blob: f106618d5233af794058c4296c672ae953b7c89c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_expr_eval.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/register_info.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/arch.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_data_provider.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// GNU DWARF operation extensions.
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address = 0xe0;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_uninit = 0xf0;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr = 0xf1;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer = 0xf2;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_entry_value = 0xf3;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_const_type = 0xf4;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_regval_type = 0xf5;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_deref_type = 0xf6;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_convert = 0xf7;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_reinterpret = 0xf9;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref = 0xfa;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_addr_index = 0xfb;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_const_index = 0xfc;
constexpr uint8_t DW_OP_GNU_variable_value = 0xfd;
// For debug printing expression integer values, this uses hex for all but the smallest numbers
// which is what we usually expect for printing address arithmetic.
std::string ExprIntToString(uint128_t v) {
if (v > 1024)
return to_hex_string(v); // Use hex for very large values (probably addresses).
return to_string(v);
std::string ExprIntToString(int128_t v) {
if (v > 1024)
return to_hex_string(v); // Use hex for very large values (probably addresses).
if (v < -1024)
return std::string("-") + to_hex_string(-v);
return to_string(v);
// Makes a string expressing adding or subtracting the given constant value.
std::string MakeAddString(DwarfExprEval::SignedType val) {
if (val < 0)
return " - " + to_string(-val);
return " + " + to_string(val);
// These macros declare functions to implement arithmetic operators that will work on typed stack
// entries as well as generic values. I suspect this could be written using "template templates" but
// this is mostly boring code used only in this one file and the straightforward #define / custom
// approach is simpler and more maintainable overall.
// Before calling these functions, the caller will verify that the types of the two arguments (in
// the case of binary operators) match.
// The macros take a validator function which is used for checking for divide-by-zero. In other
// cases, this validator always returns no error.
#define DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR(fn_name, bin_operator, validator) \
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> fn_name(const DwarfStackEntry& a, const DwarfStackEntry& b) { \
if (Err e = validator(a, b); e.has_error()) \
return e; \
if (a.TreatAsSigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.signed_value() bin_operator b.signed_value()); \
if (a.TreatAsUnsigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.unsigned_value() bin_operator b.unsigned_value()); \
if (a.TreatAsFloat()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.float_value() bin_operator b.float_value()); \
if (a.TreatAsDouble()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.double_value() bin_operator b.double_value()); \
return Err("Internal type error."); \
// Like DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR but doesn't support floating point types. Returns an error if the
// input is floating-point
#define DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(fn_name, bin_operator, validator) \
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> fn_name(const DwarfStackEntry& a, const DwarfStackEntry& b) { \
if (Err e = validator(a, b); e.has_error()) \
return e; \
if (a.TreatAsSigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.signed_value() bin_operator b.signed_value()); \
if (a.TreatAsUnsigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.unsigned_value() bin_operator b.unsigned_value()); \
return Err("Requires integral type."); \
// Like DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR but casts the result to a 0 or 1 generic value to implement
// comparison operations.
#define DEFINE_COMPARISON_OPERATOR(fn_name, bin_operator) \
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> fn_name(const DwarfStackEntry& a, const DwarfStackEntry& b) { \
bool result = false; \
if (a.TreatAsSigned()) { \
result = a.signed_value() bin_operator b.signed_value(); \
} else if (a.TreatAsUnsigned()) { \
result = a.unsigned_value() bin_operator b.unsigned_value(); \
} else if (a.TreatAsFloat()) { \
result = a.float_value() bin_operator b.float_value(); \
} else if (a.TreatAsDouble()) { \
result = a.double_value() bin_operator b.double_value(); \
} else { \
return Err("Internal type error."); \
} \
return DwarfStackEntry(result ? 1 : 0); \
#define DEFINE_INTEGRAL_UNARY_OPERATOR(fn_name, un_operator) \
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> fn_name(const DwarfStackEntry& a) { \
if (a.TreatAsSigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), un_operator a.signed_value()); \
if (a.TreatAsUnsigned()) \
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), un_operator a.unsigned_value()); \
return Err("Internal type error."); \
Err NoValidator(const DwarfStackEntry&, const DwarfStackEntry& b) { return Err(); }
Err NonzeroDenominatorValidator(const DwarfStackEntry&, const DwarfStackEntry& b) {
if (b.IsZero())
return Err("Divide by zero.");
return Err();
// From the DWARF spec:
// Operations other than DW_OP_abs, DW_OP_div, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_neg and DW_OP_plus
// require integral types of the operand (either integral base type or the generic type).
// We could allow modulo for floating point values also but the spec says not to.
DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorPlus, +, NoValidator)
DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorMinus, -, NoValidator)
DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorTimes, *, NoValidator)
DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorMod, %, NonzeroDenominatorValidator)
DEFINE_COMPARISON_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorGreaterEquals, >=)
DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorShiftLeft, <<, NoValidator)
DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorShiftRight, >>, NoValidator)
DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorBitAnd, &, NoValidator)
DEFINE_INTEGRAL_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorBitXor, ^, NoValidator)
// The "DW_OP_div" specifies signed division in the generic type case (actually it specifies signed
// division for all cases, but if the values are typed unsigned, we do unsigned division because it
// seems to make more sense). This is implemented using the macro for the common cases, but a
// custom wrapper implementation that catches the generic case.
DEFINE_BINARY_OPERATOR(DwarfOperatorDivideTyped, /, NonzeroDenominatorValidator)
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> DwarfOperatorDivide(const DwarfStackEntry& a, const DwarfStackEntry& b) {
if (a.is_generic()) {
if (Err e = NonzeroDenominatorValidator(a, b); e.has_error())
return e;
return DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<DwarfStackEntry::SignedType>(a.unsigned_value()) /
return DwarfOperatorDivideTyped(a, b);
// Negation requires that "generic" values are casted to signed.
// There is a question on how to define negation of an explicitly unsigned value. The spec doesn't
// say anything. This currently defines it as a no-op, but it could also be like the generic case
// where the bits are reinterpreted. Probably this will not be emitted by a compiler so it won't
// matter.
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> DwarfOperatorNeg(const DwarfStackEntry& a) {
if (a.is_generic())
return DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<uint128_t>(-static_cast<int128_t>(a.unsigned_value())));
if (a.TreatAsSigned())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), -a.signed_value());
if (a.TreatAsUnsigned())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.unsigned_value()); // No-op, see above.
if (a.TreatAsFloat())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), -a.float_value());
if (a.TreatAsDouble())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), -a.double_value());
return Err("Internal type error");
// This one is an operator to DWARF but not C++. Generic values get treated as signed.
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> DwarfOperatorAbs(const DwarfStackEntry& a) {
if (a.is_generic()) {
auto as_signed = static_cast<DwarfStackEntry::SignedType>(a.unsigned_value());
return as_signed < 0 ? DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<DwarfStackEntry::UnsignedType>(-as_signed))
: a;
// Explicit types. The DWARF spec doesn't separate out non-generic types so technically the
// requirement that the result is "interpreted as signed" applies, but I don't think they meant
// that if the value has an explicitly defined unsigned type.
if (a.TreatAsSigned()) {
if (a.signed_value() < 0)
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), -a.signed_value());
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.signed_value());
if (a.TreatAsUnsigned())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), a.unsigned_value()); // No-op.
if (a.TreatAsFloat())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), fabsf(a.float_value()));
if (a.TreatAsDouble())
return DwarfStackEntry(a.type_ref(), fabs(a.double_value()));
return Err("Internal type error");
// This does a sign-extended shift right. When the type is known, we do the same thing as a regular
// shift right (sign-extended only for signed types). I'm assuming that the DWARF spec's
// description of reinterpreting as a signed type only applies to generic types.
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> DwarfOperatorShiftRightArithmetically(const DwarfStackEntry& a,
const DwarfStackEntry& b) {
if (a.is_generic()) {
return DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<uint128_t>(static_cast<int128_t>(a.unsigned_value()) >>
return DwarfOperatorShiftRight(a, b);
} // namespace
: symbol_context_(SymbolContext::ForRelativeAddresses()), weak_factory_(this) {}
DwarfExprEval::~DwarfExprEval() {
// This assertion verifies that this class was not accidentally deleted from
// within the completion callback. This class is not set up to handle this
// case.
void DwarfExprEval::Push(DwarfStackEntry value) { stack_.push_back(value); }
DwarfExprEval::ResultType DwarfExprEval::GetResultType() const {
if (!result_data_.empty())
return ResultType::kData;
return result_type_;
DwarfStackEntry DwarfExprEval::GetResult() const {
return stack_.back();
TaggedData DwarfExprEval::TakeResultData() {
FX_DCHECK(GetResultType() == ResultType::kData);
return result_data_.TakeData();
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::Eval(fxl::RefPtr<SymbolDataProvider> data_provider,
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, DwarfExpr expr,
CompletionCallback cb) {
SetUp(std::move(data_provider), symbol_context, expr, std::move(cb));
// Note: ContinueEval() may call callback, which may delete |this|.
return ContinueEval() ? Completion::kSync : Completion::kAsync;
std::string DwarfExprEval::ToString(fxl::RefPtr<SymbolDataProvider> data_provider,
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, DwarfExpr expr,
bool pretty) {
SetUp(std::move(data_provider), symbol_context, expr, nullptr);
result_data_ = TaggedDataBuilder();
string_output_mode_ = pretty ? StringOutput::kPretty : StringOutput::kLiteral;
bool is_complete = ContinueEval();
FX_DCHECK(is_complete); // Always expect string printing mode to complete.
std::string result = std::move(string_output_);
string_output_mode_ = StringOutput::kNone;
return result;
void DwarfExprEval::SetUp(fxl::RefPtr<SymbolDataProvider> data_provider,
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, DwarfExpr expr,
CompletionCallback cb) {
is_complete_ = false;
data_provider_ = std::move(data_provider);
symbol_context_ = symbol_context;
expr_ = std::move(expr);
completion_callback_ = std::move(cb);
data_extractor_ = DataExtractor(;
bool DwarfExprEval::ContinueEval() {
// To allow interruption, only a certain number of instructions will be
// executed in sequence without posting back to the message loop. This
// gives calling code the chance to cancel long or hung executions. Since
// most programs are 1-4 instructions, the threshold can be low.
constexpr int kMaxInstructionsAtOnce = 32;
int instruction_count = 0;
do {
// Check for successfully reaching the end of the stream.
if (!is_complete_ && data_extractor_.done()) {
if (is_string_output())
return true; // Only expecting to produce a string.
is_complete_ = true;
Err err;
if (stack_.empty() && result_data_.empty()) {
// Failure to compute any values.
err = Err("DWARF expression produced no results.");
is_success_ = false;
} else {
is_success_ = true;
in_completion_callback_ = true;
completion_callback_(this, err);
completion_callback_ = {};
in_completion_callback_ = false;
return is_complete_;
if (instruction_count == kMaxInstructionsAtOnce) {
// Enough instructions have run at once. Schedule a callback to continue
// execution in the message loop.
[weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()]() {
if (weak_eval)
return is_complete_;
} while (!is_complete_ && EvalOneOp() == Completion::kSync);
return is_complete_;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::EvalOneOp() {
// Clear any current register information. See current_register_id_ declaration for more.
current_register_id_ = debug::RegisterID::kUnknown;
// Opcode is next byte in the data buffer. Consume it (we already checked there's data).
uint8_t op = *data_extractor_.Read<uint8_t>();
// Literals 0-31.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit31) {
int literal_value = op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lit0;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_lit" + std::to_string(literal_value),
"push(" + std::to_string(literal_value) + ")");
} else {
return Completion::kSync;
// Registers 0-31.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg31) {
int reg_index = op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg0;
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_reg" + std::to_string(reg_index), GetRegisterName(reg_index));
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(reg_index, 0);
// Base register with SLEB128 offset.
if (op >= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg0 && op <= llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg31)
return OpBreg(op);
switch (op) {
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_addr:
return OpAddr();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_deref:
return OpDeref(sizeof(TargetPointer), "DW_OP_deref", false);
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const1u:
return OpPushUnsigned(1, "DW_OP_const1u");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const1s:
return OpPushSigned(1, "DW_OP_const1s");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const2u:
return OpPushUnsigned(2, "DW_OP_const2u");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const2s:
return OpPushSigned(2, "DW_OP_const2s");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const4u:
return OpPushUnsigned(4, "DW_OP_const4u");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const4s:
return OpPushSigned(4, "DW_OP_const4s");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const8u:
return OpPushUnsigned(8, "DW_OP_const8u");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const8s:
return OpPushSigned(8, "DW_OP_const8s");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_constu:
return OpPushLEBUnsigned();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_consts:
return OpPushLEBSigned();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_dup:
return OpDup();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_drop:
return OpDrop();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_over:
return OpOver();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_pick:
return OpPick();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_swap:
return OpSwap();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_rot:
return OpRot();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xderef:
// We don't have multiple address spaces.
return ReportError("DW_OP_xderef opcode is not applicable to this platform.");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_abs:
return OpUnary(&DwarfOperatorAbs, "DW_OP_abs");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_and:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorBitAnd, "DW_OP_and");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_div:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorDivide, "DW_OP_div");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_minus:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorMinus, "DW_OP_minus");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_mod:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorMod, "DW_OP_mod");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_mul:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorTimes, "DW_OP_mul");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_neg:
return OpUnary(&DwarfOperatorNeg, "DW_OP_neg");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_not:
return OpUnary(&DwarfOperatorBitNot, "DW_OP_not");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_or:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorBitOr, "DW_OP_or");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_plus:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorPlus, "DW_OP_plus");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_plus_uconst:
return OpPlusUconst();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shl:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorShiftLeft, "DW_OP_shl");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shr:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorShiftRight, "DW_OP_shr");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_shra:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorShiftRightArithmetically, "DW_OP_shra");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xor:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorBitXor, "DW_OP_xor");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bra:
return OpBra();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_eq:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorEquals, "DW_OP_eq");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_ge:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorGreaterEquals, "DW_OP_ge");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_gt:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorGreater, "DW_OP_gt");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_le:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorLessEquals, "DW_OP_le");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_lt:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorLess, "DW_OP_lt");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_ne:
return OpBinary(&DwarfOperatorNotEquals, "DW_OP_ne");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_skip:
return OpSkip();
// DW_OP_lit*, DW_OP_reg*, and DW_OP_breg* are handled at the top of the function.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_regx:
return OpRegx();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_fbreg:
return OpFbreg();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bregx:
return OpBregx();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_piece:
return OpPiece();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_deref_size:
return OpDerefSize();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xderef_size:
// We don't have multiple address spaces.
return ReportError("DW_OP_xderef_size opcode is not applicable to this platform.");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_nop:
if (is_string_output())
return Completion::kSync;
// DWARF 3 additions.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_push_object_address:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_push_object_address opcode.");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call2: // 2-byte offset of DIE.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call4: // 4-byte offset of DIE.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call_ref: // 4- or 8-byte offset of DIE.
return ReportError("Unimplemented DWARF expression procedure call operation.");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_form_tls_address:
return OpTlsAddr("DW_OP_form_tls_address");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_call_frame_cfa:
return OpCFA();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_bit_piece:
return OpBitPiece();
// DWARF 4 additions.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_implicit_value:
return OpImplicitValue();
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_stack_value:
return OpStackValue();
// DWARF 5 additions.
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_implicit_pointer:
return OpImplicitPointer("DW_OP_implicit_pointer");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_addrx:
return OpAddrBase(ResultType::kPointer, "DW_OP_addrx");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_constx:
return OpAddrBase(ResultType::kValue, "DW_OP_constx");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_entry_value:
return OpEntryValue("DW_OP_entry_value");
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_const_type:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_regval_type:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_deref_type:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_xderef_type:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_convert:
case llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reinterpret:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DWARF 5 'type' opcode (");
// GNU extensions.
case DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address:
return OpTlsAddr("DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address");
case DW_OP_GNU_uninit:
// Reports that the variable is uninitialized (as opposed to optimized out).
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_uninit opcode.");
case DW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr opcode.");
case DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer:
return OpImplicitPointer("DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer");
case DW_OP_GNU_entry_value:
return OpEntryValue("DW_OP_GNU_entry_value");
case DW_OP_GNU_const_type:
case DW_OP_GNU_regval_type:
case DW_OP_GNU_deref_type:
case DW_OP_GNU_convert:
case DW_OP_GNU_reinterpret:
return ReportError("Unimplemented GNU 'type' opcode (");
case DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref opcode.");
case DW_OP_GNU_addr_index:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_addr_index opcode.");
case DW_OP_GNU_const_index:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_const_index opcode.");
case DW_OP_GNU_variable_value:
return ReportError("Unimplemented DW_OP_GNU_variable_value opcode.");
// Invalid or unknown opcode.
if (is_string_output()) {
AppendString("INVALID_OPCODE(" + to_hex_string(op) + ")");
} else {
ReportError(fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid opcode 0x%x in DWARF expression.", op));
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::PushRegisterWithOffset(int dwarf_register_number,
SignedType offset) {
// Reading register data means the result is not constant.
result_is_constant_ = false;
const debug::RegisterInfo* reg_info =
debug::DWARFToRegisterInfo(data_provider_->GetArch(), dwarf_register_number);
if (!reg_info) {
ReportError(fxl::StringPrintf("Register %d not known.", dwarf_register_number));
return Completion::kSync;
// This function doesn't set the result_type_ because it is called from different contexts. The
// callers should set the result_type_ as appropriate for their operation.
if (auto reg_data = data_provider_->GetRegister(reg_info->id)) {
// State known synchronously (could be available or known unavailable).
if (reg_data->empty()) {
ReportError(fxl::StringPrintf("Register %d not available.", dwarf_register_number));
} else {
// This truncates to 128 bits and converts from little-endian. DWARF doesn't seem to use the
// stack machine for vector computations (it's not specified that the stack items are large
// enough). When it uses a stack register for a floating-point scalar computation, it just
// uses the low bits.
UnsignedType reg_value = 0;
memcpy(&reg_value, reg_data->data(), std::min(sizeof(UnsignedType), reg_data->size()));
Push(DwarfStackEntry(reg_value + offset));
// When the current value represents a register, save that fact.
if (offset == 0)
current_register_id_ = reg_info->id;
return Completion::kSync;
// Must request async.
reg_info->id, [reg_id = reg_info->id, weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), offset](
const Err& err, std::vector<uint8_t> reg_data) {
if (!weak_eval)
if (err.has_error()) {
// Truncate/convert from little-endian as above.
UnsignedType reg_value = 0;
memcpy(&reg_value,, std::min(sizeof(UnsignedType), reg_data.size()));
weak_eval->Push(DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<UnsignedType>(reg_value + offset)));
// When the current value represents a register, save that fact.
if (offset == 0)
weak_eval->current_register_id_ = reg_id;
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
return Completion::kAsync;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadSigned(int byte_size, SignedType* output) {
switch (byte_size) {
case 1:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<int8_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 2:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<int16_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 4:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<int32_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 8:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<int64_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadUnsigned(int byte_size, UnsignedType* output) {
switch (byte_size) {
case 1:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<uint8_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 2:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<uint16_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 4:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<uint32_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
case 8:
if (auto v = data_extractor_.Read<uint64_t>()) {
*output = *v;
return true;
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadLEBSigned(SignedType* output) {
if (auto result = data_extractor_.ReadSleb128()) {
*output = *result;
return true;
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
bool DwarfExprEval::ReadLEBUnsigned(UnsignedType* output) {
if (auto result = data_extractor_.ReadUleb128()) {
*output = *result;
return true;
ReportError("Bad number format in DWARF expression.");
return false;
void DwarfExprEval::ReadMemory(
TargetPointer address, uint32_t byte_size,
fit::callback<void(DwarfExprEval* eval, std::vector<uint8_t> value)> on_success) {
// Reading memory means the result is not constant.
result_is_constant_ = false;
address, byte_size,
[address, byte_size, weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
on_success = std::move(on_success)](const Err& err, std::vector<uint8_t> value) mutable {
if (!weak_eval) {
} else if (err.has_error()) {
} else if (value.size() != byte_size) {
fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid pointer 0x%" PRIx64 ".", static_cast<uint64_t>(address)));
} else {
on_success(weak_eval.get(), std::move(value));
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::ReportError(const std::string& msg) {
return ReportError(Err(msg));
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::ReportError(const Err& err) {
if (is_string_output())
AppendString("ERROR: \"" + err.msg() + "\"");
is_complete_ = true;
// Wrap completion callback with the flag to catch deletions from within the callback.
in_completion_callback_ = true;
if (completion_callback_)
completion_callback_(this, err);
completion_callback_ = {};
in_completion_callback_ = false;
return Completion::kSync;
void DwarfExprEval::ReportStackUnderflow() { ReportError("Stack underflow for DWARF expression."); }
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpUnary(
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> (*op)(const DwarfStackEntry&), const char* op_name) {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString(op_name);
if (stack_.empty()) {
} else {
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> result = op(stack_.back());
if (result.ok()) {
stack_.back() = std::move(result.value());
} else {
ReportError("Error evaluating " + std::string(op_name) +
" in DWARF expression: " + result.err().msg());
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBinary(
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> (*op)(const DwarfStackEntry&, const DwarfStackEntry&),
const char* op_name) {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString(op_name);
if (stack_.size() < 2) {
} else {
DwarfStackEntry b = stack_.back();
DwarfStackEntry a = stack_.back();
if (!a.SameTypeAs(b)) {
ReportError(std::string(op_name) + " called on incompatible types " + a.GetTypeDescription() +
" and " + b.GetTypeDescription());
return Completion::kSync;
ErrOr<DwarfStackEntry> result = op(a, b);
if (result.ok()) {
} else {
ReportError("Error evaluating " + std::string(op_name) +
" in DWARF expression: " + result.err().msg());
return Completion::kSync;
// ULEB128 index into the .debug_addr section where a machine address-length value is stored. The
// index is relative to the value of the DW_AT_addr_base attribute of the compilation unit.
// result_type == kAddress corresponds to DW_OP_addrx
// result_type == kValue corresponds to DW_OP_constx.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpAddrBase(ResultType result_type, const char* op_name) {
fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbols> module_symbols = expr_.source().Get()->GetModuleSymbols();
if (!module_symbols)
return ReportError(std::string("DWARF expression used ") + op_name +
"but no symbols are available.");
// The index in the expression is inside the table identified by the DW_AT_addr_base of the
// compilation unit.
std::optional<uint64_t> base = expr_.GetAddrBase();
if (!base) {
return ReportError(std::string("DWARF expression used ") + op_name +
" but no addr_base is available.");
UnsignedType addr_table_index;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&addr_table_index))
return Completion::kSync;
std::optional<uint64_t> result_or =
module_symbols->GetDebugAddrEntry(*base, static_cast<uint64_t>(addr_table_index));
if (!result_or)
return ReportError("Unable to read .debug_addr section to evaluate expression.");
result_type_ = result_type;
if (result_type == ResultType::kPointer) {
// Addresses need to be relocated according to the module offset.
UnsignedType new_entry = symbol_context_.RelativeToAbsolute(result_or.value());
if (is_string_output()) {
AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + ExprIntToString(addr_table_index) +
", with addr_base=" + to_hex_string(*base) + ") -> rel=" +
to_hex_string(result_or.value()) + ", abs=" + to_hex_string(new_entry));
} else {
} else {
// Constants are ready to use.
UnsignedType new_entry = static_cast<UnsignedType>(result_or.value());
if (is_string_output()) {
AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + ExprIntToString(addr_table_index) +
", with addr_base=" + to_hex_string(*base) + ") -> " + to_hex_string(new_entry));
} else {
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: unsigned the size of a pointer. This is relative to the load address of the current
// module. It is used to for globals and statics.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpAddr() {
UnsignedType offset;
if (!ReadUnsigned(kTargetPointerSize, &offset))
return Completion::kSync;
TargetPointer address = symbol_context_.RelativeToAbsolute(static_cast<TargetPointer>(offset));
if (is_string_output()) {
if (symbol_context_.is_relative() || string_output_mode_ == StringOutput::kLiteral)
return AppendString("DW_OP_addr(" + to_hex_string(offset) + ")");
// Show final address since we know it.
return AppendString("push(" + to_hex_string(address) + ")");
return Completion::kSync;
// ULEB128 size + ULEB128 offset.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBitPiece() {
UnsignedType size;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&size))
return Completion::kSync;
UnsignedType offset;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_bit_piece(" + ExprIntToString(size) + ", " +
ExprIntToString(offset) + ")");
// Clang will generate bit_piece operations to make 80-bit long double constants, but the
// expressions are invalid:
// We were able to get GCC to generate a piece operation for:
// void foo(int x, int y) {
// struct { int x:3, :3, y:3; } s = {x, y};
// }
// That also seems invalid. So we're waiting for a clearly valid example in the wild before
// spending time trying to implement this.
return ReportError(
"The DWARF encoding for this symbol uses DW_OP_bit_piece which is unimplemented.\n"
"Please file a bit with a repro case so we can implement it properly.");
// 1 parameter: 2 byte signed integer constant.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBra() {
// "The 2-byte constant is the number of bytes of the DWARF expression to skip forward or backward
// from the current operation, beginning after the 2-byte constant."
SignedType skip_amount = 0;
if (!ReadSigned(2, &skip_amount))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_bra(" + ExprIntToString(skip_amount) + ")");
if (stack_.empty()) {
return Completion::kSync;
// 0 @ top of stack means don't take the branch.
DwarfStackEntry condition = stack_.back();
if (condition.IsZero())
return Completion::kSync;
// Otherwise take the branch.
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: SLEB128 offset added to base register.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBreg(uint8_t op) {
int reg_index = op - llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_breg0;
SignedType offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString(
"DW_OP_breg" + std::to_string(reg_index) + "(" + ExprIntToString(offset) + ")",
GetRegisterName(reg_index) + MakeAddString(offset));
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(reg_index, offset);
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpCFA() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_call_frame_cfa");
// Reading the CFA means the result is not constant.
result_is_constant_ = false;
if (UnsignedType cfa = data_provider_->GetCanonicalFrameAddress())
ReportError("Frame address is 0.");
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDrop() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_drop");
if (stack_.empty())
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDup() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_dup");
if (stack_.empty())
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpEntryValue(const char* op_name) {
// A ULEB128 length followed by a sub-expression of that length. This sub-expression is evaluated
// in a separate stack using the register values that were present at the beginning of the
// function.
UnsignedType length;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&length))
return Completion::kSync;
if (length == 0 || !data_extractor_.CanRead(static_cast<size_t>(length)))
return ReportError("DW_OP_entry_value sub expression is a bad length.");
// Read the DWARF expression to evaluate.
std::vector<uint8_t> sub_expr_bytes(static_cast<size_t>(length));
if (!data_extractor_.ReadBytes(sub_expr_bytes.size(),
return ReportError("Not enough data for DW_OP_entry_value.");
DwarfExpr sub_expr(std::move(sub_expr_bytes), expr_.source());
nested_eval_ = std::make_unique<DwarfExprEval>();
if (is_string_output()) {
std::string nested_str(op_name);
nested_str += "(";
// For string output the data provider doesn't matter, so keep using ours since the entry
// provider might not be available.
nested_str += nested_eval_->ToString(data_provider_, symbol_context_, std::move(sub_expr),
string_output_mode_ == StringOutput::kPretty);
nested_str += ")";
return Completion::kSync;
// Get the data provider for the nested context.
auto entry_data_provider = data_provider_->GetEntryDataProvider();
if (!entry_data_provider)
return ReportError("Can not compute function entry values in this context.");
// Since we own the nested evaluator, it's OK to capture |this| in the callback.
// The nested evaluator may complete synchronously (the common case) or not. We need to know that
// from the callback to know whether to call ContinueEval() or not, and this information isn't
// passed to the callback. The shared boolean allows us to track this.
auto is_async_completion = std::make_shared<bool>(false);
Completion completion = nested_eval_->Eval(
std::move(entry_data_provider), symbol_context_, std::move(sub_expr),
[this, is_async_completion](DwarfExprEval* nested, const Err& err) {
// TODO(brettw) do we need to call ContinueEval on error? What about in other cases this
// comes up? They may be wrong.
if (err.has_error()) {
} else if (nested->GetResultType() == ResultType::kData) {
// The nested expression is expected to produce exactly one stack entry, not data.
ReportError("DWARF entry value expression produced an incorrect result type.");
} else {
// Success case, save the result.
if (*is_async_completion) {
// The nested_eval_ needs to be cleared before continuing, but we can't delete it from
// within its own callback. Schedule it to be deleted from the message loop.
[old_eval = std::move(nested_eval_)]() {});
if (completion == Completion::kSync) {
} else {
*is_async_completion = true;
return completion;
// 1 parameter: Signed LEB128 offset from frame base pointer.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpFbreg() {
// Reading the frame base means the result is not constant.
result_is_constant_ = false;
SignedType offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_fbreg(" + ExprIntToString(offset) + ")",
"frame_base" + MakeAddString(offset));
if (auto bp = data_provider_->GetFrameBase()) {
// Available synchronously.
// Certain problems can cause the BP to be set to 0 which is obviously
// invalid, report that error specifically.
if (*bp == 0)
return ReportError("Base Pointer is 0, can't evaluate.");
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
Push(DwarfStackEntry(*bp + offset));
return Completion::kSync;
// Must request async.
[weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), offset](const Err& err, UnsignedType value) {
if (!weak_eval)
if (err.has_error()) {
if (value == 0) {
weak_eval->ReportError("Base Pointer is 0, can't evaluate.");
weak_eval->result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
weak_eval->Push(DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<UnsignedType>(value + offset)));
// Picks up processing at the next instruction.
return Completion::kAsync;
// 2 parameters: 8-byte unsigned DIE offset containing the value, SLEB128 offset from that value.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpImplicitPointer(const char* op_name) {
// GCC generates this when a pointer has been optimized out, but it still can provide the value of
// the thing that it pointed to. We don't implement this.
UnsignedType die_offset;
if (!ReadUnsigned(8, &die_offset))
return Completion::kSync;
SignedType value_offset;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&value_offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + to_hex_string(die_offset) + ", " +
ExprIntToString(value_offset) + ")");
return ReportError("Optimized out (DW_OP_implicit_pointer)");
// 2 parameters: ULEB128 length, followed by that much data (in machine-endianness).
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpImplicitValue() {
UnsignedType len = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&len))
return Completion::kSync;
if (len > sizeof(UnsignedType))
return ReportError(fxl::StringPrintf("DWARF implicit value length too long: 0x%x.",
UnsignedType value = 0;
if (!data_extractor_.ReadBytes(static_cast<size_t>(len), &value))
return ReportError("Not enough data for DWARF implicit value.");
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString(
"DW_OP_implicit_value(" + ExprIntToString(len) + ", " + to_hex_string(value) + ")",
"push(" + to_hex_string(value) + ")");
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: ULEB128 constant indexing the register.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpRegx() {
UnsignedType reg = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&reg))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_regx(" + ExprIntToString(reg) + ")",
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(static_cast<int>(reg), 0);
// 2 parameters: ULEB128 register number + SLEB128 offset.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpBregx() {
UnsignedType reg_val = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&reg_val))
return Completion::kSync;
int reg = static_cast<int>(reg_val);
SignedType offset = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&offset))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_bregx(" + std::to_string(reg) + ", " + ExprIntToString(offset) + ")",
GetRegisterName(reg) + MakeAddString(offset));
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
return PushRegisterWithOffset(reg, offset);
// Pops the stack and pushes an given-sized value from memory at that location.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDeref(uint32_t byte_size, const char* op_name,
bool string_include_size) {
if (is_string_output()) {
if (string_include_size)
return AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + std::to_string(byte_size) + ")");
return AppendString(op_name);
if (stack_.empty()) {
return Completion::kSync;
if (byte_size == 0 || byte_size > sizeof(UnsignedType))
return ReportError(fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid DWARF expression read size: %u", byte_size));
DwarfStackEntry addr = stack_.back();
if (!addr.TreatAsUnsigned())
return ReportError("DW_OP_deref trying to dereference a non-unsigned value.");
ReadMemory(addr.unsigned_value(), byte_size, [](DwarfExprEval* eval, std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
// Success. This assumes little-endian and copies starting from the low bytes. The data will
// have already been validated to be the correct size so we know it will fit in a UnsignedType.
FX_DCHECK(data.size() <= sizeof(UnsignedType));
UnsignedType to_push = 0;
memcpy(&to_push,, data.size());
return Completion::kAsync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpDerefSize() {
// The operand is a 1-byte unsigned constant following the opcode.
UnsignedType byte_size = 0;
if (!ReadUnsigned(1, &byte_size))
return Completion::kSync;
// The generic deref path can handle the rest.
return OpDeref(static_cast<uint32_t>(byte_size), "DW_OP_deref_size", true);
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpOver() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_over");
// Duplicates the next-to-top over the top item.
if (stack_.size() < 2)
Push(stack_[stack_.size() - 2]);
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: 1-byte stack index from the top to push.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPick() {
UnsignedType index = 0;
if (!ReadUnsigned(1, &index))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_pick(" + ExprIntToString(index) + ")");
if (stack_.size() <= index) {
return Completion::kSync;
// Index is from end (0 = last item).
Push(stack_[stack_.size() - 1 - index]);
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 paramter: ULEB size of item in bytes.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPiece() {
UnsignedType byte_size = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&byte_size))
return Completion::kSync;
// Upper-bound sanity check on the piece size to guard against corrupted or malicious data.
constexpr UnsignedType kMaxPieceSize = 16384;
if (byte_size > kMaxPieceSize) {
return ReportError(
fxl::StringPrintf("DWARF expression listed a data size of %d which is too large.",
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_piece(" + ExprIntToString(byte_size) + ")");
if (stack_.empty()) {
// Defining a piece with no previous data on the stack means to write that many bytes that
// have no known value.
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfStackEntry source = stack_.back();
if (result_type_ == ResultType::kValue) {
// Simple case where the source of the "piece" is the value at the top of the stack.
if (byte_size > sizeof(UnsignedType)) {
return ReportError(
fxl::StringPrintf("DWARF expression listed a data size of %d which is too large.",
size_t source_valid_bytes = source.GetByteSize();
if (byte_size > source_valid_bytes)
return ReportError("DW_OP_piece attempting to read more bytes than are valid.");
// We want the low bytes, this assumes little-endian.
UnsignedType source_value = source.unsigned_value();
uint8_t source_as_bytes[sizeof(UnsignedType)];
memcpy(&source_as_bytes, &source_value, sizeof(UnsignedType));
result_data_.Append(std::begin(source_as_bytes), &source_as_bytes[byte_size]);
// Reset the expression state to start a new one.
result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
return Completion::kSync;
// This is the more complex case where the top of the stack is a pointer to the value in memory.
// We read that many bytes from memory and add it to the result data.
if (!source.TreatAsUnsigned())
return ReportError("DW_OP_piece attempting to dereference invalid type.");
ReadMemory(source.unsigned_value(), byte_size,
[](DwarfExprEval* eval, std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
// Success. Copy to the result.
// Reset the expression state to start a new one.
eval->result_type_ = ResultType::kPointer;
// The ReadMemory call will complete asynchronously.
return Completion::kAsync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPlusUconst() {
// "Pops the top stack entry, adds it to the unsigned LEB128 constant operand [...] and pushes the
// result."
UnsignedType param = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&param))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_plus_uconst(" + ExprIntToString(param) + ")",
"+ " + ExprIntToString(param));
if (stack_.empty()) {
} else {
DwarfStackEntry top = stack_.back();
// "interpreted as the same type as the operand popped from the top of the stack."
if (top.TreatAsUnsigned()) {
Push(DwarfStackEntry(top.type_ref(), top.unsigned_value() + param));
} else if (top.TreatAsSigned()) {
Push(DwarfStackEntry(top.type_ref(), top.signed_value() + static_cast<SignedType>(param)));
} else if (top.TreatAsFloat()) {
Push(DwarfStackEntry(top.type_ref(), top.float_value() + static_cast<float>(param)));
} else if (top.TreatAsDouble()) {
Push(DwarfStackEntry(top.type_ref(), top.double_value() + static_cast<double>(param)));
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushSigned(int byte_count, const char* op_name) {
SignedType value = 0;
if (!ReadSigned(byte_count, &value))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")",
"push(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")");
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushUnsigned(int byte_count, const char* op_name) {
UnsignedType value = 0;
if (!ReadUnsigned(byte_count, &value))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString(std::string(op_name) + "(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")",
"push(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")");
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushLEBSigned() {
SignedType value = 0;
if (!ReadLEBSigned(&value))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_consts(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")",
"push(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")");
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpPushLEBUnsigned() {
UnsignedType value = 0;
if (!ReadLEBUnsigned(&value))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_constu(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")",
"push(" + ExprIntToString(value) + ")");
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpRot() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_rot");
// Rotates the top 3 entries "down" with wraparound. "The entry at the top of the stack becomes
// the third stack entry, the second entry becomes the top of the stack, and the third entry
// becomes the second entry."
if (stack_.size() < 3) {
} else {
DwarfStackEntry top = stack_[stack_.size() - 1];
DwarfStackEntry one_back = stack_[stack_.size() - 2];
DwarfStackEntry two_back = stack_[stack_.size() - 3];
stack_[stack_.size() - 1] = std::move(one_back);
stack_[stack_.size() - 2] = std::move(two_back);
stack_[stack_.size() - 3] = std::move(top);
return Completion::kSync;
// 1 parameter: 2-byte signed constant.
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpSkip() {
SignedType skip_amount = 0;
if (!ReadSigned(2, &skip_amount))
return Completion::kSync;
if (is_string_output()) {
return AppendString("DW_OP_skip(" + ExprIntToString(skip_amount) + ")");
// Don't actually execute the skip in printing mode, because it could skip backwards to do a
// loop and we would keep printing from there.
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpStackValue() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_stack_value");
// "Specifies that the object does not exist in memory but rather is a constant value. The value
// from the top of the stack is the value to be used. This is the actual object value and not the
// location."
result_type_ = ResultType::kValue;
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpSwap() {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString("DW_OP_swap");
if (stack_.size() < 2)
std::swap(stack_[stack_.size() - 1], stack_[stack_.size() - 2]);
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::OpTlsAddr(const char* op_name) {
if (is_string_output())
return AppendString(op_name);
if (stack_.size() < 1) {
return Completion::kSync;
DwarfStackEntry entry = stack_.back();
if (!entry.TreatAsUnsigned())
return ReportError("Non-unsigned type parameter on stack when computing TLS.");
UnsignedType tls_offset = entry.unsigned_value();
auto debug_address = data_provider_->GetDebugAddressForContext(symbol_context_);
if (!debug_address)
return ReportError("Debug address unavailable.");
symbol_context_, [tls_offset, weak_eval = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](ErrOr<uint64_t> value) {
if (!weak_eval) {
if (value.has_error()) {
weak_eval->Push(DwarfStackEntry(static_cast<UnsignedType>(value.value()) + tls_offset));
return Completion::kAsync;
void DwarfExprEval::Skip(SignedType amount) {
SignedType new_index = static_cast<SignedType>(data_extractor_.cur()) + amount;
if (new_index < 0) {
// Skip before beginning is an error.
ReportError("DWARF expression skips out-of-bounds.");
// The Seek() call will clamp to the end which will just mark the expression terminated.
std::string DwarfExprEval::GetRegisterName(int reg_number) const {
const debug::RegisterInfo* reg_info =
data_provider_ ? debug::DWARFToRegisterInfo(data_provider_->GetArch(), reg_number) : nullptr;
if (!reg_info) // Fall back on reporting the register
return "dwarf_register(" + std::to_string(reg_number) + ")";
return "register(" + reg_info->name + ")";
DwarfExprEval::Completion DwarfExprEval::AppendString(const std::string& op_output,
const std::string& nice_output) {
FX_DCHECK(is_string_output()); // Must be in string output mode.
if (!string_output_.empty())
string_output_.append(", ");
if (string_output_mode_ == StringOutput::kPretty && !nice_output.empty()) {
} else {
return Completion::kSync;
} // namespace zxdb