blob: cf2851b38a62a4c74efbafa80729da17bb901e52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:fxutils/fxutils.dart';
import 'package:io/ansi.dart' as ansi;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// ignore: prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
typedef String Stylizer(String value, Iterable<ansi.AnsiCode> codes,
{bool forScript});
// ignore: prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
typedef void DirectoryBuilder(String path, {bool recursive});
/// Simple class to hold shared parameters.
class Flags {
final bool dryRun;
final bool isVerbose;
/// The maximum number of tests to run. If 0, all tests will be executed.
final int limit;
/// The realm name to run the test inside of. If null, a random name is used.
final String realm;
final String minSeverityLogs;
final bool allOutput;
final bool shouldRebuild;
final bool e2e;
final int fuzzyThreshold;
final bool infoOnly;
final String logPath;
final MatchLength matchLength;
final bool onlyE2e;
final bool shouldFailFast;
final bool shouldLog;
final bool simpleOutput;
final bool shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests;
final bool shouldOnlyRunHostTests;
final bool shouldRestrictLogs;
final bool shouldPrintSkipped;
final bool shouldRandomizeTestOrder;
final bool shouldSilenceUnsupported;
final bool shouldUpdateIfInBase;
final bool shouldUsePackageHash;
final int slowThreshold;
final int timeout;
// flags for v2 tests
final List<String> testFilter;
final String count;
final String parallel;
final bool runDisabledTests;
this.dryRun = false,
this.isVerbose = false,
this.limit = 0,
this.allOutput = false,
this.e2e = false,
this.infoOnly = false,
this.matchLength = MatchLength.partial,
this.onlyE2e = false,
this.simpleOutput = false,
this.shouldLog = true,
this.shouldFailFast = false,
this.shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests = false,
this.shouldOnlyRunHostTests = false,
this.shouldRestrictLogs = false,
this.shouldPrintSkipped = false,
this.shouldRandomizeTestOrder = false,
this.shouldRebuild = true,
this.shouldSilenceUnsupported = false,
this.shouldUpdateIfInBase = true,
this.shouldUsePackageHash = true,
this.slowThreshold = 0,
this.timeout = 0,
this.runDisabledTests = false,
factory Flags.fromArgResults(ArgResults argResults) {
return Flags(
allOutput: argResults['output'],
dryRun: argResults['info'] || argResults['dry'],
e2e: argResults['e2e'] || argResults['only-e2e'],
fuzzyThreshold: int.parse(argResults['fuzzy']),
onlyE2e: argResults['only-e2e'],
infoOnly: argResults['info'],
isVerbose: argResults['verbose'] || argResults['output'],
limit: int.parse(argResults['limit'] ?? '0'),
logPath: argResults['logpath'],
argResults['exact'] ? MatchLength.full : MatchLength.partial,
realm: argResults['realm'],
minSeverityLogs: argResults['min-severity-logs'],
simpleOutput: argResults['simple'],
shouldFailFast: argResults['fail'],
shouldLog: argResults['log'],
shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests: argResults['device'],
shouldOnlyRunHostTests: argResults['host'],
shouldRestrictLogs: argResults['restrict-logs'],
shouldPrintSkipped: argResults['skipped'],
testFilter: argResults['test-filter'],
// True (aka, yes rebuild) if `no-build` is missing or set to `False`
shouldRebuild: (!argResults['info'] && !argResults['dry']) &&
(argResults['build'] == null || argResults['build']),
shouldRandomizeTestOrder: argResults['random'],
shouldSilenceUnsupported: argResults['silenceunsupported'],
shouldUpdateIfInBase: argResults['updateifinbase'],
shouldUsePackageHash: argResults['use-package-hash'],
slowThreshold: int.parse(argResults['slow'] ?? '0'),
timeout: int.parse(argResults['timeout'] ?? '0'),
count: argResults['count'],
parallel: argResults['parallel'],
runDisabledTests: argResults['also-run-disabled-tests']);
String toString() => '''<Flags
allOutput: $allOutput,
dryRun: $dryRun
fuzzyThreshold: $fuzzyThreshold
isVerbose: $isVerbose
e2e: $e2e,
info: $infoOnly,
limit: $limit
logPath: $logPath,
matchLength: ${matchLength.toString()},
realm: $realm
min-severity-logs: $minSeverityLogs,
shouldFailFast: $shouldFailFast
simpleOutput: $simpleOutput,
shouldFailFast: $shouldFailFast
shouldLog: $shouldLog
shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests: $shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests
shouldOnlyRunHostTests: $shouldOnlyRunHostTests
shouldRestrictLogs: $shouldRestrictLogs
shouldPrintSkipped: $shouldPrintSkipped
shouldRandomizeTestOrder: $shouldRandomizeTestOrder
shouldSilenceUnsupported: $shouldSilenceUnsupported
shouldUpdateIfInBase: $shouldUpdateIfInBase
shouldUsePackageHash: $shouldUsePackageHash
slowThreshold: $slowThreshold
testFilter: $testFilter
count: $count
parallel: $parallel
/// The parsed parameters passed by our test-running user for evaluation
/// against specific tests available to the current build.
/// This handles the fact that users can invoke flags we need to honor in a
/// combinatorial sort of way. For example, consider this invocation:
/// ```sh
/// fx test //network //bootloader -d
/// ```
/// Here, our developer wants to run all device network tests and all device
/// bootloader tests. To streamline the code that delivers this, we will expand
/// parameters and pretend the developer executed the following two commands:
/// ```sh
/// fx test //network -d
/// fx test //bootloader -d
/// ```
/// Each "imagined" command will produce a set of tests which will be combined
/// into a master list of tests we run in one go, with aggregated output.
/// However, the intermediate layer streamlines much of our matching logic.
/// [TestsConfig] executes this combinatorial explosion by expanding its
/// parameters into a list of [PermutatedTestFlag] instances.
class TestsConfig {
final Flags flags;
final Map<TestType, List<String>> runnerTokens;
final TestArguments testArguments;
final IFxEnv fxEnv;
final List<List<MatchableArgument>> testArgumentGroups;
@required this.flags,
@required this.runnerTokens,
@required this.testArguments,
@required this.testArgumentGroups,
@required this.fxEnv,
factory TestsConfig.fromRawArgs({
@required IFxEnv fxEnv,
@required List<String> rawArgs,
Map<String, String> defaultRawArgs,
}) {
if (fxEnv == null) {
throw Exception('TestsConfig requires an FxEnv instance');
var _testArguments = TestArguments(
parser: fxTestArgParser,
rawArgs: rawArgs,
defaultRawArgs: defaultRawArgs,
var _testArgumentsCollector = TestNamesCollector(
rawArgs: _testArguments.parsedArgs.arguments,
relativeCwd: fxEnv.relativeCwd,
Flags flags = Flags.fromArgResults(_testArguments.parsedArgs);
var v1runnerTokens = <String>[];
if (flags.realm != null) {
if (flags.minSeverityLogs != null) {
if (flags.timeout > 0) {
var v2runnerTokens = <String>[];
for (var filter in flags.testFilter) {
if (flags.count != null) {
// We do not add the parallel option here, as it may also be specified via
// test spec. Instead, it is added later.
if (flags.runDisabledTests) {
if (flags.timeout > 0) {
if (flags.minSeverityLogs != null) {
return TestsConfig(
flags: flags,
fxEnv: fxEnv,
runnerTokens: {
TestType.component: v1runnerTokens,
TestType.suite: v2runnerTokens
testArguments: _testArguments,
testArgumentGroups: _testArgumentsCollector.collect(),
Iterable<PermutatedTestsConfig> get permutations sync* {
// Check for having zero `testName` instances, which indicates that the
// developer wants a wide-open run that includes as many tests as possible
if (testArgumentGroups.isEmpty) {
yield PermutatedTestsConfig(
flags: flags,
testNameGroup: null,
for (List<MatchableArgument> testNameGroup in testArgumentGroups) {
yield PermutatedTestsConfig(
flags: flags,
testNameGroup: testNameGroup,
/// Wrapper around io.ansi.wrapWith which first honors config flags.
String wrapWith(String value, Iterable<ansi.AnsiCode> codes,
{bool forScript = false}) {
// TODO( Remove the override once terminal detection works inside
// tmux.
if (flags.simpleOutput) {
return value;
return ansi.overrideAnsiOutput(
true, () => ansi.wrapWith(value, codes, forScript: forScript));
void _maybeAddEnv(Map<String, String> map, String envName,
[String newEnvName]) {
String envValue = fxEnv.getEnv(envName);
if (envValue != null && envValue.isNotEmpty) {
map[newEnvName ?? envName] = envValue;
/// Environment variables to pass to the spawned process that runs our test.
Map<String, String> get environment {
if (flags.e2e) {
Map<String, String> result = {};
_maybeAddEnv(result, 'FUCHSIA_DEVICE_ADDR');
_maybeAddEnv(result, 'FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY');
_maybeAddEnv(result, 'FUCHSIA_SSH_PORT');
_maybeAddEnv(result, 'FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR');
_maybeAddEnv(result, 'SL4F_HTTP_PORT');
// Legacy key
return result;
} else {
return const {};
/// An expanded set of flags passed to `fx test` against which all available
/// tests will be examined.
class PermutatedTestsConfig {
final List<MatchableArgument> testNameGroup;
final Flags flags;
@required this.flags,
@required this.testNameGroup,
String toString() {
var chunks = <String>[
if (testNameGroup != null) testNameGroup.join(', '),
if (flags.shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests) '-d',
if (flags.shouldOnlyRunHostTests) '-h',
var chunksStr = chunks.isNotEmpty ? ' ${chunks.join(" ")}' : '';
return '<PermuatedTestsConfig$chunksStr>';