blob: 7fd89c5606f9c21cfc504ab86fe3270e28ef806e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class Emoji {
final String emoji;
final String fallback;
Emoji(this.emoji, this.fallback);
static final Emoji party = Emoji('🎉', '!');
static final Emoji thinking = Emoji('🤔', '?');
static final Emoji check = Emoji('✅', '√');
static final Emoji x = Emoji('❌', 'F');
abstract class OutputFormatter {
final bool isVerbose;
final bool simpleOutput;
final bool hasRealTimeOutput;
final Duration slowTestThreshold;
final List<TestInfo> _infoEvents = [];
final List<TestStarted> _testStartedEvents = [];
final List<TestResult> _testResultEvents = [];
final List<UnrunnableTestEvent> _unrunnableTestEvents = [];
final OutputBuffer buffer;
final Stylizer wrapWith;
DateTime _testSuiteStartTime;
DateTime _lastTestStartTime;
bool _hasStartedTests = false;
bool _currentTestIsSlow = false;
bool _lastTestHadOutput = false;
int _numPassed = 0;
int _numFailed = 0;
@required this.isVerbose,
@required this.hasRealTimeOutput,
@required this.slowTestThreshold,
@required this.wrapWith,
this.simpleOutput = false,
OutputBuffer buffer,
}) : buffer = buffer ?? OutputBuffer.realIO();
factory OutputFormatter.fromConfig(
TestsConfig testsConfig, {
OutputBuffer buffer,
}) {
if (testsConfig.flags.infoOnly) {
return InfoFormatter();
var slowTestThreshold = testsConfig.flags.slowThreshold > 0
? Duration(seconds: testsConfig.flags.slowThreshold)
: null;
return StandardOutputFormatter(
buffer: buffer,
hasRealTimeOutput: testsConfig.flags.allOutput,
isVerbose: testsConfig.flags.isVerbose || testsConfig.flags.allOutput,
simpleOutput: testsConfig.flags.simpleOutput,
slowTestThreshold: slowTestThreshold,
wrapWith: testsConfig.wrapWith,
bool get hasStartedTests => _hasStartedTests;
int get numFailures => _numFailed;
String get testExecutionTime => _getExecutionTime(_lastTestStartTime);
String get suiteExecutionTime => _getExecutionTime(_testSuiteStartTime);
String _getExecutionTime(DateTime _startTime) {
if (_startTime == null) {
return '-';
Duration elapsedTime =;
String minutes = elapsedTime.inMinutes.toString().padLeft(2, '0');
String seconds = (elapsedTime.inSeconds % 60).toString().padLeft(2, '0');
return '$minutes:$seconds';
String get ratioDisplay {
var passed =
wrapWith('PASS: $_numPassed', _numPassed > 0 ? [green] : [darkGray]);
var failed =
wrapWith('FAIL: $_numFailed', _numFailed > 0 ? [red] : [darkGray]);
return '$passed $failed';
/// Future that resolves when the stdout closes for any reason
Future get stdOutClosedFuture => buffer.stdOutClosedFuture();
/// Pass-thru to the actual buffer's close method
void close() => buffer.close();
void forcefullyClose() => buffer.forcefullyClose();
String addEmoji(Emoji emoji) {
return simpleOutput ? emoji.fallback : emoji.emoji;
/// Accepts a [TestEvent] and updates the output buffer.
void update(TestEvent event) {
if (event is TestInfo) {
} else if (event is TestStarted) {
} else if (event is TestResult) {
void _updateAfterEvent(TestEvent event) {
var _now =;
if (event is BeginningTests) {
_hasStartedTests = true;
_testSuiteStartTime = _now;
} else if (event is GeneratingHintsEvent) {
_hasStartedTests = true;
} else if (event is TestStarted) {
_currentTestIsSlow = false;
_lastTestStartTime = _now;
} else if (event is TestResult) {
(event.isSuccess) ? _numPassed += 1 : _numFailed += 1;
} else if (event is TestOutputEvent) {
// This must always come before `TestInfo`, because it is a subclass
} else if (event is TimeElapsedEvent) {
// We do nothing with time events during realtime output -- the user is
// already getting constant updates
if (hasRealTimeOutput) return;
if (slowTestThreshold != null && event.timeElapsed >= slowTestThreshold) {
if (!_currentTestIsSlow) {
_currentTestIsSlow = true;
} else if (event is TestInfo) {
} else if (event is FatalError) {
} else if (event is AllTestsCompleted) {
} else if (event is UnrunnableTestEvent) {
/// Handles every [TimeElapsedEvent] instance, regardless of whether the test
/// has yet been deemed "slow".
void _handleTimeElapsedEvent(TimeElapsedEvent event);
/// Handles only the first [TimeElapsedEvent] that passes the slow threshold.
void _handleSlowTest(TimeElapsedEvent event) {
var hint =
wrapWith('(adjust this value with the -s|--slow flag)', [darkGray]);
' >> Runtime has exceeded ${slowTestThreshold.inSeconds} '
'seconds $hint',
/// Generic info events handler.
void _handleTestInfo(TestInfo event);
/// Handler for fatal errors.
void _handleFatalError(FatalError event) {
buffer.addLine(wrapWith(event.message, [red]));
/// Handler for the stream of stdout and stderr content produced by running
/// tests.
void _handleTestOutputEvent(TestOutputEvent event) {
if (_currentTestIsSlow || hasRealTimeOutput) {
_lastTestHadOutput = true;
return _handleTestInfo(event);
/// Handles the event that fires as each test beings execution.
void _handleTestStarted(TestStarted event);
/// Handles the event that fires as each test completes execution.
void _handleTestResult(TestResult event);
/// Handles a single unrunnable legacy test.
void _handleUnrunnableTest(UnrunnableTestEvent event) {
/// Produces summarizing content for the user. Called once.
void _finalizeOutput();
void _reportSummary() {
if (_testResultEvents.isEmpty) {
buffer.addLines(['Ran zero tests']);
String failures = numFailures != 1 ? 'failures' : 'failure';
String verb = _testResultEvents.last.isDryRun ? 'Faked' : 'Ran';
var verboseHint = !isVerbose && !cleanEndOfOutput
? wrapWith(' (use the -v flag to see each test)', [darkGray])
: '';
String summary =
'$verb ${_testResultEvents.length} tests with $numFailures $failures$verboseHint';
if (numFailures == 0) {
summary = '${addEmoji(} ${wrapWith(summary, [
])} ${addEmoji(}';
if (_unrunnableTestEvents.isNotEmpty) {
'Skipped ${_unrunnableTestEvents.length} unrunnable legacy tests. All device tests must be component-tests, but these are binaries.', => ' ${e.testName}')
bool get cleanEndOfOutput =>
// Did the last test end with verbose output?
!isVerbose &&
!_currentTestIsSlow &&
!hasRealTimeOutput &&
// Did the last test fail?
(_testResultEvents.isNotEmpty && _testResultEvents.last.isSuccess);
/// Default output wrapper inspired by both Dart's test runner and fx build's
/// standard output.
/// Aims to print something like this (when no tests fail):
/// ```txt
/// $ fx test --limit 2 -v
/// Found N total tests in //out/default/tests.json
/// Will run 2 tests
/// [2/2] 00:01 √ All tests completed
/// 🎉 Ran 2 tests with 0 failures 🎉
/// ```
class StandardOutputFormatter extends OutputFormatter {
@required bool hasRealTimeOutput,
@required Stylizer wrapWith,
bool simpleOutput = true,
Duration slowTestThreshold,
OutputBuffer buffer,
bool isVerbose,
}) : super(
isVerbose: isVerbose,
hasRealTimeOutput: hasRealTimeOutput,
simpleOutput: simpleOutput,
slowTestThreshold: slowTestThreshold,
buffer: buffer,
wrapWith: wrapWith,
void _handleTestInfo(TestInfo event) {
// Padding for info events that appear in the middle of the result stream
if (hasStartedTests && event.requiresPadding) ' ',
// The message itself
// Padding for info events that appear in the middle of the result stream
if (hasStartedTests && event.requiresPadding) ' ',
void _handleTimeElapsedEvent(TimeElapsedEvent event) {}
void _handleTestStarted(TestStarted event) {
String testName = wrapWith(event.testName, [cyan]);
// Add some padding for our first test event
if (_testStartedEvents.length == 1) {
_lastTestHadOutput = false;
var output =
'$ratioDisplay $testExecutionTime ${addEmoji(Emoji.thinking)} $testName';
if (isVerbose) {
} else {
// Add some more padding for our first test event
if (_testStartedEvents.length == 1) {
/// Prints something like "[numPassed/numRun] TT:TT <emoji> <test-name>"
void _handleTestResult(TestResult event) {
if (_lastTestHadOutput) buffer.addLines(['']);
String testName = wrapWith(event.testName, [cyan]);
String emoji = event.isDryRun
? wrapWith('(dry run)', [darkGray])
: event.isSuccess
? '${addEmoji(Emoji.check)} '
: '${addEmoji(Emoji.x)} ';
var output = '$ratioDisplay $testExecutionTime $emoji $testName';
// When piping realtime output to the user, we don't want to remove the
// last line. Usually, the last line is what indicates a new test is underway,
// which we replace in favor of the results line, but in this scenario,
// it's likely some output from the test.
// We do the same for slow tests because we print realtime output for them.
if (hasRealTimeOutput || _currentTestIsSlow) {
} else {
// Report for failed messages
if (!event.isSuccess && event.message != null) {
// But only if not already doing realtime
if (!hasRealTimeOutput && !_currentTestIsSlow) {
buffer.addLines([event.message, '']);
void _finalizeLastTestLine() {
if (!cleanEndOfOutput) return;
var verboseHint = wrapWith(
' (use the -v flag to see each test)',
'$ratioDisplay $suiteExecutionTime All tests completed$verboseHint',
void _finalizeOutput() {
/// Special formatter for when the caller is only using this tool to translate
/// shorthand test invocation patterns into fully-formed patterns.
/// This formatter is not intended to be paired with an actual test suite
/// execution, and as such, ignores all events except `TestStarted`, which it
/// uses to print a fully hydrated test invocation pattern.
class InfoFormatter extends OutputFormatter {
: super(
buffer: OutputBuffer.realIO(cursorStartsOnNewLine: true),
hasRealTimeOutput: false,
slowTestThreshold: Duration(seconds: 0),
isVerbose: false,
wrapWith: (value, _, {forScript}) => value,
void _handleTestInfo(TestInfo event) {}
void _handleTestStarted(TestStarted event) {
void _handleTestResult(TestResult event) {}
void _finalizeOutput() {}
void _handleTimeElapsedEvent(TimeElapsedEvent event) {}
List<String> infoPrint(TestDefinition testDefinition) {
var command = testDefinition
.createExecutionHandle(parallelOverride: null)
.getInvocationTokens(const []).toString();
return <String>[
_isTruthy(command) ? 'command: $command' : null,
_isTruthy(testDefinition.cpu) ? 'cpu: ${testDefinition.cpu}' : null,
? 'runtime_deps: ${testDefinition.runtimeDeps}'
: null,
_isTruthy( ? 'name: ${}' : null,
_isTruthy(testDefinition.os) ? 'os: ${testDefinition.os}' : null,
testDefinition.packageUrl != null
? 'package_url: ${testDefinition.packageUrl}'
: null,
_isTruthy(testDefinition.label) ? 'label: ${testDefinition.label}' : null,
_isTruthy(testDefinition.path) ? 'path: ${testDefinition.path}' : null,
].where((_val) => _val != null).toList()
/// Variant [OutputFormatter] which writes all content to a file instead of
/// to the usual file descriptor [stdout].
/// [FileFormatter] accomplishes its task by accepting a file path as its lone
/// constructor argument and using that to hydrate a special, file-based version
/// of its [OutputBuffer].
class FileFormatter extends StandardOutputFormatter {
/// Internal constructor which sets all variables appropriately for writing
/// output to a file.
FileFormatter._({@required String path})
: assert(path != null),
isVerbose: true,
hasRealTimeOutput: true,
slowTestThreshold: null,
simpleOutput: true,
wrapWith: (v, _, {forScript}) => v,
buffer: OutputBuffer.fileIO(path: path),
/// Main (and currently only) constructor which accepts a [TestsConfig] object
/// and either instantiates and returns an object if appropriate, or [null] if
/// no file logging is desired.
factory FileFormatter.fromConfig(TestsConfig testsConfig) {
if (testsConfig.flags.shouldLog) {
return FileFormatter._(
path: testsConfig.flags.logPath ?? testsConfig.fxEnv.outputDir,
return null;
bool _isTruthy(String val) => val != null && val != '';