blob: 18004454abb653e09b113bc5e45bafabf2748598 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.lowpan;
const MAX_PROVISION_URL_LEN uint16 = 64;
const MAX_VENDOR_NAME_LEN uint16 = 32;
const MAX_VENDOR_MODEL_LEN uint16 = 32;
const MAX_VENDOR_SW_VER_LEN uint16 = 16;
const MAX_VENDOR_DATA_LEN uint16 = 64;
const PSKD_LEN uint16 = 32;
/// Parameters for joiner commissioning.
/// More information:
type JoinerCommissioningParams = table {
/// Commissioning PSKd. Required.
1: pskd string:PSKD_LEN;
/// Provisioning URL. Optional.
2: provisioning_url string:MAX_PROVISION_URL_LEN;
/// Vendor name. Optional.
3: vendor_name string:MAX_VENDOR_NAME_LEN;
/// Vendor model. Optional.
4: vendor_model string:MAX_VENDOR_MODEL_LEN;
/// Vendor Software Version. Optional.
5: vendor_sw_version string:MAX_VENDOR_SW_VER_LEN;
/// Vendor data string. Optional.
6: vendor_data_string string:MAX_VENDOR_DATA_LEN;