blob: 3701fafed7ff08458bee5680aa00922f67c2d7e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/pretty_std_string.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/format.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/format_node.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/format_options.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/base_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_data_provider.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// A hardcoded pretty-printer for our std::string implementation.
// Long-term, we'll want a better pretty-printing system that's more extensible and versionable
// with our C++ library. This is a first step to designing such a system.
// In libc++ std::string is an "extern template" which means that the char specialization of
// basic_string is in the shared library. Without symbols for libc++, there is no definition for
// std::string.
// As of this writing our libc++ doesn't have symbols, and it's also nice to allow people to
// print strings in their own program without all of the lib++ symbols (other containers don't
// require this so it can be surprising).
// As a result, this pretty-printer is designed to work with no symbol information, and getting
// a value with no size (the expression evaluator won't know what size to make in many cases).
// This complicates it considerably, but std::string is likely the only class that will need such
// handling.
// --------------
// Our libc++'s std::string implementation has two modes, a "short" mode where the string is stored
// inline in the string object, and a "long" mode where it stores a pointer to a heap-allocated
// buffer. These modes are differentiated with a bit on the last byte of the storage.
// class basic_string {
// // For little-endian:
// static const size_type __short_mask = 0x80;
// static const size_type __long_mask = ~(size_type(~0) >> 1); // High bit set.
// bool is_long() const {return __r_.__s.__size_ & __short_mask; }
// struct __rep {
// // Long is used when "__s.__size_ & __short_mask" is true.
// union {
// struct __long {
// value_type* __data_;
// size_t __size_;
// size_t __cap_; // & with __long_mask to get.
// } __l;
// struct __short {
// char value_type[23]
// // padding of sizeof(char) - 1
// struct {
// unsigned char __size_;
// };
// } __s;
// __raw __r; // Can ignore, used only for rapidly copying the representation.
// };
// };
// // actually "__compressed_pair<__rep, allocator> __r_" but effectively:
// compressed_pair __r_;
// };
constexpr uint32_t kStdStringSize = 24;
// Offset from beginning of the object to "__short.__size_" (last byte).
constexpr size_t kShortSizeOffset = 23;
// Bit that indicates the "short" representation.
constexpr uint64_t kShortMask = 0x80;
// Offsets within the data for the "long" representation.
constexpr uint64_t kLongPtrOffset = 0;
constexpr uint64_t kLongSizeOffset = 8;
constexpr uint64_t kLongCapacityOffset = 16;
fxl::RefPtr<BaseType> GetStdStringCharType() {
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<BaseType>(BaseType::kBaseTypeSignedChar, 1, "char");
fxl::RefPtr<BaseType> GetSizeTType() {
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<BaseType>(BaseType::kBaseTypeUnsigned, 8, "size_t");
// Returns true if this std::string uses the inline representation. It's assumed the data has
// al;ready been validated as being the correct length.
ErrOr<bool> IsInlineString(const TaggedData& mem) {
FX_DCHECK(mem.size() == kStdStringSize);
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(kShortSizeOffset, 1))
return Err::OptimizedOut();
return !(mem.bytes()[kShortSizeOffset] & kShortMask);
// Fills in the data pointer for the given std::string.
Err GetStringPtr(const ExprValue& value, uint64_t* ptr) {
if ( != kStdStringSize)
return Err("Invalid std::string data.");
ErrOr<bool> inline_or = IsInlineString(;
if (inline_or.has_error())
return inline_or.err();
if (inline_or.value()) {
// The address is just the beginning of the string.
if (value.source().type() != ExprValueSource::Type::kMemory || value.source().address() == 0)
return Err("Can't get string pointer to a temporary.");
*ptr = value.source().address();
} else {
if (!, sizeof(uint64_t)))
return Err::OptimizedOut();
memcpy(ptr, &[kLongPtrOffset], sizeof(uint64_t));
return Err();
// Guarantees that any inline size is inside the buffer.
Err GetStringSize(const TaggedData& mem, uint64_t* size) {
if (mem.size() != kStdStringSize)
return Err("Invalid std::string data.");
ErrOr<bool> inline_or = IsInlineString(mem);
if (inline_or.has_error())
return inline_or.err();
if (inline_or.value()) {
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(kShortSizeOffset, 1))
return Err::OptimizedOut();
*size = mem.bytes()[kShortSizeOffset];
// Sanity check. The string could be corrupted and we don't want to report an inline size
// greater than the inline buffer (including null).
if (*size >= kStdStringSize - 1)
return Err("std::string has invalid size for inline data (" + std::to_string(*size) + ")");
} else {
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(kLongSizeOffset, sizeof(uint64_t)))
return Err::OptimizedOut();
memcpy(size, &mem.bytes()[kLongSizeOffset], sizeof(uint64_t));
return Err();
Err GetStringCapacity(const TaggedData& mem, uint64_t* capacity) {
if (mem.size() != kStdStringSize)
return Err("Invalid std::string data.");
ErrOr<bool> inline_or = IsInlineString(mem);
if (inline_or.has_error())
return inline_or.err();
if (inline_or.value()) {
*capacity = kShortSizeOffset - 1; // Inline size is stuff before the short size minus null.
} else {
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(kLongCapacityOffset, sizeof(uint64_t)))
return Err::OptimizedOut();
memcpy(capacity, &mem.bytes()[kLongCapacityOffset], sizeof(uint64_t));
// Mask off the high bit which is the "large" flag.
*capacity &= 0x7fffffffffffffff;
return Err();
void FormatStdStringMemory(const TaggedData& mem, FormatNode* node, const FormatOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, fit::deferred_callback cb) {
if (mem.size() != kStdStringSize)
return node->SetDescribedError(Err("Invalid."));
auto char_type = GetStdStringCharType();
uint64_t string_size = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringSize(mem, &string_size); err.has_error())
return node->SetDescribedError(err);
ErrOr<bool> inline_or = IsInlineString(mem);
if (inline_or.has_error())
return node->SetDescribedError(inline_or.err());
if (inline_or.value()) {
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(0, string_size))
return node->SetDescribedError(Err::OptimizedOut());
FormatCharArrayNode(node, char_type, mem.bytes().data(), string_size, true, false);
} else {
// Long representation (with pointer).
if (!mem.RangeIsValid(kLongPtrOffset, sizeof(uint64_t)))
return node->SetDescribedError(Err::OptimizedOut());
uint64_t data_ptr;
memcpy(&data_ptr, &mem.bytes()[kLongPtrOffset], sizeof(uint64_t));
FormatCharPointerNode(node, data_ptr, char_type.get(), string_size, options, context,
// Normally when we have a std::string we won't have the data because the definition is
// missing. But the "source" will usually be set and we can go fetch the right amount of data.
// This function calls the callback with a populated ExprValue if it can be made to have the correct
// size.
void EnsureStdStringMemory(const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, const ExprValue& value,
EvalCallback cb) {
if ( != 0) {
if ( == kStdStringSize)
return cb(value);
return cb(Err("Invalid std::string type size."));
// Don't have the data, see if we can fetch it.
if (value.source().type() != ExprValueSource::Type::kMemory || value.source().address() == 0)
return cb(Err("Can't handle a temporary std::string."));
value.source().address(), kStdStringSize,
[value, cb = std::move(cb)](const Err& err, std::vector<uint8_t> data) mutable {
if (err.has_error())
else if (data.size() != kStdStringSize)
cb(Err("Invalid memory."));
cb(ExprValue(value.type_ref(), std::move(data), value.source()));
// Getters all need to do the same thing: ensure memory, error check, and then run on the result.
// This returns a callback that does that stuff, with the given "getter" implementation taking
// a complete string of a known correct size.
PrettyStdString::EvalFunction MakeGetter(fit::function<void(ExprValue, EvalCallback)> getter) {
return [getter = std::move(getter)](const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context,
const ExprValue& object_value, EvalCallback cb) mutable {
context, object_value,
[context, cb = std::move(cb), getter = std::move(getter)](ErrOrValue value) mutable {
if (value.has_error())
return cb(value);
getter(value.value(), std::move(cb));
} // namespace
void PrettyStdString::Format(FormatNode* node, const FormatOptions& options,
const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, fit::deferred_callback cb) {
EnsureStdStringMemory(context, node->value(),
[weak_node = node->GetWeakPtr(), options, context,
cb = std::move(cb)](ErrOrValue value) mutable {
if (!weak_node)
if (value.has_error()) {
} else {
FormatStdStringMemory(value.value().data(), weak_node.get(), options,
context, std::move(cb));
PrettyStdString::EvalFunction PrettyStdString::GetGetter(const std::string& getter_name) const {
if (getter_name == "data" || getter_name == "c_str") {
return MakeGetter([](ExprValue value, EvalCallback cb) {
uint64_t ptr = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringPtr(value, &ptr); err.has_error())
return cb(err);
auto char_ptr =
fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kPointerType, GetStdStringCharType());
cb(ExprValue(ptr, char_ptr));
if (getter_name == "size" || getter_name == "length") {
return MakeGetter([](ExprValue value, EvalCallback cb) {
uint64_t string_size = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringSize(, &string_size); err.has_error())
return cb(err);
cb(ExprValue(string_size, GetSizeTType()));
if (getter_name == "capacity") {
return MakeGetter([](ExprValue value, EvalCallback cb) {
uint64_t cap = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringCapacity(, &cap); err.has_error())
return cb(err);
cb(ExprValue(cap, GetSizeTType()));
if (getter_name == "empty") {
return MakeGetter([](ExprValue value, EvalCallback cb) {
uint64_t string_size = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringSize(, &string_size); err.has_error())
return cb(err);
cb(ExprValue(string_size == 0));
return EvalFunction();
PrettyStdString::EvalArrayFunction PrettyStdString::GetArrayAccess() const {
return [](const fxl::RefPtr<EvalContext>& context, const ExprValue& object_value, int64_t index,
EvalCallback cb) {
context, object_value, [context, cb = std::move(cb), index](ErrOrValue value) mutable {
if (value.has_error())
return cb(value.err());
const TaggedData& string_data = value.value().data();
if (IsInlineString(string_data)) {
// Use the inline data. Need to range check since we're indexing into our local
// address space.
if (index >= static_cast<int64_t>(kShortSizeOffset) || index < 0)
return cb(Err("String index out of range."));
if (!string_data.RangeIsValid(index, 1))
return cb(Err::OptimizedOut());
// Inline array starts from the beginning of the string.
return cb(ExprValue(GetStdStringCharType(), {string_data.bytes()[index]},
} else {
uint64_t ptr = 0;
if (Err err = GetStringPtr(value.value(), &ptr); err.has_error())
return cb(err);
ptr, 1,
[context, ptr, cb = std::move(cb)](const Err& err,
std::vector<uint8_t> data) mutable {
if (err.has_error())
return cb(err);
if (data.size() == 0)
return cb(Err("Invalid address 0x%" PRIx64, ptr));
cb(ExprValue(GetStdStringCharType(), {data[0]}, ExprValueSource(ptr)));
} // namespace zxdb