blob: eebd786258d70095474303f655593937aa263beb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/template_type_extractor.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_token.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/operator_keyword.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Tracks the level of nesting of brackets.
struct Nesting {
Nesting(size_t i, ExprTokenType e) : opening_index(i), end(e) {}
size_t opening_index = 0; // Index of opening bracket.
ExprTokenType end = ExprTokenType::kInvalid; // Expected closing bracket.
bool IsNamelikeToken(const ExprToken& token) {
return token.type() == ExprTokenType::kName || token.type() == ExprTokenType::kTrue ||
token.type() == ExprTokenType::kFalse || token.type() == ExprTokenType::kConst ||
token.type() == ExprTokenType::kVolatile;
// Returns true if the token at the given index needs a space before it to separate it from the
// previous token. The first_index is the index of the first token being considered for type
// extraction (so we don't consider the boundary before this).
bool NeedsSpaceBefore(const std::vector<ExprToken>& tokens, size_t first_index, size_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(first_index <= index);
if (first_index == index)
return false; // Also catches index == 0.
// Names always need a space between then. A name here is any word, so "const Foo" would be an
// example.
if (IsNamelikeToken(tokens[index - 1]) && IsNamelikeToken(tokens[index]))
return true;
// Put a space after a comma. This is undesirable in the case of "operator," appearing as in
// "template<CmpOp a = operator,>" but not a big deal.
if (tokens[index - 1].type() == ExprTokenType::kComma)
return true;
// Most other things can go next to each other as far as valid C++ goes. These are some cases that
// this does incorrectly, see the comment above ExtractTemplateType() for why this isn't so bad
// and how it could be improved.
return false;
} // namespace
// Currently it assumes all operators can be put next to each other without affecting meaning. When
// we're canonicalizing types for the purposes of string comparisons, this is almost certainly the
// case. If we start using the output from this function for more things, we'll want to handle these
// cases better.
TemplateTypeResult ExtractTemplateType(const std::vector<ExprToken>& tokens, size_t begin_token) {
TemplateTypeResult result;
bool inhibit_next_space = false;
std::vector<Nesting> nesting;
size_t i = begin_token;
for (; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
ExprTokenType type = tokens[i].type();
if (type == ExprTokenType::kLeftSquare) {
// [
nesting.emplace_back(i, ExprTokenType::kRightSquare);
} else if (type == ExprTokenType::kLeftParen) {
// (
nesting.emplace_back(i, ExprTokenType::kRightParen);
} else if (type == ExprTokenType::kLess) {
// < (the sequences "operator<" and "operator<<" were handled when we got the "operator"
// token).
nesting.emplace_back(i, ExprTokenType::kGreater);
} else if (nesting.empty() &&
(type == ExprTokenType::kGreater || type == ExprTokenType::kRightParen ||
type == ExprTokenType::kComma)) {
// These tokens mark the end of a type when seen without nesting. Usually this marks the end
// of the enclosing cast or template.
} else if (!nesting.empty() && type == nesting.back().end) {
// Found the closing token for a previous opening one.
} else if (type == ExprTokenType::kOperator) {
// Possible space before "operator".
if (NeedsSpaceBefore(tokens, begin_token, i))
result.canonical_name.push_back(' ');
if (OperatorKeywordResult op_result = ParseOperatorKeyword(tokens, i); op_result.success) {
i = op_result.end_token - 1;
inhibit_next_space = true;
continue; // Skip the code that appends the token at the bottom. We already did it.
// Otherwise the "operator" keyword is invalid. Fall through to append as a literal.
if (!inhibit_next_space && NeedsSpaceBefore(tokens, begin_token, i))
result.canonical_name.push_back(' ');
inhibit_next_space = false;
result.canonical_name += tokens[i].value();
if (nesting.empty()) {
result.success = true;
result.end_token = i;
} else {
// Unterminated thing, tell the caller where it started.
result.success = false;
result.unmatched_error_token = nesting.back().opening_index;
result.end_token = tokens.size();
return result;
} // namespace zxdb