blob: 84ba78457df0d986b4c4be140c568f681f7ed33c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/gain.h"
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/logging_flags.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/gain.h"
namespace media::audio {
void Gain::Control::SetGainWithRamp(float target_gain_db, zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "Gain::Control::SetGainWithRamp");
if (duration <= zx::nsec(0)) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_
<< ".SetGainWithRamp non-positive duration (" << duration.to_usecs()
<< " usec); calling SetGain(" << target_gain_db << " dB)";
if (target_gain_db == gain_db_) {
if constexpr (kLogGainSetRamp) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_
<< ".SetSourceGainWithRamp is no-change (already " << target_gain_db
<< " dB); " << duration.to_usecs() << "-usec ramp is ignored";
ramp_duration_ = zx::nsec(0);
if (target_gain_db <= media_audio::kMinGainDb && gain_db_ <= media_audio::kMinGainDb) {
if constexpr (kLogGainSetRamp) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_
<< ".SetSourceGainWithRamp starts at (" << gain_db_ << " dB) and ends at ("
<< target_gain_db << " dB), below min gain (" << media_audio::kMinGainDb
<< " dB); " << duration.to_usecs() << "-usec ramp is ignored";
if constexpr (kLogGainSetRamp) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".SetSourceGainWithRamp("
<< target_gain_db << " dB, " << duration.to_usecs() << " usec)";
// Start ramping.
ramp_duration_ = duration;
frames_ramped_so_far_ = 0;
ramp_start_gain_db_ = gain_db_;
ramp_start_scale_ = media_audio::DbToScale(gain_db_);
ramp_end_gain_db_ = target_gain_db;
ramp_end_scale_ = media_audio::DbToScale(target_gain_db);
void Gain::Control::Advance(int64_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& destination_frames_per_reference_tick) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "Gain::Control::Advance");
if (!IsRamping() || num_frames == 0) {
// If the output device's clock is not running, then it isn't possible to
// convert from output frames to wallclock (local) time.
<< "Output clock must be running! Numerator of frames/ref_tick is zero";
frames_ramped_so_far_ += num_frames;
zx::duration duration_ramped_so_far =
if constexpr (kLogGainRampAdvance) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".Advance for ramp ["
<< ramp_start_gain_db_ << "dB -> " << ramp_end_gain_db_ << "dB for "
<< ramp_duration_.to_usecs() << " usec];"
<< " advancing " << num_frames << " frames to "
<< duration_ramped_so_far.to_usecs() << " usec; total frames ramped is "
<< frames_ramped_so_far_;
if (ramp_duration_ > duration_ramped_so_far) {
// Even after this advance, some duration of ramp remains.
auto scale_offset = static_cast<double>(duration_ramped_so_far.to_nsecs()) /
static_cast<double>(ramp_duration_.to_nsecs()) *
(ramp_end_scale_ - ramp_start_scale_);
AScale scale = static_cast<AScale>(scale_offset + ramp_start_scale_);
gain_db_ = media_audio::ScaleToDb(scale);
} else {
// This advance takes us beyond the end of ramp.
ramp_duration_ = zx::nsec(0);
frames_ramped_so_far_ = 0;
gain_db_ = ramp_end_gain_db_;
if constexpr (kLogGainRampAdvance) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Gain::Control(" << this << "): " << name_ << ".Advance gain is now "
<< gain_db_ << "dB";
void Gain::Control::AccumulateScaleArrayForRamp(
AScale* scale_arr, int64_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& destination_frames_per_reference_tick) const {
TimelineRate output_to_local = destination_frames_per_reference_tick.Inverse();
const auto start_scale = ramp_start_scale_;
const auto end_scale =
(ramp_end_scale_ <= media_audio::kMinGainScale) ? kMuteScale : ramp_end_scale_;
const float inverse_source_ramp_duration = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(ramp_duration_.to_nsecs());
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
zx::duration frame_time = zx::nsec(output_to_local.Scale(frames_ramped_so_far_ + idx));
if (frame_time >= ramp_duration_) {
scale_arr[idx] *= end_scale;
} else {
auto ramp_fraction = static_cast<float>(frame_time.to_nsecs()) * inverse_source_ramp_duration;
auto scale_factor = start_scale + (end_scale - start_scale) * ramp_fraction;
scale_arr[idx] *= (scale_factor <= media_audio::kMinGainScale) ? kMuteScale : scale_factor;
Gain::AScale Gain::CalculateScaleArray(AScale* scale_arr, int64_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& destination_frames_per_reference_tick) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "Gain::CalculateScaleArray");
if (num_frames == 0) {
return GetGainScale();
if (!IsRamping()) {
// Gain is flat for this mix job; retrieve gainscale once and set them all.
AScale scale = GetGainScale();
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] = scale;
// The max must ignore the adjustment control.
return GetUnadjustedGainScale();
// Accumulate from Source.
if (source_.IsRamping()) {
// Since there is no prior gain control, start with 1.0.
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] = 1.0f;
source_.AccumulateScaleArrayForRamp(scale_arr, num_frames,
} else {
auto db = source_.GainDb();
auto scale = media_audio::DbToScale(db);
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] = scale;
// Accumulate from Dest.
if (dest_.IsRamping()) {
dest_.AccumulateScaleArrayForRamp(scale_arr, num_frames, destination_frames_per_reference_tick);
} else {
auto db = dest_.GainDb();
auto scale = media_audio::DbToScale(db);
if (scale != 1.0f) {
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] *= scale;
// Compute the max of the combination of source and dest.
AScale max_scale = kMuteScale;
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
max_scale = std::max(max_scale, scale_arr[idx]);
if (max_scale > media_audio::kMinGainScale) {
max_scale = std::clamp(max_scale, min_gain_scale_, max_gain_scale_);
} else {
max_scale = kMuteScale;
// Accumulate from adjustment.
if (adjustment_.IsRamping()) {
adjustment_.AccumulateScaleArrayForRamp(scale_arr, num_frames,
} else {
auto db = adjustment_.GainDb();
auto scale = media_audio::DbToScale(db);
if (scale != 1.0f) {
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] *= scale;
// Apply gain limits and normalize sub-kMinScale values to kMuteScale.
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
if (scale_arr[idx] > media_audio::kMinGainScale) {
scale_arr[idx] = std::clamp(scale_arr[idx], min_gain_scale_, max_gain_scale_);
} else {
scale_arr[idx] = 0.0f;
return max_scale;
Gain::AScale Gain::GetGainScale() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "Gain::GetGainScale");
if (source_.IsMuted()) {
if constexpr (kLogGainScaleValues) {
if (latest_scale_ != kMuteScale) {
latest_scale_ = kMuteScale;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << ") ***** New gain_scale: " << latest_scale_ << " *****";
return kMuteScale;
auto source_gain_db = source_.GainDb();
auto dest_gain_db = dest_.GainDb();
auto gain_adjustment_db = adjustment_.GainDb();
AScale combined_scale;
if (source_gain_db > media_audio::kMinGainDb && dest_gain_db > media_audio::kMinGainDb &&
gain_adjustment_db > media_audio::kMinGainDb) {
const float effective_gain_db = source_gain_db + dest_gain_db + gain_adjustment_db;
if (effective_gain_db == media_audio::kUnityGainDb) {
combined_scale = media_audio::kUnityGainScale;
} else {
combined_scale = media_audio::DbToScale(effective_gain_db);
combined_scale = std::clamp(combined_scale, min_gain_scale_, max_gain_scale_);
} else {
// If any control is below the mute threshold, silence the stream.
combined_scale = kMuteScale;
if constexpr (kLogGainScaleValues) {
if (latest_scale_ != combined_scale) {
latest_scale_ = combined_scale;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << ") ***** New gain_scale: " << latest_scale_ << " *****";
return combined_scale;
// Like GetGainScale, but ignore the adjustment control.
Gain::AScale Gain::GetUnadjustedGainScale() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "Gain::GetUnadjustedGainScale");
if (source_.IsMuted()) {
return 0.0f;
auto source_gain_db = source_.GainDb();
auto dest_gain_db = dest_.GainDb();
AScale combined_scale;
if (source_gain_db > media_audio::kMinGainDb && dest_gain_db > media_audio::kMinGainDb) {
const float effective_gain_db = source_gain_db + dest_gain_db;
if (effective_gain_db == media_audio::kUnityGainDb) {
combined_scale = media_audio::kUnityGainScale;
} else {
combined_scale = media_audio::DbToScale(effective_gain_db);
combined_scale = std::clamp(combined_scale, min_gain_scale_, max_gain_scale_);
} else {
// If any control is below the mute threshold, silence the stream.
combined_scale = kMuteScale;
return combined_scale;
} // namespace media::audio