blob: 69150971f98ba810e3bcf995d16f8d721e858d22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.wlan.internal;
using fuchsia.wlan.common;
const MAC_ADDR_BYTE_LEN uint8 = 6;
// TODO( This type should really be `bits`, but since the `bits`
// type is not supported in Banjo bindings it can't be.
alias BssTypeSelector = uint8;
const BSS_TYPE_SELECTOR_INFRASTRUCTURE BssTypeSelector = 0b0001;
const BSS_TYPE_SELECTOR_INDEPENDENT BssTypeSelector = 0b0010;
const BSS_TYPE_SELECTOR_MESH BssTypeSelector = 0b0100;
const BSS_TYPE_SELECTOR_PERSONAL BssTypeSelector = 0b1000;
const BSS_TYPE_SELECTOR_ANY BssTypeSelector = 0b1111;
type BssType = strict enum {
// The UNKNOWN value is added to this type instead of created a new
// enum like `DetectedBssType` so that language bindings can avoid the use
// of verbose constants like DETECTED_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE. The tradeoff
// is to handle UNKNOWN when specifying the BSS type of a new AP.
MESH = 3;
type BssConfig = struct {
bssid array<uint8, MAC_ADDR_BYTE_LEN>;
bss_type BssType;
remote bool;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016,
alias CapabilityInfo = uint16;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
const HT_CAP_LEN uint8 = 26;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
const HT_OP_LEN uint8 = 22;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
const VHT_CAP_LEN uint8 = 12;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
const VHT_OP_LEN uint8 = 5;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016 defines 12 values in dot11SupportedDataRatesRxTable and
// 2 values for BSS Membership Selector in Table 9-78. Only these 14 values are valid.
// But in, some of these values may be duplicated in both SupportedRates(SR) and
// ExtendedSupportedRates(ESR). Since the SR element allows 8 bytes, and assuming the ESR element
// duplicates all the values in the SR element plus contains all the remaining valid values, the
// maximum is set to 8 + 14 = 22.
const RATES_MAX_LEN uint8 = 22;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
type HtCapabilities = struct {
bytes array<uint8, HT_CAP_LEN>;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
type HtOperation = struct {
bytes array<uint8, HT_OP_LEN>;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
type VhtCapabilities = struct {
bytes array<uint8, VHT_CAP_LEN>;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
type VhtOperation = struct {
bytes array<uint8, VHT_OP_LEN>;
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016
type BssDescription = struct {
bssid array<uint8, MAC_ADDR_BYTE_LEN>;
bss_type BssType;
beacon_period uint16; // in TU
timestamp uint64;
local_time uint64;
capability_info CapabilityInfo;
/// All info elements present in the beacon or probe response frame.
ies bytes;
// List up non-standard, Fuchsia only parameters
channel fuchsia.wlan.common.WlanChannel;
// The running average of received signal strength indicator in units of dBm. This value is
// updated periodically when the client is associated to an AP.
rssi_dbm int8; // dBm
// The running average of snr in units of dB. This value is updated periodically when the
// client is associated to an AP.
snr_db int8;
type WmmStatusResponse = struct {
apsd bool;
ac_be_params WmmAcParams;
ac_bk_params WmmAcParams;
ac_vi_params WmmAcParams;
ac_vo_params WmmAcParams;
/// WFA WMM v1.2, 2.2.2
type WmmAcParams = struct {
/// Lower bound of contention window in exponential form
/// `cw_min = 2^(ecw_min) - 1`. The unit for contention window is "slot time", which
/// is different for each standard (e.g. 9 microseconds, 13 microseconds, etc.)
ecw_min uint8;
/// Upper bound of contention window in exponential form
/// `cw_max = 2^(ecw_max) - 1`. The unit for contention window is "slot time", which
/// is different for each standard (e.g. 9 microseconds, 13 microseconds, etc.)
ecw_max uint8;
/// Arbitration Interframe Spacing Number (control wait time between sending each frame)
aifsn uint8;
/// TXOP limit in unit of 32 microseconds
txop_limit uint16;
/// Whether admission control is mandatory
acm bool;