blob: 69498b4264c5ad9308cb79bf8d745b597a8f32b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use failure::{format_err, Error, ResultExt};
use fidl::encoding::Decodable;
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fidl_io;
use fidl_fuchsia_netemul_network as net;
use fidl_fuchsia_netemul_sandbox as sandbox;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::client;
use futures::{future, Future, FutureExt, StreamExt};
use net_types::ip::{AddrSubnetEither, IpAddr, Ipv4, Ipv4Addr};
use netstack3_core::icmp::{self as core_icmp, IcmpConnId};
use packet::Buf;
use pin_utils::pin_mut;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Once};
use zx;
use super::*;
use crate::eventloop::util::{FidlCompatible, IntoFidlExt};
/// log::Log implementation that uses stdout.
/// Useful when debugging tests.
struct Logger;
impl log::Log for Logger {
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
println!("[{}] ({}) {}", record.level(), record.module_path().unwrap_or(""), record.args())
fn flush(&self) {}
static LOGGER: Logger = Logger;
static LOGGER_ONCE: Once = Once::new();
/// Install a logger for tests.
fn set_logger_for_test() {
// log::set_logger will panic if called multiple times; using a Once makes
// set_logger_for_test idempotent
LOGGER_ONCE.call_once(|| {
pub enum TestEvent {
DeviceStatusChanged { id: u64, status: EthernetStatus },
IcmpEchoReply { conn: IcmpConnId, seq_num: u16, data: Vec<u8> },
struct TestData {
device_status_cache: HashMap<u64, EthernetStatus>,
struct TestStack {
event_loop: EventLoop,
event_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,
test_events: Arc<Mutex<Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<TestEvent>>>>,
data: Arc<Mutex<TestData>>,
endpoint_ids: HashMap<String, u64>,
impl TestStack {
fn get_endpoint_id(&self, index: usize) -> u64 {
fn get_named_endpoint_id(&self, name: impl Into<String>) -> u64 {
fn connect_stack(&self) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_net_stack::StackProxy, Error> {
let (stack, rs) =
let events =
self.event_sender.clone().sink_map_err(|e| panic!("event sender error: {}", e));
rs.map_ok(Event::FidlStackEvent).map_err(|_| ()).forward(events).map(|_| ()),
fn connect_socket_provider(&self) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_posix_socket::ProviderProxy, Error> {
let (stack, rs) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<
let events =
self.event_sender.clone().sink_map_err(|e| panic!("event sender error: {}", e));
rs.map_ok(Event::FidlSocketProviderEvent).map_err(|_| ()).forward(events).map(|_| ()),
async fn wait_for_interface_online(&mut self, if_id: u64) {
if let Some(status) = {
if status.contains(EthernetStatus::ONLINE) {
// already online
// install event listener and wait for event:
let (snd, rcv) = mpsc::unbounded();
let mut rcv = rcv.filter_map(|e| {
future::ready(match e {
TestEvent::DeviceStatusChanged { id, status } => {
if if_id == id && status.contains(EthernetStatus::ONLINE) {
} else {
_ => None,
let () = await!(self.event_loop.run_until(
.expect("Wait for interface signal")
// the cache should have the online entry now:
/// Test events will be sent to the receiver end of `chan`.
fn set_event_listener(&mut self, chan: mpsc::UnboundedSender<TestEvent>) {
*self.test_events.lock().unwrap() = Some(chan);
/// Remove test event listener, if installed.
fn clear_event_listener(&mut self) {
*self.test_events.lock().unwrap() = None;
fn new() -> Self {
let (event_sender, evt_rcv) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let mut event_loop = EventLoop::new_with_channels(event_sender.clone(), evt_rcv);
let (test_sender, mut test_receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
event_loop.ctx.dispatcher_mut().test_events = Some(test_sender);
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(TestData::default()));
let data_clone = Arc::clone(&data);
let test_events = Arc::<Mutex<Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<TestEvent>>>>::default();
let test_events_clone = Arc::clone(&test_events);
// There are some test events that we always want to be observing,
// such as the DeviceStatusChanged event for example.
// We set the event loop to always send test events into this
// test_receiver which runs all the time. After doing whatever we must
// with the intercepted event, we just forward it to whatever sender
// is installed in TestStack.test_events (if any).
fasync::spawn_local(async move {
loop {
let evt = if let Some(evt) = await!( {
} else {
match &evt {
TestEvent::DeviceStatusChanged { id, status } => {
data.lock().unwrap().device_status_cache.insert(*id, *status);
_ => {}
// pass event along if any listeners are installed:
if let Some(evts) = test_events.lock().unwrap().as_mut() {
evts.unbounded_send(evt).expect("Failed to forward TestEvent");
TestStack {
data: data_clone,
test_events: test_events_clone,
endpoint_ids: HashMap::new(),
/// Runs the test stack until the future `fut` completes.
async fn run_future<F: Future>(&mut self, fut: F) -> F::Output {
await!(self.event_loop.run_until(fut)).expect("Stack execution failed")
/// Helper trait to reduce boilerplate issuing calls to netstack FIDL.
trait NetstackFidlReturn {
type Item;
fn into_result(self) -> Result<Self::Item, fidl_net_stack::Error>;
/// Helper trait to reduce boilerplate issuing FIDL calls.
trait FidlResult {
type Item;
fn squash_result(self) -> Result<Self::Item, Error>;
impl<R> NetstackFidlReturn for (Option<Box<fidl_net_stack::Error>>, R) {
type Item = R;
fn into_result(self) -> Result<R, fidl_net_stack::Error> {
match self {
(Some(err), _) => Err(*err),
(None, value) => Ok(value),
impl NetstackFidlReturn for Option<Box<fidl_net_stack::Error>> {
type Item = ();
fn into_result(self) -> Result<(), fidl_net_stack::Error> {
match self {
Some(err) => Err(*err),
None => Ok(()),
impl<R> FidlResult for Result<R, fidl::Error>
R: NetstackFidlReturn,
type Item = R::Item;
fn squash_result(self) -> Result<Self::Item, Error> {
match self {
Ok(r) => r.into_result().map_err(|e| format_err!("Netstack error: {:?}", e)),
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
struct TestSetup {
sandbox: sandbox::SandboxProxy,
nets: Option<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<net::SetupHandleMarker>>,
stacks: Vec<TestStack>,
impl TestSetup {
fn get(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut TestStack {
&mut self.stacks[i]
fn ctx(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut Context<EventLoopInner> {
&mut self.get(i).event_loop.ctx
/// Runs all stacks in `TestSetup` until the future `fut` completes.
async fn run_until<V>(&mut self, fut: impl Future<Output = V> + Unpin) -> Result<V, Error> {
// Create senders so we can signal each event loop to stop running
let (end_senders, stacks): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self
.map(|s| {
let (snd, rcv) = mpsc::unbounded::<()>();
(snd, (rcv, s))
// let all stacks run concurrently:
let stacks_fut =
futures::stream::iter(stacks).for_each_concurrent(None, |(mut rcv, stack)| {
async move {
await!(stack.event_loop.run_until("Stack loop run error");
// run both futures, but the receiver must end first:
match await!(future::select(fut, stacks_fut)) {
future::Either::Left((result, other)) => {
// finish all other tasks:
for mut snd in end_senders.into_iter() {
let () = await!(other);
_ => panic!("stacks can't finish before hitting end_senders"),
async fn get_endpoint<'a>(
&'a self,
ep_name: &'a str,
) -> Result<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet::DeviceMarker>, Error>
let (net_ctx, net_ctx_server) =
let (epm, epm_server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<net::EndpointManagerMarker>()?;
let ep = match await!(epm.get_endpoint(ep_name))? {
Some(ep) => ep.into_proxy()?,
None => {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to retrieve endpoint {}", ep_name));
fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let sandbox = client::connect_to_service::<sandbox::SandboxMarker>()?;
Ok(Self { sandbox, nets: None, stacks: Vec::new() })
fn get_network_context(&self) -> Result<net::NetworkContextProxy, Error> {
let (net_ctx, net_ctx_server) =
async fn configure_network(
&mut self,
ep_names: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let net_ctx = self.get_network_context()?;
let (status, handle) = net_ctx
&mut vec![&mut net::NetworkSetup {
name: "test_net".to_owned(),
config: net::NetworkConfig::new_empty(),
endpoints:|name| new_endpoint_setup(name)).collect(),
self.nets = Some(handle.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Create network failed: {}", status))?);
fn add_stack(&mut self, stack: TestStack) {
fn test_ep_name(i: usize) -> String {
format!("test-ep{}", i)
struct TestSetupBuilder {
endpoints: Vec<String>,
stacks: Vec<StackSetupBuilder>,
impl TestSetupBuilder {
/// Creates an empty `SetupBuilder`.
fn new() -> Self {
Self { endpoints: Vec::new(), stacks: Vec::new() }
/// Adds an automatically-named endpoint to the setup builder. The automatic
/// names are taken using [`test_ep_name`] with index starting at 1.
/// Multiple calls to `add_endpoint` will result in the creation of multiple
/// endpoints with sequential indices.
fn add_endpoint(self) -> Self {
let id = self.endpoints.len() + 1;
/// Ads an endpoint with a given `name`.
fn add_named_endpoint(mut self, name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
/// Adds a stack to create upon building. Stack configuration is provided
/// by [`StackSetupBuilder`].
fn add_stack(mut self, stack: StackSetupBuilder) -> Self {
/// Adds an empty stack to create upon building. An empty stack contains
/// no endpoints.
fn add_empty_stack(mut self) -> Self {
/// Attempts to build a [`TestSetup`] with the provided configuration.
async fn build(self) -> Result<TestSetup, Error> {
let mut setup = TestSetup::new()?;
if !self.endpoints.is_empty() {
let () = await!(setup.configure_network(self.endpoints.into_iter()))?;
// configure all the stacks:
for stack_cfg in self.stacks.into_iter() {
println!("Adding stack: {:?}", stack_cfg);
let mut stack = TestStack::new();
for (ep_name, addr) in stack_cfg.endpoints.into_iter() {
// get the endpoint from the sandbox config:
let endpoint = await!(setup.get_endpoint(&ep_name))?;
let cli = stack.connect_stack()?;
let if_id = await!(stack.run_future(configure_stack(cli, endpoint, addr)))?;
stack.endpoint_ids.insert(ep_name, if_id);
/// Shorthand function to create an IPv4 [`AddrSubnetEither`].
fn new_ipv4_addr_subnet(ip: [u8; 4], prefix: u8) -> AddrSubnetEither {
AddrSubnetEither::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::from(ip)), prefix).unwrap()
/// Helper struct to create stack configurations for [`TestSetupBuilder`].
struct StackSetupBuilder {
endpoints: Vec<(String, Option<AddrSubnetEither>)>,
impl StackSetupBuilder {
/// Creates a new empty stack (no endpoints) configuration.
fn new() -> Self {
Self { endpoints: Vec::new() }
/// Adds endpoint number `index` with optional address configuration
/// `address` to the builder.
fn add_endpoint(self, index: usize, address: Option<AddrSubnetEither>) -> Self {
self.add_named_endpoint(test_ep_name(index), address)
/// Adds named endpoint `name` with optional address configuration `address`
/// to the builder.
fn add_named_endpoint(
mut self,
name: impl Into<String>,
address: Option<AddrSubnetEither>,
) -> Self {
self.endpoints.push((name.into(), address));
async fn configure_stack(
cli: fidl_fuchsia_net_stack::StackProxy,
endpoint: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet::DeviceMarker>,
addr: Option<AddrSubnetEither>,
) -> Result<u64, Error> {
// add interface:
let if_id = await!(cli.add_ethernet_interface("fake_topo_path", endpoint))
.context("Add ethernet interface")?;
let addr = match addr {
Some(a) => a,
None => return Ok(if_id),
// add address:
let () = await!(cli.add_interface_address(if_id, &mut addr.into_fidl()))
.context("Add interface address")?;
// add route:
let (_, subnet) = AddrSubnetEither::try_from(addr)
.expect("Invalid test subnet configuration")
let () = await!(cli.add_forwarding_entry(&mut fidl_fuchsia_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: addr.into_addr_subnet().1.into_fidl(),
destination: fidl_fuchsia_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(if_id),
.context("Add forwarding entry")?;
fn new_endpoint_setup(name: String) -> net::EndpointSetup {
net::EndpointSetup { config: None, link_up: true, name }
async fn test_ping() {
const ALICE_IP: [u8; 4] = [192, 168, 0, 1];
const BOB_IP: [u8; 4] = [192, 168, 0, 2];
// simple test to ping between two stacks:
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
.add_named_endpoint("alice", Some(new_ipv4_addr_subnet(ALICE_IP, 24))),
.add_named_endpoint("bob", Some(new_ipv4_addr_subnet(BOB_IP, 24))),
.expect("Test Setup succeeds");
// wait for interfaces on both stacks to signal online correctly:
const ICMP_ID: u16 = 1;
debug!("creating icmp connection");
// create icmp connection on alice:
let conn_id = core_icmp::new_icmp_connection::<_, Ipv4Addr>(
let ping_bod = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
let (sender, recv) = mpsc::unbounded();
let mut recv = recv.filter_map(|f| {
future::ready(match f {
TestEvent::IcmpEchoReply { conn, seq_num, data } => Some((conn, seq_num, data)),
_ => None,
// alice will ping bob 4 times:
for seq in 1..=4 {
debug!("sending ping seq {}", seq);
// send ping request:
core_icmp::send_icmp_echo_request::<_, _, Ipv4>(
Buf::new(ping_bod.to_vec(), ..),
// wait until the response comes along:
let (rsp_id, rsp_seq, rsp_bod) = await!(t.run_until(;
debug!("Received ping seq {}", rsp_seq);
// validate seq and body:
assert_eq!(rsp_id, conn_id);
assert_eq!(rsp_seq, seq);
assert_eq!(&rsp_bod, &ping_bod);
async fn test_add_remove_interface() {
let mut t = await!(TestSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint().add_empty_stack().build()).unwrap();
let ep = await!(t.get_endpoint("test-ep1")).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let if_id = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_ethernet_interface("fake_topo_path", ep)))
.expect("Add interface succeeds");
// check that the created ID matches the one saved in the event loop state:
let dev_info =
test_stack.event_loop.ctx.dispatcher().get_device_info(if_id).expect("Get device client");
assert_eq!(dev_info.path(), "fake_topo_path");
// remove the interface:
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_ethernet_interface(if_id)))
.expect("Remove interface");
// ensure the interface disappeared from records:
// if we try to remove it again, NotFound should be returned:
let res = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_ethernet_interface(if_id)))
.expect_err("Failed to remove twice");
assert_eq!(res.type_, fidl_net_stack::ErrorType::NotFound);
async fn test_list_interfaces() {
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
let stack = t.get(0).connect_stack().unwrap();
// check that we can list when no interfaces exist:
// TODO(brunodalbo) this test may require tunning when we expose the
// loopback interface over FIDL
let ifs = await!(t.get(0).run_future(stack.list_interfaces())).expect("List interfaces");
let mut if_props = HashMap::new();
// collect created endpoint and add them to the stack:
for i in 1..=3 {
let ep_name = test_ep_name(i);
let ep = await!(t.get_endpoint(&ep_name)).unwrap().into_proxy().unwrap();
let ep_info = await!(ep.get_info()).unwrap();
let ep = await!(t.get_endpoint(&ep_name)).unwrap();
let if_id = await!(t.get(0).run_future(stack.add_ethernet_interface("fake_topo_path", ep)))
.expect("Add interface succeeds");
if_props.insert(if_id, ep_info);
let mut test_stack = t.get(0);
let ifs = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.list_interfaces())).expect("List interfaces");
assert_eq!(ifs.len(), 3);
// check that what we served over FIDL is correct:
for ifc in ifs.iter() {
let props = if_props.remove(&;
assert_eq!(&, "fake_topo_path");
assert_eq!(, &props.mac);
assert_eq!(, props.mtu);
// TODO(brunodalbo) also test addresses and interface status once
// it's implemented.
async fn test_get_interface_info() {
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
.add_stack(StackSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint(1, None))
let ep_name = test_ep_name(1);
let ep = await!(t.get_endpoint(&ep_name)).unwrap();
// get the device info from the ethernet driver:
let ep_info = await!(ep.into_proxy().unwrap().get_info()).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let if_id = test_stack.get_endpoint_id(1);
// get the interface info:
let if_info = test_stack
.expect("Get interface info");
assert_eq!(&, "fake_topo_path");
assert_eq!(, &ep_info.mac);
assert_eq!(, ep_info.mtu);
// TODO(brunodalbo) also test addresses and interface status once
// it's implemented.
// check that we get the correct error for a non-existing interface id:
let err = test_stack
.expect("Get interface info fails");
assert_eq!(err.type_, fidl_net_stack::ErrorType::NotFound);
async fn test_disable_enable_interface() {
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
.add_stack(StackSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint(1, None))
let ep_name = test_ep_name(1);
let ep = await!(t.get_endpoint(&ep_name)).unwrap();
let ep_info = await!(ep.into_proxy().unwrap().get_info()).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let if_id = test_stack.get_endpoint_id(1);
// Get the interface info to confirm that it is enabled.
let if_info = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.get_interface_info(if_id)))
.expect("Get interface info");
assert_eq!(, AdministrativeStatus::Enabled);
// Disable the interface and test again.
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.disable_interface(if_id)))
.expect("Disable interface succeeds");
let if_info = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.get_interface_info(if_id)))
.expect("Get interface info");
assert_eq!(, AdministrativeStatus::Disabled);
// TODO(rheacock) potentially test core state to ensure that the interface
// is removed here and replaced after re-enabling.
// Enable the interface and test again.
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.enable_interface(if_id)))
.expect("Enable interface succeeds");
let if_info = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.get_interface_info(if_id)))
.expect("Get interface info");
assert_eq!(, AdministrativeStatus::Enabled);
// Check that we get the correct error for a non-existing interface id.
// Check that we get the correct error for a non-existing interface id.
async fn test_add_device_routes() {
// create a stack and add a single endpoint to it so we have the interface
// id:
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
.add_stack(StackSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint(1, None))
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let if_id = test_stack.get_endpoint_id(1);
let mut fwd_entry1 = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(if_id),
let mut fwd_entry2 = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [10, 0, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(if_id),
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut fwd_entry1)))
.expect("Add forwarding entry succeeds");
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut fwd_entry2)))
.expect("Add forwarding entry succeeds");
// finally, check that bad routes will fail:
// a duplicate entry should fail with AlreadyExists:
let mut bad_entry = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(if_id),
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut bad_entry)))
// an entry with an invalid subnet should fail with Invalidargs:
let mut bad_entry = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [10, 0, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 64,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(if_id),
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut bad_entry)))
// an entry with a bad devidce id should fail with NotFound:
let mut bad_entry = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [10, 0, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::DeviceId(10),
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut bad_entry)))
async fn test_list_del_routes() {
// create a stack and add a single endpoint to it so we have the interface
// id:
let mut t = TestSetupBuilder::new()
.add_stack(StackSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint(1, None))
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let if_id = test_stack.get_endpoint_id(1);
let route1 = EntryEither::new(
SubnetEither::new(Ipv4Addr::from([192, 168, 0, 0]).into(), 24).unwrap(),
EntryDest::Local {
device: test_stack.event_loop.ctx.dispatcher().get_core_id(if_id).unwrap(),
let route2 = EntryEither::new(
SubnetEither::new(Ipv4Addr::from([10, 0, 0, 0]).into(), 24).unwrap(),
EntryDest::Remote { next_hop: Ipv4Addr::from([10, 0, 0, 1]).into() },
// add a couple of routes directly into core:
netstack3_core::add_route(&mut test_stack.event_loop.ctx, route1).unwrap();
netstack3_core::add_route(&mut test_stack.event_loop.ctx, route2).unwrap();
let routes = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.get_forwarding_table()))
.expect("Can get forwarding table");
assert_eq!(routes.len(), 2);
let routes: Vec<_> = routes
.map(|e| {
EntryEither::try_from_fidl_with_ctx(test_stack.event_loop.ctx.dispatcher(), e).unwrap()
assert!(routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route1));
assert!(routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route2));
// delete route1:
let mut fidl = route1.into_subnet_dest().0.into_fidl();
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_forwarding_entry(&mut fidl)))
.expect("can delete device forwarding entry");
// can't delete again:
let mut fidl = route1.into_subnet_dest().0.into_fidl();
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_forwarding_entry(&mut fidl)))
// check that route was deleted (should've disappeared from core)
let all_routes: Vec<_> =
netstack3_core::get_all_routes(&mut test_stack.event_loop.ctx).collect();
assert!(!all_routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route1));
assert!(all_routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route2));
// delete route2:
let mut fidl = route2.into_subnet_dest().0.into_fidl();
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_forwarding_entry(&mut fidl)))
.expect("can delete next-hop forwarding entry");
// can't delete again:
let mut fidl = route2.into_subnet_dest().0.into_fidl();
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.del_forwarding_entry(&mut fidl)))
// check that both routes were deleted (should've disappeared from core)
let all_routes: Vec<_> =
netstack3_core::get_all_routes(&mut test_stack.event_loop.ctx).collect();
assert!(!all_routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route1));
assert!(!all_routes.iter().any(|e| e == &route2));
async fn test_add_remote_routes() {
let mut t = await!(TestSetupBuilder::new().add_empty_stack().build()).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let stack = test_stack.connect_stack().unwrap();
let mut fwd_entry = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::NextHop(fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(
fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 1] },
let () = await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut fwd_entry)))
.expect("Add forwarding entry succeeds");
// finally, check that bad routes will fail:
// a duplicate entry should fail with AlreadyExists:
let mut bad_entry = fidl_net_stack::ForwardingEntry {
subnet: fidl_net::Subnet {
addr: fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 0] }),
prefix_len: 24,
destination: fidl_net_stack::ForwardingDestination::NextHop(fidl_net::IpAddress::Ipv4(
fidl_net::Ipv4Address { addr: [192, 168, 0, 1] },
await!(test_stack.run_future(stack.add_forwarding_entry(&mut bad_entry)))
async fn test_get_socket() {
let mut t = await!(TestSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint().add_empty_stack().build()).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let socket_provider = test_stack.connect_socket_provider().unwrap();
let socket_response = await!(test_stack.run_future(socket_provider.socket(
libc::AF_INET as i16,
libc::SOCK_DGRAM as i16,
.expect("Socket call succeeds");
assert_eq!(socket_response.0, 0);
async fn test_socket_describe() {
let mut t = await!(TestSetupBuilder::new().add_endpoint().add_empty_stack().build()).unwrap();
let test_stack = t.get(0);
let socket_provider = test_stack.connect_socket_provider().unwrap();
let socket_response = await!(test_stack.run_future(socket_provider.socket(
libc::AF_INET as i16,
libc::SOCK_DGRAM as i16,
.expect("Socket call succeeds");
assert_eq!(socket_response.0, 0);
let info = await!(test_stack.run_future(
socket_response.1.expect("Socket returns a channel").into_proxy().unwrap().describe(),
.expect("Describe call succeeds");
match info {
fidl_io::NodeInfo::Socket(_) => (),
_ => panic!("Socket Describe call did not return Node of type Socket"),
async fn test_main_loop() {
let (event_sender, evt_rcv) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let mut event_loop = EventLoop::new_with_channels(event_sender.clone(), evt_rcv);
fasync::spawn_local(|e| panic!("Event loop failed with error {:?}", e)),
let (stack, rs) =
let events = event_sender.clone().sink_map_err(|e| panic!("event sender error: {}", e));
rs.map_ok(Event::FidlStackEvent).map_err(|_| ()).forward(events).map(|_| ()),
assert_eq!(await!(stack.list_interfaces()).unwrap().len(), 0);