted() && !adjustment_.IsMuted() &&
!source_.IsRamping() && !dest_.IsRamping() && !adjustment_.IsRamping() &&
(source_.GainDb() + dest_.GainDb() + adjustment_.GainDb() ==
media_audio::kUnityGainDb) &&
(min_gain_db_ <= media_audio::kUnityGainDb) &&
(max_gain_db_ >= media_audio::kUnityGainDb);
bool IsRamping() {
return !source_.IsMuted() && !dest_.IsMuted() && !adjustment_.IsMuted() &&
(source_.IsRamping() || dest_.IsRamping() || adjustment_.IsRamping());
// Manipulates the Source control. This is the only control where Mute is currently needed/used.
void SetSourceGain(float gain_db) { source_.SetGain(gain_db); }
void SetSourceMute(bool mute) { source_.SetMute(mute); }
void SetSourceGainWithRamp(
float gain_db, zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type = fuchsia::media::audio::RampType::SCALE_LINEAR) {
source_.SetGainWithRamp(gain_db, duration, ramp_type);
void CompleteSourceRamp() {
if constexpr (kLogGainRampAdvance) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): " << __func__;
// Manipulates the Dest control.
void SetDestGain(float gain_db) { dest_.SetGain(gain_db); }
void SetDestGainWithRamp(
float gain_db, zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type = fuchsia::media::audio::RampType::SCALE_LINEAR) {
dest_.SetGainWithRamp(gain_db, duration, ramp_type);
void CompleteDestRamp() {
if constexpr (kLogGainRampAdvance) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << __func__;
// Manipulates the Adjustment control.
void SetGainAdjustment(float gain_db) { adjustment_.SetGain(gain_db); }
void SetGainAdjustmentWithRamp(
float gain_db, zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type = fuchsia::media::audio::RampType::SCALE_LINEAR) {
adjustment_.SetGainWithRamp(gain_db, duration, ramp_type);
void CompleteAdjustmentRamp() { adjustment_.CompleteRamp(); }
// Advances the state of all in-progress ramps by the specified number of frames.
void Advance(int64_t num_frames, const TimelineRate& rate) {
source_.Advance(num_frames, rate);
dest_.Advance(num_frames, rate);
adjustment_.Advance(num_frames, rate);
const float min_gain_db_;
const float max_gain_db_;
const float min_gain_scale_;
const float max_gain_scale_;
// A single gain control can be muted, set to a fixed value, or ramping.
class Control {
explicit Control(std::string_view name) : name_(name) {}
float GainDb() const { return gain_db_; }
bool IsMuted() const { return mute_; }
bool IsRamping() const { return !IsMuted() && ramp_duration_ > zx::nsec(0); }
bool IsRampingUp() const { return IsRamping() && ramp_start_gain_db_ < ramp_end_gain_db_; }
bool IsRampingDown() const { return IsRamping() && ramp_start_gain_db_ > ramp_end_gain_db_; }
void SetGain(float gain_db) {
if constexpr (kLogGainSetGainCalls) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".SetGain(" << gain_db
<< "), was gain_db " << gain_db_ << ", start_db " << ramp_start_gain_db_
<< ", end_db " << ramp_end_gain_db_;
ramp_duration_ = zx::nsec(0);
gain_db_ = gain_db;
void SetMute(bool mute) {
if constexpr (kLogGainSetMute) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".SetMute(" << std::boolalpha << mute
<< "), was " << mute_;
mute_ = mute;
void SetGainWithRamp(float gain_db, zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type);
void CompleteRamp() {
if constexpr (kLogGainRampAdvance) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".CompleteRamp()";
if (ramp_duration_ != zx::nsec(0)) {
ramp_duration_ = zx::nsec(0);
void Advance(int64_t num_frames, const TimelineRate& rate);
// Caller must fill scale_arr with initial values (e.g. 1.0). The Control must be ramping.
void AccumulateScaleArrayForRamp(
AScale* scale_arr, int64_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& destination_frames_per_reference_tick) const;
// For debugging only.
std::string name_;
// Current gain value.
float gain_db_ = media_audio::kUnityGainDb;
bool mute_ = false;
// A linear ramp from ramp_start_scale_ to ramp_end_scale_ over ramp_duration_.
float ramp_start_scale_ = media_audio::kUnityGainScale;
float ramp_start_gain_db_ = media_audio::kUnityGainDb;
float ramp_end_scale_ = media_audio::kUnityGainScale;
float ramp_end_gain_db_ = media_audio::kUnityGainDb;
zx::duration ramp_duration_; // if zero, we are not ramping
int64_t frames_ramped_so_far_ = 0; // how many frames ramped so far
Control source_{"source"};
Control dest_{"dest"};
Control adjustment_{"adjustment"};
float latest_scale_ = 100.0f; // Guaranteed to not match the first set value.
} // namespace media::audio