blob: 3d7fd5752ccbd2346e8f9b577146a5393cce05f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'collector.dart';
/// Determines whether we consider two git pointers as equivalent.
/// Accepts two strings, which should be git pointers, and returns whether they
/// are equivalent. Useful to prevent other classes from returning awkward and
/// unstructured tuples of strings, and in case we ever add constraints to
/// "equivalency".
class GitJiriStatus {
final String head;
final String jiriHead;
GitJiriStatus(this.head, this.jiriHead);
bool get isSourceInJiriHead => head == jiriHead;
/// Receives a [ProcessResult] which contains information about Git hashes.
class GitStatusParser {
GitJiriStatus parse({ProcessResult processResult}) {
if (processResult.exitCode != 0) {
return null;
LineSplitter ls = LineSplitter();
List<String> lines = ls.convert(processResult.stdout);
String head = lines.isNotEmpty ? lines[0] : 'BAD_GIT_HASH';
String jiriHead = lines.length > 1 ? lines[1] : 'BAD_JIRI_GIT_HASH';
return GitJiriStatus(head, jiriHead);
/// Asks git for the HEAD and JIRI_HEAD hashes. Intended to be paired with the
/// [GitStatusParser] class, which knows how to make sense of this result.
class GitStatusChecker {
Future<ProcessResult> checkStatus() async {
var fuchsiaGitDir = '${Platform.environment['FUCHSIA_DIR']}/.git';
return'git', [
/// Confirms whether git's HEAD and JIRI_HEAD share the same hash.
/// Accepts optional [GitStatusChecker] and [GitStatusParser] helper
/// classes which respectively know how to make a git system call and
/// make sense of those results. Not passing values leads to default
/// behavior, which is usually what you want.
class GitCollector implements Collector {
Future<List<Item>> collect({
GitStatusChecker statusChecker,
GitStatusParser statusParser,
}) async {
// Create default values
statusChecker ??= GitStatusChecker();
statusParser ??= GitStatusParser();
ProcessResult pr = await statusChecker.checkStatus();
GitJiriStatus status = statusParser.parse(processResult: pr);
if (status == null) {
return null;
return <Item>[
'Is fuchsia source project in JIRI_HEAD?',