blob: 4a819376c76916a30d8ec0d679c76ded4eca3be0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
// This file is used to check symbol information so should not be modified by the formatter.
#include <cstddef>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/test_data/zxdb_symbol_test.h"
// This file is compiled into a library and used in the DWARFSymboLFactory
// tests to query symbol information. The actual code is not run.
EXPORT const int* GetIntPtr() { return nullptr; } // Line 15.
EXPORT char GetString() {
const char str_array[14] = "Hello, world.";
return str_array[0];
namespace my_ns {
struct Base1 {
int base1;
struct Base2 {
int base2;
struct Struct : public Base1, private Base2 {
int member_a;
Struct* member_b;
const void* v;
static constexpr int kConstInt = -2;
// This is a "long double" which forces x86 to use 80-bits and a different encoding.
static constexpr long double kConstLongDouble = 3.14;
int MyFunc(char p) { return 1; }
EXPORT Struct GetStruct() { return Struct(); }
using StructMemberPtr = int (Struct::*)(char);
EXPORT StructMemberPtr GetStructMemberPtr() { return &Struct::MyFunc; }
EXPORT void PassRValueRef(int&& rval_ref) {}
// This provides a test for struct type decode, function parameters, and
// local variables.
EXPORT int DoStructCall(const Struct& arg1, int arg2) {
// This uses "volatile" to prevent the values from being optimized out.
volatile int var1 = 2;
var1 = var1 * 2;
// Introduce a lexical scope with another varuable in it.
volatile Struct var2;
var2.member_a = 1;
return var1 + var2.member_a;
__attribute__((always_inline)) int InlinedFunction(int param) {
return param * 2;
struct TypeForUsing {
int a;
} // namespace my_ns
EXPORT void My2DArray() {
volatile int array[3][4]; // Prevent the compiler from optimizing this out.
array[1][2] = 1;
struct ForInline {
int struct_val = 5;
__attribute__((always_inline)) int InlinedFunction(int param) {
return param * struct_val;
template<typename T, int i>
struct MyTemplate {
T t;
int int_value = i;
EXPORT MyTemplate<my_ns::Struct, 42> GetTemplate() {
MyTemplate<my_ns::Struct, 42> mt;
mt.t.member_a = 1;
return mt;
// Call both inline member functions and an inlined function declared in
// the same file.
// As of this writing, Clang will generate the inline member as an inlined
// subroutine with an abstract origin of the implementation, that in turn
// references the declaration inside the class. The enclosing scope should come
// from the declaration.
// The non-member inlined function will skip the declaration, meaning the
// enclosing scope should come from the abstract origin instead.
EXPORT int CallInlineMember(int param) {
ForInline for_inline;
return for_inline.InlinedFunction(param + 1);
EXPORT int CallInline(int param) { return my_ns::InlinedFunction(param + 1); }
struct StructWithEnums {
// "Regular" enum but with no values.
enum RegularEnum {} regular;
// Amonymous enum (should be forced to be signed).
enum { ANON_A = -1, ANON_B = 1 } anon;
// Typed enum class.
enum class TypedEnum : signed char { TYPED_A = -1, TYPED_B = 1 } typed;
EXPORT StructWithEnums GetStructWithEnums() { return StructWithEnums(); }
EXPORT std::nullptr_t GetNullPtrT(int i) {
// The compiler seems to want to strip this unless it does something.
volatile int dummy __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
dummy = i;
return nullptr;
// TODO(brettw) "TypeForUsing" lacks a test because the function actually
// returns "my_ns::TypeForUsing" so we need to find another way to get the
// using definition for testing.
using my_ns::TypeForUsing;
EXPORT TypeForUsing GetUsing() {
TypeForUsing result;
result.a = 92;
return result;
class VirtualBase {
// This function will be ICF'ed with PassRValueRef and get DW_AT_low_pc = 0.
virtual void DoIt() {}
class VirtualDerived : public virtual VirtualBase {
// This function will be ICF'ed with PassRValueRef and get DW_AT_low_pc = 0.
virtual void DoIt() {}
EXPORT VirtualDerived GetVirtualDerived() {
return VirtualDerived();
// TODO(brettw) test:
// stuff in an anonymous namespace
// local types defined in functions