blob: 71668ba142436e9b81dac77eba78c421168a3169 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mdns.h"
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "device_id.h"
// Stub implementations of networking functions to make the compiler happy.
// These should never be called from the tests.
mac_addr ll_mac_addr;
ip6_addr ll_ip6_addr;
const ip6_addr ip6_ll_all_nodes{.x = {}};
const ip6_addr ip6_mdns_broadcast{.x = {}};
int udp6_send(const void *data, size_t len, const ip6_addr *daddr, uint16_t dport, uint16_t sport) {
int netifc_timer_expired(void) { abort(); }
void device_id(mac_addr addr, char out[DEVICE_ID_MAX], uint32_t generation) { abort(); }
void netifc_set_timer(uint32_t ms) { abort(); }
namespace {
// Header size, not including the variable-length name.
// 2 bytes type + 2 bytes class + 4 bytes TTL + 2 bytes length.
constexpr size_t kMdnsRecordHeaderSize = 10;
// 2 bytes priority + 2 bytes weight + 2 bytes port.
constexpr size_t kMdnsSrvHeaderSize = 6;
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteU16) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = 0,
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_u16(&b, 0xaabb));
ASSERT_EQ(b.used, 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(*(uint16_t *), htons(0xaabbu));
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteU32) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = 0,
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_u32(&b, 0x11223344));
ASSERT_EQ(b.used, 4u);
ASSERT_EQ(*(uint32_t *), htonl(0x11223344u));
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteSingleNameComponent) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
// Putting a string at offset 0 in the packet
// would cause its loc to be set to 0, which would mean that
// the string looks like it hasn't yet been inserted.
// This is OK in practice because an mDNS packet never starts with a name component.
// Here, we workaround it by pretending the first byte of the packet has already been used.
// This means that we can check that "loc" is set correctly.
.used = 1,
struct mdns_name_segment seg = {
.name = "test",
.loc = 0,
.next = nullptr,
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_name(&b, &seg));
std::string expected = "\x04test";
ASSERT_EQ(b.used - 1, expected.length() + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&[1]), expected);
ASSERT_EQ(seg.loc, 1);
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteMultipleNameComponents) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = 1,
struct mdns_name_segment segs[] = {
.name = "hello",
.loc = 0,
.next = &segs[1],
.name = "there",
.loc = 0,
.next = nullptr,
std::string expected = "\x05hello\x05there";
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_name(&b, segs));
ASSERT_EQ(b.used - 1, expected.length() + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&[1]), expected);
ASSERT_EQ(segs[0].loc, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(segs[1].loc, 7);
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteNameComponentWithLoc) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = 0,
struct mdns_name_segment seg = {
.name = "hello",
.loc = 0xab,
.next = nullptr,
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_name(&b, &seg));
ASSERT_EQ(*(uint16_t *), htons(0xab | MDNS_NAME_AT_OFFSET_FLAG));
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteRecord) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = 1,
struct mdns_name_segment seg = {
.name = "hi",
.loc = 0,
.next = nullptr,
struct mdns_record r = {
.name = &seg,
.type = MDNS_TYPE_PTR,
.record_class = 0,
.time_to_live = 0,
.data =
.ptr =
.name = &seg,
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_record(&b, &r));
size_t expected_len = 2 + strlen(; // length byte + name bytes + null byte
expected_len += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2; // type, record_class
expected_len += sizeof(uint32_t); // time_to_live
size_t record_data_offset = expected_len;
expected_len += sizeof(uint16_t); // record data length
expected_len += sizeof(uint16_t); // string back-reference
ASSERT_EQ(b.used - 1, (uint16_t)expected_len);
// All the other writes are tested above, so we mostly care that data length is calculated
// correctly and in the right place.
uint16_t data = 0;
memcpy(&data, &[record_data_offset + 1], sizeof(data));
ASSERT_EQ(data, htons(sizeof(uint16_t)));
TEST(MdnsTest, TestNoSpaceLeft) {
struct mdns_buf b = {
.used = MDNS_MAX_PKT - 1,
struct mdns_name_segment seg = {
.name = "hi",
.loc = 0,
.next = nullptr,
ASSERT_FALSE(mdns_write_u16(&b, 2));
ASSERT_FALSE(mdns_write_u32(&b, 2));
ASSERT_FALSE(mdns_write_name(&b, &seg));
// Reads a 16-bit big-endian value from a buffer.
uint16_t ReadU16(const uint8_t *buffer) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(buffer[0] << 8) + buffer[1];
// Reads a segmented name from an mDNS packet starting at |index|.
// Returns the resulting assembled string, and the index of the next item in
// the packet.
std::pair<std::string, size_t> ReadMdnsName(const mdns_buf &buf, size_t index) {
std::pair<std::string, size_t> result;
while (1) {
// Safety check so we don't run off into the weeds if the packet is
// malformed.
if (index >= buf.used) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "mDNS index " << index << " exceeds packet buffer";
return result;
// If this is a pointer, jump to where it says.
uint16_t ptr = ReadU16(&[index]);
// If this is our first jump, save the next index, this will be
// the next item in the packet.
if (result.second == 0) {
result.second = index + 2;
index = (ptr & ~MDNS_NAME_AT_OFFSET_FLAG);
uint8_t length =[index];
// If the length is 0, we're done.
if (length == 0) {
// If we never jumped, the next item follows our current index.
if (result.second == 0) {
result.second = index + 1;
return result;
// Otherwise append this segment and proceed to the next.
const char *segment_start = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&[index + 1]);
if (!result.first.empty()) {
result.first += ".";
result.first += std::string(segment_start, segment_start + length);
index += length + 1;
// Verifies that the mDNS packet looks like we expect for fastboot.
// We don't want to implement full mDNS packet parsing here, just check
// a few things to give us reasonable confidence that the packet is good.
// Args:
// packet_buffer: buffer containing the mDNS packet.
// protocol: expected protocol, "udp" or "tcp".
void VerifyFastbootMdnsPacket(const mdns_buf &packet_buffer, std::string protocol) {
std::string ptr_name = "_fastboot._" + protocol + ".local";
std::string srv_name = MDNS_DEFAULT_NODENAME_FOR_TEST "._fastboot._" + protocol + ".local";
std::string aaaa_name = MDNS_DEFAULT_NODENAME_FOR_TEST ".local";
// PTR packet should come first, pointing to the SRV name.
auto [name, index] = ReadMdnsName(packet_buffer, sizeof(mdns_header));
ASSERT_EQ(ptr_name, name);
ASSERT_EQ(MDNS_TYPE_PTR, ReadU16(&[index]));
std::tie(name, index) = ReadMdnsName(packet_buffer, index + kMdnsRecordHeaderSize);
ASSERT_EQ(srv_name, name);
// SRV should come next, pointing to the AAAA name.
std::tie(name, index) = ReadMdnsName(packet_buffer, index);
ASSERT_EQ(srv_name, name);
ASSERT_EQ(MDNS_TYPE_SRV, ReadU16(&[index]));
std::tie(name, index) =
ReadMdnsName(packet_buffer, index + kMdnsRecordHeaderSize + kMdnsSrvHeaderSize);
ASSERT_EQ(aaaa_name, name);
// AAAA should come last.
std::tie(name, index) = ReadMdnsName(packet_buffer, index);
ASSERT_EQ(aaaa_name, name);
ASSERT_EQ(MDNS_TYPE_AAAA, ReadU16(&[index]));
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteFastbootUdpPacket) {
mdns_buf packet_buffer = {};
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_fastboot_packet(false, false, &packet_buffer));
VerifyFastbootMdnsPacket(packet_buffer, "udp");
TEST(MdnsTest, TestWriteFastbootTcpPacket) {
mdns_buf packet_buffer = {};
ASSERT_TRUE(mdns_write_fastboot_packet(false, true, &packet_buffer));
VerifyFastbootMdnsPacket(packet_buffer, "tcp");
} // namespace