blob: 71af96d0fd9092fa428c3f80bb56de4c22a235f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.gpu.magma;
using zx;
enum QueryId {
/// Upper 32bits: max inflight messages, lower 32bits: max inflight memory (MB)
protocol Device {
/// Get a parameter.
Query(uint64 query_id) -> (uint64 result);
/// Get a parameter and store it in a new vmo.
QueryReturnsBuffer(uint64 query_id) -> (zx.handle:VMO result);
/// Get the magma ipc channels.
Connect(uint64 client_id) -> (zx.handle:CHANNEL primary_channel, zx.handle:CHANNEL notification_channel);
/// Dumps driver and hardware state.
DumpState(uint32 dump_type);
/// For testing only.
/// For testing only - on non-test drivers this will close the channel.
GetUnitTestStatus() -> (zx.status status);
/// Primary declarations.
const uint32 kReceiveBufferSize = 2048;
struct Resource {
zx.koid buffer;
uint64 offset;
uint64 length;
struct CommandBuffer {
uint32 batch_buffer_resource_index;
uint32 batch_start_offset;
protocol Primary {
/// Imports a buffer for use in the system driver.
ImportBuffer(zx.handle:VMO buffer);
/// Destroys the buffer with `buffer_id` within this connection.
ReleaseBuffer(zx.koid buffer_id);
/// Imports an object for use in the system driver.
ImportObject(handle object, uint32 object_type);
/// Destroys the object with `object_id` within this connection.
ReleaseObject(zx.koid object_id, uint32 object_type);
/// Creates context `context_id`.
CreateContext(uint32 context_id);
/// Destroys context `context_id`.
DestroyContext(uint32 context_id);
/// Submits a command buffer for execution on the GPU, with associated resources.
uint32 context_id,
CommandBuffer command_buffer,
vector<Resource> resources,
vector<zx.koid> wait_semaphores,
vector<zx.koid> signal_semaphores);
/// Submits a series of commands for execution on the GPU without using a command buffer.
ExecuteImmediateCommands(uint32 context_id,
bytes:kReceiveBufferSize command_data,
vector<zx.koid> semaphores);
/// Retrieve the current magma error status.
GetError() -> (int32 magma_status);
/// Maps `page_count` pages of `buffer` from `page_offset` onto the GPU in the connection's
/// address space at `gpu_va`. `flags` is a set of flags from `MAGMA_GPU_MAP_FLAGS` that
/// specify how the GPU can access the buffer.
MapBufferGpu(zx.koid buffer_id, uint64 gpu_va, uint64 page_offset,
uint64 page_count, uint64 flags);
/// Releases the mapping at `gpu_va` from the GPU.
/// Buffers will also be implicitly unmapped when released.
UnmapBufferGpu(zx.koid buffer_id, uint64 gpu_va);
/// Ensures that `page_count` pages starting at `page_offset` from the beginning of the
/// buffer are backed by physical memory.
CommitBuffer(zx.koid buffer_id, uint64 page_offset, uint64 page_count);
/// Tries to enable performance counter FIDL messages. To be successful, |access_token| must
/// have been returned by PerformanceCounterAccess.GetPerformanceCountToken() from the matching
/// device.
AccessPerformanceCounters(handle<event> access_token);
/// Returns true if any AccessPerformanceCounters message has succeeded.
IsPerformanceCounterAccessEnabled() -> (bool enabled);
/// Enables the events OnNotifyMessagesConsumed and OnNotifyMemoryImported.
/// Indicates the given number of messages were consumed by the server.
/// The caller should limit the number of inflight messages:
/// (messages sent - server consumed) <= Max (see QueryId::MAXIMUM_INFLIGHT_PARAMS).
/// Messages are actually consumed by the server as quickly as possible, however this event
/// is sent by the server only when the consumed count reaches half the maximum.
-> OnNotifyMessagesConsumed(uint64 count);
/// Indicates the given number of buffer memory bytes were imported by the server.
/// The caller should limit the amount of memory from inflight ImportBuffer messages:
/// (bytes sent - server imported) <= Max (see QueryId::MAXIMUM_INFLIGHT_PARAMS).
/// This is a soft limit designed to prevent excessive memory consumption, but for large
/// messages the client may exceed the limit.
/// Memory is imported by the server as quickly as possible, however this event
/// is sent only when the consumed byte count reaches half the maximum; therefore,
/// if the client's count of inflight bytes is less than max/2, the client should send the
/// ImportBuffer message regardless of its size.
-> OnNotifyMemoryImported(uint64 bytes);
/// This protocol is implemented by ZX_PROTOCOL_GPU_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS devices.
protocol PerformanceCounterAccess {
/// This access token is not used as an event, but is instead passed to
/// Primary.EnablePerformanceCounterAccess.
GetPerformanceCountToken() -> (handle<event> access_token);