blob: 7563e42fb94c11b83bc22c40ea8ddc907cccfc9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/component/cpp/exposed_object.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <string>
namespace inspect {
class Object;
namespace internal {
// Factories for creating metrics.
template <typename T>
component::Metric MakeMetric(T value);
// Factory to create an IntMetric.
template <>
component::Metric MakeMetric<int64_t>(int64_t value);
// Factory to create a UIntMetric.
template <>
component::Metric MakeMetric<uint64_t>(uint64_t value);
// Factory to create a DoubleMetric.
template <>
component::Metric MakeMetric<double>(double value);
// Template for functions that remove a named entity of a given type from an
// object.
template <typename EntityType>
void RemoveEntity(::component::Object* object, const std::string& name);
// Removal function for Metric.
template <>
void RemoveEntity<component::Metric>(::component::Object* object,
const std::string& name);
// Removal function for Property.
template <>
void RemoveEntity<component::Property>(::component::Object* object,
const std::string& name);
// Wrapper class for entity types supported by the Inspect API.
// This class implements RAII behavior for created Inspect entities,
// including removing values from the tree when the owner goes out of scope.
template <typename EntityType>
class EntityWrapper final {
EntityWrapper() {}
explicit EntityWrapper(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
EntityWrapper(std::string name, std::shared_ptr<::component::Object> obj)
: name_(std::move(name)), parent_obj_(std::move(obj)) {}
~EntityWrapper() {
// Remove the entity from its parent if it has a parent.
if (parent_obj_) {
RemoveEntity<EntityType>(parent_obj_.get(), name_);
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
EntityWrapper(EntityWrapper& other) = delete;
EntityWrapper& operator=(EntityWrapper& other) = delete;
EntityWrapper(EntityWrapper&& other) = default;
EntityWrapper& operator=(EntityWrapper&& other) {
// Remove the entity from its parent before moving values over.
if (parent_obj_) {
RemoveEntity<EntityType>(parent_obj_.get(), name_);
name_ = std::move(other.name_);
parent_obj_ = std::move(other.parent_obj_);
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const { return parent_obj_.get() != nullptr; }
// Get the name for this entity.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
::component::Object* ParentObject() { return parent_obj_.get(); }
std::string name_;
std::shared_ptr<::component::Object> parent_obj_;
} // namespace internal
// Template for metrics that are concretely stored in memeory (as opposed to
// LazyMetrics, which are dynamically created when needed). StaticMetrics
// can be set, added to, and subtracted from.
template <typename T>
class StaticMetric final {
// Create a default numeric metric.
// Operations on the metric will have no effect.
StaticMetric() = default;
// Set the value of this numeric metric to the given value.
void Set(T value) {
if (entity_) {
// Add the given value to the value of this numeric metric.
void Add(T value) {
if (entity_) {
entity_.ParentObject()->AddMetric(, value);
// Subtract the given value from the value of this numeric metric.
void Subtract(T value) {
if (entity_) {
entity_.ParentObject()->SubMetric(, value);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit StaticMetric(internal::EntityWrapper<component::Metric> entity)
: entity_(std::move(entity)) {}
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Metric> entity_;
// Metric wrapping a signed integer.
using IntMetric = StaticMetric<int64_t>;
// Metric wrapped an unsigned integer.
using UIntMetric = StaticMetric<uint64_t>;
// Metric wrapping a double floating point number.
using DoubleMetric = StaticMetric<double>;
// Metric with value determined by evaluating a callback.
class LazyMetric final {
// Construct a default metric.
// Operations on the metric will have no effect.
// Set the callback used to return the value of the metric.
void Set(::component::Metric::ValueCallback callback);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit LazyMetric(internal::EntityWrapper<component::Metric> entity);
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Metric> entity_;
// The value of a metric, currently an alias for component::Metric.
using MetricValue = ::component::Metric;
using MetricCallback = ::component::Metric::ValueCallback;
// Property with value given by a string.
class StringProperty final {
// Construct a default property.
// Operations on the property will have no effect.
// Set the string value of the property.
void Set(std::string value);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit StringProperty(internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity);
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity_;
// Property with value given by an array of bytes.
class ByteVectorProperty final {
// Construct a default property.
// Operations on the property will have no effect.
// Set the vector value of the property.
void Set(::component::Property::ByteVector value);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit ByteVectorProperty(
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity);
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity_;
// Callback type for string values.
using StringValueCallback = ::component::Property::StringValueCallback;
// Property with string value determined by evaluating a callback.
class LazyStringProperty final {
// Construct a default property.
// Operations on the property will have no effect.
// Set the callback that generates the value of the property.
void Set(StringValueCallback callback);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit LazyStringProperty(
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity);
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity_;
// Callback type for vector values.
using VectorValueCallback = ::component::Property::VectorValueCallback;
// Property with byte vector value determined by evaluating a callback.
class LazyByteVectorProperty final {
// Construct a default property.
// Operations on the property will have no effect.
// Set the callback that generates the value of the property.
void Set(VectorValueCallback callback);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual value on an Object.
explicit LazyByteVectorProperty(
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity);
internal::EntityWrapper<component::Property> entity_;
// Value of vector types, currently an alias for
// component::Property::ByteVector.
using VectorValue = component::Property::ByteVector;
using ChildrenCallbackFunction = ::component::Object::ChildrenCallback;
// ChildrenCallback is an RAII wrapper around a callback attached to an
// Object that provides additional children dynamically.
class ChildrenCallback final {
// Construct a default children callback.
// Set the callback function for the parent object to the given value.
void Set(ChildrenCallbackFunction callback);
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
ChildrenCallback(ChildrenCallback& other) = delete;
ChildrenCallback& operator=(ChildrenCallback& other) = delete;
ChildrenCallback(ChildrenCallback&& other) = default;
ChildrenCallback& operator=(ChildrenCallback&& other);
friend class ::inspect::Object;
// Internal constructor setting an actual children callback on an object.
ChildrenCallback(std::shared_ptr<::component::Object> object);
std::shared_ptr<::component::Object> parent_obj_;
// An object under which properties, metrics, and other objects may be nested.
class Object final {
// Construct an Object with the given name.
explicit Object(std::string name);
// Construct an Object wrapping the given ObjectDir.
explicit Object(component::ObjectDir object_dir);
~Object() = default;
// Get the name of this object.
const char* name() const { return object_.object()->name().c_str(); }
// Output the contents of this object as a FIDL struct.
fuchsia::inspect::Object object() const;
// Output the list of this object's children as a FIDL-compatible vector.
::component::Object::StringOutputVector children() const;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
Object(Object& other) = delete;
Object& operator=(Object& other) = delete;
Object(Object&& other) = default;
Object& operator=(Object&& other) = default;
// Create a new |Object| with the given name that is a child of this object.
[[nodiscard]] Object CreateChild(std::string name);
// Create a new |IntMetric| with the given name that is a child of this
// object.
[[nodiscard]] IntMetric CreateIntMetric(std::string name, int64_t value);
// Create a new |UIntMetric| with the given name that is a child of this
// object.
[[nodiscard]] UIntMetric CreateUIntMetric(std::string name, uint64_t value);
// Create a new |DoubleMetric| with the given name that is a child of this
// object.
[[nodiscard]] DoubleMetric CreateDoubleMetric(std::string name, double value);
// Create a new |StringProperty| with the given name that is a child of this
// object.
[[nodiscard]] StringProperty CreateStringProperty(std::string name,
std::string value);
// Create a new |ByteVectorProperty| with the given name that is a child of
// this object.
[[nodiscard]] ByteVectorProperty CreateByteVectorProperty(
std::string name, component::Property::ByteVector value);
// Create a new |StringCallbackProperty| with the given name that is a child
// of this object.
[[nodiscard]] LazyStringProperty CreateLazyStringProperty(
std::string name, component::Property::StringValueCallback callback);
// Create a new |VectorCallbackProperty| with the given name that is a child
// of this object.
[[nodiscard]] LazyByteVectorProperty CreateLazyByteVectorProperty(
std::string name, component::Property::VectorValueCallback callback);
// Create a new |LazyMetric| with the given name that is a child of this
// object.
[[nodiscard]] LazyMetric CreateLazyMetric(
std::string name, component::Metric::ValueCallback);
// Create a new |ChildrenCallback| that dynamically adds children to the
// object at runtime.
[[nodiscard]] ChildrenCallback CreateChildrenCallback(
ChildrenCallbackFunction callback);
// Internal constructor for creating an Object facade in front of an
// ExposedObject.
explicit Object(component::ExposedObject object)
: object_(std::move(object)) {}
component::ExposedObject object_;
// Generate a unique name with the given prefix.
std::string UniqueName(const std::string& prefix);
} // namespace inspect