blob: 89eeb1738c955918656762ad7064775ada4d686f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace shell {
namespace interpreter {
template <typename Type, typename ContainerType>
class Container;
class Interpreter;
class ObjectSchema;
class ObjectFieldSchema;
class Schema;
class Thread;
class TypeObject;
class TypeString;
class Value;
enum class ValueType {
// Value is not defined. This is, for example, the case when we try to load a global which doesn't
// exist.
// The value is a 8 bit signed integer.
// The value is a 8 bit unsigned integer.
// The value is a 16 bit signed integer.
// The value is a 16 bit unsigned integer.
// The value is a 32 bit signed integer.
// The value is a 32 bit unsigned integer.
// The value is a 64 bit signed integer.
// The value is a 64 bit unsigned integer.
// The value is a string.
// The value is an object.
// Base class for all reference counted objects.
class ReferenceCountedBase {
friend class ExecutionScope;
friend class TypeObject;
friend class TypeString;
friend void StringConcatenation(Thread* thread, uint64_t count);
size_t reference_count() const { return reference_count_; }
explicit ReferenceCountedBase(Interpreter* interpreter) : interpreter_(interpreter) {}
ReferenceCountedBase(const ReferenceCountedBase&) = delete;
ReferenceCountedBase(ReferenceCountedBase&&) = delete;
virtual ~ReferenceCountedBase() = default;
ReferenceCountedBase& operator=(const ReferenceCountedBase&) = delete;
ReferenceCountedBase& operator=(ReferenceCountedBase&&) = delete;
// Adds a reference to this value.
void Use() {
// reference_count_ is initalized at one (the reference for the creator). That means it can
// never be zero.
FX_DCHECK(reference_count_ > 0);
// Releases a reference to this value. When the count is zero, the value is destroyed.
void Release() {
FX_DCHECK(reference_count_ > 0);
if (--reference_count_ == 0) {
// Reference count for the value. When the count reaches zero, the value is destroyed.
size_t reference_count_ = 1;
// Does the hard work of freeing this object. Override if you have special semantics when
// freeing.
virtual void Free() { delete this; }
Interpreter* const interpreter_;
// Base class for all reference counted objects.
template <typename Type>
class ReferenceCounted : public ReferenceCountedBase {
template <typename ObjectType, typename ContainerType>
friend class Container;
friend class TypeObject;
friend class TypeString;
friend class StringContainer;
friend class Value;
explicit ReferenceCounted(Interpreter* interpreter) : ReferenceCountedBase(interpreter) {}
ReferenceCounted(const ReferenceCounted<Type>&) = delete;
ReferenceCounted(ReferenceCounted<Type>&&) = delete;
ReferenceCounted<Type>& operator=(const ReferenceCounted<Type>&) = delete;
ReferenceCounted<Type>& operator=(ReferenceCounted<Type>&&) = delete;
// Adds a reference to this value.
Type* Use() {
return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(this);
// Reference count for the value. When the count reaches zero, the value is destroyed.
size_t reference_count_ = 1;
// Helper class for reference counted objects. This automatically manages the references.
template <typename Type, typename ContainerType>
class Container {
explicit Container(Type* data) : data_(data) {}
Container(const ContainerType& from) : data_(from.data_->Use()) {}
Container(ContainerType&& from) : data_(std::move(from.data_)) {}
~Container() { data_->Release(); }
void operator=(const ContainerType& from) {
Type* data = from->data_->Use();
data_ = data;
void operator=(ContainerType&& from) { data_ = std::move(from->data_); }
Type* data() const { return data_; }
Type* data_;
// Defines a string. The value is not mutable.
class String : public ReferenceCounted<String> {
String(Interpreter* interpreter, std::string_view value);
String(Interpreter* interpreter, std::string&& value);
virtual ~String();
const std::string& value() const { return value_; }
size_t size() const { return value_.size(); }
const std::string value_;
class Object : public ReferenceCounted<Object> {
Object(Interpreter* interpreter, const std::shared_ptr<ObjectSchema> schema);
virtual ~Object();
const std::shared_ptr<ObjectSchema> schema();
std::unique_ptr<Value> GetField(const ObjectFieldSchema*) const;
void SetField(const ObjectFieldSchema*, uint64_t value);
virtual void Free() override;
const std::shared_ptr<ObjectSchema> schema_;
// Helper class for strings. This automatically manages the references.
class StringContainer : public Container<String, StringContainer> {
StringContainer(Interpreter* interpreter, std::string_view value)
: Container(new String(interpreter, value)) {}
explicit StringContainer(String* string) : Container(string->Use()) {}
StringContainer(const StringContainer& from) : Container(from) {}
StringContainer(StringContainer&& from) : Container(from) {}
// Stores any value manageable by the interpreter. This is used when something has an undefined
// type. That means that we can assign any type of value to it (integer, string, ...).
// Currently, it's used when the client asks for the value of a global.
class Value {
Value() = default;
~Value() { Release(); }
ValueType type() const { return type_; }
int64_t GetInt8() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kInt8);
return int8_value_;
void SetInt8(int8_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kInt8;
int8_value_ = value;
uint8_t GetUint8() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kUint8);
return uint8_value_;
void SetUint8(uint8_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kUint8;
uint8_value_ = value;
int16_t GetInt16() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kInt16);
return int16_value_;
void SetInt16(int16_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kInt16;
int16_value_ = value;
uint16_t GetUint16() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kUint16);
return uint16_value_;
void SetUint16(uint16_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kUint16;
uint16_value_ = value;
int32_t GetInt32() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kInt32);
return int32_value_;
void SetInt32(int32_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kInt32;
int32_value_ = value;
uint32_t GetUint32() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kUint32);
return uint32_value_;
void SetUint32(uint32_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kUint32;
uint32_value_ = value;
int64_t GetInt64() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kInt64);
return int64_value_;
void SetInt64(int64_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kInt64;
int64_value_ = value;
uint64_t GetUint64() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kUint64);
return uint64_value_;
void SetUint64(uint64_t value) {
type_ = ValueType::kUint64;
uint64_value_ = value;
String* GetString() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kString);
return string_;
void SetString(Interpreter* interpreter, std::string_view value) {
// Creates the new value before releasing the old one to avoid potential use after free problem.
String* string = new String(interpreter, value);
type_ = ValueType::kString;
string_ = string;
void SetString(String* value) {
// Take a new reference to the value before releasing the old one to avoid potential use after
// free problem.
String* string = value->Use();
type_ = ValueType::kString;
string_ = string;
Object* GetObject() const {
FX_DCHECK(type_ == ValueType::kObject);
return object_;
void SetObject(Object* value) {
Object* object = value->Use();
type_ = ValueType::kObject;
object_ = object;
void Set(const Value& value);
// Release the data for this value. This is used when the value is destroyed or when is value is
// modified.
void Release();
// Current type for the value.
ValueType type_ = ValueType::kUndef;
union {
// Integer value when type is kInt8.
int8_t int8_value_;
// Integer value when type is kUint8.
uint8_t uint8_value_;
// Integer value when type is kInt16.
int16_t int16_value_;
// Integer value when type is kUint16.
uint16_t uint16_value_;
// Integer value when type is kInt32.
int32_t int32_value_;
// Integer value when type is kUint32.
uint32_t uint32_value_;
// Integer value when type is kInt64.
int64_t int64_value_;
// Integer value when type is kUint64.
uint64_t uint64_value_;
// String value when type is kString.
String* string_;
// Object value when type is kString.
Object* object_;
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace shell