blob: a83304e419cd442f75822bf32626fbfb5dda950b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
completion::Completer, error::ReadlineError, highlight::Highlighter, hint::Hinter, Helper,
borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed, Owned},
/// Macro to generate a command enum and its impl.
macro_rules! gen_commands {
($name:ident {
$($variant:ident = ($val:expr, [$($arg:expr),*], $help:expr)),*,
}) => {
/// Enum of all possible commands
pub enum $name {
impl $name {
/// Returns a list of the string representations of all variants
pub fn variants() -> Vec<String> {
let mut variants = Vec::new();
pub fn arguments(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$name::$variant => concat!($("<", $arg, "> ",)*)
/// Multiline help string for `$name` including usage of all variants.
pub fn help_msg() -> &'static str {
concat!("Commands:\n", $(
"\t", $val, " ", $("<", $arg, "> ",)* "-- ", $help, "\n"
),*, "\nSee //src/connectivity/bluetooth/tools/bt-bredr-profile/ for documentation.\n")
impl fmt::Display for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
$($name::$variant => write!(f, $val)),* ,
impl FromStr for $name {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$name, ()> {
match s {
$($val => Ok($name::$variant)),* ,
_ => Err(()),
gen_commands! {
Cmd {
Advertise = ("advertise", ["psm", "channel-mode", "max-rx-du-size"],
"\n\t\tRegister a service with the SDP server.\n\
\t\t'psm' is a protocol id that this service will advertise support for.\n\
\t\t'channel-mode' is {basic|ertm}.\n\
\t\t'max-rx-sdu-size' is an integer in the range 0 - 65535.\n\n\
\t\tExample: advertise 25 basic 672"),
SetupRfcomm = ("setup-rfcomm", [],
"\n\t\t Registers an advertisement for an example SPP service.\n\
\t\t Registers a search for compatible SPP services."),
Services = ("services", [], "List registered services"),
RemoveService = ("remove-service", ["service-id"],
"\n\t\tUnregister service corresponding to 'service-id'\n\
\t\tExample: remove-service 0"),
Channels = ("channels", [], "List connected L2CAP channels and their Ids assigned by the REPL"),
ConnectL2cap = ("connect-l2cap", ["peer-id", "psm", "channel-mode", "max-rx-sdu-size", "security-requirements"],
"\n\t\tCreate an l2cap channel to the remote device 'peer-id'. \n\
\t\t'channel-mode' must be {basic|ertm}. 'psm' and 'max-rx-sdu-size' must be\n\
\t\tpositive integers in the range 0 - 65535. 'security-requirements' must be\n\
\t\tExample: connect-l2cap 028565803f1368b2 1 basic 672 none"),
ConnectRfcomm = ("connect-rfcomm", ["peer-id", "server-channel"],
"\n\t\tCreate an RFCOMM channel to the remote device 'peer-id'. \n\
\t\t'server-channel' must be in the range [1,30]. \n\
\t\tExample: connect-rfcomm 028565803f1368b2 1"),
DisconnectL2cap = ("disconnect-l2cap", ["channel-id"],
"\n\t\tDrop socket corresponding to 'channel-id', which will disconnect\n\
\t\tthe l2cap channel.\n\
\t\t'channel-id' must correspond to a connected channel listed by the \n\
\t\t'channels' command\n\n\
\t\tExample: disconnect-l2cap 0"),
DisconnectRfcomm = ("disconnect-rfcomm", ["peer-id", "server-channel"],
"\n\t\tDisconnect the RFCOMM channel corresponding to `server-channel`.\n\
\t\tExample: disconnect-rfcomm 028565803f1368b2 5"),
DisconnectRfcommSession = ("disconnect-rfcomm-session", ["peer-id"],
"\n\t\tDisconnect the RFCOMM Session with the connected remote device `peer-id`.\n\
\t\tExample: disconnect-rfcomm-session 028565803f1368b2"),
SendRls = ("send-remote-line-status", ["peer-id", "server-channel"], "\n\t\tSend a Remote Line Status update for the `server-channel`"),
WriteL2cap = ("write-l2cap", ["channel-id", "data"],
"\n\t\tWrite 'data' on the L2CAP socket/channel represented by 'channel-id'\n\n\
\t\tExample: write 0 0123456789abcd"),
WriteRfcomm = ("write-rfcomm", ["peer-id", "channel-id", "data"],
"\n\t\tWrite 'data' on the RFCOMM channel represented by 'server-channel'\n\n\
\t\tExample: write 028565803f1368b2 1 myexampleuserdata"),
Help = ("help", [], "Print command help"),
Exit = ("exit", [], "Remove all services, close all channels, and exit the REPL."),
Quit = ("quit", [], "Alias for 'exit'."),
/// Represents either continuation or breaking out of a read-evaluate-print loop.
pub enum ReplControl {
/// CmdHelper provides completion, hints, and highlighting.
pub struct CmdHelper {}
impl CmdHelper {
pub fn new() -> CmdHelper {
CmdHelper {}
impl Completer for CmdHelper {
type Candidate = String;
fn complete(&self, line: &str, _pos: usize) -> Result<(usize, Vec<String>), ReadlineError> {
let components: Vec<_> = line.trim_start().split_whitespace().collect();
// Check whether we have entered a command and either whitespace or a partial argument.
// If yes, complete arguments; if no, complete commands
let mut variants = Vec::new();
let should_complete_arguments = (components.len() == 1 && line.ends_with(" "))
|| (components.len() == 2 && !line.ends_with(" "));
if should_complete_arguments {
let candidates = vec![];
Ok((0, candidates))
} else {
for variant in Cmd::variants() {
if variant.starts_with(line) {
Ok((0, variants))
impl Hinter for CmdHelper {
/// Provide a hint for what argument should be presented next.
/// Returns None if no hint is available.
fn hint(&self, line: &str, _pos: usize) -> Option<String> {
let needs_space = !line.ends_with(" ");
.map(|cmd| {
format!("{}{}", if needs_space { " " } else { "" }, cmd.arguments().to_string(),)
impl Highlighter for CmdHelper {
/// Highlighter changes the text color of the hint, to differentiate between user input
/// and the hint itself.
fn highlight_hint<'h>(&self, hint: &'h str) -> Cow<'h, str> {
if hint.trim().is_empty() {
} else {
Owned(format!("\x1b[90m{}\x1b[0m", hint))
/// CmdHelper can be used as an `Editor` helper for entering input commands
impl Helper for CmdHelper {}