blob: 3e9df441f7095cfb1f4750d92af5bc1f68b8f58f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/identifier_glob.h"
namespace zxdb {
class Frame;
class Location;
// A type of glob for matching stack frames. It can match a file or function name.
class PrettyFrameGlob {
// This class uses static constructors due to the ambiguity of representing file and function
// matchers.
// Matches any stack frame. The min/max_matches allows this to match some number of frames
// (inclusive).
static PrettyFrameGlob Wildcard(size_t min_matches = 1, size_t max_matches = 1);
static PrettyFrameGlob File(std::string file);
static PrettyFrameGlob Func(IdentifierGlob func_glob);
static PrettyFrameGlob FuncFile(IdentifierGlob func_glob, std::string file);
// These function variants will parse the function as an IdentifierGlob and assert that it
// parses properly. They are designed for tests and built-in globs.
static PrettyFrameGlob Func(const std::string& func_glob);
static PrettyFrameGlob FuncFile(const std::string& func_glob, std::string file);
bool is_wildcard() const { return !function_ && !file_; }
size_t min_matches() const { return min_matches_; }
size_t max_matches() const { return max_matches_; }
bool Matches(const Frame* frame) const;
bool Matches(const Location& loc) const;
size_t min_matches_ = 1;
size_t max_matches_ = 1;
std::optional<IdentifierGlob> function_;
std::optional<std::string> file_;
} // namespace zxdb