blob: b68501a6a12add45e9397c9cfc8fa6827bcfda92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{bail, Error},
/// The outer map is service_name; the inner is tag.
pub(crate) type Config = HashMap<String, HashMap<String, TaggedPersist>>;
/// Schema for config-file entries. Each config file is a JSON array of these.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TaggedPersist {
/// The Inspect data defined here will be published under this tag.
/// Tags must not be duplicated within a service, even between files.
/// Tags must conform to /[a-z][a-z-]*/.
pub tag: String,
/// Each tag will only be requestable via a named service. Multiple tags can use the
/// same service name, which will be published and routed as DataPersistence_{service_name}.
/// Service names must conform to /[a-z][a-z-]*/.
pub service_name: String,
/// These selectors will be fetched and stored for publication on the next boot.
pub selectors: Vec<String>,
/// This is the max size of the file saved, which is the JSON-serialized version
/// of the selectors' data.
pub max_bytes: usize,
/// Persistence requests will be throttled to this. Requests received early will be delayed.
pub min_seconds_between_fetch: i64,
const CONFIG_GLOB: &str = "/config/data/*.persist";
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME_VALIDATOR: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[a-z][a-z-]*$").unwrap();
fn validate_name(tag: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !NAME_VALIDATOR.is_match(tag) {
bail!("Invalid tag {} must match [a-z][a-z-]*", tag);
pub fn try_insert_items(config: &mut Config, config_text: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let items = serde_json5::from_str::<Vec<TaggedPersist>>(config_text)?;
for item in items.into_iter() {
if let Some(tagged_persist) = config
.or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new())
.insert(item.tag.clone(), item)
bail!("Duplicate TaggedPersist found: {:?}", tagged_persist);
pub fn load_configuration_files() -> Result<Config, Error> {
let mut config = HashMap::new();
for file_path in glob(CONFIG_GLOB)? {
try_insert_items(&mut config, &std::fs::read_to_string(file_path?)?)?;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn verify_insert_logic() {
let mut config = HashMap::new();
let taga_servab = "[{tag: 'tag-a', service_name: 'serv-a', max_bytes: 10, \
min_seconds_between_fetch: 31, selectors: ['foo', 'bar']}, \
{tag: 'tag-a', service_name: 'serv-b', max_bytes: 20, \
min_seconds_between_fetch: 32, selectors: ['baz']}, ]";
let tagb_servb = "[{tag: 'tag-b', service_name: 'serv-b', max_bytes: 30, \
min_seconds_between_fetch: 33, selectors: ['quux']}]";
// Numbers not allowed in names
let bad_tag = "[{tag: 'tag-b1', service_name: 'serv-b', max_bytes: 30, \
min_seconds_between_fetch: 33, selectors: ['quux']}]";
// Underscores not allowed in names
let bad_serv = "[{tag: 'tag-b', service_name: 'serv_b', max_bytes: 30, \
min_seconds_between_fetch: 33, selectors: ['quux']}]";
let persist_aa = TaggedPersist {
tag: "tag-a".to_string(),
service_name: "serv-a".to_string(),
max_bytes: 10,
min_seconds_between_fetch: 31,
selectors: vec!["foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string()],
let persist_ba = TaggedPersist {
tag: "tag-a".to_string(),
service_name: "serv-b".to_string(),
max_bytes: 20,
min_seconds_between_fetch: 32,
selectors: vec!["baz".to_string()],
let persist_bb = TaggedPersist {
tag: "tag-b".to_string(),
service_name: "serv-b".to_string(),
max_bytes: 30,
min_seconds_between_fetch: 33,
selectors: vec!["quux".to_string()],
assert!(try_insert_items(&mut config, taga_servab).is_ok());
assert!(try_insert_items(&mut config, tagb_servb).is_ok());
assert_eq!(config.len(), 2);
let service_a = config.get("serv-a").unwrap();
assert_eq!(service_a.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(service_a.get("tag-a"), Some(&persist_aa));
let service_b = config.get("serv-b").unwrap();
assert_eq!(service_b.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(service_b.get("tag-a"), Some(&persist_ba));
assert_eq!(service_b.get("tag-b"), Some(&persist_bb));
assert!(try_insert_items(&mut config, bad_tag).is_err());
assert!(try_insert_items(&mut config, bad_serv).is_err());
// Can't duplicate tags in the same service
assert!(try_insert_items(&mut config, tagb_servb).is_err());