blob: f57d0290ad9ecb13c8f652bcf5c4af76e1571827 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Provide ICU time zone files to the given package via config-data.
# The following files will be available in the component's namespace:
# * /config/data/tzdata/revision.txt
# * /config/data/tzdata/icu/44/le/metaZones.res
# * /config/data/tzdata/icu/44/le/timezoneTypes.res
# * /config/data/tzdata/icu/44/le/zoneinfo64.res
# For `testonly = true` targets, the rule will add a marker file:
# * /config/data/FUCHSIA_IN_TREE_TEST
# Please see `` for detailed documentation.
template("icu_tzdata_config_data") {
_resources_label = "_${target_name}_resources"
config_data(_resources_label) {
data_version = "44"
if (defined(invoker.data_version)) {
data_version = invoker.data_version
format = "le"
if (defined(invoker.format)) {
format = invoker.format
assert(data_version == "44" && format == "le",
"Unsupported data version or format")
deps = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision" ]
outputs = [ "tzdata/icu/${data_version}/${format}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
sources = [
# //src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision will be found in the build directory at
_revision_label = "_${target_name}_revision"
config_data(_revision_label) {
deps = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision" ]
outputs = [ "tzdata/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# get_target_outputs("//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision") can only be used in
# //src/lib/icu/tzdata/, so we have to hard-code the file path.
sources = [
# This is usually `out/default/gen/src/lib/icu/tzdata/revision.txt`
if (defined(invoker.testonly) && invoker.testonly) {
_test_marker_label = "_${target_name}_test_marker"
# Includes a placeholder file only for test targets.
config_data(_test_marker_label) {
sources = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata/testing/FUCHSIA_IN_TREE_TEST" ]
group(target_name) {
deps = [
if (defined(testonly) && testonly) {
deps += [ ":${_test_marker_label}" ]
# Provide ICU time zone resource files to the given package.
# The following files will be available in the component's namespace:
# * /pkg/tzdata/revision.txt
# * /pkg/tzdata/icu/44/le/metaZones.res
# * /pkg/tzdata/icu/44/le/timezoneTypes.res
# * /pkg/tzdata/icu/44/le/zoneinfo64.res
# For `testonly = true` targets, the rule will add a marker file:
# Please see `` for detailed documentation.
template("icu_tzdata_resource") {
_resources_label = "_${target_name}_resources"
resource(_resources_label) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
data_version = "44"
if (defined(invoker.data_version)) {
data_version = invoker.data_version
format = "le"
if (defined(invoker.format)) {
format = invoker.format
assert(data_version == "44" && format == "le",
"Unsupported data version or format")
deps = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision" ]
outputs =
[ "data/tzdata/icu/${data_version}/${format}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
sources = [
# //src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision will be found in the build directory at
_revision_label = "_${target_name}_revision"
resource(_revision_label) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision" ]
outputs = [ "data/tzdata/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# get_target_outputs("//src/lib/icu/tzdata:revision") can only be used in
# //src/lib/icu/tzdata/, so we have to hard-code the file path.
sources = [
# This is usually `out/default/gen/src/lib/icu/tzdata/revision.txt`
if (defined(invoker.testonly) && invoker.testonly) {
_test_marker_label = "_${target_name}_test_marker"
# Includes a placeholder file only for test targets.
resource(_test_marker_label) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
sources = [ "//src/lib/icu/tzdata/testing/FUCHSIA_IN_TREE_TEST" ]
outputs = [ "data/FUCHSIA_IN_TREE_TEST" ]
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
# Production components should use ICU data from /config/data
# for storage efficiency and for configuration consistency.
# Tests can include whatever data they need in the test package.
testonly = true
deps = [
if (defined(testonly) && testonly) {
deps += [ ":${_test_marker_label}" ]