blob: 5fa94e93f571f6207a6262192493b26154783820 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# The package key to use for signing Fuchsia packages made by the
# `package()` template (and the `system_image` packge). If this
# doesn't exist yet when it's needed, it will be generated. New
# keys can be generated with the `pm -k FILE genkey` host command.
system_package_key = "//build/development.key"
# Generate a signed, sealed package file from a manifest.
# Parameters
# manifest (required)
# [label] A generate_manifest() target defined earlier in the same file.
# This provides the contents for the package.
# deps (optional)
# test (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Same as for any GN `action()` target.
template("pm_build_package") {
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//garnet/go/src/pm:pm_bin"
tool_output_name = "pm"
deps = []
pkg_manifest_outputs = get_target_outputs(invoker.manifest)
pkg_manifest_file = pkg_manifest_outputs[0]
pkg_out_dir = "$target_out_dir/$target_name"
deps += [
inputs = [
depfile = "$pkg_out_dir/meta.far.d"
outputs = [
# produced by seal, must be listed first because of depfile rules.
# update
# sign
# seal
# package blob manifest
args = [
rebase_path(system_package_key, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(pkg_out_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(pkg_manifest_file, root_build_dir),
# Defines a package
# The package template is used to define a unit of related code and data.
# A package always has a name (defaulting to the target name) and lists of
# scopes describing the components of the package.
# Parameters
# deprecated_system_image (optional, default `false`)
# [bool] If true, the package is stored in the /system filesystem image
# rather than in a Fuchsia package.
# TODO(PKG-46): Will be removed entirely eventually.
# If this package uses the `drivers` parameter,
# `deprecated_system_image` must be set to `true` because we are not
# yet sophisticated enough to load drivers out of packages.
# meta (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the metadata entries in the package. A metadata
# entry is typically a source file and is placed in the `meta/` directory of
# the assembled package.
# Requires `deprecated_system_image` to be `false`.
# Entries in a scope in the meta list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of entry in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `meta/`.
# binary (optional, *DEPRECATED*)
# [string] The path to the the primary binary for the package, relative to
# `$root_out_dir`. The binary will be placed in the assembled package at
# `bin/app` and will be executed by default when running the package.
# Requires `deprecated_system_image` to be `false`.
# binaries (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the binaries in the package. A binary is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `bin/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the binary.
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not
# at `$root_out_dir/$name`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `bin/`.
# shell (optional)
# [boolean] (default: false) When true, the binary is runnable from the shell.
# Shell binaries are run in the shell namespace and are not run as components.
# components (optional)
# [list of fuchsia_component targets] Defines all the components this
# package should include in assembled package.
# Requires `deprecated_system_image` to be `false`.
# tests (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the test binaries in the package. A test is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `test/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the tests list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the test.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `test/`.
# disabled (optional)
# [bool] Whether to disable the test on continuous integration
# jobs. This can be used when a test is temporarily broken, or if
# it is too flaky or slow for CI. The test will also be skipped by
# the `runtests` command.
# environments (optional, default: [ { dimensions = { device_type = "QEMU" } } ])
# [list of scopes] Device environments in which the test should run.
# Each scope in $environments contains:
# dimensions (required)
# [scope] Dimensions of bots to target. Valid dimensions are
# element-wise subsets of the test platform entries defined in
# //build/testing/platforms.gni.
# label (optional)
# [string] A key on which tests may be grouped. Tests with a given
# label will be run (1) together, and (2) only with support from
# the Infrastructure team. Labels are used as an escape hatch from
# the default testing pipeline for special tests or environments.
# drivers (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the drivers in the package. A driver is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `driver/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Requires `deprecated_system_image` to be `true`.
# Entries in a scope in the drivers list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the driver.
# loadable_modules (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the loadable modules in the package. These
# are produced by `loadable_module()` GN targets, and are typically
# placed in the `lib/` directory of the assembled packaged.
# Entries in a scope in the loadable_modules list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the loadable_module.
# dest (optional, default: "lib")
# [string] Location the binary will be placed in the package.
# libraries (optional, *DEPRECATED*)
# [list of scopes] Defines the (shared) libraries in the package. A library
# is placed in the `lib/` directory of the assembled package.
# This is deprecated but is necessary in some `system_image` packages
# that install libraries used by things that don't properly isolate
# their dependencies. Do not use it unless you are sure you have to.
# Entries in a scope in the libraries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the library
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not at
# `$root_out_dir/$name`
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `lib/`
# resources (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the resources in the package. A resource is a
# data file that may be produced by the build system, checked in to a
# source repository, or produced by another system that runs before the
# build. Resources are placed in the `data/` directory of the assembled
# package.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of resource in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `data/`.
# extra (optional)
# [list of paths] Manifest files containing extra entries, which
# might be generated by the build.
# deps (optional)
# public_deps (optional)
# data_deps (optional)
# testonly (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("package") {
if (current_toolchain == target_toolchain) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
pkg_target_name = target_name
pkg = {
package_version = "0" # placeholder
if (!defined(binaries)) {
binaries = []
if (!defined(deprecated_system_image)) {
deprecated_system_image = false
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (!defined(components)) {
components = []
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
if (!defined(extra)) {
extra = []
if (!defined(drivers)) {
drivers = []
if (!defined(loadable_modules)) {
loadable_modules = []
if (!defined(libraries)) {
libraries = []
if (!defined(meta)) {
meta = []
if (!defined(package_name)) {
package_name = pkg_target_name
foreach(component, components) {
deps += [ component ]
if (!defined(resources)) {
resources = []
if (!defined(tests)) {
tests = []
package_set = ""
pkg_label = get_label_info(":$pkg_target_name", "label_no_toolchain")
pkg_desc = "Package ${pkg_label} (${pkg.package_name}):"
if (pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
assert(pkg.meta == [],
"$pkg_desc deprecated_system_image incompatible with meta")
assert(pkg.components == [],
"$pkg_desc deprecated_system_image incompatible with components")
"$pkg_desc deprecated_system_image incompatible with binary")
} else {
assert(pkg.drivers == [],
"$pkg_desc drivers requires deprecated_system_image")
assert(pkg.libraries == [],
"$pkg_desc libraries requires deprecated_system_image")
if (defined(pkg.binary)) {
pkg.binaries += [
name = "app"
source = pkg.binary
# Validate .cmx files
foreach(meta, pkg.meta) {
if (get_path_info(meta.dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
validate = "validate_" + pkg_target_name + "_" +
get_path_info(meta.dest, "file")
cmx_validate(validate) {
data = meta.path
# the cmx file may be generated by one of this package's dependencies,
# but we don't know which one, so depend on all package deps here.
deps = pkg.deps
pkg.deps += [ ":$validate" ]
# cmx_format will minify cmx files in non-debug builds, and pretty-print cmx
# files in debug builds
meta_with_formatted_cmx = []
foreach(meta, pkg.meta) {
if (get_path_info(meta.dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
format =
"format_" + pkg_target_name + "_" + get_path_info(meta.dest, "file")
cmx_format(format) {
data = rebase_path(meta.path)
deps = pkg.deps
formatted_outputs = []
formatted_outputs = get_target_outputs(":$format")
meta.path = formatted_outputs[0]
pkg.deps += [ ":$format" ]
meta_with_formatted_cmx += [ meta ]
shell_binaries = []
# Collect the package's primary manifest. For a system_image package,
# this is its contributions to the /system manifest. For an isolated
# package, this is the manifest for the package's `pkg/` filesystem.
pkg_manifest = []
foreach(meta, meta_with_formatted_cmx) {
pkg_manifest += [
dest = "meta/${meta.dest}"
source = rebase_path(meta.path)
foreach(binary, pkg.binaries) {
if (defined(binary.dest)) {
dest = binary.dest
} else {
dest =
dest = "bin/${dest}"
if (defined( && {
shell_binaries += [ dest ]
pkg_manifest += [
dest = dest
if (defined(binary.source)) {
source = binary.source
} else {
source =
source = rebase_path(source, "", root_out_dir)
foreach(test, pkg.tests) {
is_disabled = defined(test.disabled) && test.disabled
if (defined(test.dest)) {
dest = test.dest
} else {
dest =
if (is_disabled) {
dest = "disabled/${dest}"
dest = "test/${dest}"
if (pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
path = "/system/$dest"
} else {
path =
# TODO(TC-359): Remove this block once no more tests remain in
# disabled_for_asan.
is_asan = select_variant + [ "asan" ] - [ "asan" ] != select_variant
is_disabled_for_asan =
disabled_for_asan + [ path ] - [ path ] != disabled_for_asan
is_disabled = is_disabled || (is_asan && is_disabled_for_asan)
# In case of short-circuit evaluation, these values might go unused.
not_needed(["is_asan", "is_disabled_for_asan"])
if (!is_disabled) {
test_spec_name = "${}_test_spec"
pkg.deps += [ ":$test_spec_name" ]
test_spec(test_spec_name) {
name =
location = path
# Encode the package name in the output directory to disambiguate
# during post-processing - cross-referencing with packages.json -
# whether a given test spec came from a package that was actually
# included in the build.
output_dir = "$target_out_dir/$pkg_target_name"
forward_variables_from(test, [ "environments" ])
pkg_manifest += [
dest = dest
source = rebase_path(, "", root_out_dir)
foreach(module, pkg.loadable_modules) {
pkg_manifest += [
if (defined(module.dest)) {
dest = module.dest
} else {
dest = "lib"
dest += "/${}"
source = rebase_path(, "", root_out_dir)
foreach(driver, pkg.drivers) {
pkg_manifest += [
dest = "driver/${}"
source = rebase_path(, "", root_out_dir)
foreach(resource, pkg.resources) {
pkg_manifest += [
dest = "data/${resource.dest}"
source = rebase_path(resource.path)
# TODO(mcgrathr): Remove this when we can! Packages installing
# libraries in the system image is all kinds of wrong.
foreach(library, pkg.libraries) {
pkg_manifest += [
if (defined(library.dest)) {
dest = library.dest
} else {
dest =
dest = "lib/${dest}"
if (defined(library.source)) {
source = library.source
} else {
# TODO(mcgrathr): This breaks when everything is a variant so
# that only this here is using the non-variant shlib build.
source = get_label_info(shlib_toolchain, "name")
source += "/${}"
source = rebase_path(source, "", root_out_dir)
# Collect all the arguments describing input manifest files
# and all the entries we've just synthesized in `pkg_manifest`.
manifest_sources = pkg.extra
manifest_args = []
foreach(manifest_file, pkg.extra) {
manifest_file = rebase_path(manifest_file, root_build_dir)
manifest_args += [ "--manifest=${manifest_file}" ]
manifest_args += [ "--entry-manifest=${pkg_label}" ]
foreach(entry, pkg_manifest) {
manifest_sources += [ entry.source ]
manifest_args += [ "--entry=${entry.dest}=${entry.source}" ]
# An empty package() target doesn't actually generate a package at all.
# Conveniently, an empty system_image package has exactly that effect.
if (manifest_sources == [] && pkg.components == []) {
pkg.deprecated_system_image = true
if (pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
# Dummy target to deposit an empty ids.txt file for
# //build/images:ids.txt to collect.
action("${pkg_target_name}.final.manifest.ids.txt") {
script = "/bin/cp"
# Add sources and deps so that the package gets rebuilt whenever they
# change.
sources = manifest_sources
data_deps = pkg.data_deps
deps = pkg.deps
public_deps = pkg.public_deps
outputs = [
args = [
] + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
} else {
# Synthesize the meta/package file.
pkg_meta_package = "${pkg_target_name}_meta_package.json"
action(pkg_meta_package) {
visibility = [ ":${pkg_target_name}.manifest" ]
script = "//build/gn/"
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(pkg_meta_package, root_build_dir, target_out_dir),
generate_manifest("${pkg_target_name}.manifest") {
sources = manifest_sources + get_target_outputs(":$pkg_meta_package")
args = manifest_args +
[ "--entry=meta/package=" +
rebase_path(pkg_meta_package, "", target_out_dir) ]
deps = pkg.deps + [ ":$pkg_meta_package" ]
public_deps = pkg.public_deps
final_manifest = "${pkg_target_name}.final.manifest"
final_manifest_ids = "${final_manifest}.ids.txt"
# TODO(CF-224): clean this up when gn has metadata support for templates
# merge all package ids and component ids in a single file.
action(final_manifest_ids) {
script = "/usr/bin/sort"
output_name = "${target_out_dir}/${final_manifest_ids}"
outputs = [
manifest_id = "$target_out_dir/${pkg_target_name}.manifest.ids.txt"
args = [
inputs = [
deps = [
foreach(component, pkg.components) {
deps += [ component ]
component_name = get_label_info(component, "name")
dir = get_label_info(component, "target_out_dir")
manifest_file = "${dir}/${component_name}.manifest.ids.txt"
inputs += [ manifest_file ]
args += [ rebase_path(manifest_file) ]
# Merge all component and package manifests in single file
action(final_manifest) {
script = "//build/"
output_name = "${target_out_dir}/${final_manifest}"
outputs = [
visibility = [ "*" ]
pmx = "$target_out_dir/${pkg_target_name}.manifest"
args = [
inputs = [
deps = [
foreach(component, pkg.components) {
deps += [ component ]
component_name = get_label_info(component, "name")
dir = get_label_info(component, "target_out_dir")
manifest_file = "${dir}/${component_name}.manifest"
inputs += [ manifest_file ]
args += [
# Next generate a signed, sealed package file.
pm_build_package("${pkg_target_name}.meta") {
manifest = ":$final_manifest"
# Clear it so we don't put anything into the system image.
manifest_args = []
generate_response_file(pkg_target_name) {
if (defined(pkg.visibility)) {
visibility = pkg.visibility + [
if (pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
deps = pkg.deps + [ ":${pkg_target_name}.final.manifest.ids.txt" ]
} else {
deps = pkg.deps + [ ":${pkg_target_name}.final.manifest" ]
data_deps = pkg.data_deps
public_deps = pkg.public_deps
output_name = "${pkg_target_name}.system.rsp"
response_file_contents = manifest_args
# TODO(raggi): once /system is removed, the blobs rsp's can be removed, as
# all packages would produce a blobs.json.
generate_response_file("${pkg_target_name}.blobs.rsp") {
if (pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
# A system_image package has no blobs of its own.
response_file_contents = []
} else {
# A real package needs blobs for all its contents and for its
# synthesized meta.far file.
deps = [
response_file_contents = [
generate_response_file("${pkg_target_name}.shell_commands.rsp") {
response_file_contents = []
foreach(binary, shell_binaries) {
response_file_contents += [
# TODO(CF-105): fuchsia-pkg URIs should always have a variant (add /${pkg.package_version}).
# Determine why this package is being built.
if (!pkg.deprecated_system_image) {
foreach(name, available_packages) {
if (name == pkg_label) {
pkg.package_set = "available"
foreach(name, preinstall_packages) {
if (name == pkg_label) {
pkg.package_set = "preinstall"
foreach(name, monolith_packages) {
if (name == pkg_label) {
pkg.package_set = "monolith"
generate_system_index("${pkg_target_name}.system_index.rsp") {
deprecated_system_image = pkg.deprecated_system_image
meta_target = ":${pkg_target_name}.meta"
package_set = pkg.package_set
package_name = pkg.package_name
package_version = pkg.package_version
blobs_json = "${pkg_target_name}.meta/blobs.json"
# A real package needs has a pkgsvr index entry mapping its package
# name and version to its meta.far file's merkleroot.
# The amber index is the same, but needs the meta.far filename
# in the build, rather than its merkleroot.
# TODO(mcgrathr): Make amber publish use pkgsvr index directly.
name = "pkgsvr_index"
file = "meta.far.merkle"
name = "amber_index"
file = "meta.far"
]) {
generate_index("${pkg_target_name}.${}.rsp") {
deprecated_system_image = pkg.deprecated_system_image
if (!deprecated_system_image) {
deps = [
index_file = "${pkg_target_name}.meta/${index.file}"
package_name = pkg.package_name
package_version = pkg.package_version
pkg_label = pkg_label
if (defined(testonly)) {
testonly = testonly
} else {
group(target_name) {
# Suppress unused variable warnings.
not_needed(invoker, "*")