blob: 7e9687c12f21ee501e7b679ed375d0bc6b00ab08 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This `minimal` product is intended to be the "smallest thing we'd still call Fuchsia," which
# implies simplicity, security, updatability and performance. Importantly, that differs from "all
# current products use this feature;" today, that is what the `core` product is for.
# `minimal` will change over time, both by addition and subtraction -- for example, should the
# team ship a mechanism for updating Fuchsia that does not require IP networking, that functionality
# should be moved to a higher-level product definition.
# Minimal, and all products based on it, use the "standard" assembled_system()
# impl in `//build/images/fuchsia`
use_bringup_assembly = false
bootfs_only = false
# Kernel command line arguments.
product_bootfs_labels -=
[ "//products/kernel_cmdline:kernel.oom.behavior--jobkill" ]
product_bootfs_labels +=
[ "//products/kernel_cmdline:kernel.oom.behavior--reboot" ]
# Core scheduler profiles.
product_bootfs_labels += [ "//src/sys/core:bootfs" ]
core_realm_package_name = "core-minimal"
core_realm_shards = [
# The goal is to remove all developer packages and their capability routes from this product
# config. This will require some refactoring of core shards.
# Serve fuchsia.intl.TimeZones through intl_services by default. This is
# needed in core.gni for tests that use the core image.
# TODO( deprecate appmgr from minimal.
# Try to move up to core.gni or "higher" / specific product configurations.
core_realm_shards += appmgr_core_shards
# TODO( Seems like virtualization shouldn't be needed by "minimal"
core_realm_shards += [
core_realm_restrict_persistent_storage = true
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# TODO( Complete CFv2 migration and remove.
# TODO( Complete CFv2 migration and remove.
# Serve fuchsia.intl.TimeZones through intl_services by default. This is
# needed in core.gni for tests that use the core image.
# TODO( remove once out-of-tree users no longer
# reference v1 components.
# All v1 components are allowed to use isolated-persistent-storage, even if
# they're not listed in the component ID index.
"//src/sys/universe-resolver", # This seems needed to run the session manager
product_bootfs_labels += [
# Core products have pkgfs, so include the base resolver.
# Set the SWD policy for core.gni, details can be found in
# //build/security/policies_swd.gni.
policy_labels.swd = "unrestricted"
# Set the update_checker policy for core.gni, details can be found in
# //build/security/policies_swd.gni.
policy_labels.update_checker = "system_update_checker"
# Enable input injection for testing through `fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry`.
use_modern_input_injection = true
# session_manager also needs a core realm shard but they currently vary between products, they
# must be added in individual product configs.
legacy_base_package_labels += [ "//src/session/bin/session_manager" ]
# Use the product assembly config file to specify the product configuration.
# This should be overridden by products which inherit from minimal.
fuchsia_product_assembly_config_file =