blob: 9a4e6c106d2dc1a2f7781ff5beab22aa9b455fdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/fit/function.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/arch_info.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/session_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/system.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/abi.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace debug {
class BufferedFD;
class StreamBuffer;
} // namespace debug
namespace zxdb {
class ArchInfo;
class BreakpointObserver;
class DownloadObserver;
class FilterObserver;
class ProcessImpl;
class ProcessObserver;
class RemoteAPI;
class RemoteAPIImpl;
class RemoteAPITest;
class TargetObserver;
class ThreadImpl;
class ThreadObserver;
enum class SessionConnectionType : uint32_t {
kNetwork = 1,
kUnix = 2,
struct SessionConnectionInfo {
SessionConnectionType type = SessionConnectionType::kNetwork;
// If the connection type is `Network` then `host` is the IP address or URL.
// If the connection type is `Unix` then `host` is the file path to the socket.
std::string host;
// If the connection type is `Network` then `port` is the port address.
// If the connection type is `Unix` then `port` is unused.
uint16_t port = 0;
// The session object manages the connection with the remote debug agent.
class Session : public SettingStoreObserver {
// Creates a session with no connection. All sending will fail until the callback associated with
// a Connect() call is issued.
// Creates a session using a custom RemoteAPI implementation. Use for tests to mock out sending
// IPC messages.
Session(std::unique_ptr<RemoteAPI> remote_api, debug::Arch arch);
// Creates with a previously-allocated connection. The pointer must outlive this class. In this
// mode, the stream can not be disconnected.
explicit Session(debug::StreamBuffer* stream);
virtual ~Session();
fxl::WeakPtr<Session> GetWeakPtr();
// The RempteAPI for sending messages to the debug_agent.
RemoteAPI* remote_api() { return remote_api_.get(); }
void AddObserver(SessionObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(SessionObserver* observer);
void AddBreakpointObserver(BreakpointObserver* observer);
void RemoveBreakpointObserver(BreakpointObserver* observer);
void AddFilterObserver(FilterObserver* observer);
void RemoveFilterObserver(FilterObserver* observer);
void AddDownloadObserver(DownloadObserver* observer);
void RemoveDownloadObserver(DownloadObserver* observer);
// Returns information about whether this session is connected to a minidump instead of a live
// system.
bool is_minidump() const { return is_minidump_; }
// Notification about the stream.
void OnStreamReadable();
void OnStreamError();
// Returns true if there is currently a connection.
bool IsConnected() const;
// Information about the current connection.
const std::string minidump_path() const { return minidump_path_; }
const std::string connected_host() const { return; }
uint16_t connected_port() const { return connected_info_.port; }
// Call with an empty host and 0 port to reconnect to the last attempted connection destination.
// If there is no previous destination, this will be issue an error.
void Connect(const SessionConnectionInfo& info, fit::callback<void(const Err&)> cb);
// Disconnects from the remote system. Calling when there is no connection connection will issue
// the callback with an error.
// This can also be called when a connection is pending (Connect() has been called but the
// callback has not been issued yet) which will cancel the pending connection. The Connect()
// callback will still be issued but will indicate failure.
void Disconnect(fit::callback<void(const Err&)> callback);
// Open a minidump instead of connecting to a running system. The callback will be issued with an
// error if the file cannot be opened or if there is already a connection.
void OpenMinidump(const std::string& path, fit::callback<void(const Err&)> callback);
// Frees all connection-related data. A helper for different modes of cleanup. Returns true if
// there was a connection to clear.
bool ClearConnectionData();
// Access to the singleton corresponding to the debugged system.
System& system() { return system_; }
// Architecture of the attached system. Will be "kUnknown" when not connected.
debug::Arch arch() const { return arch_; }
// Architecture information of the attached system.
const ArchInfo& arch_info() const { return *arch_info_; }
// Observer list getters.
fxl::ObserverList<TargetObserver>& target_observers() { return target_observers_; }
fxl::ObserverList<ProcessObserver>& process_observers() { return process_observers_; }
fxl::ObserverList<ThreadObserver>& thread_observers() { return thread_observers_; }
fxl::ObserverList<BreakpointObserver>& breakpoint_observers() { return breakpoint_observers_; }
fxl::ObserverList<FilterObserver>& filter_observers() { return filter_observers_; }
fxl::ObserverList<DownloadObserver>& download_observers() { return download_observers_; }
// When the client tells the agent to launch a component, it will return an unique id identifying
// that launch. Later, when the component effectively starts, the session will use that ID to know
// which component it is.
void ExpectComponent(uint32_t component_id);
// Dispatches these particular notification types from the agent. These are public since tests
// will commonly want to synthesize these events.
// Note on DispatchNotifyException: Test code can skip setting the metadata by clearing the
// set_metadata flag. This allows them to set up the thread's state manually before issuing an
// exception. Production code should always set the set_metadata flag to populate the thread's
// state from the data in the exception.
void DispatchNotifyThreadStarting(const debug_ipc::NotifyThread& notify);
void DispatchNotifyThreadExiting(const debug_ipc::NotifyThread& notify);
void DispatchNotifyException(const debug_ipc::NotifyException& notify, bool set_metadata = true);
void DispatchNotifyModules(const debug_ipc::NotifyModules& notify);
void DispatchProcessStarting(const debug_ipc::NotifyProcessStarting&);
void DispatchNotifyIO(const debug_ipc::NotifyIO& notify);
// Sends an explicit quit cmd to the agent.
void QuitAgent(fit::callback<void(const Err&)> callback);
// SettingStoreObserver
void OnSettingChanged(const SettingStore&, const std::string& setting_name) override;
// For test purposes, so that the Session appears to be connected.
void set_stream(debug::StreamBuffer* stream) { stream_ = stream; }
fxl::ObserverList<SessionObserver> observers_;
class PendingConnection;
friend PendingConnection;
friend RemoteAPIImpl;
friend RemoteAPITest;
// Nonspecific callback type. Implemented by SessionDispatchCallback (with the type-specific
// parameter pre-bound). The uint32_t is the transaction ID. If the error is set, the data will be
// invalid and the callback should be issued with the error instead of trying to deserialize.
using Callback = fit::callback<void(const Err&, std::vector<char>)>;
// Set the arch_ and arch_info_ fields.
Err SetArch(debug::Arch arch);
// Checks whether it's safe to begin establishing a connection. If not, the callback is invoked
// with details. The opening_dump argument indicates whether we are trying to open a dump file
// rather than connect to a debug agent.
bool ConnectCanProceed(fit::callback<void(const Err&)>& callback, bool opening_dump);
// Dispatches unsolicited notifications sent from the agent.
void DispatchNotification(const debug_ipc::MsgHeader& header, std::vector<char> data);
// Returns the thread object from the given koids, or null.
ThreadImpl* ThreadImplFromKoid(const debug_ipc::ProcessThreadId& id);
// Callback when a connection has been successful or failed.
void ConnectionResolved(fxl::RefPtr<PendingConnection> pending, const Err& err,
const debug_ipc::HelloReply& reply,
std::unique_ptr<debug::BufferedFD> buffer,
fit::callback<void(const Err&)> callback);
void ListenForSystemSettings();
void AttachToLimboProcessAndNotify(uint64_t koid, const std::string& process_name);
// Configurations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Upon connection, the session will tell the agent of all the configurations it should know
// about.
void SendAgentConfiguration();
// Pushes the quit agent config action into |actions|.
void ConfigQuitAgent(bool quit, std::vector<debug_ipc::ConfigAction>* actions);
// Whether we have opened a core dump. Makes much of the connection-related stuff obsolete.
bool is_minidump_ = false;
// Whether to automatically attach to processes found in Process Limbo upon a
// successful connection.
bool auto_attach_limbo_ = true;
// Cache of koids that have been automatically attached from limbo during this session. If a koid
// that has been cached crashes again, it will not be automatically attached to.
// This behavior could be seen when a user detaches from a process in limbo (rather than
// explicitly killing it) and it immediately crashes again and ends back up in limbo and would
// otherwise attach automatically again.
std::set<uint64_t> koid_seen_in_limbo_;
// Observers.
fxl::ObserverList<TargetObserver> target_observers_;
fxl::ObserverList<ProcessObserver> process_observers_;
fxl::ObserverList<ThreadObserver> thread_observers_;
fxl::ObserverList<BreakpointObserver> breakpoint_observers_;
fxl::ObserverList<FilterObserver> filter_observers_;
fxl::ObserverList<DownloadObserver> download_observers_;
// Non-owning pointer to the connected stream. If this is non-null and connection_storage_ is
// null, the connection is persistent (made via the constructor) and can't be disconnected.
// This could be null when the connection_storage_ isn't when we're waiting for the initial
// connection.
debug::StreamBuffer* stream_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<RemoteAPI> remote_api_;
// When using non-persistent connections (no connection passed in via the constructor), this will
// hold the underlying OS connection that is used to back stream_ as well as the
// Code should use stream_ for sending and receiving.
std::unique_ptr<debug::BufferedFD> connection_storage_;
// Stores what the session is currently connected to.
std::string minidump_path_;
SessionConnectionInfo connected_info_;
// When a connection has been requested but is being connected on the background thread, this will
// hold the pointer.
fxl::RefPtr<PendingConnection> pending_connection_;
std::map<uint32_t, Callback> pending_;
uint32_t next_transaction_id_ = 1; // Reserve 0 for notifications.
// Component ids that the session is currently waiting on. See ExpectComponent comments for more
// information on these ids.
std::set<uint32_t> expected_components_;
System system_;
debug::Arch arch_ = debug::Arch::kUnknown;
std::unique_ptr<ArchInfo> arch_info_; // Guaranteed non-null.
// The last connection that was made by the session. Will have an empty host and a 0 port
// if there has never been a connection.
SessionConnectionInfo last_connection_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<Session> weak_factory_;
} // namespace zxdb