blob: 7d1c6018dc5c715e9cdb4817b44cf3de1eb8a31d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::network_config::{Credential, NetworkConfig, NetworkIdentifier},
anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_stash as fidl_stash,
serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize},
wlan_stash::{StashNode, NODE_SEPARATOR},
const STASH_PREFIX: &str = "config";
/// The name we store the persistent data of a network config under. The StashNode abstraction
/// requires that writing to a StashNode is done as a named field, so we will store the network
/// config's data under this name.
const DATA: &str = "data";
/// Manages access to the persistent storage or saved network configs through Stash
pub struct Stash {
root: StashNode,
/// TODO(nmccracken) Remove this attribute when the stash is used by SavedNetworksManager.
impl Stash {
/// Initialize new Stash with the ID provided by the Saved Networks Manager. The ID will
/// identify stored values as being part of the same persistent storage.
pub fn new_with_id(id: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let store_client = connect_to_service::<fidl_stash::SecureStoreMarker>()
.context("failed to connect to store")?;
store_client.identify(id).context("failed to identify client to store")?;
let (store, accessor_server) = create_proxy().context("failed to create accessor proxy")?;
.create_accessor(false, accessor_server)
.context("failed to create accessor")?;
let root = StashNode::root(store).child(STASH_PREFIX);
Ok(Stash { root })
/// Add or update network configs of a given network identifier to persistent storage.
pub fn write(
id: &NetworkIdentifier,
network_configs: &[NetworkConfig],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// write each config to a StashNode under the network identifier. The key of the StashNode
// will be STASH_PREFIX#<net_id>#<index>
let id_key = Self::serialize_key(id)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to serialize network identifier"))?;
// use a different number to separate each child network config
let mut config_index = 0;
let mut id_node = self.root.child(&id_key);
for network_config in network_configs {
let mut config_node = id_node.child(&config_index.to_string());
write_config(&mut config_node, network_config)?;
config_index += 1;
/// Make string value of NetworkIdentifier that will be the key for a config in the stash.
fn serialize_key(id: &NetworkIdentifier) -> Result<String, serde_json::error::Error> {
/// Create the NetworkIdentifier described by the StashNode's key. The key must be in the
/// format of the root's key followed by a JSON representation of a NetworkIdentifier and then
/// a node separator. Everything after in the key will be ignored.
fn id_from_key(&self, stash_node: &StashNode) -> Result<NetworkIdentifier, Error> {
let key = stash_node.key();
// Verify that the key begins with the root node's key and remove it.
if !key.starts_with(&self.root.key()) {
bail!("key is missing the beginning node separator");
let prefix_len = self.root.key().len();
let mut key_after_root = key[prefix_len..].to_string();
if let Some(index) = key_after_root.find(NODE_SEPARATOR) {
} else {
bail!("key is missing node separator after network identifier");
// key_after_root should now just be the serialization of the NetworkIdentifier
serde_json::from_str(&key_after_root).map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e))
/// Read persisting data of a given StashNode and use it to build a network config.
async fn read_config(
net_id: NetworkIdentifier,
stash_node: &StashNode,
) -> Result<NetworkConfig, Error> {
let fields = stash_node.fields().await?;
let data = fields.get_str(DATA).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("failed to config's data"))?;
let data: PersistentData = serde_json::from_str(data).map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e))?;
/// Load all saved network configs from stash. Will create HashMap of network configs by SSID
/// as saved in the stash
pub async fn load(&self) -> Result<HashMap<NetworkIdentifier, Vec<NetworkConfig>>, Error> {
// get all the children nodes of root, which represent the unique identifiers,
let id_nodes = self.root.children().await?;
let mut network_configs = HashMap::new();
// for each child representing a network config, read in values
for id_node in id_nodes {
let mut config_list = vec![];
let net_id = self.id_from_key(&id_node)?;
for config_node in id_node.children().await? {
let network_config = Self::read_config(net_id.clone(), &config_node).await?;
network_configs.insert(net_id, config_list);
/// Remove all saved values from the stash. It will delete everything under the root node,
/// and anything else in the same stash but not under the root node would be ignored.
pub fn clear(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Write the persisting values (not including network ID) of a network config to the provided
/// stash node.
fn write_config(stash_node: &mut StashNode, config: &NetworkConfig) -> Result<(), Error> {
let data = PersistentData::new(config.credential.clone(), config.has_ever_connected);
let data_str = serde_json::to_string(&data).map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e))?;
stash_node.write_str(DATA, data_str)
/// The data that will be stored between reboots of a device. Used to convert the data between JSON
/// and network config
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct PersistentData {
credential: Credential,
has_ever_connected: bool,
impl PersistentData {
fn new(credential: Credential, has_ever_connected: bool) -> Self {
Self { credential, has_ever_connected }
/// Since Network Identifier is stored in the stash key and not in the stash value, we need
/// to combine network identifier with persistent data in order to make the network config.
fn into_config_with_id(self, network_id: NetworkIdentifier) -> Result<NetworkConfig, Error> {
let seen_in_passive = false;
NetworkConfig::new(network_id, self.credential, self.has_ever_connected, seen_in_passive)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("error creating network config from persistent data"))
mod tests {
use {
crate::network_config::{Credential, NetworkIdentifier, SecurityType},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn write_and_read() {
let stash = new_stash("write_and_read");
let cfg_id = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"foo".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
// Save a network config to the stash
stash.write(&cfg_id, &vec![cfg.clone()]).expect("Failed writing to stash");
// Expect to read the same value back with the same key
let cfgs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed reading from stash");
assert_eq!(1, cfgs_from_stash.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg.clone()]), cfgs_from_stash.get(&cfg_id));
// Overwrite the list of configs saved in stash
let cfg_2 = NetworkConfig::new(
NetworkIdentifier::new(b"foo".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2),
.expect("Failed to create network config");
stash.write(&cfg_id, &vec![cfg.clone(), cfg_2.clone()]).expect("Failed writing to stash");
// Expect to read the saved value back with the same key
let cfgs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed reading from stash");
assert_eq!(1, cfgs_from_stash.len());
let actual_configs = cfgs_from_stash.get(&cfg_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, actual_configs.len());
async fn write_read_security_types() {
let stash = new_stash("write_read_security_types");
let password = Credential::Password(b"config-password".to_vec());
// create and write configs with each security type
let net_id_open = network_id("foo", SecurityType::None);
let net_id_wep = network_id("foo", SecurityType::Wep);
let net_id_wpa = network_id("foo", SecurityType::Wpa);
let net_id_wpa2 = network_id("foo", SecurityType::Wpa2);
let net_id_wpa3 = network_id("foo", SecurityType::Wpa3);
let cfg_open = new_config(net_id_open.clone(), Credential::None);
let cfg_wep = new_config(net_id_wep.clone(), password.clone());
let cfg_wpa = new_config(net_id_wpa.clone(), password.clone());
let cfg_wpa2 = new_config(net_id_wpa2.clone(), password.clone());
let cfg_wpa3 = new_config(net_id_wpa3.clone(), password.clone());
stash.write(&net_id_open, &vec![cfg_open.clone()]).expect("failed to write config");
stash.write(&net_id_wep, &vec![cfg_wep.clone()]).expect("failed to write config");
stash.write(&net_id_wpa, &vec![cfg_wpa.clone()]).expect("failed to write config");
stash.write(&net_id_wpa2, &vec![cfg_wpa2.clone()]).expect("failed to write config");
stash.write(&net_id_wpa3, &vec![cfg_wpa3.clone()]).expect("failed to write config");
// load stash and expect each config that we wrote
let configs = stash.load().await.expect("failed loading from stash");
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_open]), configs.get(&net_id_open));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_wep]), configs.get(&net_id_wep));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_wpa]), configs.get(&net_id_wpa));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_wpa2]), configs.get(&net_id_wpa2));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_wpa3]), configs.get(&net_id_wpa3));
async fn write_read_credentials() {
let stash = new_stash("write_read_credentials");
let net_id_none = network_id("bar-none", SecurityType::None);
let net_id_password = network_id("bar-password", SecurityType::Wpa2);
let net_id_psk = network_id("bar-psk", SecurityType::Wpa2);
// create and write configs with each type credential
let password = Credential::Password(b"config-password".to_vec());
let psk = Credential::Psk([65; 64].to_vec());
let cfg_none = new_config(net_id_none.clone(), Credential::None);
let cfg_password = new_config(net_id_password.clone(), password);
let cfg_psk = new_config(net_id_psk.clone(), psk);
// write each config to stash, then check that we see them when we load
stash.write(&net_id_none, &vec![cfg_none.clone()]).expect("failed to write");
stash.write(&net_id_password, &vec![cfg_password.clone()]).expect("failed to write");
stash.write(&net_id_psk, &vec![cfg_psk.clone()]).expect("failed to write");
let configs = stash.load().await.expect("failed loading from stash");
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_none]), configs.get(&net_id_none));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_password]), configs.get(&net_id_password));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_psk]), configs.get(&net_id_psk));
async fn write_persists() {
let stash_id = "write_persists";
let stash = new_stash(stash_id);
let cfg_id = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"foo".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
// Save a network config to the stash
stash.write(&cfg_id, &vec![cfg.clone()]).expect("Failed writing to stash");
//create the stash again with same id
let stash = Stash::new_with_id(stash_id).expect("Failed to create new stash");
// Expect to read the same value back with the same key, should exist in new stash
let cfgs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed reading from stash");
assert_eq!(1, cfgs_from_stash.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg.clone()]), cfgs_from_stash.get(&cfg_id));
async fn load_stash() {
let store = new_stash("load_stash");
let foo_net_id = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"foo".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg_foo = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
let bar_net_id = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"bar".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg_bar = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
// Store two networks in our stash.
store.write(&foo_net_id, &vec![cfg_foo.clone()]).expect("Failed to save config to stash");
store.write(&bar_net_id, &vec![cfg_bar.clone()]).expect("Failed to save config to stash");
// load should give us a hashmap with the two networks we saved
let mut expected_cfgs = HashMap::new();
expected_cfgs.insert(foo_net_id.clone(), vec![cfg_foo]);
expected_cfgs.insert(bar_net_id.clone(), vec![cfg_bar]);
assert_eq!(expected_cfgs, store.load().await.expect("Failed to load configs from stash"));
async fn clear_stash() {
let stash_id = "clear_stash";
let mut stash = new_stash(stash_id);
// add some configs to the stash
let net_id_foo = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"foo".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg_foo = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
let net_id_bar = NetworkIdentifier::new(b"bar".to_vec(), SecurityType::Wpa2);
let cfg_bar = NetworkConfig::new(
.expect("Failed to create network config");
stash.write(&net_id_foo, &vec![cfg_foo.clone()]).expect("Failed to write to stash");
stash.write(&net_id_bar, &vec![cfg_bar.clone()]).expect("Failed to write to stash");
// verify that the configs are found in stash
let configs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed to read");
assert_eq!(2, configs_from_stash.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_foo.clone()]), configs_from_stash.get(&net_id_foo));
assert_eq!(Some(&vec![cfg_bar.clone()]), configs_from_stash.get(&net_id_bar));
// clear the stash
stash.clear().expect("Failed to clear stash");
// verify that the configs are no longer in the stash
let configs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed to read");
assert_eq!(0, configs_from_stash.len());
// recreate stash and verify that clearing the stash persists
let stash = Stash::new_with_id(stash_id).expect("Failed to create new stash");
let configs_from_stash = stash.load().await.expect("Failed to read");
assert_eq!(0, configs_from_stash.len());
// creates a new stash with the given ID and clears the values saved in the stash
fn new_stash(stash_id: &str) -> Stash {
let mut stash = Stash::new_with_id(stash_id).expect("Failed to create new stash");
stash.root.commit().expect("Failed to commit clearing stash");
async fn write_to_correct_stash_node() {
let stash = new_stash("write_to_correct_stash_node");
let net_id = network_id("foo", SecurityType::Wpa2);
let credential = Credential::Password(b"password".to_vec());
let network_config = new_config(net_id.clone(), credential.clone());
// write to stash and check that the right thing is written under the right StashNode
stash.write(&net_id, &vec![network_config]).expect("failed to write to stash");
let net_id_str =
Stash::serialize_key(&net_id).expect("failed to serialize network identifier");
let expected_node = stash.root.child(&net_id_str).child(&format!("{}", 0));
let fields = expected_node.fields().await.expect("failed to get fields");
let data_actual = fields.get_str(&format!("{}", DATA));
let data_expected = serde_json::to_string(&PersistentData::new(credential, false))
.expect("failed to serialize data");
assert_eq!(data_actual, Some(&data_expected));
fn network_id(ssid: impl Into<Vec<u8>>, security_type: SecurityType) -> NetworkIdentifier {
NetworkIdentifier::new(ssid.into(), security_type)
fn new_config(network_id: NetworkIdentifier, credential: Credential) -> NetworkConfig {
NetworkConfig::new(network_id, credential, false, false).expect("failed to create config")