blob: 7992003d4f5bc2e7336b07859594657f0fe83fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.sysinfo/cpp/wire.h>
#include <zircon/boot/netboot.h>
#include <tftp/tftp.h>
#include "netcp.h"
#include "paver.h"
namespace netsvc {
// Provides capabilities to read/write files sent over TFTP.
// Reads only implements netcp. Specifically it enables reading of files in
// global /data.
// Writes come in 4 flavors:
// * netcp: Ability to write to global /data.
// * netboot: Mexec into image once write completes.
// * paving: Writes boot partions, or FVM.
// * board name validation: Validates that board name sent matches current
// board.
class FileApiInterface {
// Returns size of file on success.
virtual ssize_t OpenRead(const char* filename) = 0;
virtual tftp_status OpenWrite(const char* filename, size_t size) = 0;
virtual tftp_status Read(void* data, size_t* length, off_t offset) = 0;
virtual tftp_status Write(const void* data, size_t* length, off_t offset) = 0;
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Like close, but signals read or write operation was incomplete.
virtual void Abort() = 0;
virtual bool is_write() = 0;
virtual const char* filename() = 0;
class FileApi : public FileApiInterface {
// FileApi does *not* take ownership of |paver|.
explicit FileApi(bool is_zedboot,
std::unique_ptr<NetCopyInterface> netcp = std::make_unique<NetCopy>(),
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_sysinfo::SysInfo> sysinfo =
PaverInterface* paver = Paver::Get());
ssize_t OpenRead(const char* filename) final;
tftp_status OpenWrite(const char* filename, size_t size) final;
tftp_status Read(void* data, size_t* length, off_t offset) final;
tftp_status Write(const void* data, size_t* length, off_t offset) final;
void Close() final;
void Abort() final;
const char* filename() final { return filename_; }
bool is_write() final { return is_write_; }
// Identifies what the file being streamed over TFTP should be
// used for.
enum class NetfileType {
kUnknown, // No reads/writes currently in progress.
kNetCopy, // A file in /data
kNetboot, // A bootfs file
kPaver, // A disk image which should be paved to disk
kBoardInfo, // A file containing the board name.
// Expected to return error if it doesn't match the current board name.
bool is_zedboot_;
bool is_write_ = false;
char filename_[PATH_MAX + 1] = {};
NetfileType type_ = NetfileType::kUnknown;
// Use when type_ == NetfileType::kBoardName.
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_sysinfo::SysInfo> sysinfo_;
// Used when type_ == NetfileType::kNetCopy.
std::unique_ptr<NetCopyInterface> netcp_;
// Only valid when type_ == NetfileType::kNetboot.
nbfile* netboot_file_ = nullptr;
// Used when type_ == NetfileType::kPaver.
PaverInterface* paver_;
} // namespace netsvc