blob: cfa9e767c049b5ea4b62bf4749e6ba82c6e6da59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The special-purpose event loop used by the recovery netstack.
//! This event loop takes in events from all sources (currently ethernet devices, FIDL, and
//! timers), and handles them appropriately. It dispatches ethernet and timer events to the netstack
//! core, and implements handlers for FIDL calls.
//! This is implemented with a single mpsc queue for all event types - `EventLoop` holds the
//! consumer, and any event handling that requires state within `EventLoop` holds a producer,
//! allowing it to delegate work to the `EventLoop` by sending a message. In this documentation, we
//! call anything that holds a producer a "worker".
//! Having a single queue for all of the message types is beneficial, since it guarantees a FIFO
//! ordering for all messages - whichever messages arrive first, will be handled first.
//! We'll look at each type of message, to see how each one is handled - starting with FIDL
//! messages, since they can be thought of as the entry point for the whole loop (as nothing happens
//! until a FIDL call is made).
//! # FIDL Worker
//! The FIDL part of the event loop implements the and
//! fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider interfaces. The type of the event loop message for a FIDL call is
//! simply the generated FIDL type. When the event loop starts up, we use `fuchsia_component` to
//! start a FIDL server that simply sends all of the events it receives to the event loop
//! (via the sender end of the mpsc queue).
//! When `EventLoop` receives this message, it calls the
//! `handle_fidl_stack_request` or `handle_fidl_socket_provider_request` method, which, depending
//! on what the request is, either:
//! * Responds with the requested information.
//! * Modifies the state of the netstack in the requested way.
//! * Adds a new ethernet device to the event loop.
//! Of these, only the last one is really interesting from the perspective of how the event loop
//! functions - when we add a new ethernet device, we spawn a new worker to handle ethernet setup.
//! # Ethernet Setup Worker
//! The `EthernetSetupWorker` creates an ethernet client, and sends an `EthernetDeviceReady`
//! message to the event loop when the device is ready. This message contains the newly-ready
//! ethernet client, some data about the client, and the handler to respond to the FIDL call
//! requesting that this device be added.
//! When `EventLoop` receives a `EthernetDeviceReady` message, it assigns the ethernet device an ID
//! number, adds the ethernet client to it's list of clients, and spawns an `EthernetWorker`.
//! # Ethernet Worker
//! The ethernet worker simply waits for ethernet messages (either new frames or status changes),
//! and sends a message to the event loop when an ethernet message comes in. The event loop, upon
//! receiving such a message, forwards it to the netstack core.
//! # Timers
//! The logic for timers lives in the `EventLoopInner`. Upon a timer being set, `EventLoopInner`
//! spawns a cancellable future, scheduled to send a message to the event loop when the timer fires.
//! Upon receiving the message, the event loop calls the dispatcher function in the netstack core,
//! which triggers the correct action in response to the timer. The future that the
//! `EventLoopInner` spawns can be thought of as a sort of "Timer Worker".
//! The mpsc queue design was chosen, in large part, to allow the `EventLoopInner` to set a timer
//! without requiring access to the full netstack state - instead the future that the
//! `schedule_timeout` function spawns can delegate performing actions that require the full
//! netstack state to the outer `EventLoop` by sending a message. However, this does come with a few
//! drawbacks - notably, it can be difficult to reason about what exactly the behavior of the
//! timers is - see the comment below on race conditions. Particularly, it's a bit tricky that the
//! timer is not cancelled when the timer trigger message is _sent_, but when it is _received_.
mod integration_tests;
mod socket;
mod timers;
mod util;
use ethernet as eth;
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, DurationExt};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fs::File;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use failure::{bail, format_err, Error};
use fidl::endpoints::{ClientEnd, RequestStream, ServiceMarker};
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet as fidl_ethernet;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_ext::{EthernetInfo, EthernetStatus, MacAddress};
use fidl_fuchsia_io;
use fidl_fuchsia_net as fidl_net;
use fidl_fuchsia_net_stack as fidl_net_stack;
use fidl_fuchsia_net_stack::{
AdministrativeStatus, ForwardingEntry, InterfaceAddress, InterfaceInfo, InterfaceProperties,
PhysicalStatus, StackAddEthernetInterfaceResponder, StackAddForwardingEntryResponder,
StackAddInterfaceAddressResponder, StackDelEthernetInterfaceResponder,
StackDelForwardingEntryResponder, StackDelInterfaceAddressResponder,
StackDisableInterfaceResponder, StackEnableInterfaceResponder,
StackGetForwardingTableResponder, StackGetInterfaceInfoResponder, StackListInterfacesResponder,
StackMarker, StackRequest, StackRequestStream,
use fidl_fuchsia_posix_socket as psocket;
use fidl_fuchsia_posix_socket::ProviderRequest;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::future::{AbortHandle, Abortable};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::{select, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt};
use integration_tests::TestEvent;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace};
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{AddrSubnet, AddrSubnetEither, IpAddr, IpVersion, Subnet, SubnetEither};
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut, Serializer};
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, Rng};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use util::{
ContextCoreCompatible, ContextFidlCompatible, ConversionContext, CoreCompatible, FidlCompatible,
use crate::devices::{BindingId, CommonInfo, DeviceInfo, Devices, ToggleError};
use netstack3_core::icmp::{IcmpConnId, IcmpEventDispatcher};
use netstack3_core::{
add_route, del_device_route, get_all_routes, get_ip_addr_subnet, handle_timeout,
initialize_device, receive_frame, set_ip_addr_subnet, Context, DeviceId,
DeviceLayerEventDispatcher, EntryDest, EntryEither, EventDispatcher, IpLayerEventDispatcher,
NetstackError, StackState, TimerId, TransportLayerEventDispatcher, UdpEventDispatcher,
macro_rules! stack_fidl_error {
($err:tt) => {
fidl_net_stack::Error { type_: fidl_net_stack::ErrorType::$err }
macro_rules! encoded_fidl_error {
($err:tt) => {
Some(fidl::encoding::OutOfLine(&mut stack_fidl_error!($err)))
/// The message that is sent to the main event loop to indicate that an
/// ethernet device has been set up, and is ready to be added to the event
/// loop.
pub struct EthernetDeviceReady {
// We pass through the topological path for the device, so that it can later be shown to the
// user, should they request it via FIDL call.
path: String,
client: eth::Client,
info: EthernetInfo,
// This struct needs to contain the responder, because we don't know the ID of the device until
// it's been added to the netstack - thus, the `EthernetSetupWorker` can't respond to the FIDL
// request.
responder: StackAddEthernetInterfaceResponder,
/// The worker that sets up an ethernet device, sending an
/// `EthernetDeviceReady` to the event loop once it has finished.
/// `path` is not checked, since we do not have the required info by this point.
/// It must be set to the topological path of the device represented by
/// `DeviceProxy`.
pub struct EthernetSetupWorker {
dev: fidl_ethernet::DeviceProxy,
path: String,
responder: StackAddEthernetInterfaceResponder,
impl EthernetSetupWorker {
fn spawn(mut self, sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>) {
async move {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(256 * eth::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE as u64)?;
let eth_client = await!(eth::Client::new(,
let info = await!(;
let eth_device_event = Event::EthSetupEvent(EthernetDeviceReady {
path: self.path,
client: eth_client,
responder: self.responder,
.unwrap_or_else(|e: Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// The worker that receives messages from the ethernet device, and passes them
/// on to the main event loop.
struct EthernetWorker {
id: BindingId,
events: eth::EventStream,
impl EthernetWorker {
fn new(id: BindingId, events: eth::EventStream) -> Self {
EthernetWorker { id, events }
fn spawn(mut self, sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>) {
let mut events =;
let id =;
async move {
while let Some(evt) = await!(events.try_next())? {
sender.unbounded_send(Event::EthEvent((id, evt)));
.unwrap_or_else(|e: Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// The events that can trigger an action in the event loop.
pub enum Event {
/// A request from the FIDL interface.
/// A request from the fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider FIDL interface.
/// A request from the fuchsia.posix.socket.Control FIDL interface.
FidlSocketControlEvent((Arc<Mutex<socket::SocketControlWorkerInner>>, psocket::ControlRequest)),
/// An event from an ethernet interface. Either a status change or a frame.
EthEvent((BindingId, eth::Event)),
/// An indication that an ethernet device is ready to be used.
/// A timer firing.
impl From<timers::TimerEvent<TimerId>> for Event {
fn from(e: timers::TimerEvent<TimerId>) -> Self {
/// The event loop.
pub struct EventLoop {
ctx: Context<EventLoopInner>,
event_recv: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Event>,
impl EventLoop {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (event_send, event_recv) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<Event>();
let fidl_worker = crate::fidl_worker::FidlWorker;
Self::new_with_channels(event_send, event_recv)
fn new_with_channels(
event_send: futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,
event_recv: futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Event>,
) -> Self {
EventLoop {
ctx: Context::new(
EventLoopInner {
devices: Devices::default(),
timers: timers::TimerDispatcher::new(event_send.clone()),
// TODO(joshlf): Is unwrapping safe here? Alternatively,
// wait until we upgrade to rand 0.7, where OsRng is an
// empty struct.
rng: OsRng::new().unwrap(),
event_send: event_send.clone(),
test_events: None,
async fn handle_event<'a>(
&'a mut self,
buf: &'a mut [u8],
evt: Option<Event>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!("Handling Event: {:?}", evt);
match evt {
Some(Event::EthSetupEvent(setup)) => {
let (state, disp) = self.ctx.state_and_dispatcher();
let client_stream = setup.client.get_stream();
let eth_id =
match disp
.add_active_device(eth_id, CommonInfo::new(setup.path, setup.client))
Some(id) => {
let eth_worker = EthernetWorker::new(id, client_stream);
initialize_device(&mut self.ctx, eth_id);
setup.responder.send(None, id);
None => {
// Send internal error if we can't allocate an id
setup.responder.send(encoded_fidl_error!(Internal), 0);
Some(Event::FidlStackEvent(req)) => {
Some(Event::FidlSocketProviderEvent(req)) => {
Some(Event::FidlSocketControlEvent((sock, req))) => {
sock.lock().unwrap().handle_request(self, req);
Some(Event::EthEvent((id, eth::Event::StatusChanged))) => {
info!("device {:?} status changed signal", id);
// We need to call get_status even if we don't use the output, since calling it
// acks the message, and prevents the device from sending more status changed
// messages.
if let Some(device) = self.ctx.dispatcher().get_device_info(id) {
if let Ok(status) = await!(device.client().get_status()) {
info!("device {:?} status changed to: {:?}", id, status);
.send_test_event(TestEvent::DeviceStatusChanged { id, status });
Some(Event::EthEvent((id, eth::Event::Receive(rx, _flags)))) => {
// TODO(wesleyac): Check flags
let len =;
if let Some(id) = self.ctx.dispatcher().devices.get_core_id(id) {
receive_frame(&mut self.ctx, id, Buf::new(&mut buf[..len], ..));
} else {
debug!("Received ethernet frame on disabled device: {}", id);
Some(Event::TimerEvent(id)) => {
// By reaching into the TimerDispatcher to commit the timer, we
// guarantee that the timer hasn't been cancelled while it was
// in the EventLoop's event stream. commit_timer will only
// return Some if the timer is still valid.
if let Some(id) = self.ctx.dispatcher_mut().timers.commit_timer(id) {
handle_timeout(&mut self.ctx, id);
None => bail!("Stream of events ended unexpectedly"),
async fn run_until<V>(&mut self, mut fut: impl Future<Output = V> + Unpin) -> Result<V, Error> {
let mut buf = [0; 2048];
let mut fut = Some(fut);
loop {
match await!(futures::future::select(, fut.take().unwrap())) {
future::Either::Left((evt, f)) => {
await!(self.handle_event(&mut buf, evt))?;
fut = Some(f);
future::Either::Right((result, _)) => break Ok(result),
_ => continue,
pub async fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut buf = [0; 2048];
loop {
let evt = await!(;
await!(self.handle_event(&mut buf, evt))?;
async fn handle_fidl_socket_provider_request(&mut self, req: psocket::ProviderRequest) {
match req {
psocket::ProviderRequest::Socket { domain, type_, protocol, responder } => {
let domain = i32::from(domain);
let nonblock = i32::from(type_) & libc::SOCK_NONBLOCK != 0;
let type_ = i32::from(type_) & !(libc::SOCK_NONBLOCK | libc::SOCK_CLOEXEC);
let net_proto = match domain {
libc::AF_INET => IpVersion::V4,
libc::AF_INET6 => IpVersion::V6,
_ => {
responder.send(libc::EAFNOSUPPORT as i16, None);
let trans_proto = match i32::from(type_) {
libc::SOCK_DGRAM => socket::TransProto::UDP,
libc::SOCK_STREAM => socket::TransProto::TCP,
_ => {
responder.send(libc::EAFNOSUPPORT as i16, None);
if let Ok((c0, c1)) = zx::Channel::create() {
let worker = socket::SocketControlWorker::new(
if let Ok(worker) = worker {
responder.send(0, Some(ClientEnd::new(c1)));
} else {
responder.send(libc::ENOBUFS as i16, None);
} else {
responder.send(libc::ENOBUFS as i16, None);
async fn handle_fidl_stack_request(&mut self, req: StackRequest) {
match req {
StackRequest::AddEthernetInterface { topological_path, device, responder } => {
self.fidl_add_ethernet_interface(topological_path, device, responder);
StackRequest::DelEthernetInterface { id, responder } => {
StackRequest::ListInterfaces { responder } => {
responder.send(&mut await!(self.fidl_list_interfaces()).iter_mut());
StackRequest::GetInterfaceInfo { id, responder } => {
let (mut info, mut error) = match (await!(self.fidl_get_interface_info(id))) {
Ok(info) => (Some(info), None),
Err(error) => (None, Some(error)),
StackRequest::EnableInterface { id, responder } => {
StackRequest::DisableInterface { id, responder } => {
StackRequest::AddInterfaceAddress { id, addr, responder } => {
self.fidl_add_interface_address(id, addr)
StackRequest::DelInterfaceAddress { id, addr, responder } => {
self.fidl_del_interface_address(id, addr)
StackRequest::GetForwardingTable { responder } => {
responder.send(&mut self.fidl_get_forwarding_table().iter_mut());
StackRequest::AddForwardingEntry { entry, responder } => {
StackRequest::DelForwardingEntry { subnet, responder } => {
StackRequest::EnablePacketFilter { id, responder } => {
// TODO(toshik)
StackRequest::DisablePacketFilter { id, responder } => {
// TODO(toshik)
StackRequest::EnableIpForwarding { responder } => {
// TODO(toshik)
StackRequest::DisableIpForwarding { responder } => {
// TODO(toshik)
fn fidl_add_ethernet_interface(
&mut self,
topological_path: String,
device: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet::DeviceMarker>,
responder: StackAddEthernetInterfaceResponder,
) {
let setup = EthernetSetupWorker {
dev: device.into_proxy().unwrap(),
path: topological_path,
fn fidl_del_ethernet_interface(&mut self, id: u64) -> Option<fidl_net_stack::Error> {
match self.ctx.dispatcher_mut().devices.remove_device(id) {
Some(info) => {
// TODO(rheacock): ensure that the core client deletes all data
None => {
// Invalid device ID
async fn fidl_list_interfaces(&mut self) -> Vec<fidl_net_stack::InterfaceInfo> {
let mut devices = vec![];
for device in self.ctx.dispatcher().devices.iter_devices() {
// TODO(wesleyac): Cache info and status
let info = await!(device.client().info());
let status = await!(device.client().get_status());
let is_active = device.is_active();
devices.push(InterfaceInfo {
properties: InterfaceProperties {
name: "[TBD]".to_owned(), // TODO(porce): Follow up to populate the name
topopath: device.path().clone(),
filepath: "[TBD]".to_owned(), // TODO(porce): Follow up to populate
mac: if let Ok(info) = &info { Some(Box::new(info.mac.into())) } else { None },
mtu: if let Ok(info) = &info { info.mtu } else { 0 },
features: if let Ok(info) = &info { info.features.bits() } else { 0 },
administrative_status: if is_active {
} else {
physical_status: match status {
Ok(status) => {
if status.contains(EthernetStatus::ONLINE) {
} else {
Err(_) => PhysicalStatus::Down,
addresses: vec![], //TODO(wesleyac): this
async fn fidl_get_interface_info(
&mut self,
id: u64,
) -> Result<fidl_net_stack::InterfaceInfo, fidl_net_stack::Error> {
let device =
// TODO(wesleyac): Cache info and status
let info = await!(device.client().info()).map_err(|_| stack_fidl_error!(Internal))?;
let status =
await!(device.client().get_status()).map_err(|_| stack_fidl_error!(Internal))?;
let is_active = device.is_active();
return Ok(InterfaceInfo {
properties: InterfaceProperties {
name: "[TBD]".to_owned(), // TODO(porce): Follow up to populate the name
topopath: device.path().clone(),
filepath: "[TBD]".to_owned(), // TODO(porce): Follow up to populate
mac: Some(Box::new(info.mac.into())),
mtu: info.mtu,
features: info.features.bits(),
administrative_status: if is_active {
} else {
physical_status: if status.contains(EthernetStatus::ONLINE) {
} else {
addresses: vec![], //TODO(wesleyac): this
async fn fidl_enable_interface(&mut self, id: u64) -> Result<(), fidl_net_stack::Error> {
let (state, disp) = self.ctx.state_and_dispatcher();
let device = disp.get_device_info(id).ok_or(stack_fidl_error!(NotFound))?;
let info = await!(device.client().info()).map_err(|_| stack_fidl_error!(Internal))?;
// TODO(rheacock, NET-2140): Handle core and driver state in two stages: add device to the
// core to get an id, then reach into the driver to get updated info before triggering the
// core to allow traffic on the interface.
let generate_core_id =
|dev_info: &DeviceInfo| state.add_ethernet_device(Mac::new(info.mac.octets), info.mtu);
match disp.devices.activate_device(id, generate_core_id) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(toggle_error) => {
match toggle_error {
ToggleError::NoChange => Ok(()),
ToggleError::NotFound => Err(stack_fidl_error!(NotFound)), // Invalid device ID
fn fidl_disable_interface(&mut self, id: u64) -> Result<(), fidl_net_stack::Error> {
match self.ctx.dispatcher_mut().devices.deactivate_device(id) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
// TODO(rheacock, NET-2140): handle core and driver state
Err(toggle_error) => {
match toggle_error {
ToggleError::NoChange => Ok(()),
ToggleError::NotFound => Err(stack_fidl_error!(NotFound)), // Invalid device ID
fn fidl_add_interface_address(
&mut self,
id: u64,
addr: InterfaceAddress,
) -> Option<fidl_net_stack::Error> {
let device_info = self.ctx.dispatcher().get_device_info(id);
if let Some(device_info) = device_info {
match device_info.core_id() {
Some(device_id) => {
// TODO(wesleyac): Check for address already existing.
// TODO(joshlf): Return an error if the address/subnet pair is invalid.
if let Ok(addr_sub) = addr.try_into_core() {
set_ip_addr_subnet(&mut self.ctx, device_id, addr_sub);
None => {
// TODO(brunodalbo): We should probably allow adding static addresses
// to interfaces that are not installed, return BadState for now
} else {
Some(stack_fidl_error!(NotFound)) // Invalid device ID
fn fidl_del_interface_address(
&mut self,
id: u64,
addr: fidl_net_stack::InterfaceAddress,
) -> Option<fidl_net_stack::Error> {
// TODO(eyalsoha): Implement this.
fn fidl_get_forwarding_table(&self) -> Vec<fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry> {
.filter_map(|entry| match entry.try_into_fidl_with_ctx(self.ctx.dispatcher()) {
Ok(entry) => Some(entry),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to map forwarding entry into FIDL");
fn fidl_add_forwarding_entry(
&mut self,
entry: ForwardingEntry,
) -> Option<fidl_net_stack::Error> {
let entry = match EntryEither::try_from_fidl_with_ctx(self.ctx.dispatcher(), entry) {
Ok(entry) => entry,
Err(e) => return Some(e.into()),
match add_route(&mut self.ctx, entry) {
Ok(_) => None,
Err(NetstackError::Exists) => {
// Subnet already in routing table.
Some(fidl_net_stack::Error { type_: fidl_net_stack::ErrorType::AlreadyExists })
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
fn fidl_del_forwarding_entry(
&mut self,
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet,
) -> Option<fidl_net_stack::Error> {
if let Ok(subnet) = subnet.try_into_core() {
match del_device_route(&mut self.ctx, subnet) {
Ok(_) => None,
Err(NetstackError::NotFound) => Some(stack_fidl_error!(NotFound)),
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
} else {
struct TimerInfo {
time: zx::Time,
id: TimerId,
abort_handle: AbortHandle,
struct EventLoopInner {
devices: Devices,
timers: timers::TimerDispatcher<TimerId, Event>,
rng: OsRng,
event_send: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,
test_events: Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<TestEvent>>,
impl EventLoopInner {
fn get_device_info(&self, id: u64) -> Option<&DeviceInfo> {
/// Sends an event to a special test events listener.
/// Only available for testing, use this function to expose internal events
/// to testing code.
fn send_test_event(&mut self, event: TestEvent) {
if let Some(evt) = self.test_events.as_mut() {
evt.unbounded_send(event).expect("Can't send test event data");
impl ConversionContext for EventLoopInner {
fn get_core_id(&self, binding_id: u64) -> Option<DeviceId> {
fn get_binding_id(&self, core_id: DeviceId) -> Option<u64> {
/// A thin wrapper around `zx::Time` that implements `core::Instant`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct ZxTime(zx::Time);
impl netstack3_core::Instant for ZxTime {
fn duration_since(&self, earlier: ZxTime) -> Duration {
assert!(self.0 >= earlier.0);
// guaranteed not to panic because the assertion ensures that the
// difference is non-negative, and all non-negative i64 values are also
// valid u64 values
Duration::from_nanos(u64::try_from(self.0.into_nanos() - earlier.0.into_nanos()).unwrap())
fn checked_add(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<ZxTime> {
fn checked_sub(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<ZxTime> {
impl EventDispatcher for EventLoopInner {
type Instant = ZxTime;
fn now(&self) -> ZxTime {
fn schedule_timeout_instant(&mut self, time: ZxTime, id: TimerId) -> Option<ZxTime> {
self.timers.schedule_timer(id, time)
fn cancel_timeout(&mut self, id: TimerId) -> Option<ZxTime> {
fn cancel_timeouts_with<F: FnMut(&TimerId) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) {
type Rng = OsRng;
fn rng(&mut self) -> &mut OsRng {
&mut self.rng
impl<B: BufferMut> DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<B> for EventLoopInner {
fn send_frame<S: Serializer>(&mut self, device: DeviceId, frame: S) -> Result<(), S> {
// TODO(wesleyac): Error handling
let frame = frame.serialize_vec_outer().map_err(|(_, ser)| ser)?;
match self.devices.get_core_device_mut(device) {
Some(dev) => {
None => error!("Tried to send frame on device that is not listed: {:?}", device),
impl UdpEventDispatcher for EventLoopInner {}
impl TransportLayerEventDispatcher for EventLoopInner {}
impl<B: BufferMut> IcmpEventDispatcher<B> for EventLoopInner {
fn receive_icmp_echo_reply(&mut self, conn: IcmpConnId, seq_num: u16, data: B) {
self.send_test_event(TestEvent::IcmpEchoReply {
data: data.as_ref().to_owned(),
// TODO(brunodalbo) implement actual handling of icmp echo replies
impl<B: BufferMut> IpLayerEventDispatcher<B> for EventLoopInner {}