blob: 370fdecff9e07dff2d3a57c260e197354445d4ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs-libc.h"
#include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs.h"
namespace shell {
// A C++ wrapper for the JSRuntime type. Creates a JSRuntime and manages its lifetime.
class Runtime {
JSRuntime* Get() const { return rt_; }
JSRuntime* rt_;
bool is_valid_;
// A C++ wrapper for the JSContext type. You can have multiple JSContexts for a given JSRuntime.
// Creates a JSContext and manages its lifetime.
class Context {
Context(const Runtime* rt);
JSContext* Get() const { return ctx_; }
void DumpError() { js_std_dump_error(ctx_); }
// Initializes standard libc functions and makes them available via globalThis.
bool InitStd();
// Initialize Fuchsia-isms: zx_internal, fdio, etc.
// fidl_path is the directory to look for the FIDL IR.
// boot_js_path is the directory to look for builtin JS (like ls and friends).
bool InitBuiltins(const std::string& fidl_path, const std::string& boot_js_path);
// Loads JS from the given lib.
// If js_path is empty, it will load it from a predefined module of that name.
// If js_path is non-empty, it will load it from a similarly named JS file relative to js_path.
// For example, if you pass "ns", it will load "$path/ns.js". This can obviously be made better
// (e.g., support subdirectories, handle missing files), but we don't need that yet.
bool Export(const std::string&, const std::string& js_path = "");
JSContext* ctx_;
bool is_valid_;
} // namespace shell