blob: f5529e0c951980f78b6c841115b4597e0816a2cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L // Include strnlen() in string.h
#include "fastboot.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/abr/data.h>
#include <log.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <xefi.h>
#include <zircon/hw/gpt.h>
#include "abr.h"
#include "bootbyte.h"
#include "bootimg.h"
#include "diskio.h"
#include "inet6.h"
#include "mdns.h"
#include "netifc.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "zircon.h"
// Fastboot protocol constants.
// Fastboot client will send at most 64 byte commands. Newer versions of
// fastboot can accept up to 256 byte responses, but we don't send anything
// that large so just keep both at 64 for now for better compatibility.
#define FB_CMD_MAX_LEN 64
#define FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE 4
// Constants specific to our implementation.
#define DEBUG 0
#define NUM_COMMANDS 9
#define NUM_VARIABLES 14
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define UDP_INITIAL_SEQ_NUM 0x55aa
// If this bit is set in fb_tcp_state, we're using the TCP drivers and must not
// read packets from the network manually (writing is OK).
#define TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG (0x80)
// Enumeration of the types of packets allowed in the fastboot protocol.
typedef enum {
ERROR_TYPE = 0x00,
QUERY_TYPE = 0x01,
INIT_TYPE = 0x02,
} pkt_type;
// Enumeration of the phase a fastboot command is in.
typedef enum { IDLE = 0, CMD = 1, DATA = 2, ALLVAR = 3 } fb_cmd_phase;
// Current TCP state.
typedef enum {
TCP_STATE_INITIALIZE, // Bringing up the TCP stack.
TCP_STATE_IDLE, // No TCP activity.
TCP_STATE_ERROR, // Fatal error, stop trying to use TCP.
TCP_STATE_CONNECT = TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG, // Waiting for a client to connect.
TCP_STATE_HANDSHAKE_RX, // Reading the handshake packet.
TCP_STATE_READ_HEADER, // Reading a packet header.
TCP_STATE_READ_DATA, // Reading packet data.
TCP_STATE_WRITE, // Writing a packet.
TCP_STATE_DISCONNECT // Disconnecting a client.
} tcp_state;
// Types.
// Fastboot packet.
typedef struct {
uint8_t pkt_id;
uint8_t pkt_flags;
uint16_t seq_num;
uint8_t data[UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
} fb_udp_pkt_t;
// A UDP destination address.
typedef struct {
const void *daddr;
uint16_t dport;
uint16_t sport;
} udp_addr_t;
// fb_cmd_t represents a fastboot command, and contains a function to both
// execute the command and send a response to the host.
typedef struct {
const char *name;
void (*func)(char *cmd);
} fb_cmd_t;
// fb_var contains the name of a fastboot variable, along with either a
// constant value or a function that can get it. This function places the result
// in the second argument, and returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
typedef struct {
const char *name;
const char *value;
int (*func)(const char *arg, char *result);
const char **default_args;
} fb_var_t;
// fb_img_t represents an in memory download image.
typedef struct {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t bytes_received;
void *data;
} fb_img_t;
// Function prototypes.
// Helpers.
void pp_fb_pkt(const char *direction, fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt, size_t len);
void fb_send_data(const char *msg);
void fb_send_okay(const char *msg);
void fb_send_info(const char *msg);
void fb_send_fail(const char *msg);
void fb_send_ack(void);
void fb_resend(void);
// The main fastboot engine.
// To be called each time it is our turn to take action. This usually means we
// just received a packet from the host, but not always - for example, we may
// call this repeatedly to send consecutive INFO packets.
// Args:
// data: received packet data, or NULL to just advance the engine.
// len: data length.
void fb_engine(const void *data, size_t len);
// Functions that respond to each packet type.
void respond_to_init_packet(fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt);
void respond_to_query_packet(fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt);
// Fastboot command functions. These functions execute a command and send
// results/responses to the host.
void fb_reboot(char *cmd);
void fb_flash(char *cmd);
void fb_erase(char *cmd);
void fb_download(char *cmd);
void fb_getvar(char *cmd);
void fb_set_active(char *cmd);
void fb_boot(char *cmd);
void fb_continue(char *cmd);
void fb_staged_bootloader_file(char *cmd);
// Fastboot variable functions. These functions retreive a variable and return
// the value as a null terminated string. They are responsible for sending
// failures to the host when they encountered.
int get_max_download_size(const char *arg, char *result);
int get_current_slot(const char *arg, char *result);
int get_slot_unbootable(const char *slot, char *result);
int get_slot_successful(const char *slot, char *result);
int get_slot_retry_count(const char *slot, char *result);
// Global state.
static uint16_t max_pkt_size;
static udp_addr_t dest_addr;
static fb_udp_pkt_t pkt_to_send;
static size_t pkt_to_send_len;
static char curr_cmd[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN + 1]; // Add space for null terminator.
static uint16_t expected_seq_num = UDP_INITIAL_SEQ_NUM;
static fb_img_t curr_img;
static fb_cmd_phase cmd_phase;
static uint8_t curr_var_idx;
static uint8_t curr_var_arg_idx;
static const char *slot_suffix_list[] = {"a", "b", NULL};
static fb_bootimg_t boot_img;
static fb_poll_next_action fb_poll_action = 0;
static fb_udp_poll_func_t udp_poll_func = netifc_poll;
static fb_udp6_send_func_t udp6_send_func = udp6_send;
void fb_set_udp_functions_for_testing(fb_udp_poll_func_t poll_func, fb_udp6_send_func_t send_func) {
udp_poll_func = (poll_func ? poll_func : netifc_poll);
udp6_send_func = (send_func ? send_func : udp6_send);
static tcp_state fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_INITIALIZE;
static tcp6_socket fb_tcp_socket = {};
// TCP read/write buffer for standard commands/responses (+1 for null term).
// Downloads will read into |curr_img| instead which is dynamically allocated
// so it can hold the complete image.
// Currently we only ever do one of read or write at a time, so they can share
// the same buffer.
static uint8_t fb_tcp_buffer[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN + 1];
// TCP packet read/write length.
// Technically the fastboot TCP protocol supports 64-bit lengths, but our TCP
// APIs do not.
static uint32_t fb_tcp_length = 0;
void fb_reset_tcp_state_for_testing(void) {
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_INITIALIZE;
memset(&fb_tcp_socket, 0, sizeof(fb_tcp_socket));
fb_tcp_length = 0;
// cmdlist maps a command name to the function that handles that command.
static fb_cmd_t cmdlist[NUM_COMMANDS] = {
// This command handles (-recovery|-bootloader) as well.
.name = "reboot",
.func = fb_reboot,
.name = "flash",
.func = fb_flash,
.name = "erase",
.func = fb_erase,
.name = "download",
.func = fb_download,
.name = "getvar",
.func = fb_getvar,
.name = "set_active",
.func = fb_set_active,
.name = "boot",
.func = fb_boot,
.name = "continue",
.func = fb_continue,
.name = "oem add-staged-bootloader-file",
.func = fb_staged_bootloader_file,
// varlist contains all variables this bootloader supports.
static fb_var_t varlist[NUM_VARIABLES] = {
.name = "has-slot",
.value = "",
.name = "partition-type",
.value = "",
.name = "max-download-size",
.func = get_max_download_size,
.name = "is-logical",
.value = "no",
.name = "slot-count",
.value = "2",
.name = "bootloader-min-versions",
.value = "0",
.name = "current-slot",
.func = get_current_slot,
// `ffx flash` requires that "hw-revision" matches the board name.
.name = "hw-revision",
.value = BOARD_NAME,
.name = "product",
.value = "gigaboot",
.name = "serialno",
.value = "unimplemented",
.name = "slot-retry-count",
.func = get_slot_retry_count,
.default_args = slot_suffix_list,
.name = "slot-successful",
.func = get_slot_successful,
.default_args = slot_suffix_list,
.name = "slot-unbootable",
.func = get_slot_unbootable,
.default_args = slot_suffix_list,
.name = "version",
.value = "0.4",
// It seems that TCP initialization sometimes fails early on but succeeds later.
// We don't get much info from the driver, but I suspect that it needs an active
// link to initialize properly, so set a timer to keep trying every few seconds.
static void fb_tcp_initialize(void) {
static efi_event init_timer = NULL;
// Try to connect immediately, and whenever the timer fires.
if (!init_timer || gBS->CheckEvent(init_timer) == EFI_SUCCESS) {
DLOG("FB TCP init attempt");
// Use the link-local IP address synthesized from our MAC.
// TODO: remove our custom IP6 type so that everything just uses
// efi_ipv6_addr directly and we don't have to convert here.
static_assert(sizeof(efi_ipv6_addr) == sizeof(ll_ip6_addr), "IP6 address size mismatch");
efi_ipv6_addr efi_ll_addr;
memcpy(&efi_ll_addr, &ll_ip6_addr, sizeof(ll_ip6_addr));
if (tcp6_open(&fb_tcp_socket, gBS, &efi_ll_addr, FB_SERVER_PORT) == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
LOG("Fastboot TCP is ready");
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_IDLE;
if (init_timer) {
init_timer = NULL;
DLOG("Fastboot TCP init failure, will try again in a few seconds");
if (init_timer == NULL) {
DLOG("Starting TCP init timer");
efi_status status = gBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &init_timer);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
ELOG_S(status, "Failed to create TCP init timer");
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_ERROR;
// Try to initialize every 2 seconds (units of 100ns).
status = gBS->SetTimer(init_timer, TimerPeriodic, 2ULL * 10 * 1000 * 1000);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
ELOG_S(status, "Failed to start TCP init timer");
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_ERROR;
// Waits for a TCP client to connect.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_connect(void) {
// TODO: add some timeout here - if we get a single TCP packet but no client
// ever connects, we will just stay in this state forever. Instead if nobody
// connects after a few seconds we should return to IDLE state so UDP packet
// processing can resume.
tcp6_result result = tcp6_accept(&fb_tcp_socket);
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_HANDSHAKE_RX;
return result;
// Reads the handshake packet from the client.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_handshake_rx(void) {
// Handshake is 4 bytes - "FB" then a 2-digit base 10 ASCII version.
tcp6_result result = tcp6_read(&fb_tcp_socket, fb_tcp_buffer, 4);
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
if (memcmp(fb_tcp_buffer, "FB", 2) != 0) {
WLOG("Unexpected FB TCP handshake RX; disconnecting");
// Make sure we can agree on protocol version. It's OK if the client has a
// higher version, they have to revert to our lower version or disconnect
// if they can't.
fb_tcp_buffer[4] = '\0';
int client_version = atoi((const char *)&fb_tcp_buffer[2]);
if (client_version < FB_TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
WLOG("Unsupported FB TCP protocol version: %d\n", client_version);
fb_tcp_length = sprintf((char *)fb_tcp_buffer, "FB%02d", FB_TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_WRITE;
return result;
// Reads a packet header from the client.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_read_header(void) {
// TCP header is just an unsigned 64-bit big-endian value indicating the
// packet data length.
uint64_t length;
tcp6_result result = tcp6_read(&fb_tcp_socket, fb_tcp_buffer, sizeof(length));
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
memcpy(&length, fb_tcp_buffer, sizeof(length));
length = ntohll(length);
DLOG("FB TCP incoming packet length: %" PRIu64, length);
// UEFI TCP6 read only supports 32-bit length. We can perform multiple
// reads if needed, but for the time being no fastboot packet is going
// to be > 4GiB so just do a quick check here instead.
if (length > UINT32_MAX) {
ELOG("FB TCP packet size too large (%" PRIu64 "), disconnecting", length);
// If we're in DATA phase we read directly into an allocated buffer,
// otherwise it needs to fit in our static buffer.
size_t buffer_size = (cmd_phase == DATA ? curr_img.size : sizeof(fb_tcp_buffer));
if (length > buffer_size) {
ELOG("FB TCP data exceeds read buffer size (%u > %zu)", fb_tcp_length, buffer_size);
fb_tcp_length = (uint32_t)length;
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_READ_DATA;
return result;
// Reads packet data from the client.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_read_data(void) {
tcp6_result result;
if (cmd_phase == DATA) {
// In DATA phase, read directly into our allocated curr_img buffer.
uint32_t data_remaining = curr_img.size - curr_img.bytes_received;
if (fb_tcp_length > data_remaining) {
ELOG("FB TCP RX data exceeds remaining image size (%u > %u)", fb_tcp_length, data_remaining);
result = tcp6_read(&fb_tcp_socket, (uint8_t *) + curr_img.bytes_received,
// For DATA phase only, the image might be spread over multiple TCP messages
// (looks like currently fastboot limits to 512MiB per message). If there's
// more image data to come, start reading again.
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
curr_img.bytes_received += fb_tcp_length;
if (curr_img.bytes_received != curr_img.size) {
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_READ_HEADER;
} else {
result = tcp6_read(&fb_tcp_socket, fb_tcp_buffer, fb_tcp_length);
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
DLOG("FB TCP packet received");
fb_engine(fb_tcp_buffer, fb_tcp_length);
return result;
// Writes a packet to the client.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_write(void) {
tcp6_result result = tcp6_write(&fb_tcp_socket, fb_tcp_buffer, fb_tcp_length);
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
if (cmd_phase == ALLVAR) {
// ALLVAR special case, we send several INFO messages in a row so it's
// still our turn to transmit. fb_engine() queues the next one up.
fb_engine(NULL, 0);
} else {
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_READ_HEADER;
return result;
// Disconnects the client.
static tcp6_result fb_tcp_disconnect(void) {
tcp6_result result = tcp6_disconnect(&fb_tcp_socket);
if (result == TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_IDLE;
return result;
// Fastboot TCP main loop.
// Non-blocking, we still want to return to the main loop to service other
// periodic tasks (e.g. mDNS broadcasts).
static void fb_tcp_tick(void) {
tcp6_result result;
switch (fb_tcp_state) {
result = fb_tcp_connect();
result = fb_tcp_handshake_rx();
result = fb_tcp_read_header();
result = fb_tcp_read_data();
result = fb_tcp_write();
result = fb_tcp_disconnect();
ELOG("Unexpected fb_tcp_state: 0x%X", fb_tcp_state);
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_ERROR;
// On client disconnect or error, disconnect our side and start over. The
// only difference is the logging level, since client disconnect is expected
// in normal operation whenever the host is done.
DLOG("FB TCP client disconnected");
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_DISCONNECT;
} else if (result == TCP6_RESULT_ERROR) {
ELOG("FB TCP error in state 0x%X, disconnecting", fb_tcp_state);
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_DISCONNECT;
fb_poll_next_action fb_poll(fb_bootimg_t *img) {
if (fb_poll_action != POLL) {
// If we're done with fastboot but the TCP session is not yet closed, just
// continue ticking until it closes. This is important so that the fastboot
// client receives the final OKAY message, otherwise it will hang.
if (fb_tcp_state & TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG) {
return POLL;
// The TCP session is closed, we can now move on to whatever our final
// action is, but reset |fb_poll_action| so that if it fails we can get back
// into the normal fastboot loop.
fb_poll_next_action next_action = fb_poll_action;
fb_poll_action = POLL;
return next_action;
if (fb_tcp_state == TCP_STATE_INITIALIZE) {
if (fb_tcp_state & TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG) {
} else {
if (fb_poll_action == BOOT_FROM_RAM) {
memcpy((void *)img, (void *)&boot_img, sizeof(fb_bootimg_t));
// Always return POLL here so that we can continue to tick if the TCP session
// still needs to finish up, the logic at the beginning of this function will
// return the final non-POLL value.
return POLL;
// TODO: consider just switching into TCP mode permanently once the client has
// demonstrated the ability to speak the TCP protocol. It's much faster, we
// could avoid subsequent mode switch delays, and going back to UDP after using
// TCP sometimes appears to increase UDP flakiness.
void fb_tcp_recv(void) {
// If TCP is ready, start listening for a connection.
if (fb_tcp_state == TCP_STATE_IDLE) {
DLOG("Got a FB TCP packet, switching to TCP mode");
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_CONNECT;
} else {
DLOG("Got a FB TCP packet, but TCP isn't available; ignoring");
bool fb_tcp_is_available(void) {
// Fastboot-over-TCP is available if we're idling waiting for a connection or
// if there is currently an active connection.
return (fb_tcp_state == TCP_STATE_IDLE) || (fb_tcp_state & TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG);
// fb_recv runs every time a UDP packet destined for the fastboot port is
// received.
void fb_recv(void *data, size_t len, const void *saddr, uint16_t sport) {
if (len > sizeof(fb_udp_pkt_t)) {
fb_send_fail("received fastboot packet larger than max packet size");
fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt = (fb_udp_pkt_t *)data;
if (DEBUG) {
pp_fb_pkt("host", pkt, len);
uint16_t cur_seq_num = ntohs(pkt->seq_num);
// Prepare the destination address.
dest_addr.daddr = saddr;
dest_addr.dport = sport; = FB_SERVER_PORT;
if (pkt->pkt_id == QUERY_TYPE) {
// Clear the last response.
memset(&pkt_to_send, 0, sizeof(pkt_to_send));
pkt_to_send.pkt_id = pkt->pkt_id;
pkt_to_send.seq_num = pkt->seq_num;
pkt_to_send.pkt_flags = 0;
} else if (cur_seq_num == expected_seq_num) {
// Clear the last response.
memset(&pkt_to_send, 0, sizeof(pkt_to_send));
pkt_to_send.pkt_id = pkt->pkt_id;
pkt_to_send.seq_num = pkt->seq_num;
pkt_to_send.pkt_flags = 0;
if (pkt->pkt_id == INIT_TYPE) {
// Reset the command phase.
cmd_phase = IDLE;
} else if (pkt->pkt_id == FASTBOOT_TYPE) {
fb_engine(pkt->data, len - FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE);
} else if (pkt->pkt_id == ERROR_TYPE) {
LOG("got error from host: %s", (char *)(pkt->data));
} else {
// Send an error to the host.
pkt_to_send.pkt_id = ERROR_TYPE;
snprintf((char *), UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
"fastboot packet had malformed type %#02x", pkt->pkt_id);
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send,
FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + strnlen((char *), UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE),
dest_addr.daddr, dest_addr.dport,;
ELOG("malformed type: %#02x", pkt->pkt_id);
expected_seq_num += 1;
} else if (cur_seq_num == expected_seq_num - 1) {
void fb_engine(const void *data, size_t len) {
switch (cmd_phase) {
case IDLE: {
memcpy((void *)curr_cmd, data, len);
// Ensure that the current command is null terminated, as we will depend
// on this to tokenize later.
curr_cmd[len] = '\0';
cmd_phase = CMD;
// Handle the "getvar:all" special case, as it requires multi packet
// interaction.
if (!strncmp(curr_cmd, "getvar:all", strlen("getvar:all"))) {
cmd_phase = ALLVAR;
curr_var_idx = 0;
curr_var_arg_idx = 0;
// Fastboot UDP does not support combined ACK + response packets, so we
// need to just ACK here and then wait for the host to send the next
// (empty) packet, which will trigger this function again.
// TCP handles ACKs internally, so we can just call this function right
// now to start the response transmission.
if (fb_tcp_state & TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG) {
// |data| and |len| have already been saved to |curr_cmd|, we don't
// need them anymore.
fb_engine(NULL, 0);
} else {
case CMD: {
// Generally, we transition to the IDLE phase after handling a CMD.
cmd_phase = IDLE;
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++) {
fb_cmd_t cmd = cmdlist[i];
// strlen is safe here because the cmd name is specified as a constant
// above.
if (!strncmp(curr_cmd,, strlen( {
found = true;
if (!found) {
fb_send_fail("command not found");
// Clear the current command.
memset(curr_cmd, '\0', FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
case DATA: {
if (curr_img.bytes_received == curr_img.size) {
cmd_phase = IDLE;
} else {
// UDP only; TCP always reads the full image directly into |curr_img| to
// avoid unnecessary copying.
// Keep copying data from the host until we've received all of it.
memcpy( + curr_img.bytes_received, data, len);
curr_img.bytes_received += len;
// Send an ACK to tell the host we received the data.
case ALLVAR: {
if (curr_var_idx == NUM_VARIABLES) {
// If we've gone through all of our variables, send an OKAY and return
// to IDLE.
cmd_phase = IDLE;
fb_var_t var = varlist[curr_var_idx];
char allvar_result[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
if (var.value) {
snprintf(allvar_result, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "%s:%s",, var.value);
curr_var_idx += 1;
} else {
const char *arg = NULL;
if (var.default_args) {
arg = var.default_args[curr_var_arg_idx];
char result[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
memset(result, 0, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN); // Zero out to null terminate.
if (var.func(arg, result) == 0) {
// Since the variable was successfully retrieved, generate the
// formatted key:value pair response and send.
if (arg) {
snprintf(allvar_result, sizeof(allvar_result), "%s:%s:%s",, arg, result);
} else {
snprintf(allvar_result, sizeof(allvar_result), "%s:%s",, result);
} else {
// If we've exhausted all default args, or there are no default args,
// move to the next var.
curr_var_arg_idx += 1;
if (!var.default_args || !var.default_args[curr_var_arg_idx]) {
curr_var_idx += 1;
curr_var_arg_idx = 0;
void respond_to_query_packet(fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt) {
uint16_t be_seq_num = htons(expected_seq_num);
memcpy((void *), (void *)&be_seq_num, sizeof(uint16_t));
if (DEBUG) {
pp_fb_pkt("device", &pkt_to_send, FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(uint16_t));
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send, FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(uint16_t), dest_addr.daddr,
void respond_to_init_packet(fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt) {
// In this case, the response data is 2 big endian 2-byte values containing
// the protocol version and max UDP packet size.
max_pkt_size = sizeof(fb_udp_pkt_t);
uint16_t data[2] = {htons(1), htons(max_pkt_size)};
memcpy((void *), (void *)&data, 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));
// Set the max packet size.
uint16_t host_max_pkt_size = 0;
memcpy((void *)&host_max_pkt_size, (void *)(pkt->data + 2), sizeof(uint16_t));
if (ntohs(host_max_pkt_size) < max_pkt_size) {
max_pkt_size = ntohs(host_max_pkt_size);
if (DEBUG) {
pp_fb_pkt("device", &pkt_to_send, FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + 4);
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send, FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + 4, dest_addr.daddr, dest_addr.dport,;
void fb_reboot(char *cmd) {
// Throw away the reboot command.
strtok(cmd, "-");
char *partition = strtok(NULL, "-");
if (!partition) {
} else if (!strncmp(partition, "bootloader", 10)) {
} else if (!strncmp(partition, "recovery", 8)) {
// Set the reboot flag but don't do it right away so that we can complete
// our TCP session to not leave the client hanging forever.
fb_poll_action = REBOOT;
void fb_flash(char *cmd) {
// Throw away the flash command string.
strtok(cmd, ":");
// Get the partition to flash by getting the next token.
char *partition = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!partition) {
fb_send_fail("no partition provided to flash");
const uint8_t *type_guid = partition_type_guid(partition);
if (!type_guid) {
fb_send_fail("could not find partition type GUID");
efi_status status = write_partition(gImg, gSys, type_guid, partition, PARTITION_OFFSET,
(unsigned char *), curr_img.size);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
char err_msg[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(err_msg, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to write partition; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
void fb_erase(char *cmd) {
// Throw away the erase command string.
strtok(cmd, ":");
// Get the partition to flash by getting the next token.
char *partition = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!partition) {
fb_send_fail("no partition provided to erase");
const uint8_t *type_guid = partition_type_guid(partition);
if (!type_guid) {
fb_send_fail("could not find partition type GUID");
disk_t disk;
if (disk_find_boot(gImg, gSys, DEBUG, &disk) < 0) {
fb_send_fail("could not find boot disk");
gpt_entry_t entry;
if (disk_find_partition(&disk, DEBUG, type_guid, NULL, NULL, &entry)) {
fb_send_fail("could not find partition");
uint64_t offset = entry.first * disk.blksz;
uint64_t size = (entry.last - entry.first + 1) * disk.blksz;
// Allocate some memory to clear.
size_t num_pages = PAGE_SIZE * 16;
efi_physical_addr pg_addr;
efi_status status = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateAnyPages, EfiLoaderData, num_pages, &pg_addr);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
char err_msg[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(err_msg, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to allocate memory; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
size_t increment = num_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
memset((void *)pg_addr, 0xff, increment);
// Clear the partition in 256MiB increments. This value is just large enough
// to erase an entire zircon partition in less than 500ms. Admittedly, this
// is a bit fragile to future partition size increases, so we should
// probably intermittently poll the network interface so the host doesn't
// think the port is closed.
while (size > 0) {
size_t len = (size < increment) ? size : increment;
efi_status status = disk_write(&disk, offset, (void *)pg_addr, len);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
char err_msg[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(err_msg, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to write to disk; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
size -= len;
offset += len;
// Send the OKAY.
// Free the memory.
gBS->FreePages(pg_addr, num_pages);
// Turns a hex string of exactly length 8 into a uint32_t.
uint32_t hex_to_int(const char *hexstring) {
uint32_t value = 0;
uint8_t hexstring_length = 8;
uint8_t bits_per_char = 4;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < hexstring_length; i++) {
char hex_digit = *(hexstring + i);
uint32_t ascii = (uint32_t)hex_digit;
if (ascii >= '0' && ascii <= '9') {
// character is 0-9
value += (ascii - '0') << ((7 - i) * bits_per_char);
} else if (ascii >= 'a' && ascii <= 'f') {
// character is a-f
uint32_t intermediate = (ascii - 'a') + 10;
value += intermediate << ((7 - i) * bits_per_char);
} else {
// This will lead to unexpected failures if the provided hexstring is
// 0xffffffff, but this seems like a rare edge case.
return -1;
return value;
void fb_download(char *cmd) {
// Throw away download command string.
strtok(cmd, ":");
// Free any pages used during a previous download.
if ( != NULL) {
uint32_t pages_used = (curr_img.size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
efi_status status = gBS->FreePages((efi_physical_addr)(, pages_used);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
char err_msg[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(err_msg, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to free memory; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
} = NULL;
curr_img.bytes_received = 0;
// Get the size of the current download.
char *hexstring = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!hexstring) {
fb_send_fail("download size not provided");
curr_img.size = hex_to_int(hexstring);
if (curr_img.size == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
fb_send_fail("failed to convert download size to integer");
// Allocate space for the download.
uint32_t pages_needed = (curr_img.size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
efi_physical_addr mem_addr;
efi_status status = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateAnyPages, EfiLoaderData, pages_needed, &mem_addr);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
char err_msg[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(err_msg, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to allocate memory; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
} = (void *)mem_addr;
// Respond with the appropriate DATA packet.
cmd_phase = DATA;
void fb_set_active(char *cmd) {
// Throw away set-active command string.
strtok(cmd, ":");
char *slot = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!slot) {
fb_send_fail("no slot provided to set-active");
AbrResult res;
if (*slot == 'a') {
res = zircon_abr_set_slot_active(kAbrSlotIndexA);
} else if (*slot == 'b') {
res = zircon_abr_set_slot_active(kAbrSlotIndexB);
} else {
fb_send_fail("invalid slot in set-active");
if (res != kAbrResultOk) {
fb_send_fail("failed to set slot active");
// getvar retrieves the value of the requested fastboot variable (if it exists).
void fb_getvar(char *cmd) {
// Throw away the "getvar" portion of the string.
strtok(cmd, ":");
char *varname = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!varname) {
fb_send_fail("no variable provided");
char *arg = strtok(NULL, ":");
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VARIABLES; i++) {
fb_var_t var = varlist[i];
// strlen is safe here because all of the variable names and values
// are constant strings specified above.
if (!strncmp(varname,, strlen( {
found = true;
if (var.value != NULL) {
} else {
char result[FB_CMD_MAX_LEN];
memset(result, 0, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN); // Zero out to null terminate.
if (var.func(arg, result) == 0) {
} else {
if (!found) {
fb_send_fail("no such variable");
// boots the previously downloaded image in memory.
void fb_boot(char *cmd) {
uint32_t bootimg_hdr_version = validate_bootimg(;
if (bootimg_hdr_version == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
fb_send_fail("invalid boot image magic");
uint32_t kernel_size = get_kernel_size(, bootimg_hdr_version);
if (kernel_size == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
fb_send_fail("failed to get kernel size from bootimg");
uint32_t page_size = get_page_size(, bootimg_hdr_version);
if (page_size == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
fb_send_fail("failed to get page size from bootimg");
fb_poll_action = BOOT_FROM_RAM;
boot_img.kernel_size = kernel_size;
boot_img.kernel_start = + page_size;
// resumes boot.
void fb_continue(char *cmd) {
fb_poll_action = CONTINUE_BOOT;
// stage a file to be added to the ZBI.
void fb_staged_bootloader_file(char *cmd) {
// throw away "oem add-staged-bootloader-file"
strtok(cmd, " ");
strtok(NULL, " ");
char *name = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!name) {
fb_send_fail("No file name given");
zircon_stage_zbi_file(name,, curr_img.size);
// get_max_download_size puts the size of the largest contiguous section of
// memory in the result buffer. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int get_max_download_size(const char *arg, char *result) {
efi_memory_type mem_type = EfiLoaderData | EfiConventionalMemory;
uint64_t max_download_size = 0;
// Get memory map.
static char buf[32786];
size_t buf_size = sizeof(buf);
size_t mkey = 0;
size_t dsize = 0;
uint32_t dversion = 0;
efi_status status =
gBS->GetMemoryMap(&buf_size, (efi_memory_descriptor *)buf, &mkey, &dsize, &dversion);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
snprintf(result, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "failed to get memory map; efi_status: %016" PRIx64, status);
return -1;
// Look through the memory map for the largest contiguous region of memory.
for (void *p = (void *)buf; p < (void *)(buf) + buf_size; p += dsize) {
efi_memory_descriptor *des = (efi_memory_descriptor *)p;
if ((des->Type & mem_type) && (des->NumberOfPages * PAGE_SIZE) > max_download_size) {
max_download_size = (des->NumberOfPages * PAGE_SIZE);
snprintf(result, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "0x%016" PRIx64, max_download_size);
return 0;
// get_current_slot returns the current boot slot.
int get_current_slot(const char *arg, char *result) {
AbrSlotIndex idx = zircon_abr_get_boot_slot(false);
switch (idx) {
case kAbrSlotIndexA:
strncpy(result, "a", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
case kAbrSlotIndexB:
strncpy(result, "b", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
case kAbrSlotIndexR:
strncpy(result, "r", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
strncpy(result, "failed to get boot slot", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
return 0;
// get_slot_info is a helper function that populates an AbrSlotInfo object given
// a slot.
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int get_slot_info(char slot, AbrSlotInfo *info) {
AbrSlotIndex slotIdx;
if (slot == 'a') {
slotIdx = kAbrSlotIndexA;
} else if (slot == 'b') {
slotIdx = kAbrSlotIndexB;
} else {
// Fastboot does not support getting boot bit for any other partition.
return -1;
if (zircon_abr_get_slot_info(slotIdx, info) != kAbrResultOk) {
return -1;
return 0;
int get_slot_unbootable(const char *slot, char *result) {
if (!slot) {
strncpy(result, "no slot provided", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
AbrSlotInfo info;
if (get_slot_info(*slot, &info) != 0) {
strncpy(result, "could not get slot info", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
if (!info.is_bootable) {
strncpy(result, "yes", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
} else {
strncpy(result, "no", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return 0;
int get_slot_successful(const char *slot, char *result) {
if (!slot) {
strncpy(result, "no slot provided", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
AbrSlotInfo info;
if (get_slot_info(*slot, &info) != 0) {
strncpy(result, "could not get slot info", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
if (info.is_marked_successful) {
strncpy(result, "yes", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
} else {
strncpy(result, "no", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return 0;
int get_slot_retry_count(const char *slot, char *result) {
if (!slot) {
strncpy(result, "no slot provided", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
AbrSlotInfo info;
if (get_slot_info(*slot, &info) != 0) {
strncpy(result, "could not get slot info", FB_CMD_MAX_LEN);
return -1;
snprintf(result, FB_CMD_MAX_LEN, "%d", (kAbrMaxTriesRemaining - info.num_tries_remaining));
return 0;
void pp_fb_pkt(const char *direction, fb_udp_pkt_t *pkt, size_t len) {
// Pretty printing is too slow when transferring data, so skip in the data
// phase. TCP dump is generally sufficient when debugging data transfer
// issues.
if (cmd_phase == DATA) {
printf("Size: %zu, %s: ", len, direction);
switch (pkt->pkt_id) {
printf(" Protocol version: 0x%04x ", *((uint16_t *)(pkt->data)));
printf(" Max packet size: 0x%04x", *((uint16_t *)(pkt->data) + 1));
printf("error: malformed type: %#02x", pkt->pkt_id);
printf(" Flags: %02x", pkt->pkt_flags);
printf(" Seq_Num: %04x", pkt->seq_num);
pkt->data[len - FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE] = '\0';
printf(" Data: \"%s\" \n", pkt->data);
void fb_send_ack(void) {
pkt_to_send_len = FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE;
if (DEBUG) {
pp_fb_pkt("device", &pkt_to_send, pkt_to_send_len);
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send, pkt_to_send_len, dest_addr.daddr, dest_addr.dport,;
void fb_resend(void) {
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send, pkt_to_send_len, dest_addr.daddr, dest_addr.dport,;
void fb_send(const char *type, const char *msg) {
// Truncate the message if necessary, reserving the first 4 bytes for the
// message type (OKAY/FAIL/etc).
size_t msg_len = strlen(msg);
if (msg_len > FB_CMD_MAX_LEN - 4) {
WLOG("FB message too long, truncating (full: '%s')", msg);
msg_len = FB_CMD_MAX_LEN - 4;
if (fb_tcp_state & TCP_STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG) {
// TCP format: 8 bytes network-order length + 4 byte type + packet.
uint64_t network_order_msg_len = htonll(msg_len + 4);
memcpy(fb_tcp_buffer, &network_order_msg_len, 8);
memcpy(fb_tcp_buffer + 8, type, 4);
memcpy(fb_tcp_buffer + 12, msg, msg_len);
fb_tcp_length = (uint32_t)(msg_len + 12);
fb_tcp_state = TCP_STATE_WRITE;
} else {
memcpy(, type, 4);
memcpy( + 4, msg, msg_len);
// Some of our UDP logic expects a trailing \0 for convenience.[msg_len + 4] = '\0';
pkt_to_send_len = FB_UDP_HDR_SIZE + msg_len + 4;
// Send the packet.
if (DEBUG) {
pp_fb_pkt("device", &pkt_to_send, pkt_to_send_len);
udp6_send_func((void *)&pkt_to_send, pkt_to_send_len, dest_addr.daddr, dest_addr.dport,;
void fb_send_okay(const char *msg) { fb_send("OKAY", msg); }
void fb_send_fail(const char *msg) { fb_send("FAIL", msg); }
void fb_send_data(const char *msg) { fb_send("DATA", msg); }
void fb_send_info(const char *msg) { fb_send("INFO", msg); }