blob: 7c29f29520044967676437fb69584db65b0f4edd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
namespace zxdb {
// A FrameFingerprint is a way to compare stack frames across pause/resumes of the same thread. The
// Frame pointers themselves are owned by the Thread and will be destroyed when the thread is
// resumed. By saving a FrameFingerprint code can compare whether a future stop is the same or a
// subframe of the previous one.
// With stack frame pointers, an x64 prologue looks like this:
// push rbp
// mov rbp, rsp
// The stack grows to smaller addresses as stuff is pushed (in this diagram, down). Before the call
// say it looks like this:
// 0x1010 [data] <= BP
// 0x1008 [data]
// 0x1000 [data] <= SP
// ...... [garbage]
// The CALL instruction will make it look like this:
// 0x1010 [data] <= BP (same as before call)
// 0x1008 [data]
// 0x1000 [data] <= FrameFingerprint.frame_address_
// 0x0ff8 [ret addr] <= SP (new)
// And after the called function's prologue it will look like this:
// 0x1010 [data]
// 0x1008 [data]
// 0x1000 [data] <= FrameFingerprint.frame_address_
// 0x0ff8 [ret addr]
// 0x0ff0 [old BP] <= BP, SP (both new)
// ...... [function locals will be appended starting here]
// Ideally we want a consistent way to refer to this stack frame that doesn't change across the
// function prologue. GDB and LLDB use a "frame_id" (GDB) / "FrameID" (LLDB) which is a combination
// of the "stack_addr" and "code_addr". Together these uniquely identify a stack frame.
// Their "code_addr" is the address of the beginning of the function it's currently in (the
// destination of the call above). This is easy enough to get from Location.function().
// Their "stack_addr" for the function being called in this example will be 0x1000 which is the SP
// from right before the call instruction. This is called the frame's "canonical frame address" in
// DWARF. We can get this by looking at the previous frame's SP.
// Because the inline count depends on other frames, the getter for this object is on the Stack
// (Stack::GetFrameFingerprint).
// ----------------
// The above description deals with physical stack frames. Inline frames share the same physical
// stack frame.
// To differentiate the depth when inside inline frames of the same functions, the fingerprint also
// keeps a depth of inline function calls. The frame address comes from the stack pointer before the
// current physical frame.
class FrameFingerprint {
FrameFingerprint() = default;
// We currently don't have a use for "function begin" so it is not included
// here. It may be necessary in the future.
explicit FrameFingerprint(uint64_t frame_address, size_t inline_count)
: frame_address_(frame_address), inline_count_(inline_count) {}
bool is_valid() const { return frame_address_ != 0; }
// Returns true if the input refers to the same frame as this one. This will assert if either
// frame is !is_valid().
bool operator==(const FrameFingerprint& other) const;
// For debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
// Computes "left Newer than right". This doesn't use operator < or > because it's ambiguous
// whether a newer frame is "less" or "greater".
static bool Newer(const FrameFingerprint& left, const FrameFingerprint& right);
static bool NewerOrEqual(const FrameFingerprint& left, const FrameFingerprint& right);
// The address of the stack immediately before the function call (i.e. the stack pointer of the
// previous frame). See the class documentation above.
uint64_t frame_address_ = 0;
// When this frame is a physical frame, the inline count will be 0. Higher counts indicate the
// nesting depth of inline function calls at the current location.
size_t inline_count_ = 0;
} // namespace zxdb