blob: 4c3b10c19681697d85bb717b154057308396cde1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ddktl/protocol/gdc.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <lib/fzl/pinned-vmo.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-pool.h>
#include <lib/syslog/global.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
namespace gdc {
// The |Task| class store all the information pertaining to
// a task when registered. It maintains the VMO pool for the
// output buffer collections.
class Task {
Task() {}
~Task() {}
// Returns the physical address for the config VMO.
zx_paddr_t GetConigVmoPhysAddr() const {
return config_vmo_pinned_.region(0).phys_addr;
// Returns the physical address for the config VMO.
uint64_t GetConigVmoPhysSize() const {
return config_vmo_pinned_.region(0).size;
// Returns the physical address for the input buffer.
// |input_buffer_index| : Index of the input buffer for which the address is
// requested. |out| : Returns the physical address if the index provided is
// valid.
zx_status_t GetInputBufferPhysAddr(uint32_t input_buffer_index,
zx_paddr_t* out) const;
// Returns the size of the input buffer.
// |input_buffer_index| : Index of the input buffer for which the address is
// requested. |out| : Returns the size if the index provided is
// valid.
zx_status_t GetInputBufferPhysSize(uint32_t input_buffer_index,
uint64_t* out) const;
// Validates input buffer index.
bool IsInputBufferIndexValid(uint32_t input_buffer_index) const {
return input_buffer_index < input_buffers_.size();
// Returns a |Buffer| object which is free for use as output buffer.
std::optional<fzl::VmoPool::Buffer> GetOutputBuffer() {
return output_buffers_.LockBufferForWrite();
image_format_t input_format() { return input_format_; }
image_format_t output_format() { return output_format_; }
const gdc_callback_t* callback() { return callback_; }
// Static function to create a task object.
// |input_buffer_collection| : Input buffer collection.
// |output_buffer_collection| : Output buffer collection.
// |config_vmo| : Configuration is stored in this
// VMO. |callback| : Callback function to call for
// this task. |out| : Pointer to a task
// object returned to the caller.
static zx_status_t Create(
const buffer_collection_info_t* input_buffer_collection,
const buffer_collection_info_t* output_buffer_collection,
const zx::vmo& config_vmo, const gdc_callback_t* callback,
const zx::bti& bti, std::unique_ptr<Task>* out);
// Initializes a VMO pool from buffer collection for output buffer collection.
// Pins the input buffer collection.
zx_status_t InitBuffers(
const buffer_collection_info_t* input_buffer_collection,
const buffer_collection_info_t* output_buffer_collection,
const zx::vmo& config_vmo, const zx::bti& bti);
fzl::PinnedVmo config_vmo_pinned_;
fzl::VmoPool output_buffers_;
fbl::Array<fzl::PinnedVmo> input_buffers_;
image_format_t input_format_;
image_format_t output_format_;
const gdc_callback_t* callback_;
} // namespace gdc