blob: bd2d2f9f86f8fc9d222bf441b5112fe95d4e37cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace zxdb {
class Err;
class LoadedModuleSymbols;
class Process;
class Thread;
class ProcessObserver {
// Reason for destroying a process object.
enum class DestroyReason { kExit, kDetach, kKill };
static const char* DestroyReasonToString(DestroyReason);
// The |autoattached| flag will be set when this process is a result of attaching automatically to
// a new process in a job. The process in this state will exist but will not have started running
// yet.
virtual void DidCreateProcess(Process* process, bool autoattached, uint64_t timestamp) {}
// Called after detaching from or destroying a process. The Process object will still exist on the
// Target but the Target will report |state == kNone|.
// The exit code will only have meaning when reason == kExit, otherwise it will be 0.
virtual void WillDestroyProcess(Process* process, DestroyReason reason, int exit_code,
uint64_t timestamp) {}
// Notification that a module with symbols is ready to use.
// Note: There is currently no notification for module loads absent symbol information. If that's
// necessary, this will need refactoring.
virtual void DidLoadModuleSymbols(Process* process, LoadedModuleSymbols* module) {}
// Notification that the given module with symbols is about to be removed.
virtual void WillUnloadModuleSymbols(Process* process, LoadedModuleSymbols* module) {}
// Called when symbols for a loaded binary could not be loaded.
virtual void OnSymbolLoadFailure(Process* process, const Err& err) {}
} // namespace zxdb